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Part I. Annual report of the Librarian 5
Appendix I. Appropriations and expenditures
(tables) 51
II. Annual report of the Register of
Copyrights 52
III. Joint resolution to regulate the
distribution of public docu-
ments to the Library- of Con-
gress : . . . 67
IV. Distribution of catalogue cards. —
Circular 69
V. Select list of recent piu-chases. . . 75
\'I. List of manuscript accessions . . . 151
VII. List of newspapers currently on
file in the Library- of Congress. 157
P.^RT II. (Manual): — Constitution, organization, methods 177
Staff 179
Prefatory note 181
Historical sketch ' 183
Constitution 198-208
Organization 209-291
General administration 210
Mail and supply 211
Order Dinsion 212
Printing office and bindery 221
Catalogue Division 224
Di\-ision of Bibliography 241
Main Reading Room and dependencies 243
Di\nsion of Periodicals 24S
Di\-ision of Documents 253
Division of Manuscripts 261
Division of ^laps and Charts 263
Division of Music 266
Division of Prints 268
Smithsonian Di\-ision 270
Law Library' 276
Copyright Office 278
The present collections 292
Libran,- building and grounds 352
Appendix I. Appropriation act, 1901-1902 35S
II. List of Publications of the Library
of Congress 362
III. List of present depositories (inter-
national exchanges) 368
IV. Appointment application blanks . 370
The Library of Congress. Exterior view Frontispiece.
Facing page.
The Main Reading Room 178
Library of Congress — Plan of the cellar 180
Library of Congress — Plan of the basement. , 180
Library of Congress — Plan of the first or main floor 180
Library of Congress — Plan of the second floor 180
Librarj- of Congress— Plan of the attic 180
Order Division 212
Branch Government Printing Office 221
Bindery, branch of Government Printing Office 221
Portion of the Catalogue Division 224
Division of Bibliography 240
Exterior of the north book stack 244
A floor of the north book stack 244
Senators' Reading Room ( north end) 246
Representatives' Reading Room (south end) 246
Reading Room for the Blind 246
Current Newspaper and Periodical Reading Room 248
Division of Documents 252
Division of Manuscripts 260
Portion of the Division of Maps and Charts 262
Portion of the Music Division 266
Portion of the Division of Prints 268
Division of Prints, Exhibition hall, 2d floor, room Q 4 270
Division of Prints, Exhibition hall, 2d floor, S 4 270
The Law Library', basement of the Capitol 276
Copyright Office 278
Dynamo Engine Room 352
Boiler Room 354
Part of heating apparatus 354
Book Carrier, No. i, receiving side, north stack, floor 7 356
Book Carrier, No. 2, delivery side, north stack, floor 7 356
Book Carrier, No. 3, overhead view, cellar, U i 356
Book Carrier, No. 4, to south stack, Reading Room terminal . 356
Book Carrier, No. 5, to Capitol, driving gear, cellar, U i 356
Book Carrier, No. 6, to Capitol, Library terminal. Basement, U 2. 356
Book Carrier to Capitol, tunnel view 356
Catalogue (author) card 74
Order card 220
Catalogue (author) card 236
Catalogue ( subject heading) card 237
Catalogue ( editor ) card 238
Serial record card 25 1
Serial record card (for missing numbers) 252
Library of Congress,
Washington, D. C, December 2, ipoi.
Sir: I have the honor to submit m)- report as Libra-
rian of Congress for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1901.
The Library- was removed to the new building in the
fall of 1897. B^t it did not enter the new building equip-
ped for the activities which it was to pursue there. The
physical equipment was incomplete, the organization was
but partial; the collection itself, though large in mass, was
inorganic. Indeed, the work to be done : the development
to be sought, the service to be rendered, the apparatus to
be pro%nded, had not ^et ftdh* been defined.
The past four years, in particular the past two, have seen
the collections, formerly indiscriminate, di\'ided into certain
main groups and in large part arranged and digested; most
of these groups conveniently located; and the phj-sical
equipment and personal service appropriate to each deter-
mined, and in part pro\-ided. They have seen determined
also, and initiated in each group, a system of classification
which not merely recognizes present contents but provides
elasticall}- for future development; and catalogues which,
also elastic, when brought to date will exhibit adequately
the collections as thej* stand and be capable of expansion
without re\nsion. The larger appropriations of the past
four years have enabled the imperfections in the collections
6 Report of the Librarian of Congress.
themselves iu a measure to l^e remedied. Particular prog-
ress has been made in the completion of standard sets and
bibliographies, which are the tools of the classifier and cat-
aloguer, and guides in selection; and considerable progress
in the acquisition of miscellaneous material important to
serious research, but impossible of acquisition with the
small funds ^rmerly available.
The lyibrar}' begins the new century, therefore, in a con-
dition far advanced over that in which it began its career
in the new building. During the past four years it has been
active in direct service, but still more active in preparation
for a larger and wider service. It is now in a position to
consider and determine what the service shall be: — to Con-
gress, to the Executive Departments and scientific bureaus
of the Federal Government, to other libraries, and to schol-
arship at large. What the Library may do for these is not
to be estimated by the nature, still less by the extent, of
what it has done in the past. Its future opportunities
appear in its constitutional relations, its present and de-
veloping equipment, its organization, the character of the
material which it now has, and its resources for increase.
I have thought fitting, therefore, to incorporate with this
Report a summary of the present facts concerning each of
these. It forms Part II of the Report. Part I is limited
to a brief resume of the operations of the past fiscal year.
Included in the appendices is a list of selected titles illus-
trating the character of the printed material added during
the past two years in certain departments of literature which
have received special reinforcement.
The following table exhibits the appropriations and ex-
penditures of the Library proper and of the Copyright
Office for the past fiscal year, and the appropriations for the
year preceding, and the year now current. Details are
Report of the Librana?t of Congress.
given in Appendix I. Included also are the appropriations
for the equipment and care of the building and grounds,
expended by the Superintendent:
Object of expeuditure.
Appro- 1 Appro-
priations, ; priations,
1900. 1901.
tures, 1901.
.Appro- a » a expendi-
priations, tures.
Library and copyright office:
Salaries, general se^^•ice
Salaries, special service
» 31, 680. 00
50, "5-05
Salaries. Copyright Office
Contingent expenses
Printing and binding (allot-
lotal, Librarj-and Copyright
Building and grounds:
Care and maintenance
67, 065. 00
Fuel, lights, and miscellaneous .
Grand total
341,080.25 514,053.00
' Balance of amounts appropriated by acts of April 17, 1900. and March 3, 1901.
" Exclusive of 11,500 to be expended by the marshal of the Supreme Court for
new books of reference for that body.
The appropriation of $2,000 for special service was, by
the act of March 3, 1901 (the deficiency bill), made immedi-
ately available. Of this sum and the sum previously pro-
vided for special service there remained on June 30, 1901,
an unexpended balance of $1,412.77, which, under the
provision of the act, "continues available until expended."
Of the amount appropriated for salaries $5,827.97 was
unexpended and covered into the Treasury. This sum
represents not a surplus provision for service, but salaries
for a time undrawn, those of employees temporarily absent
without pa\', or of new appointees who failed to qualify
promptly after appointment.
Copyright Office. — The report of the Register of Copy-
rights appears as Appendix II to this report.
8 Report of the Libratian of Congress.
The jirincipal statistics of the business done are as follows:
Kees received ajid applied.
Domestic (50 cents) entries.
Foreign ($1 ) entries
Kor certificates
For assignments recorded . .
For searches ^
Total number of entries of
titles ,
Total number of deposits received
(material of all classes, including
Total number of entries ,
Fiscal year.
1S97-9S. 189S-99. 1899-1900. I 1900-1901
7. 731- 00
$36, 507- 50
58, 267. 00
120, 143
$43,219.00 I $11,906.50
8,360.00 I 8,538.00
12,631.00 i 12,569.50
980.00 641.00
16.00 i 32.50
65, 2o6. 00
162, 283
Total communications received (includine
parcels, but not articles enumerated above) .
Total communications .sent out (including let-
ters written )
KfCfipls a n d
. The fees from copyright are covexed into the Treasury
and not applied directly to the maintenance of the Copyright
Ofl&ce. They form a regular revenue of the Government,
however, and more than cover the expenses of the office,
as appears from the following compari.son:
Pees covered in fluiing the fiscal year 1901, as aljove JP63, 6.S7. 50
Salaries, as stated I50, 1 15. 05
Printing and binding (estimated) 6, 000. 00
Stationery and sundries i, 076. 31
Net cash earnings 6, 496. 14
The alx)ve statement includes all disbursements, but
only cas/i receipts. In addition to cash fees the copyright
business brings each year to the Government, in the arti-
cles deposited, property to the value of many thousands of
Report of the Librarian of Congress. 9
dollars. During the past fiscal year 162,283 such articles
were received, whose value must have far exceeded the
amount of the net cash earnings.
On July I, 1900, the Library ser\nce consisted of 230 ^'*''arr-
employees, 185 in the Library- proper and 45 in the Copj'-
right Office. On July i, 1901, it consisted of 256 employ-
ees, 207 in the Library proper, and 49 in the CopjTight Office.
Of the 207 in the Library proper, 67 are in the Catalogue
Division; 36 of the 207 fill the more subordinate positions
of messengers, attendants in cloakrooms, etc., and 112 of
the remaining 171 fill positions at salaries ranging from
S480 to $900, inclusive. The complete present organization
is given in Part II of this report.
The force under control of the Superintendent of t'^e cfoH^"^ "'^
LibrarA- Building and Grounds, for the business of the Dis-
bursing Office and for the care and maintenance of the build-
ing and grounds, is not included in the above. It consists
now of 1 1 6 persons.
Estiitiates. — M 3- estimates for the present 3ear (i 901-2)
called for 31 new positions — 26 in the Catalogue Division,
I in the Law Librar>% and 4 in the Copyright Office. Twenty-
six of the positions asked for were granted. The 5 not
granted were all in the Catalogue Division — 2 at Si. 400, i
at $1,200, 2 at $1,000.
The work of this division invohnng various interdependent catalogue m-
processes, the omission of 5 of the additional assistants asked
for has thrown it out of adjustment. Too much of the time
of $1,500 employees is now diverted to the revision of work
of the $600 and $700 employees. It has become necessarj',
therefore, to ask that the omission of these 5 cataloguers for
the whole year be partiallj- remedied by the employment of
twice the number for the balance of the year, and the
request has been made that a provision to this end be
inserted in the in-gent deficiency bill.
lo Report of the Librarian of Congress.
At the session of 1899-1900 I submitted a statement of
existing conditions in the Library, of the work to be done,
and of the equipment, the organization, and the resources
for increase which would be requisite. I stated what
seemed to me the normal^n both organization and appro-
priation for increase. But I advised that this normal
should be reached not at once, but by gradual instalments
during the three succeeding years.
My subsequent estimates have been in pursuance of that
plan. I had stated that in classification and cataloguing
the arrears of work alone would occupy 91 persons five
years. I proposed, however, to attempt to cover with this
force not merely the arrears, but the current work as well.
I asked a total of 46 classifiers and cataloguers for the first
year (1900-1901), and of 72 for the second (1901-2). Of
these 72 there were 67 provided. The normal of 91 was
to be reached on July i, 1902. My estimates for 1902-3
call for precisely this number. The increase asked for is
therefore not arbitrary nor unanticipated, but merely the
third instalment of a force deliberately planned two years
ago for a work then fully explained and for which the
initial force was then granted.
For the ordinary routine and for the direct service to
readers, although this is constantly enlarging, I have asked
no additional assistants. The only increase in force asked for
the coming year is the additional cataloguers, and certain as-
sistants in the Copyright Office, whose salaries will l^ reim-
bursed by the receipts of the office. There are, however, cer-
tain inequalities in the present organization which interfere
with the general efficiency of the .ser\'ice. They existed
when I took office; I have urged that they be remedied; I
urge it again in my estimates for next year.
AtlnuLVitts "^ There is no division in the Library more important in its
possible service to historical re.search than the Division of
Manuscripts. There is none in whose conduct thorough,
authoritative scholarshio is more necessary. It is to this
Report of the LibrariaH of Congress. 1 1
di\-ision particularly (as to the Division of Prints) that
gifts must be attracted; the expert judgment must be there
to attract them. The material bought has not, like most
printed matter, a normal or standard market value. Each
lot, being unique, is sold for the most that it will bring.
Onlj' expert judgment can determine for the Librar>- the
fair limit to be paid; for to determine this means not merely
to know the market in general, but to estimate justly the
value of the particular manuscript to histor\- and the loss
to the Librarj' if its purchase be foregone. The chief of
this division, among other qualifications, must have academic
training, facility in at least a half dozen languages, a knowl-
edge of political and literarj' histor>', a thorough and pre-
cise knowledge of American histor}', a discriminate knowl-
edge of ' ' original sources, ' ' a considerable knowledge of
paleography, and familiarity with the character and conduct
of the manuscript collections in other libraries and in the
archive offices abroad as well as in this country.
The salan,- now appropriated for this position is but $1,500
a jear — the salary- of an ordinan," clerk in the Government
employ. The position became \^cant over a jear ago. I
have not filled it. I can not fill it properl)- until the salar>'
shall be placed upon a reasonable basis. It should be $3,000.
This is but the salars' paid to a professor in a minor college
for work invohnng no greater learning, no administrative
duties, less consecutive attention, longer vacations, and many
incidental privileges not attending a position in the Govern-
ment ser\-ice. It is the salary' now paid to the chiefs of four
divisions in the I,ibrar>'. It should be paid in at least two
others now occupied; and it is the minimum for which I can
secure a person competent to the conduct of the Division of
Under the appropriation for additional shehnng and furni-
ture there have been pro\nded, since my last report, storage
cases and administrative fmniture for the Di\'ision of Maps,
Report of the Librarian of Congress.
some exhibition cases and an inclosure with folio cases for the
Division of Prints, set shelving in the cellar for storage of
documents and copyright deposits, a considerable number of
movable book presses, and desks and other administrative
furniture for the cataloguers. The new stack in the north-
east curtain, second floor, for the Smithsonian serials; and
the two covered wajs to connect the Catalogue and Order
Divisions \yith the main stacks are under way and will te
completed by Januarj^ i.
Two divisions have as yet received no permanent equip-
ment. One is the Division of Documents, the other the
Division of Music. For these and for the Orientalia and the
special collections requiring to be kept separate, shelving
and administrative furniture must be provided. A begin-
ning may be made during the present j-ear; the major por-
tion of the expense will, however, have to be deferred until
the appropriation for next year shall become available.
The following is a summary of the accessions to the Library
during the fiscal year and of the total contents at its end, as
accurately as these ma}' be stated. The copyright deposits
retained in the files of the Copyright Office are not included
nor unaccessioned duplicates. There are included, how-
ever, the contents of the Law Library and its appendages.
For convenient comparision the corresponding accessions
for the year 1900 also are given.
Printed books and pamphlets (vol-
Manuscripts (pieces)
Maps and charts (pieces)
Music (pieces)
Prints (pieces)
Law library (volumes)
July 1, 1900.
June 30,
63, 025
' Eight thousand two hundred and ciRhtv-one pieces were received by eift;
1.051 hj' purchase: 9 bj- transfer. The official and personal letter Ixxjks of feonert
Morris, reckoned in iriis tot.nl as 10 pieces, contain copies of 5,73s letters.
■•'Tnc collection last year was only roughly estimated.
Report of the Librarian of Congress. 13
The increase in the appropriation over that for the pre-
ceding year has enabled progress to be made in the comple-
tion of sets and in the acquisition of standard material in
each great department of knowledge. But the present sum
is below that requisite if the Library is to become a collec-
tion comprehensive in scope. It has no endowments, no
emergency fund, absolutely no resources for purchase save
the appropriation for the current year.
The material which it lacks is, if manuscript, unique ; if
printed, existing only in a small number of copies constantly
diminishing through absorption by other libraries. For this
it must compete, at auction or private sale, with institutions
and individual collections either already further advanced
than the Librarj^ of Congress toward completeness, and thus
able to concentrate expenditures upon a few items, or special
in scope, and thus similarly free to do so. It is not now
competing successfully. At sales of important material it
rarely secures more than one in four of the items it bids
The gifts have indeed been numerous, and show gratifying
increase over those for last 3ear. But they have consisted
for the most part of documents or ordinan,- pubUcations, and
they were gifts of material solely. Not a single gift of
money has ever come to the Library; not a single gift,
therefore, which added to its collections b}' deliberate selec-
tion. The acceptance of a gift by such an institution implies
that the material given will be creditably supported b}' other
material w-hich it is within the power of the Library to buy.
The Libran,- can indeed hope to attract gifts only by three
means: First, by a building which will house them safely
and commodiously — this it has. Second, by administration
which will safeguard them and render them useful — this it
is developing. Third, by considerable expenditures of its
own in the acquisition of material which will bring the
material given into honorable company and will attract
14 Report of the Librarian oj Congress.
notice to it by increasing the reputation of the general col-
lection. These expenditures it must be prepared to make.
All three of these factors have operated in the case of the
British Museum. Priceless collections have come to it by
gift. They have come largely for the distinction of associa-
tion and service with a collection already the most distin-
guished in the world, made so by the direct effort of the
The accessions in detail, classified by source, have been
as follows:
p R I :» T E D Volumes.
PA.MPH Lett's" Acquired by purchase 26, 194
Acquired by copyright 7, 933
Acquired by international exchange 6, 476
Acquired from the United States Government Departments and
the Smithsonian Institution 13, 347
Acquired by exchange of duplicates 6, 066
Acquired by gift 9, 678
Added to Smithsonian deposit 6, 787
Total accessions (books and pamphlets) 76, 481
Giftt. We should be gratified to publish a full list of the givers.
They number, however, over 2,000, and a full list of them
would occupy 50 pages of this report. We are obliged,
therefore, to content ourselves with the specific acknowledg-
ment sent to each.
Orientalia. — In Part II of this Report is given a special
summary of the oriental literature in the Librar>-, by Mr.
Solyom, the only person in the ser\-ice facile in the oriental
languages. The collection now numbers over 9,500 volumes
and pamphlets, and is understood to be, in certain directions,
the most important in the United States. With proper atten-
tion it is thus capable of conferring great distinction upon
the Library. It justifies a separate divi.sion for its custody
and administration, and expenditure for its suitable develop-
It includes, among recent accessions, fine sets of the
Vinaya (Discipline), the Sutra (Precepts), and the Abhid-
Report of the Librarian of Congress. 15
anna ( Metaphysics) ; various historical works; the writings
of Confucius; a catalogue, in 200 volumes, of the Imperial
Libran*: and many works in Buddhist literature which do
not appear in the Chinese catalogue of the British Museum,
the Wade Collection of Cambridge University, or in Wy lie's
Chinese Literature. The Tibetan books recently acquired —
thirteen in number — are in form highly curious. They are
long, narrow, and consist of loose leaves between boards,
some of which are richly inlaid and are wrapped in silk or
tied with ribbons.
The collection is almost wholly the result of gift. Its
basis was the collection formed by the Hon. Caleb Cushing.
It was added to by the gift of a number of volumes from the
Sultan. But its great development has come from the gift
from the Hon. William Wood\'ille Rockhill of oriental books
collected by him at various times.
The debt to Mr. Rockhill for the interest he has displaced,
and the time, effort, and monej' which he has expended in
securing to the Library- a collection which is to bring oriental
students to Washington cannot be lightly estimated. His
great learning in the languages and literature, as well as in
the histor\-, habit, and usage of the East, has enabled him to
supplement the Caleb Cushing collection and other collec-
tions already here and indeed to raise the Library- to emi-
nence in a department of literature in which it has been
httle suspected of anj- representation whatever.
Character of purchases. — The printed books and pamphlets
acquired are too numerous to be Usted in full. The general
course of purchase has continued along the natural lines, the
Library- of Congress endeavoring an approximation to com-
pleteness in Americana, in bibliography-, general history- ,
political and social science, legislation, administration, public
law, economics, finance, and kindred subjects, and a represen-
tation of at least the standard and fundamental material in
everj' other department of knowledge, including belles-lettres.
1 6 Report of the Librarian of Congress.
Among the important purchases of the past fiscal year the
following may be mentioned:
Important pur Complete sets of the following periodicals: Algemeene
Periodicals. j^^jj^j. ^^ letterbodc, 91 v., 8°, Haarlem, 1 788-1861; Ana-
lecta Bollandiana, 18 v., f°, Paris, etc., 1882-1900; Bijdra-
gen tot de taal-, land- en volkenkunde van Nederlandsch-
Indie, 56 V., 8**, Amsterdam, 1852-1901; DeGids, 175 v., 8°,
Amsterdam, 1837-1893; Jahresberichte dergeschichtswissen-
schaft, 23 v., 8°, Berlin, 1878-1900; Jahresbericht iiber die
fortschritte der classischen alterthumswissenschaft, 98 v., 8",
Berlin, 1873-1898; Litterarischer Verein in Stuttgart, Biblio-
thek, 218 v., 8°, Stuttgart, 1839- 1899; Onze tijd, 58 v., 8°,
Amsterdam, 1848-1876; Zeitschrift fiir deutsches alterthum
unddeutsche litteratur, 69 V. , 8°, Leipzig, 1841-1900; Zeit-
schrift fiir vergleichende litteraturgeschichte, neue folge, 13
v., 8°, Berlin, 188 7- 1899.
Partial sets of the following: L'Esprit des journaux, 247
v., 16°, Paris, 1772-1793; Journal des sgavans, 233 V., 24°,
Amsterdam, 1 665-1 769.
Important pur. The following works: Chatelain, Pal^ographie des classi-
Books. ques latins, 2 v., f°, Paris, 1884-1900; Coleccion de docu-
mentos ineditos para la historia de Espaiia, 53 v. , 8°, vol. 60-
112, Madrid, 1874-95, vols. 1-59 (1842-1873) being already
here; Du Sommerard, Les arts au moyen age, 5 V., text, 8°,
and album, f°, Paris, 1839-46; Geschichtschreiber der
deutschen Vorzeit, 2te gesammtausgal:)e, 92 V., 8°, Leipzig,
1876-99; Mansi, Sacrorum conciliorum nova et amplissima
coUectio (Facsimile reproduction), 1 1 v. (as far as published),
f**, Paris, 1901; Monumenta Germaniae historica, 37 V. (as
far as published), f°, Hannover, 1826-96; Recueil des his-
toriens des croisades, 14 v., f°, Paris, 1841-98; Restaurations
des monuments antiques, 7 v., f°, Paris, 1877-90; De Vic
and Vaissete, Histoire gen^rale de Languedoc, 15 v., f°,
Toulouse, 1872-92.
The accessions of the past two years have, however,
included so many which are significant that it has seemed
Report of the Librarian of Congress. 17
worth while to print a larger selection of titles of the books
added (Appendix V). Even this list is, of course, limited,
but it is, within the subjects which it covers, illustrative.
Documaits. — The documents acquired have been almost
wholly the result of gift or exchange. The Division of
Documents was organized in July, 1900. Its first work was
a systematic investigation of the present contents of the
Library'; and among these its attention was given to the
publications (i) of the Federal Government, (2) of the State
governments, (3) of the governments of foreign countries.
The publications of the United States Government are by no
means all to be found in the Library* of Congress. The law
providing for distribution to the Library was in times past
defective. Many publications of importance issued by the
Executive Departments, for instance, were found to be lack-
ing. An effort is being made to supply these gaps, particu-
larly by an appeal to the departments themselves. The
publications of foreign governments are due to the Library
in return for the Federal documents distributed to them under
the system of International Exchange. It is ob\'ious, how-
ever, that any general agreement of this nature must be
supplemented by constant specific solicitation.
The State governments are, of comrse, not embraced in this
system. Thej' receive, however, the Federal documents, each
State libran,' being a depositor^'. A return is reasonable; and
the natural return is the distribution to the Library- of Con-
gress of each pubhcation issued by them. The obligation
has been called to their attention and cheerfully recognized.
There is recognized, also, the benefit to a State in a complete
exhibit at Washington of its constitution, legislation, re-
sources, and undertakings. The distribution of State docu-
ments is, however, by no means uniformly on an adequate
or effective basis. In certain States (e. g., New York, New
Hampshire, and Ohio) it is now intrusted to the authorities
of the State Hbrar>'. In such it is being operated with
9957-^1 2
1 8 Report of the Librarian of Congress.
especial eflficiency. The Library's files of State documents
are exceedingly imperfect. The effort to perfect them has
Inet with courtesy and partial success. During the past year
the files for Illinois, Michigan, and Wisconsin have been
completed, and many addititions made to those of Minne-
sota, Montana, Virginia, West Virginia, and Washington.
The following action on the part of the State of Virginia
will, we trust, offer useful example:
A JOINT RESOLUTION of the two houses of the general assem-
bly of Virginia authorizing and directing the secretary of the
Commonwealth to furnish the Library of Congress certain of
the State publications necessary to complete the files in said
Resolved by the Senate and House of Delegates, That
the secretary of the Conmionwealth and general libra-
rian, be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to
furnish to the Librarian of Congress, for use in the
Congressional Library at Washington, D. C, such
copies of the annual reports, journals of the two houses
of the fourth general assembly, public documents and
debates, codes, and acts as may be necessary to complete
the files of the State publications in said library.
Provided that by so doing he does not reduce the
number of any of the aforesaid volumes below the
amount now required by law to be kept for the use of
the State.
(Introduced and passed in Senate February' 6, 1901.
Agreed to by House February 7, 1901.)
From January i to June 30 the total additions of docu-
ments were 4,756 volumes and 2,624 pamphlets. These
include 817 volumes and pamphlets received through the
Smithsonian Institution.
The publications of important miniicipalities (American
and foreign), the reports of boards of trade, and all other
publications of a stati.stical nature are also being sought.
A particular effort is being made by special arrangement,
even by purchase, to secure to the Library publications con-
taining recent statistics, or new legislation, or reports or
blue books upon topics having possible relation with Fed-
Report of the Librarian of Congress. 19
eral legislation, immediately upou their issue, and with .
the delay involved in the ordinary- operation of international
The resources of the Library- for exchange have been Exchange*.
improved, as well as the completeness of its own collection
of documents rendered more nearly certain, by the passage at
the last session of a joint resolution which defines more spe-
cificallj- the title of the Library- to all pubhcations of the
Government, and enlarges the number of those at its dis-
posal for exchange with foreign countries. The resolution
is given in full in Appendix III.
The accessions of manuscripts appear unduly large from maxtscripts:
the practice of estimating bs- pieces where the material comes
unboimd. Of the 9,341 pieces added, 28 bound volumes
and 1 ,023 unbound were acquired by purchase; and 42 bound
and 8,239 unbound hy gift. Nine pieces were transferred
from other di\nsions of the Library*. The material received
from the Government ofl&ces at San Juan during the year
1899 consisted of 2,246 bundles in 289 large cases. It has
been roughh- sorted, and about two-thirds returned to Porto ,
Rico as ha\'ing more appropriate ser\nce there. Of the one-
third retained about one-half consists of printed books, news-
papers, and periodicals.
The gifts have been as follows (alphabetically, b}' givers):
Mr. Arba Blodget, Philadelphia: maxtscripts:
Petition of Philadelphia citizens respecting the
Slave Law, 1861.
Fragment of a manuscript relating to Kansas,
A patented plan for harbor defense.
Mr. Arthur Crisfield, Washington, D. C. :
Letter. W. C. Rives to Senator Pierce and the
Joint Committee on Library-. 1856, Decem-
ber 22.
Hon. A. B. Hagner, Washington, D. C:
Photograph of Longfellow's autograph memo-
randum of an inter\-iew with Hawthorne.
20 Report of the Librarian of Congress.
Mr. Max Lansbiirgh, Washington, D. C:
A manuscript of Robert Morris. Record of land
tracts in Wythe County, Va.
Mr. E. G. Lind, Baltimore:
The Music of Color. [26 hand-painted plates.]
Mr. F. D. Millet, New York:
Memorial of Fr. Mig. Galan de la Soledad,
Philippine Islands, to Alfonso XII. Haci-
enda Memoria. [Report of Governor-General
Weyler on the Philippine Islands, 1891.]
Mr. William Urquhart, Luzon, P. I.:
Petition of various officers of the insurgent
army, 1898, September 19.
The Washington National Monument Association,
Washington, D. C:
Records of the Washington National Monument
Association. 8,176 papers.
Mr. David Watterston, Washington, D. C.
The papers of George Watterston. (The first
Librarian of Congress, 18 15-1829, who was
not also Clerk of the House of Representatives. )
The Watterston papers presented to the Library consist
of 94 pieces and include 6 interesting memoranda by Mr.
Watterston, as well as many letters of men noted in
American political and literary history. In presenting
them Mr. David Watterston has set an example of public
spirit to other possessors of family archives.
The papers of the Washington Monument Association
give many interesting details regarding the means em-
ployed for the erection of the Washington Monument in
this city, as well as the difficulties which attended that
The purchases are listed in full in Appendix VI.
y^/tor/a«< pur- Among the most significant of them are the following.
The Robert Morris papers. — These papers comprise the
diary and the letter books of the United States Department
Report of the Librarian of Congress. 21
of Finance during the years 1781-1784, when Morris was at
its head; the pri\'ate letter books of Morris from 1794 to
1798; official copies, over the signature of Charles Thomson,
of the Journals of the Continental Congress, transmitted to
Morris as Superintendent of Finance; an account of Pierre
Caron de Beaumarchais against the United States for sen'-
ices during the Revolution, and a letter from Beaumarchais
to Morris in relation to the settlement of this account. The
diarj-, in 3 volumes, contains summaries of the official cor-
respondence of the Df>partment, and notes of significant
interviews from September 7, 1781, to September 30, 1784.
The official letter books, in 7 volumes, contain copies of over
3,000 letters written by Morris during the same period.
The private letter books, in 3 volumes, contain over 2.700
letters, many copied in his own hand. They cover the
period of his later speculations, including those in lands in
the District of Columbia and on the western border; and of
his business reverses; and end pathetically with several
dated from the debtor's prison.
Of the 5,738 letters contained in the 10 letter books but
248 are known to have been printed. Of the official letters
the originals, so far as addressed to the President of the
Continental Congress, are in the State Department. But
the official letter books with the diary form a consecutive,
certain, and absolute record of the financial operations of
the Continental Government during the critical years when
Morris was endeavoring to organize the finances of the
The entire collection comprises 15 folio volumes and the
two individual manuscripts of Beaumarchais. As long
ago as 1876 it was summarily described by Dr. Homes, State
librarian of New York, as in the possession of Gen. John
Meredith Read General Read permitted this description
to be made; but he was not prepared to give access to the
manuscripts for the purpose of detailed investigation Not
22 Report of the Librarian of Congress.
even Professor Sumner was able to avail himself of them
in the composition of the work for which they were indis-
pensable, his "Financier and Finances of the Revolution."
The collection remained thus secluded in the hands of
General Read until his death. It has been acquired from
his widow.
The accotmt books of the Carroll family . — These are in two
volumes. In the first are the accounts of John Digges,
assignee, to the first Charles Carroll of Carrollton, covering
a period of thirty years, from 1720 to 1749. In the second
are the accounts of the Signer himself during the latter por-
tion of the 1 8th century. These last entries were made
upon the unfilled pages of the volume used as a financial
record by his father, Charles Carroll, the second of that name,
and thus furnish a connected history of family finance
for nearly a century.
Daybook and ledger of Martin Cockburn. — ^These two
volumes are for the years 1767- 18 18. The entries are in
Cockburn's own hand, and contain accounts with many of
the men most prominent in Virginia at that time, including
Richard Henry Lee, Col. George W. Fairfax, George
"Mason, and various members of the Washington family.
British forces i7i America. — A collection of papers (231 ff. )
relating to the equipment of the British forces in America,
1 728-1 792, including many papers signed by George II,
George III, and their secretaries.
Letters of Gen. Henry Seymour Conway. — A volume of
159 pages, containing official copies of the letters of H, S.
Conway, secretary of state, to the various American colonial
governors during the stamp-act troubles, 1765-66.
The Ellis papers. — This collection, as yet undigested, is
contained in 6 trunks and 19 boxes. It comprises the
mercantile records of the firms of EUis & Allen, Charles
Ellis & Sons, Thomas and Charles Ellis, and Thomas and
Charles Ellis & Co., of Richmond, from 1805 to 1853. The
Report of the Librarian of Congress. 23
house, under its successive names, was concerned with for-
eign trade ; was a large importer and one ot the largest ex-
porters in Virginia of tobacco, cotton, and other Southern
products. Its journals, ledgers, daybooks, and letter books,
e\'idencing the entire course of its business in ever>' detail
for nearly half a centur\% are a record for the student of
economic history, of prices, of trade usage, such as it would
be difficult to parallel.
The Spanish occupation of Florida. — In 1899 Miss A. M.
Brooks, of St. Augustine, Fla., made search in the archives
and Columbian Collection at Seville for original documents
relating to the Spanish occupation of Florida. With assist-
ance she transcribed and in part translated the documents
which she discovered. The transcripts and translations
have been acquired by the Library of Congress. They num-
ber 327, of which only 3 appear to have been printed. It
is our supposition that the remaining 324 will furnish infor-
mation to the historian not heretofore conveniently accessi-
ble in this country.
The Coliimbics Codex. — This volume is a sixteenth century
copy of the various hereditary- grants, charters, and privi-
leges made to Columbus by Ferdinand and Isabella. Tran-
scripts of the bulls issued by Pope Alexander VI in May and
October, 1493, are also inserted. The interest attaching to
this copy is heightened by the possibility that it was made
by a public notarj- under the personal direction of Columbus.
He had been warned that all grants made by the Spanish
Crown to foreigners were void. He therefore took every
means in his power to secure to his descendants certain
evidence of the privileges and grants accorded him. Before
starting on his fourth voyage to America in 1502 he had
attested copies made of all the documents upon which these
were based. Three copies were written upon parchment
and one upon paper. The latter was intrusted to Alonzo
Sanchez de Carvajal, was carried by him to Hispaniola in
1502, and has disappeared.
24 Report of the Librarian of Congress.
Of the parchment copies one is in the palace of the
Genoese municipaUty, the other is in the Government
archives at Paris, whither it was taken from Genoa by
Napoleon in 1811. But one copy remains to be accounted
In 18 18 Edward Everett purchased in Florence a manu-
script volume which was on parchment, covered 80 folio
pages, and contained 37 documents which appeared to him
to "coincide precisely with the text of the first 37 docu-
ments" of the codex of Genoa.
It is this volume which has come into possession of the
Library of Congress. For over seventy years it remained
in the library of Mr. Everett, without further publicity,
comment, or allusion even within his own family. It was
referred to by Mr. Winsor in his ' ' Columbus ' ' as not ' ' con-
veniently accessible. ' ' But at that date Mr. Edward Ever-
ett had passed away and his son Dr. William Everett had no
knowledge of the whereabouts or even of the existence of
the manuscript. It was, however, rediscovered by him four
years ago, and from him has been acquired for the Library.
The copies at Genoa and at Paris have been the objects
of reverence and of enthusiasm. They have been printed,
translated, facsimiled in sumptuous form. The one at
Genoa is deposited in a marble custodia (a pillar) which,
surmounted by a bust of Columbus, .stands in the main hall
of the palace of the municipality. A facsimile was made for
the great festival in 1892, and a copy of the facsimile exhib-
ited at the Chicago Exposition. The one at Paris, discov-
ered by Mr. Harrisse, has been reproduced with elaborate
and scholarly solicitude.
I have described this acquisition at some length, both
becau.se of its intrinsic interest and because it is practically
the only item of this nature purchased by the Library during
the past four years. Our funds have had to be applied
almost exclusively to printed books and the few manu.scripts
Report of the Librarian of Congress. 25
representing original sources in American history* which
could be obtained without excessive competition. For the
acquisition of literary or historical memorials, such as the
Codex, many tempting opportunities have at present to be
Since July i, 1901, there have been several noteworthy
accessions, which for convenience are included in the list in
Appendix VI. Among them are:
The Porter papers. — (a) The letter book of Captain (after-
wards Commodore) Porter, 1805-1807. while in command
of the U. S. schooner Enterprise, containing also a few let-
ters of 1808.
(J)) Letter books of Captain Porter, 1807-8, containing
copies of his correspondence with the Secretary of the Xa\'>' .
Some of the letters are in Porter's own hand and valuable
as preliminarj' to his work at Xew Orleans.
(f) Miscellaneous papers of Captain Porter, 1808-18 12,
covering his operations at Xew Orleans, including an
account of the difl&culties which arose in connection with
the attempts of Brig. -Gen. James Wilkinson to obtain control
of affairs at that post.
Other notable papers are those connected with the Conti-
nental Xavy during the Revolution. Among them may be
mentioned the muster roll of the United States frigate
Allia7ice, in 1782, and the letter book of Commodore John
Barry when in command of the Alliance, October, 1782 —
April, 1783. This volume is in 60 pages and contains
correspondence between Barrj' and Franklin, Lafayette,
Robert Morris, and others. There is also an attested
account, signed by Capt. Paul Jappie, of the capture of the
British ship Free Trade by the American privateer The
Rhodes, off Xew York in September, 17S1.
Among the papers relating to American colonial history'
may be noted an autograph copy of the Constitution and
Acts of the Xew England Confederation of 1 643-1 657 by
Rufus King, a manuscript of 24 pages; pages from the Town
Report of the Librarian of Congress.
Docket of Chesterfield, N. J., 1692-171 1, containing records
of town meetings and elections during that period; and cer-
tain articles of agreement of 1762 between [George Keppel]
Earl of AllDemarle, at that time commander in chief of the
British forces in the West Indies, and John Kennion, by
which the latter gives bond for the sole right of importing
slaves and selling them in Havana, then under British con-
Franco- Prussian war and the Commune of i8yi. — A collec-
tion made by Gen. John Meredith Read while consul-general
of the United States at Paris, 1 869-1873. It consists of 47
bound volumes of newspapers published in Paris, 1870-71;
290 original affiches issued both by the Government and by
the Commune; 403 political cartoons; 9 photographs of
Paris, and 193 photographs of notable men of the period,
including nearly every person prominent in the Commune.
The latter supplement the collection made by Mr. Wash-
burn, and now in the Library. The cartoons have been sup-
plemented by 290, secured from Dr. Moncure D. Conway,
who was much interested in having the collection complete.
The unusual facilities enjoyed by General Read, resident
as he was during the entire period and in an oflBcial capacity
which brought to him every courtesy and privilege, render
this collection perhaps unique.
Maps and
Charts: Acces-
Sheet maps...
Pocket maps .
By gift.
By pur-
June 30,
Total accessions (pieces) 4. 30S
Grand total in division July I, 1901 (pieces) 60,025
Music: Acces- By copjrright 16, 845
iions. By gift 37
By purchase 65
By exchange 3
Total accessions 16, 950
Grand total in division July i, 1901 (pieces) 3ii,ow
Report of the Librarian oj Congress.
Pv copyright 16, XQ\ v^ivr&.Acca-
By gift 2, 779
By purchase 2, 250
Bj' transfer 33
Total accessions (pieces) 21, 455
Grand total in di\'ision July i, 1901 (pieces) 106, 326
Of special note is the accession by purchase of a collection
of 1,800 prints, mostly portraits, representing the work of
American engravers, and of a collection of 153 medals of
representative men of France, valuable as well from an his-
torical as from an artistic point of \-ie\v.
The Gardiner Greene Hubbard collection has been received
and placed and is now ready for reference.
_^^^ Law ij.
BRART: Acces-
By copy-
By gift.
Bv pur- *
471 ;
Conference room library
-\ large number of duplicates formerly carried in the total have now been trans-
ferred or used in exchange, and are therefore deducted from it.
At the close of the fiscal year the Librar>^ was receiving ct-rrext se-
rials. See alio
7,225 serials, an increase of 2,790, or 63 per cent over the-^AA- yu-
number received the preceding jear. These figures do not
include any of the publications of State or municipal govern-
ments, the record of which is kept in the Documents Di^*ision.
The receipts, classified by sources, are as follows:
Newspa- Period- , Other se- Total. Total,
pers. icals. rials. 1900-1901. 1S99-1900.
546 . I, ': :; 2,612
Bureau of .American Republics.
109 57 6
^ 15S ; 33
12 ! 951 i.oiS
142 606 75 S23 666
Most noticeable is the increase in the number of gifts,
almost all of which are from American publishers, indicating
that the knowledge of the Librar\' and its facilities for the
28 Report of the Librarian of Congress.
presen'ation of current periodical publications is spreading
throughout the country. Four hundred and sixteen serial
publications currentl}' received and filed in the Documents
Division are not included in the above.
I am gratified at every opportunity to express my appre-
ciation- of the efficient work of the branch bindery in the
Library building, and of the cordial and intelligent endeavor
of the authorities of the Government Printing Offide to
accommodate the equipment and the service of both the
binder}' and the branch printing office to the needs of the
The number of volumes bound during the year was
12,207, as against 6,724 during the year preceding; 1,585
volumes were repaired. These figures cover the books
alone. A large amount of miscellaneous work done by the
bindery, in cutting and preparing cards, in making up tab-
lets, etc. , is too detailed to be conveniently summarized.
The classification and cataloguing of the material in each
of the special divisions has continued normally. The
progress with the printed books and pamphlets has, how-
ever, owing to the increased force of cataloguers^ consider-
ably increased over that of last year. Since January i,
1 901, the entire section of American history and descrip-
tion (some 25,000 volumes) has been reclassified. This
has meant that a jiew scheme of arrangement and notation
has been devised and applied; that a shelf list has been
compiled of the entire section as newly arranged; and that
each volume has received a specific symbol and numl^er.
A new accession in this department of literature, as in that
of bibliography (also reclassified), can now be located in its
permanent place and receive a permanent number. The
55,534 volumes and pamphlets added in other departments
Report of the Librarian of Congress. 29
of literature had to be inserted into the old classification.
When it is considered that each insertion of this sort means
a piece of work to be undone later, it is obvious how impor-
tant in mere economy is speed in the reclassification. The
force that I have requested for ' ' cataloguing ' ' includes the
force for classifying. I beg again to call attention to the
urgent need of it, of everj' member of it.
The sections next to be dealt with are British histor\' and
topography and the poHtical and social sciences. All this
work is carried on without interruption of the use of the
books by the reader.
As each book is reclassified it is recatalogued; that is, the
old manuscript author card is revised and printed and sub-
ject cards compiled. These cards are inserted, with the
cards for accessions, in the pubUc-card catalogue in the Read-
ing Room as well as in the official catalogues. There have
also been inserted in this public catalogue over 150,000 titles
cut out of the old book catalogues of the Library- (prior
to 1880) and pasted upon cards "for temporary use." By
gradual insertion, therefore, and substitution, this catalogue
will be built up into a complete and authoritative catalogue,
both author and subject, of the existing collection of printed
books and pamphlets.
In addition to 3,140 "parts" of volumes;
The number of volumes and pamphlets catalogued during
the year was 58, 1 15
The number recatalogued was 42, 900
Total catalogued and recatalogued loi, 015
a considerable accomplishment for a force nearly one-half of
which consisted of new employees. The mere filing of cards
in proper alphabetic order in the several catalogues is a
work of no small volume. The total number filed during
the year was 329,049!
The Librar>' is beginning a distribution of copies of these q/^'p "' x"e°d
cards, which has two purposes: First, to place in each local cALs^ '' ° *^ ^ ^
30 Report of the Librarian of Congress,
center of research, as complete as possible a statement of the
contents of the national collections at Washington; second,
to enable other libraries to secure the benefit of its expert
work in cataloguing and in printing cards for, books acquired
by them as well as by it, and to secure this benefit at a cost
which, while a full reimbursement to the Government, is to
the subscribing library but a fraction of the cost of doing
the entire work independently. In pursuance of the first
purpose there is being sent to certain public libraries a copy
of every card printed by the Library of Congress. In time
there will result, in the New York Public Library, for in-
stance, a complete card catalogue of the Library of Con-
gress, at least of such books in the Library of Congress as
are likely to interest an investigator in New York City and
may not be available there. In return the Library of Con-
gress receives a copy of every card printed bj^ the New York
Public Library. There will thus eventually result a state-
ment in the Library of Congress of ever>' book in the New
York Public Library of interest to investigators. This sys-
tem of exchange being extended and the other Government
libraries also being brought into it, there may result in each
local center of research throughout the United States a cata-
logue of the national collections at Washington, and a state-
ment at Washington of every book of interest to investi-
gators to be found in the important great collections outside
of Washington. To supply this in catalogues in book form
would cost hundreds of thousands of dollars, and the first
volume of each would be out of date before the last was
ready to issue. To supply it on cards involves but the
trifling expense of multiplying copies from forms already
on the press, and results in a catalogue always up to date
and capable of indefinite expansion without revision or a
"new edition,"
A chief purpose of the first class of distribution is to sup-
ply libraries with information of books which they do not
Report of the Librarian of Cmigress. 31
possess. The chief purpose of the second is to enable them
to avoid expense in the preparation for use of those which
the)- do possess. What this means is indicated in a state-
ment recenth- given by me to the press, from which I
"Practically all American libraries to-daj- have card
catalogues. In these everj- book appears under its
author, under the subjects of which it treats, and
sometimes under its title if the title differs from the
subject. Some books have to appear in perhaps only
two places, others in forty or fift^-, where there are
many authors and many subjects treated by them. On
an average, a book appears in from three to five differ-
ent places. The cards that libraries have used were
in the first instance written; then they came to be
t^'pewritten, and in recent 5ears they have in some
hbraries come to be printed. Printing is possible, of
course, only for the libraries which are handling a large
number of books and making elaborate catalogues —
the New York Public Libran.- prints, the Boston Public
Library-, the Har\-ard College Library*, the John Crerar
Librarj-, of Chicago, and the Carnegie Libran.-, at
■ ' The Library of Congress has for some time been
printing. It has now within its walls a branch plant
from the Government Printing Office.
"The cost of getting any particular book into the
card catalogue is far greater than the public supposes.
There are various elements of cost. There is the
work of the cataloguer, who is an expert; then there
is the work of the transcriber, if you multiph* copies
of the card by transcription or by typewriter. If
you print, there is the cost of composition and press-
work. The stock would cost the same whether ^-ou
transcribe or print. But the two most costly factors
are the work of the cataloguer, the expert, and the
work of the compositor or transcriber. It has been
estimated that on the average the total cost of getting
a single book into a library- catalogfue is from 25 to 35
cents. Not a single volume, of course. A book may
be in a hundred volumes and yet represent only one
32 Report of the Librarian of Congress.
title to be handled; it may be in one volume and repre-
sent twenty subjects to be handled; but on the average
the cost is from 25 to 35 cents for each book, or what
the librarians refer to as a "title."
"Now, the interesting thing is that until now libraries
have been, in effect, duplicating this entire expense —
multiplying it, in fact, by each one undertaking to do
the whole work individually for itself. There are thou-
sands of books which are acquired by hundreds of libra-
ries— exactly the same books, having the same titles,
the same authors and contents, and subject to the same
processes. But each library has been doing individually
the whole work of cataloguing the copies received by it,
putting out the whole expense. Forty years ago Pro-
fessor Jewett, then librarian of the Smithsonian Insti-
tution, conceived the notion of a central bureau which
might attend to these processes, the most expensive part
of them, once for all, and make available its results to
the various libraries receiving identical material; but
the project never came to anything.
' ' There have been distributions of printed cards on a
small scale or covering special subjects. The United
States Department of Agriculture distributes its card
indexes to subscribers paying the cost of the extra
copies provided for the purpose, and is thus making
generally available in convenient form, at a nominal
cost, information of great value to investigators. The
American Library Association (not as a scheme for
profit, since it is not a commercial body, but merely as
a measure of professional cooperation) has issued cards
indexing certain scientific serials, and even cards cata-
loguing certain current lx)oks. But the association has
no library nor any corps of expert cataloguers. For
the material to be catalogued it had to depend upon
voluntary gift or loan from the publishers. The cards
issued did not cov'er enough titles to interest a large
library; they covered too many to interest a small one.
Yet a subscription had to be required for the entire
series. There were never more than a hundred sub-
' ' Since the Library of Congress moved into the new
Report of the Librarian of Congress. 33
building expectation has turned to it. It has already
the largest collection of books on the Western Hemi-
sphere; it is increasing more rapidly than any other
single tollection. It receives without cost two copies
of ever\- book entered for copyright in the United States.
It receives these on or before the date of publication,
and thus in advance of any other librarj'. It receives
an enormous mass of material through exchange. And
it is buying a number of other books, current and non-
current, which includes a large portion of material in
current acquisition by the other libraries of the United
States. It is classifying and cataloguing this material
on its own account It is printing the results in the
form of cards. It is reclassifying and recataloguing its
existing collection (excluding duplicates, over 700,000
books and pamphlets), and is printing these results also
on cards. These cards are of the standard form, size,
type, and method of entry. The Library has been in
consultation for over a year past with a committee of
the American Library* Association — a committee of
experts — in order to arrive at standards, and we have
now arrived at what might be called a standard in all
these respects. The card we use is called the ' ' postal
size," about 3 by 5 inches. There is another size (also
standard) in use in some libraries, called the "index
size," about 2 by 5 inches. The entrj' on our card is so
located, however, that in almost every case the ' ' postal
size ' ' can be cut to the ' ' index size ' ' without sacrific-
ing anj' of the text essential to the catalogue. What
the Library' prints is an author card. It prints by way
of memorandum on the card the subject headings that
it will use on the copies destined for subject cards.
The cost to it of the first author card, including the
work of the cataloguer, is doubtless over 30 cents for
each book, but a second copy of the card can be run off
for a fraction of a cent.
"Now it is receiving this urgent appeal: To permit
other libraries to order extra copies of the cards which
will cover books that they are acquiring; just as they
are permitted to secure extra copies of the card indexes
of the Agricultural Department, or, indeed, of an}- Gov-
ernment publication, paying the cost plus 10 per cent.
9957^01 3
34 Report of the Librarian of Co7igress.
" Should this course be adopted, the Libran' of Con-
gress would be expending no greater expert lalxjr than
before ; the Government would l^e fully reimbursed for
the additional mechanical work and material, and the
other libraries of this countrj' would be saved an expense,
which in the aggregate is now an enormous expense, of
duplicating, indeed of multiplying many times over,
the outlay on the two factors of cost which are the
largest factors — the work of the cataloguer and the work
of the transcriber or compositor. Between 1891 and
1896 there were 7,000,000 volumes added to 4,000
libraries in the United States. These may have repre-
sented 500,000 different ' ' books "or " titles. ' ' The cost
to catalogue these once at 35 cents a title, would have
been but $175,000. They were catalogued many times
over; how many times can only be guessed, for, of
course, some books were acquired b}' only one library,
others by hundreds of libraries. Assuming that on the
average each book was catalogued only six times, the
total cost to the 4,000 libraries was $1,050,000. Could
they have acted as a unit, having the books catalogued
and the cards printed at some central bureau and multi-
plying copies to supply the need of each, the total cost
would certainly have been kept within $300,000. The
saving effected during this short period alone would
therefore have been two-thirds of the total ; on the basis
assumed, over $700,000.
' ' American instinct and habit revolt against multipli-
cation of brain effort and outlay where a multiplication
of results can be achieved by machinery. This appears
to be a case where it may. Not every result, but
results so great as to effect a prodigious saving to the
libraries of this country. The Library of Congre.ss can
not ignore the opportunity and the appeal. It is, as I
have said, an opportunity unique, pre.sented to no other
library, not even to any other national library. For
in the United States alone are the library interests
active in cooperative effort, urgent to ".standardize"
forms, methods, and processes, and willing to make
concession of individual preference and convenience in
order to secure results of the greatest general benefit.
Report of the Librarian of Congress. 35
"The distribution of cards for the current publica-
tions may beg^n at once. Very likely it will cover also
the publications of the present calendar year, so that
the undertaking will be coeval with the centur}'. The
cards first issued will doubtless be those fw the current
American copyrighted books. These are listed in full
in a publication compiled at the Library, but issued
weekly by the Treasurj' Department, entitled ' ' Cata-
logue of title entries of books entered in the ofiice of
the Register of Copyrights. ' ' A hbr^r>' subscribing to
this can check in each number the titles for which it
desires cards and forward the number as an order.
There need be no requirement of a subscription to
the full series. Any card asked for can be furnished.
And the charge, according to our best estimate, will
not exceed a cent a card. The subscriptions received
will, under the law, be covered into the United States
"The Librar>' is now printing cards at the rate of
200 titles a da J', or 60,000 a year. The copyrighted
books form, of course, but a small fraction of these.
Thousands of the others will be of interest to other libra-
ries and sought bj- them. Those of them which represent
books that they possess or are about to acquire will save
them expense; those that do not will still contain for
them bibliographic information of value. The Librar>-
of Congress will itself include a large percentage of the
books to be found in anj- other particular collection in
the United States. The remainder will certainly be
included in the contents and accessions of a half dozen
of the other great libraries. Cooperation may enable
the titles of these also to be brought into the scheme of
distribution, so that finally- there shall actually be a cen-
tralization of this work.
' ' The possible and actual use of the printed cards is
not confined to the main catalogues, nor, indeed, to the
catalogues at all. Thej' can be used in catalogues of
special subjects, in the "shelf list " of the Ubran,-, and
in various different records. Indeed, over a dozen dif-
ferent uses have been planned out for them, and in part
adopted by hbrarians. ' '
36 Report of the Librarian of Congress.
The above statement has now been fon\'arded to some 500
hbraries in the United States, with a circular (see Appen-
dix IV) setting forth the details of the distribution and the
procedure requisite.
The distribution must be begun under the authority in
the Public Printer to take subscriptions for extra copies of
Government publications at cost, plus 10 per cent. It may
be simplified by an authority in the Librarian of Congress.
The cost of the extra copies of the cards, as of other library
publications, must of necessity be charged to the allotment
of the Library for printing and binding; the subscriptions
received, on being covered into the Treasury, should there-
fore go to the reimbursement of that allotment. Following
the provision governing the sale of publications by certain
of the Executive Departments, I have, under advice of the
Public Printer, drawn a provision as follows:
And the Librarian of Congress is hereby authorized
to furnish such institutions or individuals as may desire
to buy them such copies of the card indexes and other
publications of the Library as may not be required for
its ordinary transactions, and charge for the same a price
which will cover their cost and 10 per cent added; and
all moneys received by him shall be deposited in the
Treasury to the credit of the appropriation for public
printing and binding; and the Public Printer shall credit
the allotment for printing and binding for the Librarj'
of Congress with such moneys.
I have submitted this with my estimates to be incorpo-
rated into the appropriation bill for the next fiscal year.
A centralization of cataloguing work, with a correspond-
ing centralization of bibliographic apparatus, has been for
a quarter of a century an ambition of the librarians of
the United States. It was a main purpose in the forma-
tion of the American Library Association in 1876. The
above projects, if they succeed, may go far to realize this
purpose. The economies effected to the libraries of the
Report of the Librarian of Congress. 37
couutrj' might alone justify the maintenance expenses of
the Librar>' of Congress even without a single direct servnce
to scholarship. The countrj- at large might indeed save
great expense bj- purchasing a copy of a book merely to
be catalogued at Washington, even if that cop}* should never
go outside of the walls of the Library nor find a reader
within it.
There are man}- difl&culties of detail, and the whole proj-
ect will fail unless there can be built up within the Librar>-
a comprehensive collection of books, and a corps of cata-
loguers and bibhographers adequate in number and repre-
senting in the highest degree (not merely in a usual degree,
but in the highest degree) expert training and authoritative
judgment. But the possible utilities are so great; they
suggest so ob^'ious, so concrete a return to the people of
the United States for the monej' expended in the mainte-
nance of this Library; and the ser\nce which they involve
is so ob\'ioush' appropriate a ser\-ice for the National
Library- of the United States, that I communicate the proj-
ect in this report as the most significant of our undertak-
ings of this first year of the new centur\\
The publications of the Librar)' since Juh' i, 1900, have
been the most important within its historj*. They have
included the following (see also Part II, Appendix II):
I. A union list of Periodicals, Transactions, and alhed pub-
lications currenth- received in the principal libraries of the
District of Columbia. Compiled under the direction of
A. P. C. Grifi&n, Chief of Di\-ision of Bibliography. 1901.
(6), 315 pp. 4°.
This is the first cooperative pubhcation of ^he Library,
and the beginning of what we trust will be an effective
cooperation among the Federal libraries at Washington.
A preliminary- to anj- effective cooperation among
Ubraries is information, convenient for comparison, of
38 Report of the Librarian of Congress.
the material which exists in each. The present list fur-
nishes such information as to a class of material which
is costly to acquire and to administer, and in which
duplication within a small area like the District should
be avoided where possible. It includes 1 1 ,000 entries —
6,000 more than a similar list published at Boston;
4,000 more than the list published at Chicago; 2,400
more than Bolton's Catalogue of Scientific and Tech-
nical Periodicals; 3,000 more than Grassauer's Cata-
logue of Periodicals received by the Universities of
The libraries contributing were the following:
The Library of Congress; Department of Agricul-
ture; Coast and Geodetic Surv^ey; Bureau of Education;
Bureau of American Ethnology; Geological Survey;
Naval Observatory; Patent Olfice; Smithsonian Insti-
tution; Department of State; Treasury Department,
Bureau of Statistics; War Department; Surgeon-Gen-
eral's Office; Weather Bureau.
Each of the alx)ve libraries supplied the titles of the
publications received by it. The Library of Congress,
in addition to this, consolidated the various returns,
edited the whole, and has published it.
This first edition of the list is printed with wide
margin and blank verso page, for additions and correc-
tions. A later revised edition will, we hope, include a
classified index.
II. A check list of American Newspapers in the Library
of Congress. Compiled under the direction of Allan B.
Slauson, chief of Periodical Division. 1901. 293 pp. 4°-
This list also is printed in a form convenient for addi-
tion and correction. It is not, like the union list of
serials, a list merely of current issues, but includes the
volumes on the shelves — that is, the files.
A series of historical notes, which would add greatly
to the value of such a list, has been in process of com-
pilation by Mr. Ralph M. Mackenzie, of the Periodi-
cal Division, during several years past. They could
not conveniently be incorporated in the first edition of
the list, but unless publi.shed as a .separate document
might well go into a second.
Report of the Librarian of Congress. 39
As the collection of American newspapers in the
Library- of Congress is the largest in the United States,
a full list, with the notes, would be a valuable contri-
bution to the history of the American press.
In a review of the two foregoing lists and of the
Calendar of Washington Manuscripts [infra] , which it
describes as ' ' three volumes of conspicuous utility, ' ' the
New York Evening Post, after remarking that "the
wealth of periodicals," revealed by the union list, "is
surprising," continues: "Mr. Griflfin has, judiciously,
we think, adopted a system of alphabetizing conformable
to the first significant word in a title, so that Evening
Post, for example, is entered under E. A different sys-
tem has been employed, also, we think, judiciously, by
Mr. Allan B. Slauson in his ' Check List of American
Newspapers in the Library- of Congress.' Here the
arrangement is geographical and the subarrangement
regards the essential and familiar name, putting Evening
Post under P. The succeeding general index disarms
all criticism by placing the same paper under both E
and P."
III. A List of Maps of America in the Library of Congress,
preceded by a list of works relating to Cartography. By P.
Lee Phillips, chief of the Division of Maps and Charts.
1901. 1.137 pp. 8°.
This list is the result of over a dozen years of accu-
mulation of titles and references hy Mr. Phillips, now
chief of the division. It includes not merel}' separate
maps, but maps in books, atlases, and geographical jour-
nals. It thus brings to the surface an immense amount
of material ordinarily submerged. As the Library of
Congress contains the largest single collection in exist-
ence of maps relating to America, this publication — of
over 1,100 octavo pages — is an elaborate and important
contribution to cartography'.
The list of works relating to cartography has also
been issued in separate form.
The list of maps has been welcomed by cartographers
and bibliographers with a praise that recognizes the
labor of detail involved in its preparation. "A won-
40 Report of the Librarian of Co7igress.
derful catalogue," "A really great work," "A splendid
piece of work," "A royal contribution," "Indispensa-
ble for all those interested in American geography" —
are some of the phrases used in appreciation of it. It is
admitted to contain a "wonderful collection of mate-
rial," and admiration is expressed of the "full and
thorough way in which the descriptions are made. ' '
Its publication was too recent to admit as yet of
extended reviews. In short notices, however, one
journal regards its bibliography as "invaluable;"
another {The Nation) refers to it as follows:
The series of publications by the Library of Congress
is notably advanced by the quarto volume "A list of
maps of America ' ' belonging to the Library down to
November, 1897, preceded by a list of works relating
to cartography, by P. Lee Phillips, chief of the divi-
sion of maps and charts. The bibliography alone fills
86 pages. The MS. maps of the Revolutionary war
contained in the Faden, Force, and Rochambeau col-
lections are here revealed. The arrangement is geo-
graphically alphabetical, without subdivisions, but with
cross references to the counties under each State, and
the order is chronological. The rubric "World" re-
quires 45 pages, and the last of all, Zispata Bay (for
the list embraces both Americas), is on page 1137. It
is needless to praise this labor or to descant on its utility.
A .supplemental volume is in preparation. — The Nation,
V. 73, p. 322.
IV. A Calendar of Washington Manuscripts in the Li-
brary of Congress. Compiled under the direction of Her-
bert Friedenwald, Ph. D. 1901. 315 pp. 8°.
This calendar was compiled by Dr. Friedenwald before
he severed his connection with the Library, in September,
1900. It is after the best model of such compilations,
and also, in form, paper, and typography, a most cred-
itable example of the work of the Government Printing
Office, It has been adopted as a standard in these
respects for all the future bibliographic publications of
the Library.
It has not yet Ixren reviewed at length. It has, how-
Report of the Librarian of Congress. 41
ever, received generous commendation from experts as
"an admirable piece of work," "a most important con-
tribution to the bibliography of American history," "a
noble volume indeed," and as "an honor" both to the
editor and the Library'. Admiration is expressed for
the thoroughness of the entries and for ' * the excellent
workmanship of the printer and binder. ' '
\ . The Division of Bibliography, under the direction of
Mr. Griffin, has compiled the following topical lists issued
by the Library since July i. 1900:
x\ list of books (with references to periodicals) relating to
the theory of Colonization, government of Dependencies,
protectorates, and related topics. Second edition, with addi-
tions. 1900. 156 pp. 8°.
A list of books (with references to periodicals) on Mer-
cantile Marine Subsidies. 1901. 18 pp. 8°.
A list of books (with references to periodicals) on the
Danish West Indies. 1901. 18 pp. 8°.
A list of books (with references to periodicals) on Porto
Rico. 1901, 55 pp. 8°
The second edition of the list on Colonization was due
to the exhaustion of the first and the intense general
interest in the questions covered. The principal features
of the new edition are a list of recent accessions upon
Dutch colonies and a revised section upon the Far East,
wdth an introduction giving an estimate of authorities
upon special phases of the question, as follows: History
of China; Anglo-French expedition of i860; later politi-
cal history of China; political economic conditions;
railroads; Russia in the Far East; United States in the
Far East; social life in China; travels; missions; periodi-
cals; siege of Pekin in 1900. Of this list the Phila-
delphia Press remarks: "This bibliograph}- is only
one of a group now in process of issue, of which the
last, on the Danish West Indies, has just appeared.
The other issues in the series are Porto Rico, Hawaii,
and Cuba. They constitute the most useful issues of
this character which ha\e appeared anvwhere of the
42 Report of the Librarian of Congress.
many which have come from American Hbraries during
the past year."
The Ust on Colonization has elsewhere been desig-
nated as of "especial significance and usefulness," and
as ' ' especially serviceable in the latest diplomatic ques-
tions." Requests for it have been received from
places as remote as China and Australia.
A list upon the Samoan Islands and Guam, compiled for
the use of a committee of the Senate, is in press.
In addition, moreover, to the lists which have been pub-
lished there have been compiled by the Bibliographic Divi-
sion various others in typewritten form, accessible, however,
to any inquirer. Among other subjects these cover the
The Monroe doctrine; Books on the Spanish- American
war as they relate to the Cuban campaign, 1898; The Trans-
Siberian Railway.
The following are on cards, but equally accessible:
Alaska, American State archives, British Columbia,
Budget, Clayton- Bui wer treaty. Comparative legislation,
Genealogy, Cabinet Government, English local history,
Immigration, International arbitration. International law,
Irrigation, Land tenures, Library training, Monroe doctrine.
Municipal ownership, National university, Negro, Nine-
teenth century, Philippines, Popular election of Senators,
Postal affairs. Proportional representation, Siberia, Spain,
Spanish- American war. Sugar.
Specific aid on its premises to a particular reader is but
one form of service of a library such as this. Published
bibliographies, .such as the various lists i.ssued by the
Library of Congress during the pa.st two years, based upon
the expert use of a great collection, give aid to a multitude
of readers and add efficiency not merely to the library
which compiles them, but to every library which they
reach. I am disposed constantly to emphasize this: That
the service of the Library of Congress is little to be esti-
Report of the Librarian of Congress.
mated by the number of inquirers who frequent it in
person. It maj- render services in value immeasurably
exceeding its cost without issuing a single volume to a
reader within its walls.
There are, nevertheless, a considerable number of readers
who do frequent it in person. There is a large use upon
the premises. And although it can not properly be tabu-
lated, although the most important of it is not recorded at
all and of the remainder the statistics are but superficial,
yet I include the figures, according to usage.
The following summar>' is suggestive:
Fiscal year
Fiscal year
Total number of visitors to the Library building . . i 655, 439
Daily average 2, 150
* Readers, main reading room 123, 844
Readers, periodical reading room Not recorded.
Books issued, main reading room
Highest number in one day
Books issued for home use (to classes privileged
by statute )
Use of manuscripts, maps, music, and prints
Reading room for the blind, total attendance at
Not recorded.
112. S94
Not recorded.
Not recorded.
*T\ie decrease in the number of readers in the main Reading Room was due to
the transfer to the Periodical Division of the issue of all current periodicals.
Though the number of readers in the main room decreased, the number of books
issued there increased 10 per cent over the preceding year.
The great increase in the number of visitors was due in
part to the inaugural ceremonies. On March 4 last 72,572
persons entered the Library- building.
The character of the use has varied somewhat from last
year. A larger percentage of scientific works have been
called for in the Reading Room for reference use, and a
larger percentage of fiction for home use (by the few persons
privileged to draw books for home use). A marked increase
has been obser\-ed in the number of reference readers from
44 Report of the Librarian of Congress.
outside of the District, and in the number of calls for books
for official use by the Government Departments, Bureaus, and
Commissions, and by the members of the Diplomatic Corps.
bymesse^g^"^'^ '^^^ purchase of au electric automobile has enabled the
Library to make a delivery twice daily at any point within the
ordinary- limits. Such a delivery is regularly made as of
course at the Smithsonian Institution, and books called for
by the scientists there in the morning can l^e delivered to
them at their desks in the afternoon. The Library is ready
to undertake a similar service for any of the scientific bureaus
of the Government.
The present vehicle is indeed, as are the attendants having
charge of this work, severely taxed. The attendants, in-
cluding the motorman on the wagon, are but 5 in number.
During the past year they have had to handle 94,895 letters
received, 1,674 heav)' sacks of material, 1.094 packages, and
273 cases; to speak only of the material coming into the
Library. The current periodicals and newspapers received
during the year aggregated over 500,000 issues. Every
letter and everj' article has to be stamped with the date of its
receipt and forwarded to the appropriate division or official.
Hours. f he Librar>' hours have remajned as heretofore, excepting
in the Music Division. Beginning October 22, 1900, this
division has continued open until 10 p. m. The extension
of the hours was experimental. It has been a success; but
it can not be managed permanentlj' with the present force.
for'hfbimd'""" There has been an increase in the number of blind visit-
ors of 560 over the preceding year. This is due to the
kindness of some 50 ladies and young girls, who have
acted as escort to the blind to and from the Library. It is
due also to the generosity of various persons who have con-
tributed to the fund for car fare, which alone enables many
of the blind residents of the District to avail themselves of
the privileges of the room.
One hundred and eighty-eight readings have been given
Report of the Librarian of Congress. 45
by 190 volunteer readers, including many well-known
authors, and others who showed generosity in sparing the
time from their professional or social duties. In addition
to the readings, there have been, as usual, musicales (on
Wednesday afternoons), 45 in all, to which 100 musicians
have contributed their services.
These readers and musicians have made this room, for an
hour of ever)' day throughout the winter, a paradise of
interest and enjo^nnent for the unseeing, whose emotion in
music and whose imagination in literature are only the
more keen because of the one sense which they lack.
The collection of books in raised type has been enlarged
b)' the purchase of 88 volumes and the gift of 57. The
givers have been:
Prof, E. E. Allen, Ch-erbrook, Pa., 28 vols. Ameri-
can Braille; Mrs. Rebecca Colfelt, Philadelphia, Pa.,
8 vols. X. Y. point and linetype; Mrs. S. T. Postle-
thwaite, Washington, 2 vols. N. Y. point and linetype;
Mr. Randolph Latimer, Maryland, 5 vols, hnet^-pe;
Mrs. Mar\- Ridgely, Washington, 3 vols. N. Y. point;
Prof. Frank Hall, Jackson\nlle, 111., 7 vols. American
Braille; Mr. Henry W. Miles, Bristol, Conn., 2 vols,
In addition, the following persons have copied certain
books in New York point type and presented them to the
Miss Florence H. Behrend, Washington, 2 vols.;
Rev. J. B. Becker, Georgetown University, Washing-
ton, 6 vols.; Miss Alice Brown, Putne), Vermont, i vol.;
Miss Hattie V. Keim, Washington, 8 vols.; Miss
Madeline Wallace, New York, i vol.; Miss H. Man-
ning, Washington, 2 vols.; Miss S. Duffj-, Washington,
2 vols ; Miss Lilian Latimer, Hyattsville, Mar\-land,
6 vols.; Miss M. LeDuc, Washington, 3 vols.; Mrs.
Gertrude Keith, Washington, i vol.; Miss Catherine
M. Keith, Washington, 10 vols.
46 Report of the Librarian of Congress.
h^bUs.^^^' '^'" '^^^ exhibit of prints from the Gardiner Greene Hubbard,
and other collections has continued, and has led to the loan
to the Library of other valuable material whose owners
were willing that it should give pleasure and instruction to
the public, and felt confidence that it would be properly
safeguarded while in the custody of the Library:
Mr. George f^othrop Bradley, of Washington, has
lent his collection, containing 1,466 carefully selected
prints of all schools.
Mr. Thomas F. Richardson, of Washington, has lent
a collection of cuttings from richly illuminated manu-
scripts of the twelfth to the fifteenth century.
Mrs. T. Harrison Garrett, Mr. John W. Garrett,
and Mr. Robert Garrett, of Baltimore, have permitted
selections to be made without limit from their superb
collection, which comprises over 50,000 prints.
The generous public spirit of thp.se owners enables
their contributions to reach over 2,000 persons a day,
coming from all parts of the United States.
All the use and enjoyments of these exhibits, of the inte-
rior architecture and decorations of the building, and of the
books themselves are absolutely forbidden to the public ex-
cept on the six secular days of the week. For one-seventh
of the year the entire institution, this great plant, with all its
energy for good, lies idle.
At the last session of Congress, while the appropriation
bill was pending, an amendment was offered in the Senate
by the chairman of the Committee on the District, making
provision for the opening of the Library during a portion of
each Sunday (after 2 p. m.). The amendment was referred
to the Committee on the Library, reported favorably by
them, and referred to the Committee on Appropriations. It
was adopted by that committee and incorporated in the
appropriation bill as it passed the Senate. But it fell out in
This may have been through some misapprehension of its
Sunday Opf.n-
Report of the Librarian of Congress. 47
purpose or effect. The Sunday opening of libraries and
museums is, however, now so general that the application
to a particular institution has ceased to be discussed as a
question of utility, much less as a rehgious question, but
purel}' as a question of local need and of pecuniary ability.
Compulsory Sunday labor is not involved. In the Librarj'
of Congress, as generally elsewhere, the pro\'ision would be
for a "special ser\-ice." This might consist, in part at
least, of week-day employees, but only at their own solici-
tation, for extra pay; and in no case would an 5^ employee
ser\*ing during the week be permitted to work every Sundaj",
nor more than four hours of any Sunday.
The Sunda\- use would not be tri\nal. Experience of
other libraries proves it to be superior in orderliness and in
seriousness to the week-day use. It would be in part by
\nsitors from out of town, to whom now every Federal insti-
tution in Washington, save the Zoological Park, is closed
from Saturday evening till Monday morning; it would be
in part b^' the men whose profession is in books, but whose
week-day hours are occupied with routine research within
their respective bureaus; it would be in part by emploj^ees
in the Executive Departments who are interested in serious
reading, and it would be in a large degree by men and
women whose week-daj' hours must be devoted to the mere
business which is their livelihood and the work-day evenings
to mere physical recuperation, and whose only opportunity'
for cultivation comes on Sunday. The Corcoran Galler>" is
open on Sundaj' afternoons. The crowds which visit it are
evidence of the need and the appreciation.
To open the Library- (that is, the building, the exhibits,
the main Reading Room, and the Reading Room for Peri-
odicals and Newspapers) on Sunday afternoons and evenings
would cost but $13,000 a year — less than 5 per cent of
the present annual expenditure for maintenance. I can not
believe that Congress will ignore an o^iportunity for such
48 Report of the Librarian of Congress.
great benefit at so slight additional exj^nse, and I have
included the provision in my estimates for the next fiscal
The report of the Register of Copyrights is, as custom-
arily, appended in full (Appendix II), It shows in detail
the copyright business of the past fiscal year. It concludes
with a passage with reference to the needs of copyright legis-
lation; in effect, for a general revision of the copyright law.
I quote the passage:
' ' I have frequentl)' had occasion to call attention to
the need for new copyright legislation. The law now
in force consists of the act of July 8, 1870, as edited
to become title 60, chapter 3, of the Revised Statutes,
and ten amendatory acts passed subsequently. Natur-
ally there is lacking the consistency and homogeneity
of a single well-considered copyright statute. The
existing legislation is antiquated; inadequate in some
directions, inconsistent and confusing in others. The
Attorney-General of the United States, in a recent opin-
ion concerning .some provisions of the copj'right law,
after setting out the precise stipulations of the statutes
relating thereto, .says: ' Under this kind of legislation
it is impossible to arrive at any satisfactor}' conclusion
as to what Congress really did intend by it.' The
expression of such an opinion by the head of the law
department of the Government is sufficient evidence
that revision of the law is urgently required.
' ' Our copyright laws are based upon antiquated mod-
els— the early Engli.sh copyright statutes — and the
amendments made from time to time to the original
enactment have been aimed at improvement of the law
in certain particulars rather than a thorough revision,
and have not given to it a form corresponding to mod-
ern ideas of legislation relating to literary and artistic
' ' No attempt at a general revision of the law has been
made since that by the commissioners appointed in 1868
to revise the general statutes, and their treatment of
Report of the Librarian of Congress. 49
copyright was necessarily a partial one, that being only
one of a great many subjects requiring consideration.
Many and greatly diverse interests are affected by copy-
right legislation, and it would seem more probable that
each and all of these would receive proportional atten-
tion if the task of preparing a codification of the copy-
right laws was intrusted by Congress to a commission
adequately representing the dififereut interests con-
cerned, and that a project of law thus formulated would
more likely be on a par with the existing progressive
copyright legislation of other countries. ' '
The space forming the third level above the committee
rooms, constructed out of the old library- wing in the Capi-
tol, is being made ready for the uses of a general reference
library-, • in accordance with the resolution of Congress
adopted in June, 1900. Should the main front of the Capi-
tol be extended to the eastward, provision could be made in
this extension for a library' far more commodious, and more
accessible, both to Congress and to the main Library-, than
can be contrived on the upper level on the west side. The
latter can not be reached by a book railway from the main
Library, and would be uninhabitable in summer.
In view of the possibility of accommodation in the east
extension so much more fitting and convenient, I would not
recommend the expense of elaborate equipment of the space
now being finished off. But simple shelving (chiefly wall
cases) could be placed there which would be useful perma-
nently for storage of legislative files, etc. ; and the small
amount of tables, chairs, and administrative furniture neces-
sary- could be made of a standard pattern equally available
in any better room subsequently provided. The books also
would be movable. The center room on the second level
between the courts, at present unassigned, could be used to
great advantage for the administrative office. The chief
oflScer in charge could be stationed here; certain catalogues
9957—01 4
50 Report of the Librarian of Congress.
and other bibliographic tools; even a few of the more gen-
eral reference works.
A temporary provision of this sort would thus entail no
subsequent waste. It would enable a service to be rendered
to Congress during the several years which would in any
event intervene before the extension, if determined upon,
could be completed.
Conclusion. The two rcports which I have submitted prior to this
have had to deal particularly with needs to be supplied. It
is a satisfaction that the present one can exhibit substan-
tial progress made. With a building commodious and effi-
cient, collections rapidly developing, equipment keeping
pace, the systems of classifying and of cataloguing deter-
mined, and the actual work upon them well under way;
with an organization representing already each type of req-
uisite capacity, and needing only to be expanded; and a
present staff, interested, enthusiastic, and devoted; with all
these, the pro.spect is now cheerful for meeting in reasonable
course both the intentions of Congress and the expectations
of the public.
Respectfully submitted:
Herbert Putnam,
Librarian of Congress.
The Honorable
The President pro tempore of the Senate.
Appendix I.
Appropriations axd Expenditures.
i Appropriation.! Expended. Unexpended.
Library service .
Copyright Office.
Special service . .
J178, 780.00
« 3, 9+8. 00
2, 535- 23
Purchase of books
235, 80S. 00 226, 567. 26
I^urchase of periodicals
Purchase of law books
Exchange of public documents.
a 59, 680. 00
Contingent expenses .
Printing and binding.
Grand total
75. 000. 00
376.988.00 j 368,324.71
7, 240. 74
I Balance of amount appropriated by acts of .\pril 17, 1900. and March 3, 1901.
'Exclusive of $1,500 to be expended by the marshal of the Supreme Court for
new books of reference for that bodv.
Contingent Expenses in Detail.
Object of expenditure.
Stationery supplies
Automobile ( electric ) delivery wagon
Care of automobile (three months) ,
Care of horse and wag^n (nine months) ..
Traveling expenses ,
Rubber stamps
T yjjew riter supplies
Postage stamps (foreign correspondence)
Post-office box rent
Appendix II..
Washington, D. C, September y, igor.
Report of the Register of Copyrights for the
Fiscal Year i 900-1 901.
The copyright business and the work of the Copyright
Office for the fiscal year from July i, 1900, to June 30, 1901,
inclusive, is summarized as follows:
The gross receipts during the year were $69,525.25. A
balance of $1 ,486.29, representing trust funds and unfinished
business, was on hand July i, 1900, making a total of
$71,011.54 to be accounted for. Of this amount $6,077.35
was refunded, having been sent to the Copyright Office as
excess fees, or as fees for articles not registerable, lea\'ing
a net balance of $64,934. 19. The balance carried over July
I, 1901 — representing trust funds, $992.67, and unfinished
business since July i, 1897, $257.52 — was $1,250.19, leav-
ing for fees applied during the fiscal year 1 900-1 901,
$63,684, and for fees applied which were received in the
Copyright Office prior to July i, 1897, $3-50. making a total
of $63,687.50. (See Exhibit A.)
Of this sum of $63,687.50, representing applied fees,
$63,684 was paid into the Treasury by weekly checks, as
per Exhibit B, and credit was allowed for $3.50 applied as
fees out of fees received prior to July i, 1897.
The appropriations made by Congress for salaries for the
Copyright Office for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1901,
amounted to $51,080, and the expenditures for supplies,
stationery, all other articles not designated as "furniture,"
Register of Copyrights. 53
postage on foreign matter, etc., was $1,076.31, making a
total of $52,156.31, leaving a credit balance when this
amount is deducted from the amount of fees earned of
$11,531.19. The cost of maintaining the Library building,
in which the Copyright Office is located, is covered by spe-
cial appropriation by Congress, and the furniture required
for the office is supplied out of the general appropriation for
furniture for the Librar>^ of Congress. The necessarj--
expenditure for record books, blanks, and other printing
and binding is made out of the printing allotment of the
Library- of Congress, and the cost of printing the "Cata-
logue of Title Entries " is paid by the Treasury* Department.
The amount of these various expenditures is not accessible.
The copyright fees received and paid into the United
States Treasury during the last four fiscal years, from July
I, 1897, to June 30, 1901, amount to $243,087, and the
appropriations for salaries during that period to $160,800,
leaving an excess of fees over appropriations of $82,287.
The necessary expenditure for record books, blanks, and
other printing and binding, stationery, and other suppUes,
etc., amounted to $22,000, leaving a net balance to the
credit of the Copyright Office during the four years of some-
thing over $60,000.
In addition to this excess of fees over appropriations for
ser\-ice and expenditure for supplies, it should be remem-
bered that two copies of each article (exclusive of original
works of art) are required to be deposited for the use of the
Library. This deposit for the fiscal year 1 900- 1 90 1 amounted
to 162,283 articles, including books, maps, engravings, musi-
cal compositions, photographs, etc., many of them of con-
siderable money value and such as would otherwise have
required to be purchased and paid for by direct appropriation
by Congress.
The total number of entries of titles during the fiscal year
was 92,351. Of this number 83,813 were titles of produc-
tions of persons citizens or residents of the United States,
and 8,538 were titles of productions of persons not citizens
or residents of the United States. The fees for these entries
54 Report of the Librarian of Congress.
were: United States, $41,906.50; foreign, $8,538, or a total
of $50,444.50.
Of the foreign entries, 1,995 were with certificates, as well
as 21,810 of the United States entries, or a total of 23.805
certificates, at fees amounting to $11,902.50. In addition,
1,334 copies of record were furnished at fees amounting to
$667; 550 assignments were recorded and certified at a charge
of $641, and search fees charged to the amount of $32.50.
The details of the Copyright Office business and applied fees
are set out in Exhibit C.
With the beginning of the year 1901 and the new century
the record books were divided into nine separate series to
correspond with the nine classes of articles named in the
copyright law. This was done primarily to allow oppor-
tunity for a distribution of the work of recording among a
larger number of clerks at times of special congestion, but it
also results in a considerable saving of time, as the designa-
tions can thus be printed in the record books instead of
requiring to be written in, and doing this insures against
errors of transcription. Moreover, it gives opportunity to
secure an automatic classification and enumeration of the
entries. The number of entries in each class from January
I to June 30, 1 90 1, is as follows:
Class A, books, pamphlets, leaflets, and periodical contri-
butions, 12,515; Class B, periodicals, 11,656; Class C, musi-
cal compositions, 9,787; Class D, dramatic compositions,
718; Class E, maps or charts, 751; Class F, engravings,
cuts, or prints, 3, 192; Class G, chromos or lithographs, 808;
Class H, photographs, 5,690, and Class I, original works of
art — paintings, drawings, and sculpture, 1,409. Total,
The various articles deposited in compliance with the copy-
right law, which have been receipted for, stamped, credited,
indexed, and catalogued during the fiscal year amount to
162,283. This is a gain of 20,839 over the previous fiscal
There has been a steady growth in the luimber of these
deposits during the last four fiscal years, the total dejKJsits
being in each year respectively, 112,805; 120,143; 141,444,
Register of Copyrights. 55
and 1 62 , 283. These deposits for the four years are classified
in Exhibit F. Periodicals (newspapers, magazines, and
other serial publications) lead in the number of deposits,
music coming second and photographs third, deposits to
complete entries for magazine contributions fourth, books
(Hterature) fifth, leaflets, circulars, etc., sixth, engravings
seventh, chromos eighth, maps ninth, and dramas tenth.
Comparing the deposits with the entries it is found that only
in the case of periodicals is the deposit complete, although
in music it is substantially so, the deposits amounting to
about 99 per cent of the entries, while in the case of the
various entries necessarily classified under the term ' ' book,
only about 70 per cent are completed by deposit as required
by law— a large proportion of the entries probably being for
projected works produced later or never completed at all —
and in the case of the remaining articles about 80 per cent
of the entries are perfected by deposits.
The titles filed for record are carefully indexed, each
entr\' having a card under the name of the proprietor; and
books, periodicals, dramatic compositions, and maps have,
in addition, title or author cards. These index cards, num-
bering 115.025 for the fiscal year, become part of the per-
manent indexes of the Copyright Office, and are also used as
the copy for the Catalogue of Title Entries required to be
printed weekly by act of Congress of March 3, 1891 (Fifty-
first Congress, second session, chapter 565). The articles
referred to in the preceding paragraph were catalogued
during the fiscal year, and the catalogue printed in four
volumes, as follows:
Volume 24, third quarter 1900, 13 numbers i. 172
Volume 25, fourth quarter 1900, 13 numbers i,499
Volume 26, first quarter 1901, 13 nimibers i, 43°
Volume 27, second quarter 1901, 13 numbers i, 537
Total 5, 638
5,638 pages of octavo print in all.
The following volumes have been previously issued: v.
1-12, July I, 1891-June 30, 1897, 4°; V. 13, July-Decem-
56 Report of the Librarian of Congress.
ber, 1897, 1.450 PP-. 4°; ^'- ^4- January-March, 1898, 963
pp., 8°; V. 15, April-June, 1898, 1,075 PP-. 8°; v. 16, July-
September, 1898, 1,001 pp., 8°; V. 17, October- December,
1898, 902 pp., 8°; V. 18, January-March, 1899, 746 pp.. 8°;
V. 19, April-June, 1899, 1,044 PP-. 8°; v. 20, July-Septem-
ber, 1899, 901 pp., 8°; V. 21, October-December, 1899,938
pp., 8°; V. 22, January-March, 1900, 1,009 PP-. 8"; v. 23,
April-June, 1900, 1,127 pp., 8°.
An improvement has been made in the Catalogue of Title
Entries, beginning with volume 26, the first volume of this
year, by furni.shing a complete volume index. This it is
hoped to keep up, so that hereafter a search for any
particular entry will require reference to only four printed
indexes for each year. This catalogue is much relied upon
in the office in searches made to answer the questions re-
ceived daily as to copyright entries.
The copyright entries from July 10, 1870, to August 31,
1901, number 1,238,304. The index to these entries con-
sists of upward of 700,000 cards, and more than 100,000
cards are added annually. These cards index the entries
primarily under the names of the proprietors of the copy-
rights, and it is believed that this index of proprietors is
substantially complete from July, 1870, so that under the
name of each copyright proprietor there is a card or cards
showing the titles of all articles upon which copyright is
claimed. In addition to cards under the proprietors' names,
cards are now made: For books, under the names of their
authors; for anonymous books, periodicals, and dramatic
compositions, under the first words of the titles (not a, and,
or the), and for maps, under the leading subject words of
the titles, i. e. , the names of the localities mapped.
No attempt is made to index the titles as such ; that is to
say, in order to show that any given title has been used.
So long as the copyright law does not secure the use of a
registered title to some one person to the exclusion of all
others, there would .seem to be no justification in adding to
the already large index upward of 100,000 cards annually
simply to show that certain forms of words have been u.sed
by one or more persons as designations for books, maps,
music, photographs, etc. , registered for copyright protectiou.
Register of Copyrights, 57
Balance on hand July r, 1900 Ji, 486. 29
Gross receipts, July i, 1900, to
June 30, 1901 69, 525. 25
Total to be accounted for ^71, on. 54
Refunded 6, 077. 35
Balance to be accounted for 64, 934. 19
Applied as fees earned J63, 684. 00
Balance carried over to July i, 1901:
Trust funds $992. 67
Unfinished business. July i , 1897, to June 30,
1901, inclusive 257. 52
I, 250. 19
64. 934. 19
Total fees earned and paid into Treasury during the fotir
fiscal years from July i, 1S97, to June 30, 1901 243, 087. 00
Total unfinished business for the same four years 257. 52
Number of entries of United States productions recorded 83, 813
Number of entries of foreign productions recorded .... 8, 538
Total number of titles recorded 92, 35?
Number of certificates of United States entries 21, Sio
Number of certificates of foieign entries i, 995
Total number of certificates 23, 805
Number of certified copies of record i, 334
Number of assignments recorded 550
Fees for entry of titles, United
States productions, at 50 cents
each (less $3.50 fees received
prior to July i, 1897) %\\, 903. 00
Fees for entry of titles of foreign
productions, at %i each 8, 538. 00
Total fees for titles recorded $50, 441. 00
Fees for certificates. United States
entries, at 50 cents each 10, 905. 00
Fees for certificates, foreign en-
tries, at 50 cents each 997. 50
Total fees for certificates it, 902. 50
Fees for certified copies of record, at 50 cents
each 667. 00
Fees for recording assignments 641. 00
Eleven searches made, and charged for at the
rate of 50 cents for each hour of time con-
sumed 32. 50
Total fees 63, 684. 00
58 Report of the Librarian of Congress.
(a) Current work.
The exact status of the current work of the Copyright
Ofl&ce at this date (September 7, 1901) is as follows:
1. All remittances have been recorded and acknowledged
to September 6, inclusive.
2. The account books of the bookkeeping division are
written up and posted to August 31, and the accounts ren-
dered to the Treasury Department are settled up to and in-
cluding the month of August, and earned fees to August 31,
inclusive, paid into the Treasury.
3. Copyright applications received up to and including
September 4 have been passed upon and refunds mace up
to August 3r. The total unfinished and pending business
from July i, 1897, to August 31, 1901, inclusive, four years,
amounts to $169.65.
4. The titles filed for record (all classes) are dated, clas-
sified, and numbered to September 3, inclusive.
5. The titles filed are indexed as follows: Class A, books,
to No. 16026, of August 31; Class B, periodicals, to No.
14040, of September 3 ; Class C, musical compositions, to
No. 1 1506, of August 10; Class D, dramatic compositions,
to No. 810, of August 28 ; Class E, maps and charts, to No.
990, of August 28 ; Class F, engravings, cuts, and prints, to
No. 3987, of Augu.st 28 ; Class G, chromosand lithographs,
to No. II 36, of August 28; Class H, photographs, to No.
8287, of August 28 ; Class I, original works of art, to No.
1820, of August 28.
6. The articles deposited are stamped, catalogued, and
credited as follows: Clars A, books proper, to No. 16026,
of August 31; circulars and leaflets, to No. 15049, of August
15; periodical contributions, to No. 15049, of Augu.st 15;
Class B, periodicals, to No. 14040, of Septemljer 3; Class C,
musical compositions, to No. 11247, of August 5; Cla.ss D,
dramatic compositions, to No. 764, of August 15; Class E,
maps and charts, to No. 968, of August 2 1 ; Class F, engrav-
ings, cuts, and prints, to No. 3871, of August 21; Class G,
chromos and lithographs, to No. 1059, of August 21; Class
H, photographs, to No. 8012, of August 21; Class I, origi-
nal works of art, photographs of drawings, paintings, and
sculpture, to No. 1774, of Augu.st 21.
Register of Copyrights. 59
The Catalogue of Title Entries has been brought forward
to No. 10, of volume 28, to September 5, 1901.
7. The certificate entries have been recorded, all classes,
to August 29, inclusive, and certificates made, revised, and
The non-certificate entries have been recorded as follows:
Class A, to Xo. 15849. of August 28; Class B, to Xo. 13991,
of August 31; Class C, to Xo. 12173, of August 34; Class
D, to Xo. 815, of August 31: Class E, to Xo. 1004, of Au-
gust 31 ; Class F, to Xo. 4020, of August 31 ; Class G, to Xo.
II 13, of August 31; Class H. to Xo. 7935, of August 21;
Class I, to Xo. 1794. of August 31.
The total entries remaining to be made to date. 1,039,
number 95 more than the entries made for one class (peri-
odicals) in a single day. viz, December 31, 1900, when 944
periodical entries were made.
{b) Copyright business prior to July i, i8pj.
Congress, in the appropriation act for the fiscal year, pro-
vided a special force of three clerks, a porter, and a mes-sen-
ger boy for bringing up the arrears in the Copyright Office
work prior to Juh- i, 1897. The first task was to arrange
the mass of articles deposited since July 10, 1870, which
bore indications of having been properly treated — stamped,
dated, numbered, and credited — so that each article could be
produced upon demand without unreasonable loss of time.
Of the whole mass of deposits 77,325 books, 36,666 pamph-
lets, and 5,856 photographs have been arranged by ^ear and
number (119,757 articles in all), and 6,420 blank books and
1,079 atlases, 6.888 etchings and engravings, 9,858 cuts
and prints, 568 roll maps, 100 insurance maps, and 294
posters (25,207 articles) have been arranged by year of de-
posit. In addition, 5,965 books. 100 newspapers, 413 pho-
tographs and prints, and 3,783 leaflets, fly-leaves, etc.,
received prior to July, 1870, have been properl}' arranged,
making a total of 155,225 articles in all.
The second desideratum was tentatively to arrange the
uncredited deposits received prior to July i, 1897, and these
have been roughly classified and assorted, and are as follows:
Books, 1,773; pamphlets, leaflets, etc., 46,855; newspapers
and periodicals, 12,700; photographs, 6.974; engravings,
1,490; insurance maps, 6,700; roll maps, 275; posters, 1,120;
6o Report of the Librarian oj Congress.
miscellaneous articles, 1,952; a total of 79,839 articles or
There have also been arranged 18,623 titles filed prior to
July 10, 1870, these being additional to the 60,719 reported
in my last annual report. This makes a grand total of
233.689 pieces thus far handled of the entire deposits made
prior to July i, 1897.
There still remain the credited deposits for the years 1886
to 1890 to be arranged, the more detailed treatment of the
25,000 articles now only arranged by years, and the neces-
sarily very slow and laborious task of examining the 80,000
uncredited deposits with a view to properly crediting them.
I have frequentl}' had occasion to call attention to the
need for new copyright legislation. The law now in force
consists of the act of July 8, 1870, as edited to become title
60, chapter 3 of the Revised Statutes, and ten amendatory
acts passed subsequently. Naturally, there is lacking the
consistency and homogeneity of a single well-considered
copyright statute. The existing legislation is antiquated;
inadequate in some directions, inconsistent and confusing in
others. The Attorney-General of the United States, in a
recent opinion concerning some provisions of the copyright
law, after setting out the precise stipulations of the statutes
relating thereto, says: " Under this kind of legislation it is
impossible to arrive at any satisfactory conclusion as to what
Congress really did intend by it." The expression of such
an opinion by the head of the law department of the Govern-
ment is sufficient evidence that revision of the law is urgently
Our copyright laws are based upon antiquated models —
the early English copyright statutes — and the amendments
made from time to time to the original enactment have l^een
aimed at improvement of the law in certain particulars
rather than a thorough revision, and have not given to it a
form corresjxjnding to modern ideas of legislation relating
to literary and artistic property.
No attempt at a general revision of the law has lieen made
since that by the commissioners appointed in 1868 to revise
the general .statutes, and their treatment of copyright was
necessarily a partial one, that being only one of a great many
Register of Copyrights.
subjects requiring consideration. Many and greatly diverse
interests are affected by copyright legislation, and it would
seem more probable that each and all of these would receive
proportional attention if the task of preparing a codification
of the copyright laws were intrusted by Congress to a com-
mission adequatel}- representing the different interests con-
cerned, and that a project of law thus formulated would
more likely be on a par with the existing progressive copy-
right legislation of other countries.
Respectfully submitted
Thorvald Solberg,
Register of Copyrights.
Herbert Putnam,
Librariati of Congress, Washing to7i, D. C.
Exhibit A. — Statement of gross receipts, refunds, net receipts, and
fees applied for fiscal year ending f line JO, igoi.
Gross cash
Net j Fees
receipts. applied.
September .
December . .
February. . .
5.068. II
6, 049. 07
S 580. II
493- 31
566. 48
429- 56
S 175- 49
6, 410. 50
69,525.25 6,077.35
Balance brought forward from June 30, 1900 $1, 486
Gross receipts, July i, 1900, to June 30, 1901 69.525.
Less refunds, July i, 1900, to June go, 1901 6,077,
To be accounted for 64, 934. 19
Balance carried forward, July i, 1901:
Trust fund ,. $992-67
Unfinished business 257.52
t, 250. 19
Fees applied, July i, 1900, to June 30, 1901 63,684.00
Fees received and paid into the Treasurj- prior to July i, 1897, and applied
fiscal year 1900-1901 3-50
Total amount of fees applied 63, 687. 50
62 Report of the Librarian of Congress.
Exhibit B. — Statement of fees paid into Treasury.
July 9
August 6 . . .
13- ••
September 4
October I . . .
15- ••
November 5
December 3
January 7 . .
10 ..
$J, 000. 00
115- 00
1, 200.00
i.ooo. 00
I, 200.00
339- 00
2, 250. 00
January 28 .
February 4
March 5 . . .
II . ..
April I
4 ....
8 ....
15 ....
29 ... .
May 6
June 3
July I
Fees received and paid into
the Treasury prior to
July I, 1897, and applied
for entries, 1900-1901
Total ,
t, 200.00
I, 200.00
t, 200.00
1. 500.0c
900. ot
I, 200.0a
3- 50
Register of Copyrights.
Exhibit Q..— Record of applied fees.
Fees at
|i each.
ber of
Fees at
50 cents
ber of
fees for
titles re-
Fees at
50 cents
783- 00
739- 00
743- w
7. "5
fi. St:;
3. 079- 50
III. 00
September . .
•November . .
December . . .
Total . .
8, 538. 00
50, 444- 50
September ,
October . . . .
November .
December . .
1901. I
January 1.981
February i 1,615
March 2,034
April 2,062
May { 1,882
June I 1,728
Total. .21,810
Fees at
501 I,
00^ 2,012
50! 1.942
50J 2,045
ooj 1,735
50! 2,044
Fees at
Fees at
1, 022. 00
r, 102.00
1. 127.50,
59- .so;
$48.00 $3
46. 00 5
42. ool . . .
52- 00 5,
72.00 3,
48 49.00
32| 49-00
74: 76.00
60, 60.001 12.
•■ I
50; 59- 00
40 44.00
10,905.0023,80511,902.501,3341 667.00; 550641.00! 32.
50 $5, 115.00
50! 5.404.50
..I 4.73S.00
00' 5.494-50
00 4,500.50
. 1 6,339.00
50. 6,410.50
5o| 4.546.50
50 5.416.50
oof 5,653-50
-I 5.045.50
00 5.023.50
Report of the Librarian of Congress.
Exhibit D. — Copyright business ( monthly comparison). Annual re-
port for the fiscal year July /, i^oo, to June JO, igoi. »
[Comparative monthly statement of gross cash receipts, executed busi-
ness, number of entries, daily average, etc.]
Gross receipts.
Business executed.
ly re-
ly in-
ly de-
6, 027. 36
6, 049. 07
5. 789- 03
5. 580. II
223. 23
275- 22
222. 65
$5, "5- 00
5, 494- 50
4. 500. 50
6, 339- 00
180. 03
$293- 17
194. 05
69. 525- 25
Number of entries.
Total. ; Increase.
cr?a*^. 'Average.
September . . . .
1. 137
" ^ "'■
79" ^,-.--
739 8,954
626 9, 245
674 5, 747
6081 7- li»"»
Total ....
83, 813
Register of Copyrights.
Exhibit E. — Statement of gross cash receipts, executed business, num-
ber of entries, etc., for four fiscal years, 1S97-98, 1898-^g, i8g^
J goo, I goo- 1 go I.
September .
November .
December . .
February . .
Gross receipts.
1897-9S. 1S9&-99. 11899-1900. 1900-190:.
$4. 257- 70
5. 556- 21
4, 292. 8S
6, 512. 60
4, 606. 92
4, 476. 16
|5, 102. 74
4. 675- 96
; 6,050.86
6, 300. 02
5. 034- 73
fc. 156.87
4, 846. 97
, 5,583-59
5. 479. 15
5, 762. 86
61,099.56 64,185.65 .71,072.33
4, 9S6. 62
6, 027. 36
6, 049. 07
69, 525- 25
Business executed.
1897-98. 1898-99.
$3, 769. 00
4, 610. 50
4, 339- 50
%\, 724- 50
4, 266. 50
6, 192. 50
4, 651. 00
55,926.50 I 58,267.00
Business executed.
Number of entries.
J1899-1900. ,1900-1901. 1S97-9S. j 1898-99. 1899-1900. 1900-1901.
July [$4,789.50
5, 317- 00
4, 810. 50
5 032.50
5, 871. 50
5, 229. 50
September .
November .
December . .
February. . .
June 5.369.50
;$5, 115.00
6, 410. 50
5, 416. 50
5, 045. 50
5. 023- 50
6, 106
6, 222
Total l6.s 206. 00 163,687.50 ■ 75.545 I 80,9681 94,798
1897-98... 161,099.56
1898-99 . . . I 64, 185. 65J3, 086. 09
1899-1900. 1 71,072.336,886.68
1900-1901. j 69,525.25
De- I Yearly \ In- | De-
crease. I fees. I crease. | crease.
I55.926.50 '
I 65,2o6.oo;6,939.oo
1,547.08 63,687.50! ;*,5i8.5o
ber of
Report of the Librarian of Congress.
Exhibit F. — Table of articles deposited during four fiscal years,
/8gj-g8, i8g8-gg, /agg-igoo, igoo-igor.
1. Books:
(a) Books proper (volumes)
{fi) Miscellaneous articles entered
under the term " book " as used
in the copyright law — e. g., cir-
culars, leaflets, etc
(c) Newspapers and magazine articles
2. Dramatic compositions
3. Periodicals (number)
4. Musical compositions
5. Maps and charts
6. Engravings, cuts, and prints
7. Chromos and lithographs
8. Photographs
9a Miscellaneous (unclassified articles) . . .
« • 4< *
Two copies of each article were re-
9. Photographs with titles of works of art
for identification, one oopy each
Grand total
55. 976
"1. 952
5. 073
14, 147
". "5
59. 217
139. 830
120, 143
Appendix III.
JOINT RESOLUTION to regulate the distribution of public docu-
ments to the Librarj' of Congress for its own use and for international
Resolved by the Senate and House of Repi^esentatives of the
United States of America in Congress assembled. That of the
publications described in this section the number of copies
which shall be printed and distributed by the Public Printer
to the Library of Congress for its own use and for interna-
tional exchange in heu of the number now provided by law
shall be sixty-two, except as such number shall be enlarged
to not exceeding one hundred copies by request of the
Librarian of Congress, to wit: The House documents and
reports, bound; the Senate documents and reports, bound;
the House Journals, bound; the Senate Journals, bound; all
other documents bearing a Congressional number and all
documents not bearing a Congressional number printed by
order of either House of Congress, or by order of any de-
partment, bureau, commission, or officer of the Govern-
ment, except confidential matter, blank forms, and circular
letters not of a public character; the Re\-ised Statutes,
bound; the Statutes at Large, bound; the Congressional
Record, bound; the Official Register of the United States,
Sec. 2. That in addition to the foregoing the Public
Printer shall supply to the Library of Congress for its own
use two copies of each cf the above-described publications,
unbound, as published ; five copies of all bills and resolu-
tions; ten copies of the daily Congressional Record, and
two copies of all documents printed for the use of Congres-
sional committees not of a confidential character.
Sec. 3. That of any publication printed at the Government
expense by direction of any department, commission,
bureau, or officer of the Government elsewhere than at the
68 Report of the Librarian of Co?igress.
Government Printing Office there shall be supplied to the
Library of Congress for its own use and for international
exchange sixty-two copies, except as such number shall l)e
enlarged to not exceeding one hundred copies by request ot
the Joint Committee on the Library.
Approved, March 2, 1901
Appendix IV.
The Library of Congress,
Washing to7i, D. C, October 28, 1901.
The Library' of Congress is now prepared to furnish a cx)py
or copies of any of the catalogue cards {a) which it is cur-
rently printing; {b) which it has heretofore printed, so far
as copies of these can be supplied from stock.
The Library is currently printing cards for the following
classes of accessions.
(a) Books currently copyrighted under the laws of the
United States.
{b) Miscellaneous material, both current and noncurrent,
so far as acquired by it.
(r) The printed books in its present collection as these
are reached in the process of reclassification.
The cards already printed have included the following:
{a) Cop3'righted books since July i, 1898.
(^) Miscellaneous accessions since January' i, 1901, and
in part since January i, 1900.
(r) The two groups in the existing collection already
reclassified, to wit: Bibliography and Library Science;. Amer-
ican History. (The group next to be dealt with is Political
and Social Science. )
Samples of the printed cards are inclosed herewith. They
are author cards mereh\ Subject headings will, however,
l3e suggested on cards in the following groups at least:
1. Copyrighted books;
2. Bibliography and Library Science;
3. American History; and
4. Each new group as reclassified.
In the Library' of Congress these subject headings are pre-
fixed, with pen or typewriter, to the author cards in order
to form subject cards.
70 Report of the Librarian of Congress
Subscription price. — The charge will be based upon the cost
(including handling) of the extra copies, plus lo per cent.
What this charge will be will depend upon the number of
copies subscribed for, both in the aggregate and by any par-
ticular library. For a single copy of a single card it will
not exceed 2 cents.
Orders. — i. Orders will be accepted in any form which
specifically identifies the book (i. e., the card desired). For
copyrighted books the most convenient form of order would
be a checked copy of the weekly Catalogue of Title Entries,
containing the titles desired. This catalogue is a publi-
cation of the Treasury Department. It is av^ailable to any
subscriber at a cost of $5 per year. Subscriptions for it
should be addressed to the Treasury Department, at Wash-
2. The Publishers' Weekly contains almost all the titles
in the Bulletin that would interest the ordinary library, and
many of the uncopyrighted books also. Orders may be sent
in the form of a checked copy of the Publishers' Weekly.
3. The Library of Congress takes proofs of all its cards
upon galley .strips. Copies of these strips will be sent cur-
rently to any library ordering, or likely to order, a consider-
able number of these cards. This distribution will have to
be limited, at the begiiniing at lea.st, to not more than 25
libraries. A .set of the strips will, however, be .sent cur-
rently to every State library commission, with the expecta-
tion that the commission will undertake to receive requi.sitions
for cards from the smaller libraries, will consolidate them,
and will forward them as orders to the Library of Congress.
The cards can then be di.stributed, either through the vState
commissions (as would be more convenient to the Library
of Congress), or perhaps direct to the particular institution
The galley strips will, of course, contain all the titles for
which cards are currently printed.
On the proofs each title receives a consecutive printer's
number. The strips themselves may be cut and the titles
desired forwarded as the order, with the designation of the
number of copies of each card required. But the order need
consist of no more than the numbers of the titles in tlie
Distribution of Catalogue Cards. 71
printer's series, as indicated upon the slips. Any library
not receiving nor having access to the strips, nor choosing
to employ as a check list the Copyright Catalogue of Title
Entries or the Publishers' Weekly , will be at liberty to send
its orders in the form of a brief memorandum on sheet or
slip. The description must, however, be sufficiently precise
for absolute identification, to wit, author, brief title, number
of volumes, date, publisher, and place of publication — in
short, the imprint. In the case of a current book the
information ordinarily sent to a dealer in ordering will be
In fact, libraries desiring these cards, for all or most of
their accessions, might do well to forward to the Library of
Congress, at the time of placing the order with the dealer,
a duplicate (carbon copy) of their order sheet.
Orders for cards on sheets must be on sheets of standard
letter size; on slips, must be of the size of the 33° catalogue
card. (Size of the inclosed. )
Orders should be addressed:
The Librarian of Congress,
PRINTED CARDS. Washington, D. C.
Price. — Under the existing law the Librarian of Congress
will act merely as the agent for the Public Printer in receiv-
ing orders and subscriptions for the cards. The law requires
payment in advance. The normal charge can be determined
only after experience. In the meantime, in order to initiate
the undertaking, it is necessary to fix a charge which shall
serve for the present. The follomng rates have, for this
purpose, been determined upon:
{a) For one copy of any card, 2 cents.
{b) For each additional copy, five- tenths of i cent.
{c) For each additional copy of any one card where the
order is received before the title goes to print, four-tenths of i
cent per copy.
Thus the cost per title will be:
1. To a library' requiring one copy of a card, 2 cents.
2. To a library' requiring two or more copies, 2 cents for
the first copy; one-half cent for each additional copy where
the order is received subsequent to printing.
72 Report of the Librarian of Congress.
3. To a library placing an order for two or more copies of
a card, before printi?ig, 2 cents for the first copy and four-
tenths of I cent for each additional cop3'.
Fractions of a cent in any final accounting will be reck-
oned as a whole.
Payment. — Subscribers can not determine whether theii
orders will reach the Library in advance of printing. They
can not, therefore, determine the precise amount to remit
with their orders. They may follow one of these cour.ses:
1. If they remit with each order the remittance should
cover the higher charge (2 cents for the first copy; five-
tenths of I cent for each additional copy). Any balance in
their favor will be duly credited.
2. They may deposit in advance with the Librarian of
Congress a lump sum. They will receive a receipt and
credit for this, and any work done for them will be debited
against it. This method is recommended as decidedly more
simple and convenient.
Remittances. — Must be by check or money order, payable
to "The Public Printer, Washington, D. C." But they are
to be inclosed to the Librarian of Congress.
The above arrangement is to take the place of any and all
arrangements heretofore proposed for the distribution of
these cards by the publishing board of the American Library
Association, in cooperation with the Library of Congress.
Various details with reference to the distribution can be
settled only after information as to what and how many,
libraries are likely to subscribe.
Please respond to this cirailar, therefore, stating —
(a) Whether or not you intend to sub.scribe, and to what
probable extent;
{b) If you do not intend to subscribe, what modifications
of the plan proposed would alter your decision ?
A self-addressed envelope is inclosed.
Hekbekt Putx.\m.
Librarian of Congress.
Dishibtition of Catalogue Cards.
Note i . Orders for cards will be received at once.
Note 2. The inclosed sample cards represent style and
quality now in use. Cards heretofore printed by the Library',
though of the same size, have varied from these as follows:
(a) Stock used prior to Januan,- i, 1901, was somewhat
ib) Prior to April i, 1901, spaced type was used for head-
ings; 6-point instead of 8-point for notes and contents.
(r) Arrangement and spacing of entry have varied
(See Facsimile of catalogue card, p. 74. )
74 Report oj the Librarian of Congress.
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Appendix X"^.
The purchases of the Librar>' since July i, 1899. have
been in large measure directed toward remedying deficien-
cies in certain subjects. The departments of bibliography,
monumenta, archseolog}-, art and architecture, French his-
tory and memoirs, political economy, institutional histon,',
international law, ethnology, voyages and travel, have
received special attention. The Library has acquired also
a large body of Dutch literature rich in original historical
and literary material. Certain significant additions in these
departments have been made the subject of a special list
here presented. This list comprises upward of 700 titles.
It is, even within the area which it covers, merely illustrative,
not comprehensive; and it omits several subjects in which
there have been notable additions: for instance, Continental
literature, British local and family history^ and Genealogy and
Continental literature. — The great deficiencies in conti-
nental literature have been alleviated by purchase of defini-
tive editions of many standard authors in French, German?
Italian, Spanish, and Scandina\-ian (as well as in Dutch),
and also of collections such as ' ' Les anciens poetes de la
France," " Bibliothek der altesten deutschen Litteratur-
Denkmaler," "Deutsche Xational-lileratur. Historisch-
kritische Ausgabe," " Les grands ecrivains de la France,"
" Les litteratures populaires de toutes les nations."
The principal writings of recent French literary critics
have been added, noticeably: Brunetiere, Anatole France,
Lemahtre, Faguet, Rene Doumic, Hennequin, Georges Re-
nard, Seailles, Larroumet, Deschamps, Pellissier, Henry
Berenger, Victor Bourget, Charbonnel, Maurice Pujo: also
the representative works of foreign novelists of established
76 Report of the Librarian of Cotigress.
British local history. — In British local and familj' history
there have been important additions to a collection already
strong. The publications of the Parish Register societies,
the British Record S(x:iety (containing county documents,
etc.), Phillimore's Parish Registers, the Borough records of
Leicester, Lincoln's Inn records, calendar of Inner Temple
records, are characteristic.
Heraldry — Genealogy. — Notable additions in general works
in heraldry and genealogy have included: Beauchet-Filleau
" Dictionnaire historique et genealogique des families du
Poitou;" Bethencourt, " Historia genealogica y heraldica
de la monarquia espaiiola; " Bonneville de Marsangy, "La
legion d'honneur, 1802-1900;" Cokayne, "Some account
of the lord mayors and sheriffs of the city of London;"
Dorregaray, " Historia de las ordenes de caballeria y de las
condecoraciones espaiiolas; " Hozier, "Armorial general de
la France; " Magny, " Nobiliaire de Normandie; " Mailhol,
' ' Dictionnaire historique et heraldique de la noblesse fran-
gaise; ' ' Oyen, ' ' Stam- en wapenboek van aanzienlijke Neder-
landschefamilien; " Rietstap, "Armorial general;" "Sveriges
ridderskaps- ocli adelswapenlx)k."
Bibliography. — The acquisitions in Bibliography have
been numerous and important. But they are omitted from
this list because of an intention to issue within the near
future a complete list of this department of literature in the
Library. It may suffice here to note that many of- the
great national bibliographies hitherto lacking have been
acquired: Kayser, " Biicherlexicon," 1877-date, 12 v.;
Heinsius, "Allgemeines Biicher-Lexikon," 1880-1892, 6 v.;
" BibHographie de la France," 1879-Klate, 69 v.; Lorenz,
"Catalogue de la librairie fran^aise," 1886-date, 3 v.; Jor-
dell's ' 'Catalogue annuel de la librairie fran9ai.se, ' ' 1893-date,
6 v.; Vicaire, " Manuel del" amateur des livres," 4 V.; " Bole-
tfn de la hbreria," Madrid. 25 v.; " Biographie nationale,"
Brussels, 15 v.; "BibHographie nationale," 1830-1880, 4
v.; " Revue historique," 1896-date, 8 v.; " Revue critique,"
1897-date, 6v. ; "Literari.sches Centralblatt," 1898-date, 3
v.; Miihlbrecht, " Uebensicht der ge.sammten staatswis.sen-
.schaftlichen Litteratur," 32 v.; Linn.strom, " Sven.skt lx>k-
lexikon, " 2 v. ; Broberg ' ' Svensk Ixsk-katalog, " 3 v. ; Bricka,
" Dansk biografi.sk lex ikon. 14 v.; Kiir.schner, " Litteratur-
Kaleiider," 23 v.; "AUgemeinedeutsche Biographie," 44 v.,
Select List of Recent Purchases. 77
Potthast, "Bibliotheca historica medii aevi," 2 v.; "Biblio-
otheca scriptorum classicorum," 1882. 2 v; Bursian's
" Jahresberichte fiir Alterthiimswissenschaft," 104 v.;
Chevalier, "Repertoire des sources historiques, " 2 v.;
Goedeke's "Grundriss der deutschen Dichtnng," 7 v.:
Miiller's " Handbuch der klassischen Alterthumswissen-
schaft,"9v. : " Orientalische Bibliographie," 12 v.; Rus-
sell's " Gesammt-Verlags-Katalog des deutschen Buchhan-
dels," 28 v.; Poggendorf. " Biographisch litterarisches
Handworterbuch;"' Van der Aa, "Biographisch woorden-
boek," 21 v.; Scifoni, " Dizionario biografico universale."
5 V. ; " Revue des bibliotheques, " 8 v. ; " Ri\-ista delle
bibliotheche." 1900; Dziatzko, "Sammlung bibliotheks-
wnssenschaftlicher Arbeiten," 14 v.
Typical purchases of specialized works are: Backer's
" Bibliotheque de la Compagnie de Jesus," 9 V.; Bertrand,
" Bibliotheque sulpicienne, " 3 V.; Bonnet's " Bibliographic
du diocese de Montpellier;" Elias de Molins's ' ' Diccionario
biografico y bibliografico de escritores catalanes," 2 v.;
Ker\nler, " ' Repertoire general de bio-bibliographie bre-
tonne," 12 v.
LaTv. — The Law Librar>' has been specially strengthened
by recent additions of standard treatises; by many volumes
of State session laws, and of Canadian statutes, filling gaps;
by the Spanish " Coleccion legislativa " nearly complete;
various publications, such as the " Codigo Civil," exhibiting
the Spanish laws in force in Cuba and other possessions of
Spain at the close of the Spanish- American war; and by
some of the important colonial law reports of British depend-
encies. Much remains to be done in the direction last named ;
and, of course, in general jurisprudence.
Other subjects omitted. — Subjects which have received but
sparing attention within this period are: Science, pure and
applied, the useful arts (and most branches of the fine arts),
medicine, jurisprudence, theology-, philosophy and education,
philolog}', and music.
There have been accessions in all these, but no consider-
able expenditure for them. Medicine is naturally left to
the library- of the Surgeon-General's Office, education and
the interrelated branches of philosophy to the Bureau of
Education. Extended purchases of scientific literature by
78 Report of the Librarian of Congress.
the Library of Congress must await information more spe-
cific than is yet available as to the contents and facilities in
cooperation of the scientific libraries in the several Federal
bureaus of Washington. Theology, philology, the literature
of music and of the useful arts have awaited determination
of certain questions of policy.
Meantime, however, it is to be remembered that to all of
these departments of literature accessions are constant
through the operation of the copyright law, and to some of
them accessions of great importance through international
exchange and the exchanges of the Smithsonian Institution.
Additions to the files of serials (periodicals, newspapers,
transactions, and proceedings) are incessant from miscella-
neous exchange and from actual purchase, great effort being
exerted to complete deficiencies in standard sets. The recent
purchases of Americana are not included in this select list,
although these are also incessant, nor history, other than
that of France and Holland, excepting the fundamental works
appearing under monumenta, institutions, etc.
Incunabula do not appear because the Librarj^ has within
the period bought practically none.
Manuscripts, maps, music, and prints are not within the
scope of the list. The present strength and inferential
weakness of each of these collections is indicated by the
analyses in Part II of the report.
The list is therefore not inclusive nor completely repre-
sentative. Its purpose is to exhibit by illustrative titles
the significant accessions of printed material in certain
departments of literature which have recently received
extraordinary' reinforcement.
Herbert Putnam,
Librarian of Congress.
Washington, D. C, December 2, iqoi.
[These titles are largely drawn from Potthast's Bibliotheca historic medii aevi
which was used as a basis of selection for completing the Librarj-'s possessions
in this field.]
Analecta Bollandiana.
Paris, Bnixelles [printed], Geneve, Societi genirale de librairie
catholique, 1882-99. iS v. 8°. quarteriy.
This indispensable supplement to the Acta Sanctorum Bollandiana
contains: i, Inedited documents on the lives and cult of saints; 2,
Acta unnoticed by earlier editors; 3, Acta of which corrupt texts or
Latin translations alone have previously been g^ven; 4, Variants of
the acta pre\-iously published; 5, Recently discovered documents
regarding saints treated in preceding volumes; 6, Critical researches
of the authors; 7, Descriptions of important hagjiologic manuscripts;
S, Liturgical memorials: also works of nou-Bollandists.
Bibliotheque des m^moires relatifs a Thistoire de France pendant
le 18^ siecle, avec avant-propos et notices par F. Barriere [et
par M. F. A. de Lescure] .
Paris, Firmin-Didot et cie., rS6r-go. 37 v. 12°.
This set is in part a reprint of the Collection des ra^moires relatifs
d. la Revolution fran^aise and constitutes the second series of the
Collection de chroniques . . . pour servir 3. I'histoire de France
depuis le . . . 136 siecle jusqu'i la mort de Louis XIV. It includes
among others the memoirs of Marquis de Bouill^, C16ry, Mme. de
Genlis, Marmontel. Richelieu, Vaublanc, and Weber.
Bibliotheca historica Italica cvu-a et studio Societatis Longobardicae
historiae studiis promovendis.
Mediolani, C. Brigola, 1876-S5. 4 z'. 4° .
Consists of texts of early chronicles and other documentary ma-
terial relating to Lombardy, with critical introduction by A. Ceruti.
Includes chronicles by Vegio, Merula, Speciari, with anonymous
chronicles relating to Cremona.
Vols. 2-4 contain documentary- records of Lodi at the time of
Frederic Barbarossa, edited by Vignati.
Birch, Walter de Graj-.
Cartularium Saxonicum: a collection of charters relating to
Anglo-Saxon history-.
London, Whiting & company, etc., 1885-^3. j v. 8°.
Index Saxonicus: an index to all the names of persons in
Cartularium Saxonicum: a collection of charters relating to
Anglo-Saxon history.
London, Phillimore & CO., i8gg. 8°.
Brom, Gisbertus, ed.
Bullarium Trajectense. Romanorum pontificum diplomata, quot-
quot olim usque ad Urbanum papani VI (an. 1378 ) in veterem
episcopatum Trajectensem destinata reperiuntur, coUegit et
auspiciis Societatis hist. Rheno-Trajectinse edidit G. Brom.
8o Report of the Libranaii of Congress.
Brom, Gisbertus, ed. — Continued.
Haga-Comitis, Nijhoff, iSgi-^6. 2 v. 4°.
Consists of texts from the Vatican, Dutch, Belgian, and French ar.
chives, heretofore unpublished, relating to the history of the bishop-
ric of Utrecht, which comprised the larger part of the present Neth-
erlands during the Middle Ages.
Collection de textes pour servir d. I'^tudeetd I'enseignementdel'his-
Paris, A. Picard, 1886-/90/. j2/asc. 8°.
This publication was instituted by members of the 6cole des char-
tes, Ecole des hautes etudes of the Institut and University of Paris,
on the plan of Pertz's "Scriptores rerura Germanicarum," for the
presentation of original documents, chronicles, and biographical ma-
terial. The set now compri.ses 27 independent treatises, including
"Histoire des Francs de Gr^goire de Tours,'' in its primitive text;
Fagniez. "Documents relalifs k I'histoire de I'industrie et du
commerce de France:" "Textes relatifs aux institutions priv^s et
publiques aux 6poques m^rovingienne et carlovingienne;" "Docu-
ments relatifs aux rapports du clerg€ avec la royaut6 de 1682 si 1705;"
■' Coutumes de Beauvais."
Collection des historiens anciens et modernes de TArm^nie; pub. en
fran^ais sous les auspices de son excellence Nubar- Pacha . , .
et avec le concours des niemi)res de TAcadeniie arnieniennede
Saint-Lazare de Venise et des principaux arm^nistes franfais
et Strangers, par Victor Langlois.
Paris, F. Didot freres,fils et cie., 186 j. 2 v. 4°.
Duchesne, Andr^.
Historix' Francoruni scriptores coaetanei ab ipsius gentis orig^ne
ad Philippi IV tempora quorum plurinii nunc priniutn ex
variis codd. tnss. in luceni prodeunt, alii vero auctores et
eniendatores; cum epistolis regum, reginarum, pontificum,
ducum . . . etaliisveteribusrerumFrancicarum monumentis.
Lutetia: Paris, 16^6-49. 5 v. F°.
According to Duchesne's original plan this collection was to com-
prise 74 volumes. The first two volumes appeared in 1636; two others
were under press in 1640, when Duchesne died. His son Franjois
Duchesne undertook the continuation, and three more volumes
appeared. The work was then discontinued.
Florian, Matthias.
Historiae Hungaricae fontes domestic!.
Leipzig & Budapest, 1881-85. 4'"- ^°-
Comprises texts of mediaeval Hungarian chronicles, with recensions,
collection.s, critical notes, and variants.
Oeschichtschreiber der deutschen Vorzeit. 2. Gesamnitau.sgabe.
Leipzig, F. Duncker, i84j-g2. 92 parts in 84 v. /2°.
This publication was begun under the direction of G. H. Pcrti. first
editor of the Monumenta Gernianiac hi.storica. It consi.sts of trans-
lations into the German of the chronicles printed in the original
Latin in the Monumenta. The scries contains upward of 80 dis-
tinct chronicles and tfocuments, with critical introductions and notes
by G. H. Pertz, J. Grimm, K. I.achjnann, I,. Rankc. K. Kilter. Since
1885 n complete new edition to be conipletc in tSy volumes has l)een in
course of publication.
Select List of Recent Purchases. 8i
Historiee patriae monvmenta edita ivssv regis Karoli Albert!.
Avgvst^ Tavrinorz'tn, e regis typographeo, /8J6S4. ij v. pi.
Facsini. F°.
This is the most considerable body of documents devoted to early
Italian history. The Monumenta Germanise historica served as its
prototype. It embraces original texts of charters, municipal stat-
utes, comitia relating to Savoy from the seventh to the seventeenth
liiebermann, F., ed.
Ungedruckte Anglo-Normannische Geschichtsquellen.
Strassburg, Karl J. Triihner, iSjg. 8°.
Iiitterarischer Verein in Stuttgart. Bibliothek.
Stuttgart, Tubingen. 1842-1900. 220 v. S°.
This societj- was founded in 1S39 as the Bibliophilengesellschaft in
Stuttgart. Its object is the reproduction of rare texts. In addition
to works of purely local interest it has published such works as the
Vite of JEneas Sylvius Piccolomineiiis [Pius II] ; the Carmina Burana;
Das Leben der heiligen Elisabeth; Ludolphi. De Itinere Terrae
Sanctae Liber: Endres Tuchers Baumeisterbuch der Stadt Niimberg
( 1464-75 >; Livlandische Reimchronik; Die Geschichten und Taten
Wilwolts von Schaumburg.
Mansi, Giovanni Domenico.
Sacrorum conciliorum nova et amplissima collectio, in qua praeter
ea quae Phil. Labbeus, et Gabr. Cossartius S. J. et novissime
Nicolaus Coleti in lucem edidere ea omnia insuper suis in
locis optime disposita exhibentur, quae Joannes Dominicus
Mansi lucensis, Congregationis Matris Dei e\-ulga\nt. Editio
Florentice [et Venetiis], 17^9-98. 31 v. F°. {Editio iterata ad
edit ion is principis exempt urn ab Huberto Welter, bibliopola,
via dicta Bernard Palisay 4, Parisiis, igoi, \etc.'\.)
Reproduction en fac-simil6 tir^e & 250 exemplaires seulement par
lesprocW&anastatiques . . . pour H. Welter, 6diteur . . . Paris . . .
et a Leipzig . . . 1901.
This editor first compiled a supplement to Coleti's collection pub-
lished in 6 v. in 174S-52. Several years afterwards Man.si undertook a
new collection of the acts of the councils, which should be more com-
plete than all those which had hitherto appeared. He kept his word,
and at the commencement of 1759 31 volumes in folio of this edi-
tion app>eared at Florence. This edition was not completed, and the
thirty-first ■^olume reached only to the fifteenth century. The chief
value of Mansi's collection lies in its accuracj- of texts and in its
critical apparatus. Thus far, in the present edition, volumes 1-7, 9,
and 51 A hqve appeared and are in the Library.
lEsyrifitia kXXj;ytKj}i idropia?. Documents inedits relatifs a I'his-
toire de la Grece au moyen age, pub. sous les auspices de la
Chambre des deputes de Grece par C. N. Sathas.
Paris \etc.'], Maisonneuve, iSSo-go. 9 v. pi. maps. 4°.
Devoted to original Byzantine chronicles with extensive bit^raph-
ical introductions.
Monumenta Germaniae historica inde ab anno Christi quingen-
tesimo usque ad annum millesimum et quingentesimum axis-
piciis Societatis aperiendis fontibus rerum germanicarum medii
ae\-ii edidit Georgius Heinricus Pertz.
9957 — 01 6
82 Report of the Librarian of Congress,
Monumenta Gemianiae, etc. — Continued.
Hantwvercc [^/r.], 1826-4)6. j6 v. iti j/, facsimiles and index.
This collection was directed for a period of fifty years by (leorg
Heinrich Pertz. In 1873 a commission composed of members of the
academies of Herlin, Vienna, and Munich took direction of the work.
The presidents of the commission have been successively Waitz,
Wattenbach, and Diimmler. As originally planned the work was
di\-ided intofi%'e sections: Scriptores, Leges, Diplomatn, Epistolx, An-
tiquitates. In the reorganization of 1873 several sections with subdi-
visions were added: Auctores antiquissimi; Scriptores rerum Mero-
vingicannn; Scriptores rerum Langobardicanim et Italicarum;
Libelli de lite imperatorum et pontificum sKculis XI et XII con-
scripti; Scriptores qui vernacula lingua usi sunt.
For a detailed account of the history and scope of this publication,
see Wattenbach: Deutschlands Geschichtsquellen im Mittelalter,
vol. I, pp. 17-28.
The extent of the work is shown by the fact that approximately
1,200 authors are represented in the Scriptores alone.
duellen und Forschungen zur altesten Geschichte der Stadt Flor-
Marburg, N. G. Elwert, 18 J5. 2 pts. in i v. 4°.
Composed mainly of mediaeval Florentine chronicles.
Recueil des historiens des croisades, public par les soins de I'Aca-
d^mie des inscriptions et belles-lettres.
Pans, Imprimerie royale, \etc.'\, 1841-gS. ij v. pi.
The Greek, Arabic, and Armenian texts are accompanied by trans-
lations: Historiens occidentaux; t. 1-5, 1844-95; Historiens orientaux,
Arabes, t. 1-4, 1872-98; Historiens grecs, t. i, 1S75; Documents arm6-
niens, t. i, 1869, Lois; Assises de Jerusalem, t. 1-2. 1841-43.
This collection was originally planned by the Benedictines, but
was put a.side by them, and a century later taken up by the Aca-
d6mie des inscriptions, which named a commission and instructed it
to submit a detailed scheme for the publication of the historians of
the crusades. The texts are accompanied by explanatory documents,
letters, treaties of alliance, public and private acts, maps, plans, etc.
The collection being limited to original sources, the middle of the
fourteenth century has been made the limit of the matters included.
Romanin, Samuele.
Storia documentata di Venezia.
Venezia, P. Natatovich, 1853-61. 10 v. 8°.
Forms a continuous narrative of the hi.story of Venice, from A. D.
42: to 1798. IncoriKjrates in the text and in appendices numerous
documents, including dispatches, decrees of the .Senate, Decemvirs,
with capitularies of the Inquisition.
Saige, G.
Documents historiques relatifs k la principaut^ de Monaco depuis
le XV' si^cle.
Monaco, Imprimerie du gouverncmeni, iSS^-gr. j v. 4°.
The editor, who is custodian of thearchivesof the House of Monaco,
draws upon these archives for the principal part of the docunicnts
here presented. The first volume, containing documents relating to
the history of the Crimaldi from 1412-94, includes documents from
the archives of France, Naples, Genoa, Milan, and the Vatican, and
elsewhere. The second volume is devoted to deeds, letters, complete
transcriptions for the period i4<M-'540. The third volume comprises
the Grimaldi documents down to ib4i.
Select List of Recent Purchases. 83
Scriptores rerum Lusaticaruiii. Sammlung Ober- und Niederlausitzi-
scher Geschichtschreiber. Herausgegeben von der Oberlau-
sitzischen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften. Neue Folge.
GorlitZy 1839-70. 4 V. S°.
The second series is mainly devoted to chronicles of Gorlitz. The
first volume was published under the direction of C. L- Haupt, con-
taining: Jahrbiicher . . .. Annals of Gorlitz; Chronicles of the Fran-
ciscans of Gorlitz, with illustrative documents.
Vol. II contains Meltzers Gorlitzer Rathsannalen, covering the
period from 14S7-96.
Vols. Ill and IV contain Hass's Gorlitzer Rathsannalen. edited by
Dr. Th. Neumann, covering the periods froni 1509-20, 1521-42.
Scriptores rerum Prussicarum. Die Geschichtsquellen der preus-
sischen Vorzeit bis zum Untergange der Ordenherrschaft.
Herau.sgegeben von Dr. Theodor Hirsch, Dr. Max Toppen
und Dr. Ernst Strehlke.
Leipzig, S. Hirzel, 1861-74. 5 '*■'• facsim. 4°.
Devoted to the original sources of the histor\- of the Province of
Pru.«sia to the year 1525. Includes not only native historical writings,
but all material concerning Prussia contained in contemporary non-
Prussian chronicles. The texts have been critically edited and vari-
ants noted. The work of publishing original material relating to
Prus-sia, which ended with the fifth volume, has been carried on since
by the Verein fiir Geschichte der Provinz Preussen.
Scriptores rerum Silesiacarum. Herausgegeben vom Vereine fiir
Geschichte und Alterthum.
Breslau, 1 8 35-97. 16 v. 4°.
The first volumes of the set were published by Adolph Stenzel in
the name of the Schlesische Gesellschaft fiir vaterlandische Cultur.
Then the work was taken up by the Verein fiir Geschichte und
Altertum Schlesiens.
Allgemeine Geschichte in Einzeldarstellungen.
Berlin, G. Grote, 1879-93. 43 v. Ill us., pi., port., maps,/acsim.
Les Anciens poetes de la France. Publics sous les auspices
de M. le ministre de I'instruction publique et sous la direction
de F. Guessard.
Paris, F. Vieweg, 1850-70. 14 v. in 10. 16° .
Consists of the texts of fourteen chansons de gestes of the Carlo-
vingiau cycle, with bibliographical and critical Jiotes and collections
of variants.
Anecdota Oxoniensia, Texts, documents, and extracts chiefly from
manuscripts in the Bodleian and other Oxford libraries.
Oxford, Clarendon press, 1882-1900. 34 v. facsim. S" .
Arber, Edward.
An English gamer; ingatherings from om: history- and literatvu^.
Westminster, A. Constable Of CO., 1880-^7. 8 z\ 8°.
Berliner Beitrag^e zur gernianischen und romanischen Philologie
veroffentlicht von Emil Ebering.
Berlin, C. Vogt, 1893-1901. 21 v. 8°.
84 Report of the Librarian of Congress.
Biblioteca critica della letteratura italiana, diretta da Francesco
Firense, G. C. Sansoni, 189^-ig — . 59 v. in jj. 12°.
Bibliothek der altesten deutschen Litteratur-Denkmjiler.
Padcrboniy F. Schoiiiugh, iSj4-gS. /j v. in 22. S°.
Bibliothek der angelsachsischen Poesie. Begriindet von C. W. M.
Grein. Neu bearbeitet, vermehrt und nach neuen Lesungen
der Handschriften hrsg. von Richard P. Wiilcker.
A'assel, G. H. Wigand, 1SS3-9S. j v. in 5. Port.,facsim. 8°.
Bibliothek der angelsachsischen Prosa. Begriindet von C. W. M.
Grein. Fortgesetzt unter Mitwirkung mehrerer Fachgenossen
von R. P. Wiilker.
JCassel [etc.'\ G. H. Wigand, 1872-1900. 5 v. 8°.
Bibliothek der gesammten deutschen National-Literatur von der
altesten bis auf die neuere Zeit.
Quedlinburg und Leipzig, G. Basse, 1835-72. 47 v. in 48. 8°.
Biblioth^que choisie, pour servir de suite a la Bibliotheque uni-
verselle. Par Jean Le Clerc.
Amsterdam, H. Schelte, 1704-13. 27 v. 24°.
Bibliothfeque d'histoire contemporaine.
Paris, F. Alcan, 1877-1900. 10 v. 12° & 8°.
Bibliotheque des ^coles fran^aises d'Ath^nes et de Rome.
Paris, E. Thorin {etc.l 1877-/900. Ss/asc. 8°.
Consists of monographs by the students of the French schools at
Athens and Rome. The larger part are devoted to Italian history and
antiquities, with some on Greek antiquities.
Bibliotheque universelle et historique. t. 1-25, 1686-93; t. 26,1718.
Amsterdam, Wolfgang, IVaasberge, Boom & van Someren [etc.]
1686- 17 1 8. 26 V. in 25. pi. 24° .
Bonner beitrage zur Anglistik, hrsg. von M. Trautmann.
Bonn, P. Hanstein, 1898-1900. 6 v. 8°.
Briefe und Acten zur Geschichte des dreissigjahrigen Krieges in
den Zeiten des vorwaltenden Einflusses der Wittelsbacher.
Auf Veranlas.sung und mit Unterstiitzung Seiner Majestiit des
Konigs von Bayern.
Miinchen, M. Rieger, 1870-95. 6 v. S°.
Cape of Good Hope. Archives.
Precis of the archives of the Cajje of Good Hope ... by H. C. V.
Leibbrandt, keeper of the archives.
Cape Town, IV. A. Rictiards & sons, 1896-1900. 12 v. Port.,
facsim. 8°.
Coleccidn de libros espaiioles raros 6 curiosos.
[J/adrid, M. Rivadeneyra, 1871-^2]. 21 v. in 22. Port., facsim,
Collection des principaux codes Strangers.
Paris, Imprimerie nationale, 1885-88. j v. S°.
Includes A. Gourd's "Les chartes coloniales et Ics constitutions
des ivtats-Unis," 2 v., 1SS5. and C. L. Lyon-Caen's " Loi anglaise sur
la faillite du 25 aoOt 1S.S3," jS88.
Select List of Recent Purchases. 85
Collection desprincipaux codes Strangers.
Paris, Cercle de la librairie [^/f.] iBSg-gS. j v. 8°.
Includes C. Lyon-Caen and P. A. Delalain's " Lois f ran^aiseset ttran-
gSressurlapropri6t€ litttraireetartistique," 18S9. 2v..and the "Sup-
plement " in one volume, issued in 1S96 and covering the period
Das Deutsche Jahrhundert in Eiazelschriften . . . Hrsg. von G.
Stockhausen . . .
Berlin, F. Schneider & co . \etc.'\ igoi. 6 pis. in i v. 8°.
Contexts. — abt. 1. Busse, C. Geschichte der deutschen Dichtung
im neunzehnten Jahrhundert. — abt. 11. Osbom, M. Die deutsche
Kunst im neunzehnten Jahrhundert. — abt. ill. Duboc, J., and Wiegler,
P. Geschichte der deutschen Philosophie im neunzehnten Jahr-
hundert.— abt. IV. Berthold, A. Wirtschaft und Recht im neun-
zehnten Jahrhundert. — abt. v. Schmitt, R. Geschichte Deutsch-
lands im neunzehnten Jahrhundert. — abt. ^^. Schmidt, L. Ge-
schichte der Musik im neunzehnten Jahrhundert.
Deutsche National-Iiitteratur. Historisch-kritische Ausgabe . . .
herausgegeben von J. Kiirschner.
Berlin & Stuttgart^ W, Spemann, [1882-^g]. 164 i'. in 220. 12°.
An undertaking planned and carried out to present the master-
pieces of German literature from the beginnings using the best texts
with skilled editing. Abundantly provided with biographical intro-
ductions, footnotes, reproductions of title-pages, facsimiles of texts
and illustrative manuscripts.
Deutsche Zeit- und Streit-fragen. Flugschrift en zur Kenntnis
der Gegenwart.
Berlin, C. Hobel, 1872-92. 20 v. 8°.
Jahrgang 1-14, 1S72-S3. 14 v. 224 monographs. Xeue Folge,
Jahrgang 1SS6-92. 6 v. 96 monographs.
Contains upward of 200 monographs upon current topics in poli-
tics, social science, etc., by Bluntschli. Hoetzendorff, Gareis. Paul,
Orelli. Kalischer, l,ang, Baumgarten, Stammler. and other German
Drucke und Holzschnitte des xv. und xvi. Jahrhunderts in getrefcer
Strassbttrg, J. H. E. Heitz, 1899-1900. 5 v. 12° & 4°.
Diintzer, Johann Heinrich Josef.
Erlauterungen zu den deutschen Klassikem.
Leipzig, E. Wartig, 18/4-/900. 83 v. in 62. 16°.
Literarj- analysis of the works of Goethe. Wieland, Schiller, Her-
der. Klopstock, Lessing. and Uhland.
Pabricius, Johann Albrecht.
Bibliotheca latina mediae et infimae setatis, cum supplemento C.
Schoettgenii, jam a p. Joanne Dominico Mansi.
Florentice, 1858-59. 6 v. in 5. Front., port. 4°.
Germanistische Abhandlungen hrsg. von K. Weinhold.
B re si ail, W. Koebner, 1 88 2-99. 17 v. 8°.
Les Grands ecrivains de la France. Nouvelles ^d. Ed by [J. A.]
A. Regnier.
Paris, Hachette & de., 1862-99. 86 v. 8^ & 4°.
Consists of critical and definitive editions of French writers.
86 Report of the Librarian of Congress.
Hervieux, Auguste Leopold.
Les fabulistes latins depuis le si^cle d'Auguste jusqu'i la fin du
moyen &ge.
Paris, Firtnin-Didoi &cie., iSgj-gg. 5 v. 8°.
Contents. — t. i-ii. Phddre et ses anciens iniitateurs. 1S93-94. —
* t. III. Avianuset ses anciens iniitateurs. 1S94.— t. iv. Etudes de Cheri-
ton et ses d6riv6s. 1896. — t. v. Jean de Capoue et sesd^rivte. 1899.
Historisches Taschenbuch.
Leipzig, F. A. Brockhaus, /Sjo-So. 50 tk /3°.
L' Italia sotto 1' aspetto storico, artistico e statistico.
Mi/afio, F. Vallardi, 187J-80. J2i v. in /jj. 4° .
Das Kloster. Weltlich und geistlich; meist aus der altern deutschen
Volks-, Wunder-, Curiositaten- und vorzugsweise komischen
Literatur. Zur Kultur- iind Sittengeschichte in Wort und
Bild. Von J. Scheible.
Stuttgart y J. Sdieible, 1845-49. 12 v. Illus.,pl.,port.,facsim.y
tab. 16°.
Kunstler-Monographien, in Verbindung mit Andern hrsg. von H.
Bielefeld und Leipzig, Velhagen & Klasing, i8g^-igoi. jj v. 4°.
La Croix du Maine, Francois Grudd de.
Les bibliotheques fran9oises de La Croix du Maine et de DuVer-
dier, sieur de Vauprivas. Nouv. ^d . . . rev., cor. & augni.
d'un Discours .sur le progres des lettres en France & des re-
marques historiques, critiques & litt^raires de M. de la Mon-
noye et de M. le president Bouhier . . . de M. Falconet . . .»
Par M. Rigoley de Juvigny . . .
Paris, Saillant & Nyon, 1772-7^. 6 v. 4°.
Liege. UniversitL
Bibliotheque de la Faculty de philosophie et lettres.
Bruxclles, Societe beige de librairie, 1897-1900. 9 v. S°.
Literaturblatt fiir germanische und romanische Philologie.
Heilbronn, G. Henninger \^i88o-89'\; Leipzig, O. R. Reisland
1890-igoo']. 21 V. in 9. 4°.
Litterarhistorische Forschungen. Hrsg. von J. Schick und Frh. von
Weimar, E. Felber, 1898- 1900. 2 v. 8°.
Les Littdratures populaires de toutes les nations; traditions, l^gendes,
contes, proverbes, devinettes, superstitions.
Paris, Maisonneuve et cie., /88/-88. 27 V. 16°,
Monographien zur deutschen Kulturgeschichte.
Leipzig, E. Diederichs, 1S99-/900. 71: Illus., pl.,facsim. ./**.
"Alterthiimliche Ausg. mit Abbildungen und Beilagen nach den
Originalcn aus den 16.-18. Jahrhunderten. "
Monumenta Gennanioe ptedagogica.
Schulordnungen, Schulbiicher und padagogische Miscellaneen
aus den Landen deut.scher Zunge. Hrsg. von Karl Kehrbach.
Berlin, A. Hoffman & camp., / 686-/900. 20 v. Port., facsim.^
diagr. 8°.
Select List of Recent Purchases. 87
Neudrucke deutscher Litteraturwerke des xvi. und xvii. Jahrhmi-
derts. Hrsg. von Theodor Wilhelm Braune.
Halle S. S., Jf. Nietneyer, iSj6-Tgoo. ij2 nos. in /j v. 12°.
Pitre, Giuseppe.
Biblioteca delle tradizioni popolari siciliane.
\^Palenno, i8j2-jgo6\. 21 v. Illus.,pl. 12°.
Quellen und Forschungen zur Sprach- und Culturgeschichte der
gemianischen Volker.
Strassburg. K. J. Triibner, i8j4-igoi. 86 v. Illus.,facsim. 8°.
Collection of S6 monographs upon th " origins of Germanic literature
and ci\-ilization.
Shakespeare, William.
Shakespeare-quarto facsimiles.
London, W. Griggs, C. Prcetorius, i8SoSg. 42 v. 8°.
Issued under the superintendence of F.J. Fumivall. Facsimiles in
photo-lithography, by W. Griggs and C. Prsetorius.
Societe des bibliophiles de Belgique. Publications.
lBnixelles,F.J. Olivier'^ 1S67-84. /g v. 8°.
Studien zur englischen Philologie, hrsg. von L. Morsbach.
Halle, M. Xietneyer, i8gj-igoi. 7 v. 8°.
Wiener Neudrucke. [Herausgegeben von A. Sauer.]
IFien, C. Konegen, 18S3-86. 11 v. in 4. 12° .
Reprints of Vienna publications of the seventeenth and eighteenth
Zeitschrift fiir vergleichende Sprachforschung auf dem Gebiete der
indogemianischen Sprachen.
Giitersloh \etc.'\ 1852-g^. j2 v. 8°.
Register, v. 1-20, 2 pts. in i v. Berlin, 1S62. S°.
Annales archeologiques.
Paris, 1844-81. 28 V. PI. 4°.
Barriere-Flavy, Casimir.
Etude sur les sepultures barbares du midi et de I'ouest de la
France; industrie wisigothique.
Toulouse, P. E. Privat; Paris, E. Leroux, \^i8g2'\, Illus., pi.,
map. E°.
Ballu, Albert.
Les mines de Timgad (Antique Thamugadi).
Paris, Ernest Leroux, iSgj. P^., plans, illus., map. I. 8°.
Bertrand, Alexandre Louis Joseph. Nos origines.
Paris, E. Leroux, iSSg-gj. 4 v. 8°.
Investigation of French origins by the aid of archaeology.
Biardot, E. Prosper.
Les terres-cuites grecques funebres dans leur rapport avec les
mysteres de Bacchus, accompagn^ d'un atlas de 54 planches
noires et coloriees.
Paris, F. Didotfrires,fils et de., 1872. 2 v. 4°.
88 Report of the Librarian of Congress.
Blouet, A.
Expedition scientifique de Mor^e, ordonnde par le gouvernement
fran9ais. Architecture, sculptures, inscriptions, et vues du
P^loponese, des Cyclades et de I'Attique niesurdes, dessinees
. . . par A. Blouet ... A. Ravoisid, A. Poirot, F. Trezel et
F. de Gournay.
Paris, F. Didotfreres, 1831-3S. j v. PI. F°.
Bodin, Jean Francois.
Recherches historiques sur I'Anjou et ses nionumens. Angers et
le Bas-Anjou.
Saianur, Degouy, aiti^, 1S21-23. 2 v. Front. , pi. 8°.
Boehlau, Johannes.
Aus ionischen und italischen Nekropolen ; Ausgrabungen und
Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der nachmykenischen grie-
chischen Kunst.
Leipzig, B. G. Teubner, iSgS. Illus., 15 pi., map. 4°.
Boetticher, Adolf Gustav.
Die Akropolis von Athen nacli den Berichten der alten und den
neusten Erforschungen.
Berliti , J. Springer, 1888, Front. , illus. , 33 pi. 8° .
Borghesi, Bartolommeo, conte.
Qiuvres completes.
Paris, Imp. imperiale, 1862-97. ^o v. PI. 4°.
Contents: — t. 1-2. CEuvres numismatiqucs. 2 v. 1862-64. — ^- 3-5.
CEuvres 6pigraphiques. 3 V. 1864-69. — t. 6-8. Lettres. 3 V. 1S68-72. —
t.9, ptie. I. Nouveaux fragments des Pastes coiisulaires. 1879. ptie.
2. Les pr^fets de Rome. 1S84. ptie. 3. Table des lettres. 1S93. —
t. 10. Les pr^fets du Pr^toire.
Borlase, William Copeland.
The dolmens of Ireland, their distribution, structural character-
istics, and affinities in other countries,
London, Oiapman & Hall, j8gj. 3 v. Front., illus., cot. pi.,
port., tnaps. 4°.
Bosc, Ernest.
Dictionnaire g^n^ral de I'arch^ologie et des antiquit^s chez les
divers peuples.
Paris, Firmin-Didot et cie., 1881. Illus. 12°.
Botta, Paul Emile and Eugene N. Flandin.
Monument de Ninive ddcouvcrt et ddcrit par M. P. E. Botta;
mesur^ et dessin^ par M. E. Flandin.
Paris, Imprimerie nationale, 1849-30. 3 v. F°.
Br^al, Michel Jules Alfred.
Les tables eugubines, texte, traduction, et comnientaire; avec uue
grammaire, une introduction historique et un index.
Paris, F. Vieweg, 1875. 2 v. PI. 8° and F°.
Brunn, Heinrich, ed.
I rilievi delle urne etrusche.
Roma, Tip. delta R. Accademia dci Lincei \etc.'\: Bertino, G.
Reimer, i8jo-g6. 2 v. in 3. 218 pt. F^.
Select List of Recent Purchases. 89
Brutails, Jean Auguste.
. . . L'arch^ologie du moyen age et ses m^thodes; Etudes
Paris, A. Picardet fits, 1900. Illus., pi. 8°.
[Buonarroti, Filippo].
Osservazioni sopra alcuni frammenti di vasi antichi, di vetro
ornati di figure tro\-ati ne' cimiteri di Roma.
Firetize.J. Guiducci, iji6. j/ numb, and 3 unnuvtb. pi. F°.
BumoTif, Eniile Louis.
La ville et racrop\-le d'Athenes aux diverses ^poques.
Paris, Maisonneuve <Sf cie., 1S77. 4°.
Castanier, Prosper.
Histoire de la Provence dans I'antiquit^, depuis les temps quater-
naires jusqu'au V^ siecle apres J.-C.
Paris, Marpon et Flamtnarion, iSgs-96. ' 2 v. 8°.
Caumont, Arcisse de.
Statistique ludhumentale du Calvados.
Caen, A. Hardel, 1830-62, F. Le Blanc Hardel, 1867-98 {irreg.'\
Sv. Illus., pi. .<?=.
Cave, Henry William.
The ruined cities of Ceylon . . . New ed.
London, S. Low, Marston & co., igoo. Front., pi., maps. 8^^.
Colligrnon, L^on Maxime.
Essai sur les monuments grecs et romains relatifs au m^ithe de
Paris, E. Thorin, 1877. 8°.
Pergame; restauration et description des monuments de
I'acropole; restauration par E. Pontremoli, texte par M. Col-
Paris, L. H. May, 1900. Illus., pi. F°.
Comparetti, Domenico Pietro Antonio.
La villa ercolanese dei Pisoni; i suoi monumenti e la sua biblio-
teca; ricerche e notizie.
Torino, E. Loescher, /S8j. F°.
Cowper, Henry Swainson.
The Hill of the Graces, a record of investigation among the trili-
thons and megalithic sites of Tripoli.
London, Methuen & co., 1897. Front., illus., maps. 8°.
Cumont, Franz.
Textes et monuments figures relatifs aux mysteres de Mithra, pub.
avec une introduction critique.
Bruxelles, H. Lameriin, 1S96-99. 2 v. Illus., pi., map. F°.
Curtius, Ernst.
Die Stadtgeschichte von Athen. ]Mit einer Ubersicht der Schrift-
quellen zur Topographic von Athen, von A. Milchhoefer.
Berlin, Weidmannsche Buchhandlung,i89i. Illus., maps. 8°.
90 Report of the Librarian of Congress.
Diehl, Charles.
L'Afrique Byzantine. Histoire de la domination Byzantine en
Afrique (533-709)-
Paris, Ernest LeroHx, i8g6. Il/us., pL, platis, maps. 8°.
Dieulafoy, Marcel Auguste,
L'acropole de Suse, d'apr^s les fouilles ex^cutdes in 1884, 1885,
1886, sous les auspices du Mus^e du Louvre.
PariSy Hachette et cic, iSg^. Illus., pi., maps. F°.
The first explorations at Susa were made by Kenneth Loftus in
1851, who obtained inscriptions of the Acha:nienian kings. The site
of his explorations was not, however, thoroughly explored until
1884-86, when the author of this work gathered the fine specimen*
of Persian sculpture now deposited in the Louvre.
DOrpfeld, Wilhelm, and Emil Reisch.
Das griechische Theater; Beitrage zur Geschichte des Dionysos-
Theaters in Athen und anderer griechischer Theater.
Athen, Barth & von Hirst, i8g6. Illus., pi. 4°.
Duinont, Charles Albert Auguste Eugene, and JiHes C. Chaplain,
Les ceramiques de la Grece propre.
Paris, F. Didot & de., 18SS-90. 2 v. So pi. {partly col. ). F°.
Durant, Simon, and Henri Durand, and Eugene Laval.
Album arch^ologique et description des monuments historiques
du Gard.
Nlmes, Impr. Soustelle-Gaude , 1853. PI., plans. F°.
Dutreuil de Rhins, Jules L^on.
L' Asie centrale, Thibet et regions limitrophes. Texte et atlaf .
Paris, E. Leroiix, j88g. 4° and atlas F°.
Mission scientifique dans la Haute Asie, 1890-95.
Paris, E. Leroux, i8g8. j v. Illus., pi., pott., facsim. 4° arid
atlas 0/ maps in port/olio F°.
Engelmann, Richard.
Archaologische Studien zu den Tragikern.
Berlin, Weidmannsche Buchhandltiug, igoo. PI. 4°.
Feydeau, Ernest Aim^.
Histoire des usages funebres et des sepultures des peuples anciens.
Paris, GideetJ. Baudry, 1856-58. 2 v. and atlas. F°.
Fleury, Edouard.
La France arch^ologique; antiquit^s et monuments, du d^parte-
ment de I'Aisne.
Paris, J. Claye, 1877-82. 4 V. Illus., pi. F°.
Fournereau, Lucien.
Les mines khm^res Cam bodge ct Siam; documents compl^men-
taires d 'architecture, <le sculpture et de c^ramique.
Paris, E. Leroux, i8go. PI. F°.
Fournereau, Lucien, and Jacques Porcher.
Les mines d'Angkor; etude artistique et historique sur les mon-
uments khmers du Cambodge siamois.
Paris, E. Lerou.v, /8g<). Illus., 100 pi., map. F°.
Select List of Recent Purchases. 91
Purtwangler, Adolf.
Masterpieces of Greek sculpture; a series of essays on the history
of art . . . Ed. by Eugenie Sellers.
London, W. Heinemann, iSg^. Front., pi. 4°.
Gardthausen, Viktor.
Griechische Palaeographie.
Leipzig, B. F. Teubner, 1S79. 13 fold. pi. 8?.
Garrucci, Raffaele.
Storia della arte cristiana nei primi otto secoli della chiesa.
Prato, G. Cuasti, etc., iSjs-Si. 6 v. Illus., 500 pi. F°.
Geymueller, Heinrich, baron von.
Documents inedits sur les thermes d'Agrippa, le Pantheon et les
thermes de Diocl^tien.
Lausanne, G.Bridel; Paris, J. Baiidry\etc.'\ 1S83. Illiis.pl. F°.
Guattani, Giuseppe Antonio.
;Monumenti Sabini, descritti da G. A. Guattani.
Roma, C. Piiccinelli, iSs-j-js. j v. PI. 8°.
Gusman, Pierre.
Pompei, la ville — les moeurs — les arts. Preface de Max. Col-
lignon . . . ou\Tage ome de 600 dessins dans le texte et de
32 aquarelles de Tauteur.
Paris, L. H. May, 11900']. Illiis., col. pi. F°.
Helbig, Wolfgang.
Fiihrer durch die offentlichen Sanunlungen klassischer Alterthii-
mer in Rom.
Leipzig, Karl Baedeker, iSgi. 2 v. 12°.
Hermann, Karl Friedrich.
Lehrbuch der griechischen Antiquitaten . . . neu hrsg. von . . .
H. Bliimner und \V. Dittenberger.
Freiburg i. B., J. C. B. Mohr, 1S82-95. 4 v. in 6. 8°.
Heuzey, Leon.
Les figurines antiques de terre cuite du ilusee du Louvre par L.
Heuzey . . . gravees par. A. Jacquet.
Paris, V". A. Morel et de., 1883. 60 pi. F°.
Hicks, Edward Lee.
A manual of Greek inscriptions.
Oxford, Clarendon press, 1882. 8°.
Hiller von Gaertingen, Friedrich, y>r/A^rr von, ed.
Thera Untersuchungen, Vermessungen und Ausgrabungen in den
Jahren 1S95-1898.
Berlin, G. Reimer, i8gg. Maps. F°.
Inghirami, Curzio.
Ethrvscarvm antiqvitat\-m fragmenta, quibis vrbis Romae. alia-
rumque gentium primordia, mores, & res gestae indicantur
a Cvrtio Inghiramio reperta, Scomelli prope Vulterram.
Francofvrti, Anno salutis M. DCXXX VII. Pt.,facsim. F°.
92 Report of the Librarian of Congress.
Joseph, D.
Die Paliiste des homerischen Epos, mit Riicksicht auf die Aus-
grabungen Heiiirich Schlieinaiins.
Berlin, G. Siemens, /S93. PI. S°.
Kiepert, Heinrich.
Topographisch-historischer Atlas von Hellas und den hellenischen
Colonien . . . unter Mitwirkung des Professors Carl Ritter
bearb. von H. Kiepert. 2. berichtigte Ausg.
Berlin, Nicolai, /^f/. 24 maps. obi. F° .
Xondakov, N. P.
Antiquit^s de la Russie m^ridioiiale (^d. franjaise des Rousskoi
drevnosti); par N. Kondakof, le comte J. Tolstoi et S.
Paris, LeroHX, iSgi. PL F°. ^
Exposition of Greek antiquities in the Bosphorus, based on the
collections of the Hermitage.
Xiaborde, L^on Emmanuel Simon Joseph comte de.
Le Parthenon; documents pour servir k une restauration, r^unis
et publics par L. de Laborde.
Paris, Leleux, 1848. 30 pi. {partly col.). F°.
Voyage de I'Asie Mineure par A. de Laborde, Becker, Hall,
et L. de Laborde.
Paris, F. Didot, 1S38. Illus. , 79 pi. {partly col. ) F°.
Voyage de la Syrie par A. de Laborde, Becker, Hall, et L. de
Paris, F. Didot, 1837. Illus., SS pi. (partly col.) F°.
Xiafaye, Georges Louis.
Histoire du culte des divinit^s d'Alexandrie: S^rapis, Isis, Har-
pocrate et Anubis, hors de I'Egypte depuis les origines jusqu'4
la naissance de I'^cole n(?o-platonicienne.
Paris, E. Thorin, 1884. Col. pi., plans. 8^.
Xiajard, Jean Baptiste F61ix.
Recherches sur le culte public et les mysteres de Mithra en Orient
et en Occident.
Paris, Imprimerie impSriale, 1867. F°.
Xialouz, V. , and P. Monceaux.
Restauration d'Olympe.
Pans, Qnantin, /8S9. Plates. F°.
Xtechat, H.
Epidaure. Restauration & description des principaux monuments
du sanctuaire d'Ascl^pias. Relev^s et restaurations par Al-
phonse Defrasse. Texte par Henri Lechat.
Paris, Quantin, 1895. Illus. m te.vt, pi. F°.
This is a companion volume to Laloux's " Restauration d'Olympe."
Xienormant, Charles Fran9ois.
Lettres as.syriologiques, .seconde s^rie: Etudes accadiennes.
Paris, Maisonneuve et cie., 1873-79. 3^'- 4^-
Select List of Recent Purchases. 93
Lenonnant, Charles, and Jean J. A. M. baron de Witte.
Elite des monuments c^ramographiques; materiaux pour I'his-
toire des religions et des moeurs de I'antiquite, rassembl^s
et commentes.
Paris, Leleitx, 1S44-61. 41: Illus.,pl. F°.
li'^pinois, Henri de.
Les catacombes de Rome. Nouv. ^d. rev. et augm. de plusieurs
appendices par Paul AUard.
Bruarel/es [etc.] A. Frotnant <Sf cie., 1896. PI. 8°.
lietronne Antoine Jean.
CEu\Tes choisies . . . assemblies, mises en ordre et augmentees
d'un index par E. Fagnan.
Paris, E. Leroitx, 18&1-S5. 6 v. Front, {port.), pi. 4°.
Contexts. — i. s^r. Eg>-pte ancienne. 2 v. — 2. s^r. Gtog^raphie et
cosmographie. 2 v. — 5. s6r. Arch&>logie et philologfie. 2 v.
Longperier, Henri Adrien Prevost de.
(Eu\Tes . . . reunies et mises en ordre par G. Schliunberger.
Paris, E. Leroux, 1S83-S6. 7 v. ill us., pi. 8°.
Contexts. — t. i. Arch6ologie orientale. Monuments arabes. — t. 2.
Antiquites grecques, romaines et gauloises (1S38-61). — t. 3. Antiqui-
tfe grecques, ixjmaines et gauloises (1S62-S3). — t. 4. Moyen age et
renaissance (1S37-58).— t. 5. Moyen Sge et renaissance (1S5S-6S).—
t. 6. Moyen 4ge et renaissance (1S60-S3). Antiquitfa ani6ricaines
Supplement: Bibliographic g6n6rale. — t. 7. Xouveau supplement et
Table g^nerale.
Mariette, Francois Auguste Ferdinand.
Le S^raj>eum de ^lemphis par Auguste Mariette-Pacha, pub.
d'apres le inanuscrit de I'auteur par G. Maspero.
Paris, F. Vieweg, 1882-83. i v. 4° and atlas F°.
Marini, Gaetano Luigi. comp.
Iscrizioni antiche delle \-ille e de' palazzi Albani; raccoltee pvb-
blicate con note dall' abate G. Marini.
Roma, P. Givnchi, 17S3. It I us. 4°.
Martha, Jules.
L'art etrusque, illustre de 4 planches en couleurs et de 400 gra-
wu-es dans le texte, d'apres les originaux ou d'apres les doc-
uments les plus authentiques.
Paris, Firmin-Didot et cie., iSSg. Illiis., pi., map. 4°.
Martin, William Gregon.- Wood-.
Pagan Ireland; an archaelog^cal sketch; a handbook of Irish pre-
Christian antiquities.
London, Longmans, Green cf co., iSg^. Front., ill us., pi., map.
The rude stone monuments of Ireland. ( Co. Sligo and the
island of Achill ).
Dublin, Hodges, Figgis <Sf co.; London, IVilliams <Sf Norgale,
iSSS. Illus., pl.,map. 8°.
94 Report of the Librarian of Congress.
Michaelis, Adolf Theodor Friedrich.
Ancient marbles in Great Britain . . . translated from the Ger-
man by C. A. M. Fennell.
Cambridge, University press, I SS2. Illus.,pl. 4°.
Monuments grecs, publics par I'Association pour I'encouragement
des Etudes grecques en France.
Paris, U Association, & J. Maisonneuve, 1882-^7. 2 v. Illus.,
pi. {partly col.) F°.
Morgan, Jacques de.
Compte rendu sommaire des travaux arch^ologiques de la D^l^-
gation fran^aise en Perse, ex^cutds du 3 novembre 1897, au
I" juin 1898.
Paris, Leroux, 1900. 8°.
D^l^gation scientifique fran^aise en Perse. Travaux ex^-
cut^s par la delegation de 1897 a 1899.
Paris, Leroux-, i8gg-igoo. 2 v.
Vol.1. Introduction g6ographique et historique. Compte rendu des
Vol. 2. Inscriptions susiennes.
These volumes g^ive the results of De Morgan's excavations upon
the site of Susa, an ancient Elarao-Persian city. M. Marcel A.
Dieulafoy conducted explorations in the larger of the two mounds
which cover the ruins of the ancient city. De Morgan selected the
smaller mound for his work in 1S9.S-1900 and recovered many impor-
tant inscriptions relating to Babylonian history.
Mission scientifique au Caucase. Etudes arch^ologiques et
Paris, Leroux, igoo. 2 v. 8°.
Recherches sur les origines de I'Egypte. L'Sge de la pierre
et les m^taux.
Paris, E. Leroux, 1S96. Illus., col.pl., maps. 4°.
Recherches sur les origines de I'Egypte. Ethnographie pr^-
historique et tombeau royal de Negadah par J. de Morgan,
avec la collaboration de MM. le professeur Wiedemann, G.
J^quier et le dr. Fouquet.
Paris, E. Leroux, 1S97. Illus. , pi. , tab. 4°.
MUllenhofif, Karl.
Deutsche Altertumskunde. [Herau.sgegeben von Max Roediger. ]
Berlin, Weidmann, /S87-1900. 5 v. Maps. 8°.
Vol. I. Die Phoenizier; Pytheas von Ma.ssalia.
Vol.2. DieNord-undOstnachharenderGermancn; Die (lallier und
Vol. 3. Der Ursprung der Germanen.
Vol. 4. Die Germania des Tacitus.
Vol. 5. I'eber die Voluspw; Ueber die iiltcrc Edda.
O'Brien, Henry.
The rouncl towers of Ireland; or, The hi.story of the Tuath-de-
Danaans. New ed. with intnxluction, synopsi.s, index, etc.
London, W. T/iacker <2f co.; Calcutta, Tliac/cer, Spink &• co.,
/SgS. Illus., front, (port.) 8°.
Select List of Recent Purchases. 95
Ohnefalsch-Richter, Max Hermann.
K\-pros, the Bible and Homer. Oriental civilization, art, and
religion in ancient times. Elucidated by the author's own
researches and excavations during twelve years' work in
London, Asher & co., 1S93. 2 v. Front., illus., pi., maps,
facsim. F°.
Pauly, August Friedrich von.
Pauly's Real-Enc}xlopadie der classischen Alterthumswisson-
schaft. Neue Bearbeitung herausgegeben von G. Wissowa.
Sttittgart,/. B. Metzler, iSg^-gg. j v. illiis. maps, folded tab. S°.
This is practically a new work, the material of the first edition of
Pauly being completely reworked by an association of archjelogists,
composed of Berger, Cichorius, Crusias, Cumont, Domaszewski, Hart-
mann, Hirschfeld, Hiibner, and others.
Perrot, Georges, and Edmond J. B. Guiliaixme, and Jules Delbet.
Exploration archeologique de la Galatie et de la Bithynie, d'une
partie de la INIysie, de la Phrj-gie, de la Cappadoce et du Pont,
executee en 1S61.
Pan's, F. Didot freres, fits & cie., 1S62-J2. 2 v. Illus., So
pi., 7 maps. F°.
Pettier, Edmond, and Salomon Reinach.
La necropole de Myrina; recherches archeologiques ex^cutees au
nomet aux frais de I'Ecole fran^aise d'Athenes par E. Pot-
tier, S. Reinach, A. Veyries.
Paris, E. Thorin,iS87-8S. 2 v. Illus., pi. F°.
Premerstein, Anton, ritter von.
Romische Strassen und Befestigungen in Krain.
U'ien, K. K. Hof-und Staatsdruckerei, iSgg. Maps, facsim. 4°.
Quatrefages de Breau, Jean Louis Armand de.
Les ages pr^historiques de I'Espagne et du Portugal par M.
Emile Cartailhac. Preface par M. A. de Quatrefages.
Paris, C.Reinwald, [/556]. ^°.
Quatremere de Quincy, Antoine Chrysostome.
Recueil de dissertations archeologiques.
Paris, A. Le Clere et cie., 1S36. PI. 8°.
Ramsay, William Mitchell.
The cities and bishoprics of Phrygia; being an essay of the local
history of Phrygia from the earliest times to the Turkish
Oxford, Clarendon press, 1893. i v. in 2. Illus., maps. 4°.
B-ayet, Olivier, and Maxime Collignon.
Histoire de la ceramique grecque.
Paris, G.Decaux,i8SS. Illus., pi. F°.
Reinach, Salomon.
Antiquites nationales. Description raisonn^ du Mus^e de Saint-
96 Report of the Librarian of Congress.
Reinach, Salomon — Continued.
Paris, Finnin-Didot et cie., i8Sg. Illus. 8°.
Repertoire de la statuaire grecque et romaine.
Paris, E. Leroux, iSgj-gS. 2 v. Illus. i2°.
Vol. I is a reproduction in reduced size of plates from the Mustede
sculpture de Clerac; the second volume gives 6,ooo antique statues
drawn from the great repositories; the third volume will be devoted
to descriptive text.
B«staurations des monuments antiques par les architectes pension-
naires de 1' Academic de France a Rome, depuis 1788 jusqu' d
nos jours, pub. avec les m^moires explicatifs des auteurs sous
les auspices du gouvernement fran^ais.
Paris, Firmin-Didot et cie., i8j7-go. 7 v. PL F°.
Contents.— I. Percier, C. Colonne trajane. 1877. — 2. Lesueur, J
B. C. Basilique ulpienne. 1877. — 3. Labrouste, P. F. H. Temples de
Paestum. 1S84.— 4. Dubut, L. A. Temple de la Pudicit^. 1879. —
Coussin, J. A. Temple de Vesta. 1S79. — 5. Garnier, J. L. C. Temple
de Jupiter Panhell^nien k Egine. 18S4. — 6. Villain, A. Temple de
Marc-Aur^le. 1881. — 7. Paulin, E. Thermes de Diocl6tien. 1890.
Riemann, Othon.
Recherches archeologiques sur les iles loniennes.
Paris, E. Thorin, iSjg-So. s v. PL, maps, plan. 8°.
Contents. — [v. i] Corf on. 1879. — [v. 2] C^phalonie. 1879. — [v. 3]
Zante. C^rigo. Appendice. 1880.
King, Bernard Jacques Joseph Maximilien de.
Tombes celtiques de I'Alsace; suite de m^moires pr^sentds au
comite de la Societe pour la conservation des monuments his-
toriques a Strasbourg. 2. ed.
Strasbourg, G. Silbermann, 1861. 14 pL 7''°.
Rochette, Ddsird Raoul.
Monumens inedits d'antiquite figuree, grecque, ^trusque et
romaine, recueillis et publics par M. Radul-Rochette.
Paris, Imprinterie royale, 1833. PL {partly col. ) F°.
Contents.— I. partie. Cycle h^roique. 1833.
Sammlung der griechischen Dialekt-Inschriften . . . Hrsg. von H.
Gottingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1 884-1901. 18 pts. Fac-
sini., tab. 8°.
Sarzec, Gustave Charles Ernest Chocquin de.
D^couvertes en Chaldee par Ernest Sarzec . . . pub. parlessoins
de Leon Heuzey.
Paris, E. Leroux, i88g-g6. F°.
Schrader, Eberhard.
The cuneiform inscriptions and the Old Testament; tr. from the
2d enl. Gennan ed., with an introductory preface by O. C.
Loudon & Edinburgh, IVitliams df Norgate, 1885-88. 3 v.
Map. 8°.
' Select List of Recent Purchases. g-j
Ussing, Johan Ludvig.
Pergamos, seine Geschichte und Monumente. Nach der danis-
chen Ausg. neu bearb.
Berlin [etc.'\, W. Spetnann, 1899. Illus., 6 pi. F\
Valentini, Agostino.
La patriarcale basilica Lateranense, illustrata per cura di A.
Roma, A. Valentini, 1S3J. 2 v. in i. 136 pi. F°.
La patriarcale basilica Liberiana, illustrata per cura di A.
Roma, A. Valentini, iSjg, 'j/. 2 v. PI. F°.
La patriarcale basilica Vaticana: illustrata per cura di A.
Roma, A. Valentini, 1845-55. 2 v. PI., map. F°.
Valeriani, Domenico.
Nuova illustrazione istorico-monnmentale del basso e dell' alto
Egitto, con atlante.
Firenze, P. Fuinagalli , 1S36-40. 2 v. Ftvnt. {port. ) 8° and atlas,
2 V. in I. F°.
Venuti, Ridolfino.
Accurata e succinta descrizione topografica delle antichitd di
Roma, G. B.Bemabd&G. Lazzarini, 1J63. 2 v. in i. Front.,
96 pi. F°.
Villanueva, Joaquin Lorenzo.
PhcEnician Ireland. Auctore Joachimo Laurentio Villanueva . . .
Tr. and illus. with notes ... by H. O'Brien.
London, Longman & co. \etc.'\ 1S33. Fold, map, facsitn. 8°.
Visconti, Ennio Quirino.
Illustrazioni de" monumenti scelti borghesiani gia' esistenti nella
\-illa sul Pincio.
Roma, Stamperia de Romanis, 1S21. 2 v. 80 pi. F°.
Wheeler, Sir George.
Voyage de Dalmatie, de Grece, et du Levant . . . Bnrichi de
medailles, & de figures des principales antiquitez qui se
trouvent dans ces lieux, avec la description des coutumes,
des villes, riWeres, ports de mer. & de ce qui s'y trouve de
plus remarquable. Tr. de I'anglois.
A Anvers, et se vend a Paris, chez D. Horthemels, i68g. 2 v.
PI., map. 16°.
Allier, Achille.
L"ancien Bourbonnais (histoire, monumens, moeurs, statistique).
Moulins, Desrosiers, 1833-3S. 2 v. Front, {port. ) F^. and atlas
{136 pi., 2 maps) F°.
9957—01 7
98 Report of the Librarian of Congress.
Ballu, Theodore.
Monographie de I'^glise Saint-Amboise ^rig^e par la ville de
Paris, Ducher et de, /S74. Illus., 24 numb. pi. F°.
Baltard, Victor.
Monographie des halles centrales de Paris, construites sous le rtgne
de Napoleon III. et sous radministration de . . . Haus.suiann
... par V. Baltard . . . et . . . F. Callett.
Paris, A. Morel, 1863. 35 pi. F°.
Barbet de Jouy, Joseph Henri.
Les gemmes et joyaux de la couronne au Musde du Louvre; ex-
pliqu^s par M. Barbet de Jouy . . . dessines et graves a
I'eau-forte d'apres les originaux par J. Jacquemart . . in-
troduction par A. Darcel.
Paris, L. Techener. jSS6. 60 pi. F°.
Begule, Lucien.
Monographie de la cath^drale de Lyon . . . pr^c^d^e d'une notice
hi.storique par M. C. Guigue.
Lyon, Inipr. Mongin-Rusand, 1S80. Illus., 34 pi. {partly col.)
Blondel, Fran9ois.
Cours d'architecture enseigne dans I'Acad^mie royale d'architec-
ture ... 2. ed., augm. & cor.
Paris, chez fauteur, 169S. 5 pts. in i v. Illus., pi. F°.
Bode, Wilhelm.
The complete work of Rembrandt. History, description, and
heliographic reproduction of all the master's pictures, with a
study of his life and his art. The text by W. Bode . . .
assisted by C. Hofstede de Groot . . . from the German by
Florence Simmonds.
Paris, C. Sedelmeyer, i8gj-igoi. 5 v. PL, port. F°.
Bonnetain, Paul.
Le monde pittoresque et monumental: L'extreme orient . . .
Ouvrage illus. de nombreux dessins d'apres nature et accom-
pagn^ de cartes dress^es d'apres les documents les plus
Paris, Maison Quantin, [/887'\. Illus., port., maps. F°.
Bottari, Giovanni Gaetano.
Raccolta di lettere sulla pittura, scultura ed architettura scritte da
piu celebri personaggi dei secoli xv, xvi, e xvii.
Milano, G. Silvestri, 1822-25. ^ ^' Port. 16°.
Bouchot, Henri.
La Frauche-Comtd . . . illustrations par E. Sadoux.
Paris, E. Plan, Nourril et cie., iSgo. Illus., pi. F°.
Bourassd, Jean Jacques.
Le Touraine: histoire et monuments; public sous la direction de
... J. J. Bourass^.
Tours, A. Mame et cie., 1S55. Col. front., illus., pi. {partly
col.), maps. /"".
Select List of Recent Purchases. 99
Brossard, Charles.
Geographic pittoresque et monumentale de la France: la France
du nord.
Paris, E. Flawmarioti , igoo. Illus. (partly col.), maps. 4°
Chipiez, Charles.
Le Temple de Jerusalem et la maison du Bois-liban restitutes
d'apres Ezechiel et le Livre des Rois pdr C. Chipiez [et] G.
Paris, Hachette et cie., 18S9. Illus., 10 pi. {partly col.) F°.
Cicognara, Leopoldo.
Le fabbriche e i monumenti cospicui di Venezia; illustrati da L.
Cicognara, da A. Diedo e da G. A. Selva; edizione con copiose
note ed aggiunte di F. Zanotto, arrichita di nuove tavole e
della verzione francese.
Vefiecia, G. Afitonelli, fSjS. 2 v., in i atid atlas of 2^9 pi. F°
Collection Dutuit, livres et manuscrits.
Paris, D. Morgand, i8gg. Illus., facsim. F°.
Facsimiles of art bindings, reproductions from early illustrated
books. Collation and description of De Brj-'s voyages, in 64 pts.
Dieulafoy, Marcel.
L'art antiquedela Perse ; Achemenides, Parthes, Sassanides.
Paris, Librairie centrale d" architecture , etc., iSS4-\8g\. § i\
Illus., pi. F°.
Contents. — i. Monuments de la valine du Polvar-Roud. — 2. Moniu
ments de Pers^polis. — 3. i,a sculpture pers^politaine. —4. Les monu-
ments vout^s de r^poque ach^m^nide. — 5. Monuments parthes et
Duplessis, Georges Victor Antoine Gratet.
Histoire de la gra\Tire en Italie, en Espagne, en Allemagne, dans
les Pays-Bas, en Angleterre et en France.
Paris, Hachette & cie., iSgo. Illus., pi. 4°.
Du Sommerard, Alexandre.
Les arts au moyen age, en ce qui conceme principalement le
Palais romain de Paris, I'Hotel de Cluny, issus de ses mines,
et les objets d'art de la collection classee dans cet hotel.
Paris, Techener, 18^8-46. 5 v. 8° and atlas, loj pi. [partly col. ) ,
F° . and album, 402 pi. [paHly col.) 2 v. F° .
Encyclopedie des arts decoratifs de 1' Orient.
Paris, Canson, 1SJ3-83. 6 v. Col.pl. F°.
Ed. by Victor Champier and Fran9ois Favre.
Contents. — CoUinot. E., and Beaumont, A. Omements du Japon,
1873; Omements arabes, 18S3; Orneraents de la Chine, 1883: Ome-
ments de la Perse. 1883; Omements turcs, 1SS3: Omements v^nitiens,
Froehner, Christian Eduard Ludwig Wilhelm.
La oollection Tyszkiewicz; choix de monuments antiques, avec
texte explicatif de \V. Frohner.
Munich, I'erlagsanstalt fiir Kunst und Wissenschaft, \_iSg4'\. 48
pi. {partly col.). F°.
loo Report of the Librarian of Cotiffress.
Oestoso y Perez, Jos^.
Sevilla nioiniiiiental y artistica. Historia y descripci6n de todos
los edificios notables, religiosos y civiles, que existen actual-
niente en esta ciudad y noticia de las preciosidades artisticas
y arqueol6gicas que en ellos se conservan.
Sevilla, \^El Conservador'\,iS8g-g2. j v. PI., plans. 4°.
Goncourt, Edniond and Jules de.
L'art du dix-huitienie si^cle. 3' edition, revue et augment^e.
Paris, A. Quantin, 1SS/-S3. 2 v. PL F°.
Havard, Henry.
Histoire et philosophic des st}-les (architecture, ameublement,
decoration) . . . Ouvrage enrichide 50 planches horstexteet
de plus de 4oogravures d'apres les dessins de Yp>emian, Man-
gonot, Boudier, Hotin, Melin, Roquet, etc.
Paris, C. Schmid, iSgg-igoo. 2 v. Illus., 50 numb. pi. {partly
col). F°.
Hirth, Georg.
Kulturgeschichtliches Bilderbuch aus drei Jahrhunderten.
Leipzig 6f Miinchen, G. Hirth, \_i8Si-^o'\. 6 v. Illus., port.,
pi. F°.
Facsimiles of woodcuts, copperplptes, etchings [etc.], by German,
French, Dutch, and other artists, illustrative of the history and cus-
toms of the 16th to the iSth century. No text.
Hittorff, Jacques Ignace.
Architecture antique de la Sicile. Recueil des monuments de
Segeste et de S^linonte, mesures et dessin^s, suivi de recher-
ches sur I'origine et le ddveloppement de I'architecture re-
ligieuse chez les Grecs.
Paris, E. Donnaud, iSjo. i v. 4° and atlas F°.
Hoffbauer, Theodore Joseph Hubert.
Paris, a. travers les ages. Aspects successifs des monuments et
quartiers historiques de Paris depuis le xiii' si^cle jusqu'a
nos jours fidelement restitu^s d'apres les documents authen-
tiques . . . Texte par A. Bonnardot, J. Cousin, E. Druniont,
V. Dufour, E. Fournier, F. C. Jourdain, P. Lacroix, A. Lenoir,
L. M. Tisserand. 2. ed.
Paris, Firmin-Didot et cie., 18S5. 2 v. Illus., pi. {partly col.),
maps, plans, facsim. F°.
Consists of monographs by the collaborators named on the title
HUbsch, Heinrich.
Monuments de I'architecture chr^tienne depuis Constantin jusqu'4
Charlemagne et de leur influence sur le style des construc-
tions religieuses aux ^poques post^rieures . . . Tr. de I'alle-
mand par V. Guerber.
Paris, A. Morel, j866. 63 pi. F°.
'Knight, Henry Gaily.
Saracenic and Norman remains, to illustrate the Normans in
London, f. Murray, [1840]. 30 pi. {partly col. \, incl. t.-p. F°.
Seiect List of Recent Purchases. loi
gutschmann, Th.
Meisterwerke saracenisch-normannischer Kutist in Sicilien und
Unteritalien; ein Beitrag zur Kunstgeschichte des Mittelal-
BeHin, F.Jager, [/goo^. jS pi. {partly col.) F°.
Laborde, Alexandre Louis Joseph, covite de.
Description des nouveaux jardins de la France et de ses anciens
ch&teaux. Les dessins par C. Bourgeois.
Paris, Ivipr. de Delance, /SoS-is. 94 pi-, map. F°.
English, French, and German.
Voyage pittoresque et historique de I'Espagne.
Paris, P. Didot Va'mi, 1S06-20. 2 v. in 4. PI., maps. P°.
lie Pautre, Jean.
[180 plates from the different series of engra\-ings by Le Pautre,
comprising friezes, fireplaces, mirrors, gardens, alcoves, foun-
tains, medallions, landscapes, battle scenes, vases, mj-tholog-
ical figures, etc.]
[Paris, /6jj-67]. 180 pi. F° .
liOth, Arthur.
Les cathedrales de France.
Paris. H. Laurens, igoo. 100 pi. F°.
Perez-Villamil, ^Manuel.
Estudios de historia y arte. La catedral de Siguenza . . . con
noticias nuevas para la historia del arte en Espaiia, sacadas
de documentos de su archivo.
Madrid, Tipografia Herres, 1S99. Ill us., pi. S°.
Petit, John Le^vis.
Architectural studies in France . . . With illustrations from
drawnngs by the author and P. Delamotte. New edition,
re\nsed by E. Bell.
London, G.Bell & sons. 1S90. Front., illus., pi. , map. S°.
B^ymond, Marcel.
La sculpture florentine; le x\"i^ siecle et les successeurs de I'^cole
Florence, Alinarifreres, igoo. Front., illus., pi. F°.
Bis-Paquot, Oscar Edmond.
Dictionnaire encyclopedique des marques & monogrammes, chif-
f res, lettres, initiales, signes figm-atifs, etc. , etc. , contenant
12,156 marques.
Paris, H.Laurens, iSgs. 2 v. Illus. 4°.
Rouyer, Jean Eugene.
L'art architectural en France depuis Francois i" jusqu'a Louis
XIV; motifs de decoration interieure et exterieure. dessin^s
d'apres des modeles executes et inedits des principales ^po-
ques de la Renaissance . . . par E. Rouyer, texte par A.
Paris and Li^ge, Noblet & Baudry, 1S63-66. 2 v. 200 pi. F°.
I02 Report of the Librarian of Congress.
Rubens, Pieter Paulus.
Correspondance de Rubens, et documents ^pistolaires concemant
sa vie et ses ceuvres; pub., tr., annot^s par Ch. Ruelens.
Anvers, De Backer, 1 8S7-9S. 2 v. Port., facsim. F°. {Codex
diplomaticus Riibenianus; doainients relatifs h la vie et aux
(etivres dc Rubens. /,^2.)
Schoy, Auguste.
Histoire del 1' influence italienne sur I'architecture dans les Pays-
Bruxelles, F. Hayez, 1879. Front, {port.) F°.
Schreiber, W.
jManuel de Tamateur de la gravure sur bois et sur m^tal au xv.
Berlin, A. Cohn, iSgi-igoo. 6 :•. Facsim. 4° and F°.
TJng'er, William.
Les ceuvres de William Unger: eaux-fortes d'aprds les maitrec
anciens et modernes, commentees par C. Vosmaer.
Leyde, A. IV. Sijtho^, f 874-79. 2 v. 141 pi. F°.
Valentini, Agostino.
I capi d' opera di pittura, scultura ed architettura della basilica
Vaticana, rappresentati in 47 tavole incise a bulino; si aggi-
ungono le incisioni della Madonna di Foligno, della Battaglia
di Constantino e del Laoccoonte.
Rouia,In cominissione pressoi pnncipalinegozianti . . . [/5— ]•
47 pi. F°.
Ysendyck, J. J. van.
Documents classes de I'art dans les Pays-Bas du X* au XVIII*
siecle, recuellis et reproduits par J. J. van Ysendyck.
Anvers: J. Maes, 1880-S9. 20 pts. in ^ v. Illus.,pl. F°.
Balustrades, broderies, chaires, chasses, chateaux, chemin^s,
cl6tures fonts, halles, h6tels-de-ville, jub^s, lucames, luminaires,
maisons, tneubles, monuments com m^nioratifs, orf^vreries, portails,
portes, retables, sculptures, stalles, tabernacles, tombeaux, uten-
siles, etc.
Allou, Roger, and Charles Chenu.
Barreau de Paris. Grands avocats du siecle . . . Pr^fac de J.
Paris, A. Pedone [/i^p./]. Port. 4°.
Andign^ de la Blanchaye, Louis Marie Augfuste Fortune, comle d\
M^moires du gdndral d'Andign^, publics avec introduction et
notes par Ed. Bird.
Paris, E. Plon, Nourritt et cie., /goo-o/. 2 v. Front.
{port.) S°.
Covers the period from 1765 to 1857.
Arbois de Jubainville, H. d'.
Histoire des dues et des comtes de Champagne.
Paris, A. Dtirand, 1859-67. 6 z: in 7. 8°.
Select List of Recent Purchases. 103
Avenel, Georges d'.
Rich -lien et la tnonarchie absolue.
Paris, E. Hon, Nourrit et cie., /Sgj. 4 v. 8°.
Ayroles, Jean Baptiste Joseph.
La vraie Jeanne d'Arc.
Paris, Gaume et cie. \_etc.'\ 1890-1898. 4 v. /*.
Bardoxix, Agenor.
Etudes sociales et politiques. La jeuness^ de La Fayette, 1757-1792.
Paris, C. Lh'y, 1892. 8°.
Etudes sociales et politiques. Les demi^res annees de La
Fayette, 1792-1S34.
Paris, C Lezy, 1S93. ^•
Etudes sociales et politiques. La duchesse de Duras.
Paris, C. Uiy, 1S9S.
Bastard-d'Estang, Henri Bruno de, vicotnte.
Les parlements de France; essai historique sur leurs usages, leur
organisation et leur autorite.
Paris, Didieret cie., 185J 2 v. Front. 8-.
Bazaine, Achille Fran9ois.
L'armee du Rhin, depuis le 12 aout jusqu'au 29 octobre 1870.
Paris, H. Hon, 1S72. Maps. 8°.
Beaucourt, Gaston Louis Emmanuel Du Fresne, ntarquia de.
Capti\-ite et demiers moments de Louis x\"i; recits originaux
& documents officiels recueillis et publies pour la Society
d'histoire contemporaine.
Paris, A. Picard, 1S92. 2 v. 8°.
Belleval, Rene, marquis de.
Les fils de Henri II. La cour, la ville et la society de leur temps.
Francois II.
Paris, E. Lechevalier. 189S. 8°.
Blocqueville, Louise Adelaide d'Eckmiihl, marquise de.
Lc marechal Davout, prince d'Eckmiihl, raconte par les siens et
par lui-meme.
Paris, Didier et cie., 1879-80. 4V. Front., port. 8°.
Bonnal dc Ganges, Edmond.
Les represenlants du peuple en mis-sion pres les armees 1791-
1797; d'apres le Depot de la guerre, les seances de la Con-
vention, les archives nationales.
Paris, A. Savaete [etc.'\ 1898-99. 4 v. 8°.
Bonnefoux, Pierre Marie Joseph, baron de.
Memoires du b"" de Bonnefoux. capitaine de vaisseau, 1 782-1855.
. . . Publies avec preface et des notes par E. Jobbe-Duval.
Paris, Hon-Xourrit et cie., 1900. 8°.
Bonnemere, Joseph Eugene.
La France sous Louis xrv, 1643-1715 ... 3. ^d.
Paris, Fischbacher, 1889. 2 v. 12°.
I04 Report of the Librarian of Congress.
Bonneval, Amiand Alexandre Hippolyte de.
M(Jmoires anecdoliques du gdn^ral marquis de Bonneval (1786-
Paris, Flon-Nourrit et de., igoo. 12°.
Bonneville de Marsang^, Louis.
Le chevalier de Vergennes; son ambassade k Constantinople.
Paris, E. Plan, Noiirrit et cie., 1894. z v. S°.
Le comte de Vergennes; son ambassade en Su^de, 1771-
Paris, E. Plan, Nourrit et cie., /SpS. Front, {port.) 8°.
Boudet, Marcellin.
. . . Documents historiques in^dits du xiv* si^cle. Thomas de
la Marche, batard de France, et ses aventures (1318-61).
Riom, U. Joiivet, igoo. PI., port. 4°.
Boulay de la Meurthe, Alfred, comte.
Les dernieres annees du due d'Enghien (1801-1804).
Paris, Hachette et cie., 1886. 12°.
Bourelly, Jules.
Cromwell et Mazarin; deux campagnes de Turenne en Flandre;
la bataille des Dunej.
Paris, Perrin et cie., 1886. PI. 12°.
Bioglie, Albertine Ida Gustavine de Stael, duchesse de.
Lettres de la duchesse de Broglie, 1814-1838— pub. par son fils le
due de Broglie ... 4. ^d.
Pat is, C. LH>y, i8g6. Front, {port.) 12°.
Broglie, Jacques Victor Albert, due de.
Maurice de Saxe et le marquis d'Argenson.
Paris, C. Leiy, 1893. 2 v. 12°.
Chalmel, Jean Louis.
Hi.stoire de Touraine, depuis la conquet^ des Gaules par les
Romains, jusqu'a I'ann^e 1790; suiviedu dictionnaire biogra-
phique de tous les hommes celebres nes dans cette pro\4nce.
Paris [etc.} H. Fourtiier [etc.] 1S28. 4 v. 8°.
Chantelauze, K.
Louis XIV et Marie Mancini, d'apres de nouveaux documents.
Paris, Didiet et cie., 1880. 8°.
Chevalier, Cyr Ulysse Joseph, coinp.
Choix de documents hi.storiques inddits sur le Dauphine, publics
d'apres les originaux conser\-^s d la biblioth^que de Grenoble
et aux archives de I'ls^re.
Lyon, A. Brun, 1874. 4°. {Collection de cartulaires dauphinois. )
Coligny, Louise I'ran9oi.se K2\iVi\\x\, marquise de.
Correspondance de Louise de Coligny, princesse d'Orange ( 1555-
1620), recueillie par P. Marchegay.
Paris, O. Doin [etc.'] J887. Front, (port.) 8°.
Combes, Francois.
L'ahbd Suger. Hi.stoire de tvm miTiistere et <le sa r(;gence.
Paris, Imprimeric de W. Remqiut& cie., iS^j. Front, {port. ) 8^.
Select List of Recent Purchases. 105
Cosnac, Gabriel Jules, conite de.
Souvenirs du regne de Louis xiv.
Paris, V've. J. Renonard, 1S66S2. 8v. 8°.
Ougnac, Gasper Jean Marie Rene de.
Cainpagne de I'armee de r^ser\-e en 1800.
Pan's, R. Chapeloi et cie, /goo. 2 v. Charts, autographs, folded
maps. 8°.
Du Bled, Victor.
La soci^t^ frangraise du xvi* siecle au xx* siecle . . . xvi« et
XVII* siecles: la soci^te, les femmes au xvi' siecle, le roman
de I'Astree, la cour de Henri iv, I'hotel de Rambouillet, les
amis du cardinal de Richelieu, la soci^te et Port-Royal.
Paris, Perrin et cie., igoo. 12°.
Du Casse, Robert Emmanuel Leon, baron.
L'amiral Du Casse . . . (1646-1715). Etude sur la France mari-
time et coloniale (regne de Louis xiv).
Paris & Nancy, Berger-Levratilt & cie., 1876. 8°.
Ducere, E.
Bayonne sous I'empire. Le blocus de 1814, d'apres les contem-
pon ns et des documents inedits.
Bayonne, Lamaignere, igoo. 8°.
Ducrot, Auguste' Alexandre.
La defense de Paris ( 1S70-1871).
Paris, E. Dentu, iSyj-gS. 4 v. Maps. 8°.
Fabry, Joseph Gabriel Andre.
Campagne de Russie ( 1812) par L. G. F.
Paris, L. Gougy, igoo. 2 v. 8°.
Gaulot, Paul.
Les grandes journees revolutionnaires. Histoire anecdotique de
la Convention nationale (21 septembre 1792-26 octobre 1795).
Paris, E. Plan, Nourrit et cie., iSgj. PI. 8°.
Gauthier-Villars, Henrj-.
Le mariage de Louis xv d'apres des documents nouveaux et une
correspondence inedite de Stanislas Leczinski.
Paris, Plon-Nourrit et cie., igoo. Poti. 8°.
Oourgaud, Gaspard, baron.
. . . Sainte-Helene; journal inedit de 1815 a i8i8avec preface et
notes de vicomte de Grouchy et A. Guillois.
Paris, E. Flatnniarion, \_i8gg'\. 2 i\ 8°.
Haussonville, Joseph Othenin Bernard de Citron, comte d' .
Histoire de la reunion de la Lorraine a la jFrance, avec notes,
pieces justilicatives et documents historiques entierement
inedits. 2. ^d., rev. et corrigee.
Paris, M. Levyfreres, i860. 4 v. 12°.
Herpin, Clara Adele Luce.
La fin du xviii^ siecle. Le due de Nivernais, 1763-1798. Par
Lucien Percy [pseud.] 4. ed.
Pans, C. LH'y '8gi. Front, [port.) 8°.
io6 Report of the Librarian of Congress.
[Herpdn, Clara Ad^le Luce.] — Continued.
La fin du xviii* sidcle. Le president Renault et Madame du
Deffand. La cour du regent, la cour de Louis xv et de Marie
Leczinska. 4. 6d.
Paris, C. Lh>y, 1893. Front, {port.) S°.
Un petit-neveu de Mazarin. Louis Mancini-Mazarini, due de
Nivernais. 7. ed.
Pans, C. Levy, iSgg. Front, {port. ) 8°.
Le ronian du grand roi, Louis xrv et Marie Mancini, d'apr^s
des lettres et documents inedits. 3. ^d.
Paris, C. Levy, 1894. Front, {port. ) 8°.
Jourdan, Jean Baptiste cotnte.
Memoires militaires du Mar^chal Jourdan (guerre d'Espagne)
Merits par lui-meme; publics d'apres le manuscrit original
par M. le vicomte de Grouchy.
Paris, E. Flatninarion, [/ipp]. Front, {port.) 8°.
Lacombe, Bernard de.
Les debuts de guerres de religion (Orleans 1559- 1564) Catherine
de M^dicis entre Guise et Conde.
Pans, Perrin & cie., 1889. S°.
La Ferronnays, Pierre Louis Auguste Ferron, comte de.
En emigration; souvenirs tires des pa piers du cte. A. de La
Ferronnays (1777-1814) par le m'*. Costa de Beauregard.
Paris, Plon-Nourrit 6f cie., 1900. Front {port.) 8°.
La Gorce, Pierre de.
Histoire du second empire ... 5. ^d.
Paris, E. Plon, Aourrit & cie., 1899-1900. 4 v. <9°.
Langlois, Charles Victor, ed.
. . . Textes relatifs k I'bistoire du Parlement depuis les origines
jusqu' en 13 14.
Farts, A. Picard, 1888. 8°.
La Sicotifere, L^on de.
Louis de Frott^ et les insurrections normandes, 1793-1832.
Paris, E. Plon, Nourrit et cie., 1889. j v. in 2. Front, [port.),
map. 8°.
Louis, due de Bourgogne, dauphin de France, 1682-1 7 12.
. . . Le due de Bourgogne et le due de Beauvillier. Lettres
in^dites, 1700- 1708.
Paris, Plon-Nourrit & cie., 1900. Front, {port.), facsim.,
map. 8°.
Louvet de Couvrai, Jean Baptiste.
Memoires de Louvet de Couvrai sur la Revolution franfaise.
!*"= Edition complete, avec preface, notes et tables par F. A.
Paris, lAbrairie des bibliophiles^ 1889. 2 v. 12".
Mollien, Francois Nicolas, comte.
Memoires d'un ministre du tr^sor public 1780-1815; avec une
notice par M. C. Gomel.
Paris, Guillaumin et cie, \_/898.'\ 3 v. Tables. 8°.
Select List of Recent Purchases. 107
Parisot, Robert.
Le royaume de Lorraine sous les Carolingiens (^843-923).
Paris, A. Picard etjils, iSgS. Folded maps. 4°.
Pasquier, Etienne Denis, due
Histoire de mon temps. M^moires du Chancelier Pasquier
publics par :M. le due d'AudifiFret-Pasquier de TAcad^mie
Patis, E. Pion, Xotirrit et de., 1893-95. 6 v. Front., port. 8°.
Poinsot, Edniond Antoine.
Journal du siege de Paris. Decrets, proclamations, circulaires,
rapports, notes, renseignements, documents divers ofiBciels et
autres, publics par Georges d'Heylli [pseud.]
Paris, Librairie generate, [/<!?7j]-7-/- 3 ^'- '^°-
Bemacle, L.. comte.
Bonaparte et les Boiu-bons. Relations secretes des agents de
Louis x\'iii a Paris sous le consulat ( 1802-1803 ) publiees
avec une introduction et des notes par le Comte Remade.
Paris, E. Plan, Nourrit et cie., iSgg. S°.
B^musat, Claire Elisabeth Jeanne Gravier de Vergennes, comtesse de.
Memoires de Madame de Remusat, 1S02-180S. Pub. par son
petit-fils P. de Remusat.
Paris, C. Levy, 1S93. 3 v. 8°.
Lettres de Madame de Remusat, 1804-1814. Pub. par son
petit-fils P. de Remusat.
Paris, C. Leiy, 188 1. 2 v. Front, (port.) 8°.
Bobinet, Jean Eugene Fran9ois.
. . . Le mouvement religieux a Paris pendant la revolution ( 1789-
180 1 ) par le docteur Robinet.
Paris, L. Cerf,C. Xoblet\etc.'\ 1896-08. 2 v. Table. {Collec-
tion de documents relatifs a V histoire de Paris pendant la
Revolution fran^aise. )
Buble, Joseph Etienne Alphonse, baron de.
La premiere jeunesse de Marie Stuart.
Paris, E. Paul, L. Huard et Guillemin, iSgi. 8°.
Saint-Hilaire, Emile Marc Hilaire, known as Marco de.
Histoire militaire du consulat et de I'empire; souvenirs intimes.
Ed. illustree de gra\-ures hors teste par les meilleurs artistes.
Paris, A. Moveau etC. Caroll, [/^d?]. 6 z: in 3. PI. 4°.
Valois, Noel.
La France et le grand schisme d'occident.
■^ Paris, Alphonse Picard etjils, 1896. 2 v. 8°.
Vandal, Albert.
Louis XV et Elisabeth de Russie; ^tude sur les relations de la
France et de la Russie au dix-huitieme siecle d'apr^s les
archives du Ministere des affaires ^trangeres.
Paris, E. Plon & cie., 1882. 5°.
io8 Report of the Librarian of Congress.
V^ron, Eugene.
La troisienie invasion.
Paris, Librairie de Tart; Charles Delaf^rave, 7576-77. 2 v. F°.
Vic, Claude de, and Jean Joseph Vaissete.
Histoire g^ndrale de Languedoc avec des notes et les pieces justi-
ficatives par Dom CI. Devic & Dom J. Vaissete. [Edition
accompagn^e de dissertations & notes nouvelles contenant le
Recueil des inscriptions de la Province . . . continude jusques
en 1790 par Ernest Roschacli.]
Toulouse, E. Privat, 1872-92 [/<>Vj]- ^5 ^- Maps. 4°.
[A feature of this acquisition is a collection of the ordinances and placards of the
estates of the various provinces, contained for the most part in the provincial
placard and charter books.]
Aa, Abraham Jacob van der.
Aardrijkskundig woordenboek der Nederlanden, bijeengebragt
door A. J. van der Aa, onder medewerking van eenige vader-
landsche geleerden.
Gorinchem,J. Noorduyn, 183^51. /j v. 8°.
Geographical dictionary of the Netherlands, with historical infor-
mations regarding towns, vnllages, castles, and other localities
nowhere else to be found. '
De Aarde en haar volken. Geillustreerd volksboek.
Haarlem, 1865-gg. S5 '^'- P° •
Corresponds to the " Tour du monde."
Aitzema, Lieuwe van.
Saken .an staet en oorlogh, in, ende onitrent de Vereenigde
'5 Graven-Haghe, J. Veely, J. Tongerloo, ende J. Doll, /669-J2.
6 V. in 7. Port. F°.
For continuation see Bos, Lambert van den. Historien onses tyds,
behelzeiide saken van staat en oorlogh . . . Amsterdam, 1685.
'•This great work of Aitzema is an extremely valuable compilation
of important documents and other papers, and the l>est source for the
histor>' of the years 1621-1668."'
Verhael vande Nederlandsche vrede-handeling. Op nieuvvs
gecorrigeert, en met eenige stucken vermeerdert, door t,. van
Aitzema. 'sCrazt'n/iage,J. \'eely,J. Tongerloo, ende J. Doll,
167 1. F°.
Algemeen, Nederland.sch faniilieblad. Orgaan van de Vereeniging
het Nederlandsch faniilie-archief.
Oisternijk [etc.l/SSj-^j. 13 v. in 12. F° .
Algemeene konst- en letterlx)de; 4 July 1788-4 Jan. 1S62.
Haarlem [<•/<.] ./. I.oosjes \ete.'\ /7SS-I/862]. /jgv.ingo. PI.,
tab. 4° and 8°. IVeekly.
Select List of Recent Ptirchases. 109
Almanak van Nederlandsch Indie . . . 1854-64.
Batavia, Lands-drukkerij [/5j^]-<5ij. j/ v. PI., tab. 8°.
Axasterdam in de zeventiende eeuw; door A. Bredius, H. Brugmans,
G. Kalff, G. W. Kernkamp, D. C. Meijer. jr., H. C. Rogge,
D. F. Schenrleer, A. W. Weissman; met een voorrede van
P. J. Blok.
""s-Gravenhage, W. P. van Stockum & zoon, iSgj. Front., illus.,
pi. ( partly col. ) , port. , maps, facsim. F^.
Monographs on the histor>-, cxjramerce, domestic, social, and relig-
ious life, literature and art of Amsterdam in the 17th century.
Archief voor de geschiedenis der Oude Hollandsche zending.
Utrecht, C. Van Bentiim, jS84-gi. 6 v. 8°.
Collection of documents covering 1603-43 relating to Dutch mis-
sions to Formosa, and the Moluccas.
Arcliief voor kerkelijke en wereldlijke geschiedenis van Nederland,
meer bepaaldelijk van Utrecht.
Utrecht, 183S-33. 10 V 4°.
Unpublished documents concerning the history of Utrecht and
other provinces of the Netherlands, mostly during the middle ages.
Archief voor kerkelijke geschiedenis, inzonderheid van Nederland.
■^'erzameld door N. C. Kist en H. J. Royaards.
Leyden \etc.'\. S. & J. Luchtmans \etc.'\ 182^-34. 22 v. 8°.
The leading Dutch review for the history- of the church, especially
in the Netherlands, in early periods.
Archives ou correspondance inedite de la maison d'Orange-Nas-
Leide, S. & J. Luchtmans, 18^5-47, Utrecht; Kemink & fils,
18S7-61. 14 V. Facsrm. 8°.
Covers documents of the period from 1552-1688.
Baudartius, Wilhelmus.
. . . Memon.-en ofte Cort verhael der gedenck-weerdichste so
kercklicke als werltlicke gheschiedenissen van Nederland,
Vranckrijck, Hooghduytschland, Groot Britannyen, His-
panyen, Italyen, Hungaryen, Bohemen, Savoyen, Seven-
burghen, ende Turkyen, van den iaere 1603, tot in het iaer
1624. 2. ed. grootelicx vermeerdert.
Arnhem, J. Jansz, 1624. 11 bks. in i v. Front., port. F°.
This is the best book for the historj- of the twelve years truce. It
consists chiefly of documents, pamphlets, diaries, etc., and as such is
a source of great importance.
Bems, J. L.
Verslag aangaande een onderzoek naar archiefstukken, belangrijk
voor de geschiedenis van Friesland, uit het tijdperk der
Saksische hertogen. Op last der regeering ingesteld.
's-G raven hage, M. Nijhoff, i8gi. 8°.
Report concerning archivalia (in Dresden, etc.), important for the
history of Frisia, during the time of the Saxon dukes.
Bibliotheque raisonnee des ouvrages des savants de TEurope.
Amsterdam, IVetstein [etc.}, 1728-33- 5-? ''■'■ ^6°.
no Report of the Librarian of Congress.
Bilderdijk, Willem.
De dichtwerkeii van Bilderdijk.
Haarlem, ^l. C. Kruseiuau, /S^6-^g. /j v. Front. 8°.
Geschiedenis des vaderlands, door Mr. W. Bilderdyk; uitg.
door Prof. H . W. Tydenian.
Amsterdam, P.M. IVarnars [etc. 1^ 1 8 j2-^3. /^ v. 8°.
From the earliest period to 1813.
Historj- of the Netherlands by the celebrated ix)et and historian.
Blok, Petrus Johannes.
Geschiedenis van het Nederlandsche volk.
Groiiingen,J. B. Walters, iSg^-gg. 4 v. Maps. 8°.
Historv' of the Dutch people from the earliest time. The first
complete history of the Netherlands, based upon .substantial research.
Will be completed in .seven volumes.
Bondam, Pieter.
Charterboek der hertogen van Gelderland en graaven van Zut-
phen; behelzende de handvesten, privilegien, vrA'heden,
voorrechten en octroyen, als mede andere voornaame hande-
lingen, verbonden, en overeenkomsten, derzelven.
Utrecht, J. Altheer, ijj^-/8o<). 4 v. in 2. PL F°.
Contains the earliest charters down to 1286.
Bos, Lambert van den.
Historien onses tyds, behelzende saken van staat en oorlogh,
voorgevallen in, en omtrent de Vereenigde Nederlanden, en
door geheel Europa, niitsgaders in nieest alle de andere
deelen des werelds. 1669-79.
Amsterdam,], ten Hoorn, en J. Bouman, 1685. 4pts. in i v. PL,
port. F°.
For a continuation see the author's Vervolgh van Saken van staat
en oorlogh . . . Amsterdam, 1688-99.
't Oude nieuws der ontdeckte weereld: vervaetende een
duydelijcke beschryvingh van uytstekende hedendaeghsche
en aloude steden, gebouwen, bergen, wateren, fonteynen,
vruchten, vogelen, beesten en menschen &c. door L. v. B.
Amsterdam, C. Jansz. Swoll, 1 66j. PL, map. 24°.
Ver\'olgh van Saken van staat en oorlogh, in, en omtrent de
Vereenigde Nederlanden, en door geheel Europa voorge-
Amsterdam, J. ten Hoorn, /6S8-99. j v. F°.
A continuation of the author's Historien onses tyds, and of L. ^'an
Aitzema's Saken van staet.
Bosch, Johannes van den.
Nederlandsche bezittingen in Azie, Anierika, en Afrika, inderzelver
toestand en aangelegenheid voor dit rijk.
'j Gravenhage en Amsterdam, Gebroeders van Cleef, 18/8. 2 v.
8° and atlas F°.
Dutch possessions in Asia, Americn, and Africa.
Select List of Recent Purchases. 1 1 1
Brandt, Geeraert.
G. Brandts Historic der reformatie en andere kerkelyke geschie-
denissen in en ontrent de Nederlanden.
Amsterdam, J. Riemvertz., H. en D. Boom, 1677, '74; Rotterdam,
Barent Bos, 1704. 4 v. Port. S°.
History of the Reformation; describes in the first volume the re-
ligious movement of the i6th centurj-, but the other volumes treat
particularly of the cx)nflict between Gomarus and Arminius. con-
tinuing the historj- to 1633.
Brink, Jan ten.
Geschiedenis der Nederlandsche letterkunde . . . Geillustreerd
onder toezicht van J. H. W. Unger.
Amsterdam, Uitgevers-maatscbappy'^ Elsevier,'" t Sgj. Col. front.,
illus. , pi. , port.,facsim. 4° .
Brouwer, Petrus Abraham Samuel van Limburg, comp.
Boergoensche charters. 142S-14S2 ... 3. afdeelingvan het Oor-
kondenboek van Holland en Zeeland, uitg. van wegen de
Kon. Akademie van wetenschappen.
Amsterdam, F. Mutter; 's Gravaihage, M. Nijhoff, /86g. 4^.
Bru^mans, Hajo.
\'erslag van een onderzoek in Engeland naar archivalia, bela-
ngrijk voor de geschiedenis van Nederland, in 1S92, op last
der regeering ingesteld.
^s Gravenhage, M. Nijhoff, iSgs. S°.
Guide to the manuscript collections of England, as regards Dutch
history, beginning with the Public Records, and containing also a
brief inventory of the principal contents of the British Museum and
the college libraries of Oxford and Cambridge universities.
Bussemaker, C. H. Th.
De afscheiding der Waalsche gewesten van de Generale Unie,
door . . . C. H. T. Bussemaker.
Haarlem, De Erven F. Bohn, iSg^-gd. 2 v. 8°.
History of the separation of North and South Netherlands in 1579.
Incorporates many documents from the Belgian archives.
Cloppenburg, Jan Evertszoon.
Le Miroir de la Cruelle, & horrible Tyrannie Espagnole perpetree
au Pays Bas, par le Tyran Due de Albe, & aultres Comman-
deurs de par le Roy Philippe le deuxiesme. On a adjoinct la
deuxiesme partie de les Tyrannies commises airx Indes Oc-
cidentales par les Espagnols. Nouvellement exome avec
taille douce en cuy\Te.
Tot Amsterdam Ghednickt by Ian Evertss Cloppenburg, 1620. 4°.
Commelin, Izaak, ed.
Begin ende voortgangh van de Vereenighde Nederlantsche geoc-
troyeerde Oost-Indische compagnie. Versatende de voor-
naemste reysen, by de inwoonderen der selver pro\-incien
dervvaerts gedaen.
Amsterdam, 1645. 2 v. H. obi. 12°.
Title of V. 2: •• Begin ende voortgangh der Vereenighde Neder-
lantsche geoctroyeerde Oost-Indische compagnie . . ."
Early history of the Dutch East India Company.
112 Report of the Librarian of Congress.
Corpus documentorum Inquisitionis hseriticae pravitatis Neerlandicae.
Cent, 1SS9-96. 2 V. Maps. 8°.
Collection of unpublished documents relating to the papal and
episcopal inquisition in the Netherlands from 1024 to 1518.
Daendels, Herman Willeni.
Staat der Nederlandsche Oostindische bezittingen, onder het
bestuur van den gouverneur-generaal H. W. Daendels . .
in de jaren 1808-1811.
*s Gravenhage, /S/4. 4 v. F°.
The Dutch East India possessions in 1S08-1811.
Deventer, Mariims Lodewijk van.
Geschiedenis der Nederlanders op Java.
Haarlem, H. D. Tjeenk Will ink, 1SS6-87. 2 v. 8°
The Dutch in Java.
Deventer, S. van, ed.
Bijdragen tot de kennis van het landelijk stelsel op Java, op last
van zijneexcellentie den minister van kolonien, J. D. Fransen
van de Putte, bijeenverzameld door S. van Deventer.
Zalt-Bommel,J. Nonian & zoon, 1865-66. j v. 4°.
Exposition of the land system of Java.
Encyclopsedie van Nederlandsch-Indie met medewerking van ver-
schillende ambtenaren.geleerden en officieren.
'5 Gravenhage [^etc.'\ M. Nijhoff, [/595-/900]. 2 v. 4°.
official encyclopaedia of the Dutch East Indies.
Friesland. {Province).
Groot placaat en charter-boek van Vriesland . . . aanvang nee-
mende met de oiidste wetten der Vriezen [en eindigende met
het jaar 1604] . . . Verzamelt door G. F. baron thoe
Schwartzenberg en Hohenlansberg.
Leeuwarden, W. Coulon, /•]68-82. 4 V. F° .
Nieuw placaat en charter-boek van Vriesland. Vervattende
de wetten, placaateii ordonnantien ... en andere stukken.
Leeuwarden, H. Post, I jgs. F°. {Groot placaat en charter-boek
van Vriesland— {^Verzamelt door G . F. baron thoe Schwartz-
enbergen Hohenlansberg'\.)
Great Charterbook of Friesland, beginning with the old statutes
and laws, down to 1686. Added is the indispensable Index of Charters
which are missing in the principal work, by G. Colmjon, Leeu-
warden, 18S4. 8°.
Fruin, Robert Jacobus.
Tien jaren uit den tachtigjarigen oorlog, 1588-1598 ... 5. uitg.
laatste, door den schrijver herziene druk.
'5 Gravenhage, M. Nijhoff, i8gg. 8°.
Ten years of the 80-years war. Study of the development of the
Seven Provinces, after the time of Leicester.
De Gids.
Amsterdam, 18^7-igor. 173 v. in 164. 8°.
The leading literarj- journal in Holland.
De Globe. Album van buitenlandsche letter\'ruchten.
Middelburg [etc.] /S4/-/S89. 49 v. 8°.
Select List of Recent Purchases. 1 1 3
Gouw, Johannes ter.
Geschiedenis van Amsterdam.
Amsterdam, Scheltema & Holkema, 1879-93. 8 v. Front., illus.,
pi. 8° and atlas {12 col. pi. ) obi. F°.
Heraldieke bibliotlieek; tijdsclirift voor geslacht- en wapenkunde
uitg. door J. B. Rietstap. 1S72-76; nieuwe reeks, 1.-5.
deel [1878-83].
'5 Gravenhage, H. L. Smits, 11872-76]; M. Nijhoff, 1879-83. 10 v.
PI. {paiily col.), lab. 8°.
Publication suspended during 1877.
Collection of genealogical history, titles of nobility, anns, etc.
Holland. Graaven.
Groot charterboek der graaven van Holland, van Zeeland en
heeren van Vriesland ... in orde gebragt door Frans van
Leyden, P. van der Eyk, 1733-56. 4 v. F°.
Holland [Province). Staten.
Register gehouden by Meester Aert van der Goes, advocat van de
Staten's lands van Hollandt, ^^n alle die dachuaerden by
deselve Staten gehouden, mitsgaders die resolutien, propo-
sitien, ende andere gebesongneerde in de voirsz dachuaerden
['5 Gravefi/mge, 1750?]. 6 v. 8°.
Administrative documents covering period fro:n 1524-1560.
Hooft, Pieter Cornelisz.
P. C. Hoofts Neederlandsche histoorien, sedert de ooverlraght
der heerschappye van kaizar Karel den Vyfden, op kooning
Philips zynen zoon.
Tot Amsterdam, By Louys Elzevir, 1642. F° .
One of the leading Dutch histories of the revolt of the Nether-
lands. " He worked for ten years (162S-38) upon his story, and then
delayed several more before he published the first twenty books,
which came down to the death of the prince [of Orange]."
Jonckbloet, William Jozef Andries.
Geschiedenis der Nederlandsche letterkunde . . . 4. druck, her-
zien en tot den tegenwoordigen tijd bijgewerktdoor C. Honigh.
Groningen, J. B. Walters, 1 888-1 892. 6 v. 8°.
Jonge, Johannes Cornelius de.
Geschiedenis van het Nederlandsche zeewezeu ... 3. uitg.
. . . uitg. . . . van J. K. J. de Jonge.
Zwolle, Van Hoogstraten & Gorier, 1869. 5 v. Front. , pi. , port. ,
plans, facsim . 8° .
v.2, 2d ed. Haarlem, A. C. Kruseman, 1859.
"Dutch marine. Written before the fire in the Naval Department,
in 1844, vvhen the greater part of the original documents concerning
the naval history were destroyed, and a great number of which have
been reprinted here."
Kalff, Gerrit.
Geschiedenis der Nederlandsche letterkunde in de 16. eeuw.
[Leiden,']E. J. Brill, [1889']. 2 v. 8°.
9957—01 8
114 Report of the Librarian of Congress,
Kemp, P. H. N'an der.
De adniinistratie der geldmiddelen van Neerl. -Indie, door P. H.
van der Kemp.
Amsterdam, J. H. de Bussy; Samarang, C. L. Baier, tSSt-Sz.
4 V. in 3. 8\
Contents. — i. deel, boek i. Het leggen van den grondslag voor
de jaarlijksche adniinistratie.— 2. deel, boek 2. Het lieheer. i.
gedeelte. Van de beheerders en van het beheer in het algemeen. —
3. deel, boek 2. Het beheer. 2. gedeelte. Van het l)ehecr der
outvangsten en van het beheer der uitgaven.— 4. deel, lioek 3. Van
• de verantwoording.
Kerkhistorisch archief, verzameld door N. C. Kist en W. Moll.
Amstodam, P. N. van Kampen, 1857-66. 4 v. S°.
Lauts, Ulrich Gerard.
Geschiedenis van de vestiging, uitbreiding, bloei en verval van
de magt der Nederlander.s in Indie.
Groningen [etc."] IV. van Bockcren \etc.'\ 1852-66. 7 v. 8°.
v. 1-5: Groningen, W. van Boekeren; v. 4-7: Amsterdam, F. Muller
V. 4-5 have added title: Geschiedenis van het verval der magt van de
Nederlanders in Indie, tot op het verlies van Java in 1811. v. 6-7 have
added title: Geschiedtnis van de Nederlandsche regering in Indie,
gedurende :8i6-i858.
History of the rise and decline of the Dutch power in the East Indies
liinsclioten, Jan Huygen van.
Twee journalen van twee verscheyde voyagien, gedaen door Jan
Huygen van Linschooten, van by Noorden om, langhs Noor-
wegen, de Noordt-Caep, Laplandt . . . na Vay-gats.
t' Amsterdam, G.y. Saeg/iman [n. d.'\ Illus., fold. map. sq. 12°.
Pnb. "orastr. 1660-1670" (Tiele).
The woodcuts are reproductions in reduced size of the original
plates. Double columns; gothic type; marginal notes.
Loon, Gerard van.
Beschrijving der Nederlandsche historie-penningen, 1555-1713.
'5 Gravenhage, 1723. 4 v. F°.
Beschrijving van Nederlandsche historie-penningen, ten ver-
volge op het werk van Mr. G. van Loon. Uitgegeven door de
Tweede klasse van het K.- Nederlandsche in.stituut van wet-
enschappen, letterkunde en schoone kunsten.
Amsterdam, Pieper & Ipenbutir iS2i-6g. 10 v. PI. F° .
Medallic history of the Netherlands, with njaiiy thousands of
Groot Gelders placaet-boeck, inhoudende de placaeten ende
ordonnantien, soo by wylen keyser Kaerle en coninck Philips
als hertogen van Gelre ende graven van Zutphen, alsby de
edele Staeten des furstendoms Gelre ende graeffschaps Zut-
phen, .sedert den jaere 1543. tot den jaere 1700. uytgegeven,
als niede de principaelste resolutien raekende .saecken van
politie en ju.stitie by de selve heeren Staeten .sedert <lcn jaere
1577. tot den jaere 1700. succes.sivelyck genonien, en voorts
sovdanige prseliminaire puncten als by resolutien van . . .
beeren Staeten. den 19. martii en 14. junii 1699. genomen is
Select List of Recent Purchases. 1 1 5
liOOn, Gerard van — Continued.
vast gestelt ende goet gevonden. Alles door ordre van
. . . heeren Staeten bj'-een versamelt, in twee deelen ver-
deelt, en u^-tgegeven door W. van Loon.
Nymegen, S. van Goor, ijoi-40. j v. F°.
Ordinances and placards for Gelderland. 1543-1700.
Marnix, Philippe do, seigneur de Sainte-Aldegonde.
Philips van ilamix van St. Aldegonde godsdienstige en ker-
kelijke geschriften.
'^ Gravenhage, M. Nijhoff, iSji-^i. j v. 8°.
Verscheidenheden uit- en over de nalatenschap.
's Gravenhage,M. Xijhoff, i8j8. Front. {poji.),/acsim. 8°.
Published as a supplement to v i and 2, and in this copy bound
with V. 3. Collection of reprints of the works of the friend of Wil-
liam The Silent, his correspondence, etc.
Meerbeeck, Adriaan van.
Chroniicke vande gantsche werelt, ende sonderlinghe vande seven-
thien Nederlanden; begr^-pende de tweedrachten, oorloghen,
veltslaghen, belegeringhen ende inneminghen van landen
ende steden, ende alle andere ghedenckweerdighste saken,
die geschiedt zijn vanden tijdt des keysers Caroli v. af, m.d.
tot het jaer onses Heeren m.dc.xx.
hntzcerpen, H. Verditssen, 1620. PL, port. F°.
\ chronicle of the history of the Netherlands from 1500 to 1620, par-
ticularly ecclesiastical events.
Merteus, Frans Hendrik.
Geschiedenis van Antwerpen . . . uitg. door de Rederykkamer
de Olyitak, bewerkt door F. H. Mertens en H. L. Torfs.
Antwerpen, Dnikkery van J. P. van Dieren en cie., 1845; J. E.
Biischmann, 1 8 46-48 ; G. van Merlen en zoon, 184^^3. 7 v.
and app. Illus., pi. {partly col.) port., maps, facsitn. 8°.
Meteren, Emanuel van.
Belgica. Emanvels van Meteren historie der Nederlandscher ende
haerder na-buren oorlogen ende geschiedenissen tot den iare
's Graven-haghe , H. lacobssz, 161 4. Port., maps. F°.
The first connected narrative of the revolt of the Netherlands down
to 1609, based upon original documents.
Moll, Willem.
Kerkgeschiedenis van Nederland v66r de her\-omiing.
Utrecht, Kemint: en zoon, [/^d^]-//. 2 pts. and index in 6 v. 8°.
Ecclesiastical history of the Netherlands before the Reformation.
Muller, Pieter Lodewijk.
Onze gouden eeuw; de republiek der Vereenigde Nederlanden in
haar bloeitijd geschetst door . . . P. L. Muller . . . geil-
lustreerd onder toezicht van J. H. W. Unger.
Leiden, A. \V. Sijthoff, \_i8g6-^8'\ 3 v. Front., illus., pi. (partly
col. ) port. , maps, facsim . 4° .
Contexts. —I. Be opkomst. — 2. De bloeitijd. — 3. De laatste jaren.
ii6 Report of the Librarian of Congress.
Muller, Samuel, cd.
Bijdragen voor een oorkondenboek van het sticht Utrecht. Reges-
ten van het archief der Stad Utrecht [1021-1487].
Utrecht, C. H. E. Breijer, 1896. 4°.
De Navorscher, een niiddel tot gedachtenwisseling en lettetkundig
verkeer tusschen alien die iets weten, iets te vragen'hebben
of iets kunnen oplossen.
Amsterdam, [etc] /SJ/-/900. jorots. 4°. Bijblad, v. j-^, Am-
sterdam, 18^3-55. 3 vols. 4°. Register, Amsterdam, 1S61-S2.
A p>eriodical devoted to curious information. Corresponds to
the Hnglish "Notes and Queries."
Nederlandsche jaerboeken, inhoudende een verhael van de nierk-
waerdigste geschiedenissen, die voorgevallen zyn binnen den
omtrek der Vereenigde provintien, sedert het begin des jaers
Atnsteldam, F. Houttuyn, /748-[6j] . 23 v. in 41. PI. , maps, tab.
' Nieuwe Nederlandsche jaerboeken, of Vervolg der merkwaer-
digste geschiedenissen, die voorgevallen zyn in de Vereenigde
provincien, de generaliteits landen, en de volkplantingen van
den staet.
Amsteldam,etc., IJJ6-98. 33 v. in yg. PI., maps, tab. 8°.
Netherlands. United provinces, i^8f-iyg^.
Verzameling van placaaten, resolutien en andere authentyke stuk-
ken enz. betrekking hebbende tot de gewigtige gebeurtenis-
sen, in de maand September mdcclxxxvii en vervolgens, in
het gemeenebest der Vereenigde Nederlanden voorgevallen.
Campen, J. A. de Chalmot, ij88-<)3. 50 v. 8°
Placards, resolutions, etc., concerning events in the Netherlands
from September, 1787-1793.
■ Nieuwe verzameling van placaaten, resolutien en an-
dere authentyke stukken. Betrekking hebbende tot de
gewigtige gebeurtenissen sedert het begin van het jaar
MDCCXCiii in het gemeenebest der Vereenigde Nederlanden
Campen, J. A. de Chalmot, I jgy-gs. 3 V. 8°.
New collection of placards, resolutions, etc., concerning events since
the beginning of 1793 to Nov. i, 1794.
Netherlands. United provinces, 1581-1793. Stouten generaal.
Groot placaatboek, vervattende de placaaten, ordonnantien en
edicten van de hoog mog. heeren Staaten generaal der Veree-
nigde Nederlanden; en van de edele groot mog. heeren Sta-
ten van Holland en Westvriesland; mitsgaders van de edele
mog. heeren Staaten van Zeeland . . . [15. junij, 1097-19.
Jan., 1795].
5' Gravenhage, 1658-/ 770; Amsterdam, /795-96. 9 v, F°.
Select List of Recent Purchases. 117
Netherlands. United provinces, rsSi-ijgs, etc. — Continued.
Repertoriuni of Generaal register over de negen deelen van het
Groot placaatboek . . . Eerst over de zes deelen in den jaare
1752 uitgegeven: en nu over de verdere deelen aangevult
en verbeterd door Mr. Joannes van der Linden.
Amsterdam, J. Allart, 1797. F°.
Recueil van alle placaten, ordonnantien, resolutien,
instructien, lysten en waarschouwingen betreffende de admi-
raliteyten, convoyen, licenten, en verdere zee-saaken.
's Graz-enhage, //OI-73. 11 v. S°.
Recueil van alle placaten, ordonnantien, resolutien.
instructien, lysten en waarschouwingen betrefiFende de admi-
ralite>-ten, convoyen, licenten, en verdere zee-saaken, i.-ii.
deel. Generaale index over de elf deelen van het Recueil
der placaaten, ordonnantien, resolutien en reglementen,
betrefiFende de convoyen, en verdere zee-zaaken.
's Gravenhage, I. Scheltus, 1773-73. ^ '• '" ^- ^°-
CosTEjrrs.— [i] Xa ordre der respective jaaren en datums gesteld
. . . 1492-1771 inclusive. — [2] Volgens de letters van het alphatietb.
Nijhofif, Dirk Christiaan.
De hertog van Brunswijk; eene bijdrage tot de geschiedenis van
Xederland gedurende de jaren 1750-17S4.
'5 Gravenhage, M. Nijhoff, i88g. 8°.
NijhofF, I.
Gedenkwaardigheden uit de Geschiedenis van Gelderland.
Am/i., 's Hage, 1830-73. 6 v. in 8. F°.
History of Gelderland. from the beginning of the 14th century to
the year 1535, with numerous unpublished charters, documents, etc
Nuyens, Willem Johannes Franciscus.
Geschiedenis der Xederlandsche beroerten in de x\'i* eeuw.
Amsterdam, C. L. van Langenhiiysen , 1S63-70. 8 v. in 4. 8°.
Contexts. — i. Geschiedenis van den oorsprong en het begin der
Nederlandsche beroerten. U559-1367) 2v. ini. — 2. Geschiedenis van
den opstand in de Xederlanden. van de komst van Alva tot aan de
be\Tediging van Gend. 1, 1567-1576) 2 v. in i. — 3. Geschiedenis van
den opstand in de Xederlanden. van de Gentsche bevrediging tot aan
den dood van Willem van Oranje. ( Kalvinistische overheersching
en katholieke reactie) (1576-15S41 2v. ini. — ^4. Geschiedenis van de
vorming \-an de republiek der zeven vereenigde provincien. 1584-
1598. 2 V. in 1.
History of the revolt of the Netherlands in the i6th century, from
a Roman Catholic point of view, 1559-1598.
Onze tijd. Studien en berichten over personen, zakeu en gebeurte-
nissen van den dag. i.-io. deel; 11. -20. deel(2. ser. i.-io. deel);
21.-30. deel 13. ser. i.-io deel); 31. -36. deel ( 4. ser. 1.-6. deel);
nieuwe ser. I.-II. jaarg.; 1848-76.
Amsterdam, Gebr. Diederichs, 1848-63; C. F. Stetnler, 1866-76.
38 V. Pi., maps. 8°.
ii8 Report of the Librarian of Congress.
Oorkondenboek der Graafschappen Gelre en Zutphen, tot op den
slag bij Woeringen.
'5 Graven has;e 1SJ2-J5. j v. facsim.
Oorkondenboek van Groningen en Drente, bewerkt door P. J. Blok,
J. A. Feith, S. Gratama, J. Reitsma en C. P. L. Rutgers.
Groningen, J. B. Walters, 1896-^9. 2 v. F°.
Charterbookof the Northern provinces Groningen and Drente, from
750-1405; mostly published for the first time.
Oorkondenboek van Holland en Zeeland. Uitg. von wege de K.
akademie von wetenschappen.
Amsterdam [etc."^ F. Mutter, 1866-1901. 2v.andsuppl.tab. F°.
Penon, Georg.
Bijdragen tot de geschiedenis der Nederlandsche letterkunde.
Groningen,/. B. IVolters, 1880-84. s ^'- "' ^- ^^°-
Het Recht in Nederlandsch-Indie. Rechtskundig tijdschrift.
Batavia, H. M. l^an Dorp & co. [etc.] 1S49-1900. -js v. in j8.
Devoted to acts, regulations, etc., referring to the Dutch East Indies.
B.ees, Otto van.
Geschiedenis der staathuishoudkunde in Nederland tot het einde
der achttiende eeuw.
Utrectit, Kemink en zoon, 1865-68. 2 v. 8°.
Contents. — 1. deel. Oorsprong en karakter van de Nederlandsche
nijverheidspolitiek der zeventiende eeuw. — 2. deel. Geschiedenis der
koloniale politiek van de Republiek der Vereenigde Nederlanden.
Beitsma, J., ed.
Acta der provinciale en particuliere synoden, gehouden in de
Noordelijke Nederlanden gedurende de jaren 1572-1620,
verzameld en uitg. door J. Reitsma en S. D. van Veen.
Groningen, J. B. IVolters, 1892-99. 8 v. 8°.
Important publication of the Acts of the provincial and particulaf
Synods held in the Netherlands, published for the fir.st time
Seyd, Everhard van.
Oorspronk ende voortganck vande Nederlantsche oorloghen,
Ofte waerachtige historic vande voornaeniste geschiedenissen
inde Nederlanden ende elders voorgevallen zedert den jare
1566 tot het jaer 1601 ... 3. ed. Ende hier is nu nieulijcks
by gevoeght 't vervolgh van 1601 tot . . . 1644.
Amsterdam, Wed. E. Cloppenburgti, 1644. 2 pts. in i v. Front. ^
port. 4°.
A contemporary histor>' of the revolt of the Netherlands.
Staatskundige historic van Holland, benevens de Maandelijksche
Nederlandsche Mercurius.
Amsterdam [etc.] 1651- 1S06. 119 v. 12°.
1650-1690, Hollandsche Mercurius.
1690-1741, Europische Mercuriu.s.
1741-1754, Nederlandsch Grdenkboek of Europisch Mercurius.
1756-1806, Nedcrlancl<!ch Mercurius.
Library lacks 1752, 55, 50, 81-84.
T^dschrift voor het zeewezen . . . Nieuwe serie.
Amsterdam, 1871-18S0. 9 v. 8°.
Continuatiuii ui Verhandelingen en berigten betrekkelijk het zee-
Select List of Recent Purchases. 1 19
Trigrland, Jacobus, 15S3-1654.
Kerckelycke geschiedenissen. Uv-t autentycke stucken getrou-
welijck vergadert, ende op begeerte der Zuyd en Noort-
Hollantsche synoden uytgegeven, tot nodige onderrich tinge.
Leydeti, A. U'yngaerden, 16^0. F°.
History of the controversies in the Protestant church of the Nether-
lands during the 12 years truce.
Utrecht {Provittce) Staien.
Groot placaatboek vervattende alle de placaten, ordonnantien en
edicten der edele mogende heeren Staten 's lands van
Utrecht, J. van Poolsum, ij2g. j v. F°.
Collection of ordinances and placards of Utrecht, 1528-1728.
Mr. Johan van de Water's Groot plakkaatboek' s lands van
Utrecht aangex-uld en vervolgd tot het jaar iSio. Door Mr.
C. W. Moorrees ... en Dr. P. J. Vertneulen.
Utrecht, Kemink en zoon, 1S36-60. 2 v. 7^°.
Collection of ordinances and placards of Utrecht, 1724-1820.
Vereeniging tot uitgave der bronnen van het oude vaderlandsche
recht. Werken.
's Gravenhage , Xijhoff, /8S0-9S. j/ v. 8°.
Collection of statutes and laws of of the Netherlands of the middle
ages w-ith commentaries, glosses, etc.
Verhandelingen en berigten betrekkelijk het zeewezen, de zeevaart-
kunde, de hydrographie, de kolonien en de daarmede in ver-
band staande wetenschappen.
Amsterdam, iS^j-iSjo. 30 v. PI. S°.
Periodical devoted to navigation. Contains material illustrating
development of na\-igation, marine history, and biographies of nav-
igators. Continued as Tijdschrift voor het zeewezen.
Wicquefort, Abraham de.
L'histoire des Provinces-Unies des Pais-Bas. Depuis le par-
fait etablissement de cet etat. par la paix de Munster . . .
Le tout accompagne d'un recueil . . . de trait^s, actes, ^dits
... & autres pieces authentiques, qui servent de fondement
& de preuves a cette histoire.
La Have, T.Johnson, ijig-45. 2 v. F°.
The cocuments, comprising ofl&cial papers in French and Dutch
have parallel French translations of Dutch originals and separate
t.-p: "1,'Histoire des Pro\-inces-Unies, confirm^ & 6claircie par
des preuves authentiques; ou, Recueil de traitfe," &c., 1719-1743.
Witt, Johan de.
Brieven, geschreven ende gewisselt tusschen den Heer Johan de
Witt . . . ende de govolmaghtigden van den staedt der
Vereenighde Nederlanden, so in Vranckryck, Engelandt,
Sweden, Denemarcken, Poolen, enz. Beginnende met den
jaere 1652 tot het jaer 1669 incluys.
^s Cravenhage,H.Scheurleer, ij2j-2^. 6 v. Front, {port.) 4°.
Correspondence of John De Witt with the Dutch Ambassadors in
France, England, Sweden, Denmark, Poland, etc. Resolutions and
secret resolutions taken by the states of Holland during the time of
John De Witt.
I20 Report of the Librarian of Congress.
Bemer Beitrage zur Geschichte der NationalOkonomie.
Bern, A'. J. IVyss, /SS6-gS. /> v. S°.
Contains contributions by Oncken, Lange, Lauterbet^, Bid, Muntz.
and others.
Biblioteca di scienze social!.
Torino, Fratclli Bocca, iSS^igoo. 6 v. 8°.
This publication presents in collected form the more extensive
writings of modern Italian economists. The following are included
in the series: Sociali.smo antico, by Salvatori Cognetti de Martiis;
Analisi della proprieti. by A. Loria; Teoria della transformazione
del capitali, by C. Supino; I^a question fondiaria, by U. Rabbeno;
and Un principe mercante, by 1,. Einaudi.
Biblioth^que du luus^e social.
Paris, A. Jxoiisseau \etc.'\ iSgg-igoo. 4V. 12 & 8°.
Ouyot, Yves.
Dictionnaire du commerce, de I'industrie et de la banque, pub.
sous la direction de Yves Gujot et A. Raffalovich.
Pans, Guillaumtn et cie., \_i8gg'\. 2 v. 4°.
HandwOrterbuch der Staatswissenschaften.
Herausgegeben von J. Conrad, L. Elster, W. Lexis, E. Loening.
2te ganzlich umgearbeitete Aufl.
Jena, G. Fischer, iSgS-igoo. 6 v. 4^.
MUnchener volkswirtschaftliche Studien. Herausgegeben von
Lujo Brentano und Walther Lotz.
Stuttgart, J. S. Cotia'sche Buchhandlimg Nachfolger, iSg^-igoo.
42 V. 8°.
Consists of 42 indep>endent treatises. Their scope is indicated by
the following subjects of monographs: Venetian silk industry, Eng-
lish mining laws; Development of glass industry in Bavaria; Rou-
manian tariff policy; Genesis of agrarian ideas in Pru.s.sia; Commer-
cial taxation of the unearned increment in England.
La Pbilosopliie de I'avenir. Revue du socialisme rationnel.
Bruxelles [etc.l iSj^-gj. 22 v. 8°.
Sanunlung nationalOkonomischer und statistischer Abhand-
lungen des Staatswissenschaftlichen Seminars zu Halle a. d.
S. Herausgegeben von ... J. Conrad.
Jena, G. Fischer, i8jj-igoo. 2g v. 8°.
Consists of 29 separate treatises mostly by students of Profcs-sor
Conrad at the University of Halle. Their character and .scope are
indicated from the following: Diehl. "Proudhon's I.chrc;" Fetter.
"Versuch einer Bevolkerungslchre;" Freyniark. "Reform der
preussischen Handelsixjlitik;" Klemnie. "Die volkswirtschaftlichen
Anschauungen David Hume's."
Say, Jean Baptiste LA)n, comp.
Dictionnaire des finances; publid . . . par Louis Foyot [et] A.
Paris [etc.'] Berger-Levrault et cie., /SS9-94. 2 v. 4°.
Select List of Recent Purchases. 121
Staats- imd socialwissenschaftliche Forschungen. Herausge-
geben von G. Schmoller.
Leipzig, j8jS-igoi. ig v. 8°.
This series now embraces Si distinct historico-economical mono-
graphs brought out by the best pupils of Gustav Schmoller.
Staatswissenschaftliche Studien . . . hrsg. von Ludwig El-
Jena, G. Fischer, iSSj-igoo. j8 v. in 6. 8°.
Baudrillart, Henri Joseph Leon.
Philosophie de I'economie politique. Des rapports de reconomie
politique et de la morale ... 2. ^d. rev. et augm.
Paris, Guillauntin et cie., iSgj. 8°.
Les populations agricoles de la France ... 3. s^r.
Paris, Guillautnin et cie, J8gj. 8°.
Beauregard, Paul.
Elements d'economie politique.
Paris, L. Larose & Forcel \_i88g'\. 8°.
Bienayme, Gustave.
Le cout de la vie a Paris a diverses ejxxjues.
Nancy. Berger-Levt aiilt et cie., i8g&-gg. Paris, G. Roustan, igoo.
J v. tab. 4°.
Block, Maurice.
Les progres de la science economique depuis Adam Smith;
re\-ision des doctrines economiques . . . 2. dd. considerable-
ment augmentee.
Paris, Guillaumin & cie., i8gj. 2 v. S°.
Cadoux, Gaston.
Les finances de la ville de Paris de 179S a 1900 suivies d'un essai
de statistique comparative des charges communales des
principales villes fran9aises et etrangeres, de 1878-1898.
Paris et Nancy, Berger-Levraidt et cie, igoo. 8°.
Cauwes, Paul.
Coiu-s d'economie politique, contenant avec I'expose des principes,
I'analyse des questions de legislation Economique . . . 3* ed.
Paris, L. Larose & Force/, /8gj. 4 v. 8°.
Courcelle-Senevdl, Jean Gustave.
Les operations de banque, traite th^orique et pratique. 7. ed. rev.
■ et mise a jour par A. Liesse.
Paris, Guillaumin et cie., i8g6. 8°.
Gamier, Joseph.
Traite d'economie politique; expose didactique des principes et
des applications de la science Economique ... 9. ed. rev. et
augm. par A. Liesse.
Paris, Guillaumin et cie., j88g. 12°.
122 Report of the Librarian of Congress.
Gide, Charles.
Principes d'^conomie politique ... 7. ^d. cor, et augm.
Paris, L. Larose, igoi. [/900]. 12°.
Oide, Jean Paul Guillaume.
Etude sur la condition priv^e de la femme dans le droit ancien
et moderne et en particulier sur la s^natus — consulte Vel-
Paris, Duraiid et PMone-Lauriel \etc.'\ 1S67. 8°.
Laveleye, Emile de
Le gouvernement dans la democratie.
Paris, A lean, /8g6. 2 v. S°.
Leroy-Beaulieu, Pierre Paul.
Le collectivisnie, examen critique du nouveau socialisme ... 3.
^d. rev. et augni. d'une preface.
Paris, Guillaumin et cie., iSgj. 8°.
Essai sur la repartition des richesses et sm- la tendance ^ une
moindre indgalit^ des conditions ... 4. 6d. rev. et augm.
Paris, Guillaumin & cie. [iSg'j']. 8°.
L'^tat moderne et ses fonctions. 3. ^d. rev. et augm.
Paris, Guillaumin & cie., igoo. 8°.
— Traite de la science des finances ... 6. ^d.
Pan's Guillautnin et cie., i8gg. 2 v. 8°.
Levasseur, Emile.
Histoire des classes ouvri^res et de Tindustrie en France avant
1789 ... 2= ^d. entierement refondue.
Paris, A. Rousseau, igoi. 2 v. 8°.
La population franfaise. Histoire de la population <ivant
1789 et d^mographie de la France compar^e k celle desautres
nations au XIX= sidcle.
Paris, A. Rousseau, i8Sg-/8g2. j v. Illus., folded charts. 8°.
Precis d'^conomie politique.
Paris, Hachette et cie., iSg8. 12°.
Molinari, Gustave de.
Les bourses du travail. 1
Paris, Guillaumin et cie., i8gj. 12°. ?
Esquisse de Torganisation politique et ^conomique de la
soci^t^ future. "
Paris, Guillaumin et cie., 1 8gg. 12°.
Precis d'^conomie politique et de morale.
Paris, Guillaumiipet cie., i8gj. 12°
Rambaud, Jo.seph.
Histoire des doctrines ^conomiques.
Paris, Lyon, L. Larose, 1899. 8°.
Bambaud, Prosper.
Precis ei^mentaire d'^conomie politique k I'usagedes facult^s de
droit et des ^coles ... 5. ^d.
Paris, E. Thorin, 1885. 12°.
Select List of Recent Purchases. 123
Reybaud, Louis.
Le coton, son regime, ses probl^mes, son influence en Europe.
Nouvelle s^rie des Etudes sur le regime des manuf acttires.
Paris, M. Lhyfreres, 1S63. 8°.
Say, Jean Baptiste L^on.
. . . Les finances de la France sous la troisi^me rdpnblique.
Paris, C. LHy, 1 898-1 goo. 3 v. 8°.
Say, Jean Baptiste L^on, and Joseph Chailley-Bert, ed.
Nouveau dictionnaire d'economie politique ... 2* ^d.
Pan's, Guillautnin et de, igoo. 2 i\ /°.
Supplement au Nouveau dictionnaire d'economie pol-
Paris, Guillaumin et cie., igoo. /°.
Tilery, Edmond.
L' Europe economique et financiere pendant le dernier quart de
siecle . . . Avec la collaboration de MM. Georges Bougarel,
Pierre Des Essars, Paul Blanchot, Alphonse Lechenet, Xavier
Giradot, Jules Montel, Leon Picard, Andre Barthe, C.-R.
Paris, Imprimerie de la Presse, igoo. F°.
Villey-Desmerets, Edmond Louis.
Principes d'economie politique ... 2. ed.
Paris, Guillaumin et cie., iSg4. S°.
Walras, Leon.
Les associations populaires de consommation, de production et
de credit.
Paris, Dentu, 1S65. 18°.
Etudes d'economie politique appliquee (theorie de la pro-
duction de la richesse sociale).
Lausanne, F. Rouge; Paris, F. Pichon, i8g8. pi. 8°.
■Worms, Emile.
Essai de legislation financiere, le budget de la France dans le
passe et dans le present ... 2. ed. aug. et mise au courant.
Paris', V. Giard cr E. Briere, 1S94. 8°.
Expose elementaire de Teconomie politique a I'usage des
ecoles. . . . avec une introduction de E. Lavasseur.
Paris, A. Marescq aine, iSSo. 12°.
Boccardo, Girolamo.
Dizionario universale di economia politica e commercio.
3. ed. , notevolmente ampliata e migliorata dall' autore.
Milano, Fratelli Treves, 1S81-82. 2 v. 4°.
L' economia politica modema e la sociologia. Raccolta delle
prefazioni dettate per la Biblioteca dell' economista.
Torino, Unione tipografico-editrice, 18S3. 7 pts. in i v. 8°.
124 Report of the Librarian of Congress.
Cognetti de Martiis, Salvatore.
Le forme primitive nella evoluzione economica.
Torino \etc.'\, Ermanno Loescher, iSSi. 8°.
Cusumano, Vito.
Saggi di economia politica e di scienza delle finanze ... 2a ed.
Palermo, Tipografia dello ^' Slatuio,'' 1S87. 16°.
Le scuole economiche della Germania in rapporto alia quis-
tione sociale; studii. •
Napoli, G. Marghieri, 1875. ^° {Biblioteca delle scienzi giuri-
diche e sociali, v. 22. )
Storia dei banchi della Sicilia.
Roma, E. Loescher & C° [etc.'\, 1887-1892. 2 v. 8°.
Errera, Alberto.
Storia deir economia politica nei secoli xvii e xviii negli stati
della Repubblica veneta, corredata de documenti inediti.
Venezia, G. Antonelli, 1877. illus. 8°.
Ferrara, Francesco.
Esame storico-critico di economisti e dottrine economiche del
secolo XVIII e prima metd del xix; raccolta delle prefazioni
dettate dal professore Francesco Ferrara alia i* e 2" serie della
Biblioteca degli economisti.
Torino [.etc.'], Unione tipografico-editrice, 1889-91. 2 v. in 4.
Front, {port). 8°.
Loria, Achille.
Analisi della propriety capitalista.
Torino, Fratelli Bocca, 1889. 2 v. 8°. {Biblioteca di scienze so-
ciali, 8-9. )
Ives bases ^conomiques de la constitution sociale ... 2'
^d. entierement refondue et considdrablement augment^e.
Traduite de I'italien sur le manuscrit original par A. Bouchard.
Paris, F. Alcan, 1893. 8°. {Bibliotheque historigueet politique.)
La rendita fondiaria e la sua elisione naturale.
Milano, U. Hoepli, 1880. 8°.
— La terra ed il sistema sociale.
Venezia, 1892. 8°.
Kinghetti, Marco.
Opuscoli litterari ed economici . . . Ed. riveduta.
Firenze, Successori Le Monnier, 1872. 12°.
Pantaleoni, Maflfeo.
Principii di economia pura ... 2. ed.
Firettzi, G. Barbera, 1894. ^^°-
Teoria della pressione tributaria e metodi per misiirarla.
Pt. I.
Roma, L. Pasqualucci, 1887. illus. 8°.
Plebano, Achille.
Storia della Bnanza italiana dalla costituzione del nuovo regno alia
fine del secolo xix.
Torino, Ronx Frassati e co., 1899-1900 2 v. S°.
Select List of Recent Purchases. 125
Babbeno, Ugo.
The American commercial policy; three historical essays . . .
2d ed. partly rewritten and entirely rev. by the author. Tr.
at the Translation bureau, London, W. C.
London and New Vork, Macmillan and Co. iSgs. 8°.
La cooperazione in Inghilterra; saggio di sociologia eco-
Milano: Fratelli Dumolard, 18S5. diagr. 12°.
La cooperazione in Italia; saggio di sociologia economica.
Milano, Fratelli Duinolard, 1SS6. 12°.
. . . L'evoluzione del lavoro; saggio di sociologia economica.
Pt. I.
Torino, Unione tipografico-ediirice. iSS^. 8°.
Protezionismo americano; saggi storici di politica commer-
Milano, Fratelli Dumolard, /Sg^t- 12°.
Le societa cooperative di produzione; contributo alio studio
della questione operaia.
Milano, Fratelli Dumolard, 1889. fold. tab. 8°.
Valenti, Ghino.
... La proprieta della terra e la constituzione economica, saggi
critici intomo al sistema di A. Loria.
Bologna, Nicola Zanichelli, 1901. 8°.
Vanni, Icilio.
Prime linee di un programma critico di sociologia.
Perugia, l\ Santucci, 1888. 4°.
Saggi critici sulla teoria sociologica della popolazione.
Citta di Castetlo, S. Lapi, 1886. 4°.
"Wautrain Cavagnari, V[ittorio].
Elementi di scienza dell' amministrazione ... 2. ed.
Firenzi, G. Barbera, 1894. 16°.
Adler, Georg.
Die Geschichte der ersten sozialpolitischen Arbeiterbewegung in
Deutschland, mit besonderer Riicksicht auf die einwirkenden
Theorieen. Ein Beitrag zur Entwickelungsgeschichte der
sozialen Frage.
Breslau, E. Trewendt, 18S3. 8°.
Cohn, Gustav.
Zur Geschichte und Politik des Verkehrswesens.
Stuttgart, F. Encke, iqoo. 8°.
Volkswirtschaftliche .\ufsatze.
Stuttgart, J, G. Cotta, 1882. S''.
126 Report of the Libratian of Congress.
Conrad, Johannes.
GruTidriss zuni Studium der politischen Oekonomie. 2. erweiterte
Jena, G. Fischer, igoo. 2 v. 4°.
Hanssen, Georg.
Agrarhistorische Abhaiidlungen.
Leipzic;, S. Hirzel, 1SS0-S4. 2 z: 8°.
Herrmann, Emanuel.
Cultur und Natur. Studieii im Gebiete der Wirthschaft. 2.
Berlin, Allgemeiner Verein fi'ir deutsche Literatur, 1887. 8°.
Herrmann, B.
Technische Fragen und Probleme der modernen Volkswirth-
schaft. Studien zu einem Systeme der reinen und okono-
mischen Technik.
Leipzig-, C. F. Winter, /Sg/. S°.
Hermann, Friedrich Benedikt Wilhelm von.
Staatswirthschaftliche Untersuchungen ... 2. nach dem Tod
des Verfassers enschienene, verm, und verb. Aufl.
Miinchen, E. A. Fleischmann, i8-]o. 8°.
Kautsky, Karl. •
La question agraire, ^tude sur les tendances de Tagriculture
moderne . . . traduit de I'allemand par E. Milhaud et C.
Paris, V. Giard <2f E. Briere, 1900. 8°.
Mangoldt, Hans Karl Emil von.
. . . Grundriss der Volkswirtschaftslehre. Zweite, nach dem
Tode des Verfassers veranstaltete Auflage. Bearbeitet von
Friedrich Kleinwachter.
Berlin, Verlagfur Sprach- und Handelswissenschaft {Dr. P. Lan-
genscheidl), \,i8ji'\. 8°.
Die Lehre vom Unternehmergewinn. Ein Beitrag zur Volks-
Leipzig, B. G. Teiibner, 1855. 8°.
Volkswirthschaftslehre . . . die Lehre von der Giitererzeu-
gung, von der Vermogenserhaltung und der Vertheilung der
Stuttgart, J. Maier, [/5<55]. 8°.
Mayr, Georg von, 1841-
. . . Bevolkerungsstatistik.
Freiburg i. B. [_elc.]J. C. B. Mohr, 1897. 4''.
Die Gesetzmassigkeit im Gesellschaftsleben. Statistische
Miinchen, R. Oldenbourg, 1877. J 2°.
Theoretische Statistik.
Freiburg i. B. [etc.] J. C. B. Mohr, 1895. /
— Zur Reichsfinanzreform.
Stuttgart, J. G. Cot la, /S93. 8°.
Select List of Recent Purchases. 127
Roscher, Wilhelm Georg Friedrich.
Politik: geschichtliche Naturlehre der Monarchic, Aristokratie
und Deniokratie.
Stuttgart, J. G. Cotta, 1S92.
System der Volksw-irthschaft; ein Hand- und Lesebuch fiir
Geschaftsmanner und Studierende. B. i.
Stuttgart, J .G. Cotta, 1900. S°.
Schaffle, Albert Eberhard Friedrich.
Die Aussichtslosigkeit der Socialdemokratie. Drei Briefe an
einen Staatsmann . . . 4 Aufl. (XeueAusg. )
Tubingen, H. Laupp, 1893. S°.
' Bau und Leben des socialen Korpers. Encyclopadischer
Entwurf einer realen Anatomie, Physiologie und Psychologic
der menschlichen Gesellschaft mit besonderer Riicksicht auf
die Volkswirthschaft als socialen Stoffwechsel.
Tubingen, H. Laupp^sche Buchhandlung, iSj^-jS. 4 v. 8°.
Gesammelte Aufsatze.
Tubingen, H. Laupp. /SSj-S6. 2 v. S°.
Das gesellschaftliche System der menschlichen Wirthschaft
ein Lehr- und Handbuch der ganzen politischen Oekonomic
einschliesslich der \'olkswirthschafts-Politik und Staatswirth-
schaft ... 3. durchaus neu bearb. Aufl.
Tubingen, H. Laupp, iSj^. 2 v. S°.
Die Quintessenz des Sozialismus. 13. Aufl,
Gotha, F. A. Perthes, iSgi. 8°.
— Die Steuem.
Leipzig, C. L. Hirschfeld, 1 895-9 j. ^ *'• "'^''- "f-
SchmoUer, Gustav, 1838-
Grundriss der allgemeinen Volkswirthschaftslehre. B. i.
Leipzig, Duncker & Humblot, 1900. 4°.
Strassburg zur Zeit der Zunftkampfe und die Reform seiner
Verfassung und Verwaltung im xv. Jahrhundert. Mit einem
Anhang: enthaltend die Reformation der Stadtordnung von
1405 und die Ordnung der Fiinfzehner von 1433.
Strassburg [etc.'\, K.J. Triibner, iSjj. 8°.
Strassburgs Bliite und die volkswirtschaftliche Revolution in»
xin. Jahrhundert.
Strassburg [^/r.]. A'./. Triibner, 1875. ^-
Ueber einige Grundfragen des Rechts und der Volkswirth-
schaft. Ein offenes Sendschreiben an Herm Professor Dr.
Heinrich von Treitschke.
Jena, F. Mauke, 1875. 8°.
Umrisse und Untersuchungen zur Verfassungs- Verwaltungs-
und Wirtschaftsgeschichte besonders des preussichen Staates
im 17. und 18. Jahrhundert.
Leipzig, Duncker & Humblot, 189S. 8°.
128 Report of the Librarian of Congress.
Wagner, Adolf Heinrich Gotthilf.
Fiir biraetallische Miinzpolitik Deutschlands.
Berlin, Puttkammcr & Muhlbrecht, 1881. 8°.
Lehr- und Handbuch der politischen Oekonomie.
Leipzig, C. F. Winter, 1883-^g. 11 v. 8^.
BOhm-Bawerk, Eugen voii.
Capital und Capitalzins. 2. Vielfach vemi. und verb. Aufl.
Innsbnick, Wagner, /goo. 8°,
Rechte und Verhaltnisse vom Standpunkte der volkswirth-
schaftlichen Giiterlehre. Kritische Studie.
Innsbruck, Wagner, 1881. 8°.
Einige strittige Fragen der Capitalstheorie.
Wien und Leipzig, W. Brautniiller, igoo. 4°.
Kautz, Julius.
Theorie und Geschiclite der National-Oekonojnik. Propylaen
zuni volks- und staatswirthschaftlichen Studium.
Wien, C. Gerald's sohn, 1858-60. 2 v. 8°.
Mengei, Karl
Der 'Jbergang zu? Goldwahrung. Untersuchungen iiber die Wert
problen- dei osterreichisch-ungarischen Valutarefomi.
Wien und Leipzig , W. Brautniiller i8g2. 8°.
Pldlippovicli vor Philippsberg, Eugen.
Die Bank von England im Dienste der Finanzverwaltung des
Wien, Toeplitz & Deuticke, 1885. 8°.
Grundriss der politischen Okonomie.
Freiburg i. B. ietc.'],J. C. B. Mohr, iSgg. 2 v. 4°.
tjber Aufgabe und Methode der politischen Okonomie.
Freiburg i. B.,J. C. B. Mohr, 1886. 8°.
Auswanderung und Auswanderungspolitik in Deutschland.
Berichte uber die Entwicklung und den gegenwartigen Zu-
stand des Auswanderungswesens in den Einzelstaaten und im
Leipzig, Duncker& Humblot, i8g2. 8°.
Pierson, Nikolaas Gerard.
Grondbeginselen der staathuishoudkunde.
Haarlem, Erven F. Bohn, 1875-76. 2 v. 12".
— • — . . . Koloniale f)olitiek.
Amsterdam, P. N. van Kampen & zoon, 1877. 8^.
Leerboek der staathuishomlkunde.
Haarlem, Erven F. Bohn, 1884-90. 2 v. 8°.
Select List of Recent Purchases. 129
Kovalevsky, Maksim Maksinio\-ich.
Le regime economique de la Russie.
Paris, V. Ciard & E. Brure, 1S98. 8°.
Asbach, J.
Deutschlands gesellschaftliche und wirthschaftliche Entwicke-
lung. Ein Grundriss fiir Lehrer und Studierende.
Berlin, ll'eidmannsc/ie Btichhandlung, igoo. 8°.
Aubert, Joseph Felix.
Histoire du parhnnent de Paris de I'origine a. Franfois i", 1250-
Pan's, A. Picard etfils, 1894. 2 v. 8°.
Avenel, Georges, I'icomte d\
Histoire economique de la propriete, des salaires des denrees et
de tous les prix en general depuis Tan 1200 jusqu'en I'an
Paris, E. Leroiix \_etc.'\ iSg4-gS. 4 v. 4°.
Babeau, Albert Arsene.
La pro\-ince sous I'ancien regime.
Paris, Firmin-Didot et cie., 1S94. 2 v. 8°.
Bachofen, Johann Jakob.
Das Mutterrecht. Eine Untersuchung uber die Gynaikokratie
der alten Welt nach ihrer religiosen und rechtlichen Natur.
2. unveranderte Aufl.
Base/, B. SchTvabe, iSgj. PI. 4°.
Baudrillart, Henri Joseph Leon.
Histoire du luxe priv^ et public depuis Tantiquit^ jusqu'a nos
jours ... 2. ed.
Paris, Hachette et de., 1880-8 f. 4 v. 8°.
Beauchet, Ludovic.
Histoire du droit priv^ de la Republique athdnienne.
Paris, Chevalier-Marescq & cie., i8gj. 4 v. 4°.
Beaumanoir, Philippe de.
Coutumes de Beauvaisis. Texte critique public avec une intro-
duction, un glossaire et une table analytique par Am.
Paris, A. Picard etfils, i8gg-igoo. 2 v. 8°.
Beautemps-Beaupre, Charles Jean.
Coutumes et institutions de I'Anjou & du Maine ant^rieures an
xvi* siecle; textes et documents, avec notes et dissertations.
Paris, A. Durand et Pedone Lauriel, 1877-^^. 8v. 8°.
9957—01 9
130 Repcrt of the Librarian of Congress,
Belart, Hans.
Der Schutzgenosse in der Levante. Mit besonderer Berucksich-
tigung der Stellung der Schweizerbiirger als Schutzgenossen
befreundeter Staaten in der Levante.
Brvgg, ''Effingerhof 1898. 8°.
Bellange, Charles.
Le gonvernenient local efi France, et I'organisation du canton.
Paris, H. Didier, igoo. 8°.
^elow, Georg von.
Das altere deutsche Stadtewesen und BUrgertum.
Bielefeld & Leipzig, Velhagen & Klasiug, iSgS. Illus., pi.
[partly col. ) 4°.
Territorium und Stadt. Aufsatze zur deutschen Verfassungs-,
Verwaltungs- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte.
Miinchen mid Leipzig, R. Oldenbourg, igoo. 8°.
Bemont, Charles, ed. .
Chartes des libertes anglaises ( 1 100-1305), publides avec une intro-
duction et des notes.
Paris, A. Picard, i8g2. 8°.
Bloch, Camille.
Etudes sur I'histoire ^conomique de la France (1760-89) par C.
Bloch . . . Preface de M. Eniile Levasseur.
Paris, A. Picard etji Is, /goo. Chart. 8°.
Block, Maurice.
Dictionnaire de I'administration fran9aise ... 4. ^d. [et 1.-2.
Paris [etc.] Berger-Levrault et cie., i8g8-gg. i v. and zpts. 8°.
BOhmer, Heinrich.
Kirche und vStaat in England und in der Normandie ini xi. und
XII. Jahrhundert; eine historische Studie.
Leipzig, T. Weicher, i8gg. 8°.
Boissouade, Prosper Marie.
Essai sur I'organisation du travail en Poitou, depuis le xi* si^cle
jusqu'a la Revolution.
Paris, H. Champion, igoo. 2 v. 8°.
Bonet-Maury, Gaston.
Histoire de la liberty de conscience en France depuis I'edit de
Nantes jusqu'a juillet 1870.
Paris, F. Alcan, jgoo. 8°.
Boutmy, Emile [Gaston].
Essai d'une psychologic politique du peuple anglais aux xix'
Paris, A. Colin, igoi. 12°.
Bry, Georges.
Hi.stoire industrielle & ^conomique de PAngleterre, depuis les
origines jusqu'A nos jours.
Paris, L. Larosc, igoo. 8°.
Select List of Recent Purchases. 131
Biicher, Karl.
Die Entstehung der Volkswirthschaft. Vortrage und Versuche
... 2. stark vermehrte .\uflage.
Tubingen, H. Laitpp, .iSgS S°.
Etudes d'histoire et d'economie politique. Tr. par Alfred
Hansay . . . avec une preface de Henri Pirenne.
Bruxelles, H. Lamertin; Paris, F. Alcan, igoi. S°'
Cheruel, A.
Dictionnaire historique des institutions, moeurs et coutumes de la
France ... 7* ed.
Paris, Hachette et cie., iSgg. 2 pis. 12^.
Coville, Alexandre Alfred.
Les etats de Nomiandie, leurs origines et leur d^veloppement au
xi\-* siecle.
Paris, Iinpr. nationale, 1S94. ^°.
Dareste de la Chavanne, Antoine Elisabeth Cleophas.
Histoire des classes agricoles en France ... 2. M. entierement
refondue et beaucoup augmentee.
Paris, Giiillatimin et cie., /Sj8. 8°.
Dareste de la Cliavanne, Rodolphe Madeleine Cleophas.
La science du droit en Grece; Platon, Aristote, Theophraste.
Paris, L. Larose & Forcel, i8gs- S°.
Demolins, Edmond.
Les grandes routes des peuples; essai de geographic sociale. Com-
ment la route cree le t}-pe social . . . T. i.
Paris, Finnin-Didot & cie., \^iqoi'\. 12°.
Doniol, Henri.
Histoire des classes rurales en France et de leur progres dans
I'egalite ci\-ile et la propriete ... 2. ed.
Paris, Guillaumin & cie., iSdj. 8°.
Doren, Alfred.
Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der Kaufmannsgilden des Mittel-
alters. Ein Beitrag zur Wirthschaf ts-, Social- und \'erfassungs-
geschichte der mittelalterlichen Stadte.
Leipzig, Diincker & Humblot, i8gj. 8°.
Eberstadt, Rudolph.
Der Ursprung des Zunftwesens und die alteren Handwerkerver-
bande des ilittelalters.
Leipzig, Diincker & Humblot, igoo. 8°.
Ehrenberg', Richard.
Das Zeitalterder Fugger. Geldkapital und Creditverkehr im 16.
Jena, G. Fischer, 1896. 2 v. 8°.
Eisenhart, Hugo.
Geschichte der Xationalokonomik ... 2. verm. Aufl. , 2. unver-
anderter Abdruck.
fena, G. Fischer, igoi. 8°.
132 Report of the Librarian of Congress.
Ertl, Moriz, and Stefan Licht.
Das landwirtschaftliche Genossenschaftswesen in Deutschland.
In seinen gesaniniten Einrichtuiigen nnd Organisationsformen
auf Grundlage personlicher Wahrnehmungen systeraatisch
dargestellt und als Handbuch fiir die genossenschaftliche
Praxis bestimmt.
Wien^Manz, iSgg. 2 pis. in 1 v. Tab. 8°.
Fagniez, Gustave.
L'^conomie sociale de la France sous Henri iv, 1589-1610,
PariSyHachette et cie.,i8gj. 8°.
Finot, Adrien Jules.
Etude historique sur les relations commerciales entre la Flandre
& I'Espagne au moyen age.
Paris, A. Picard eif/s, iSgg. 8°.
Flach, Jacques.
Les origines de I'ancienne France, x* et xi' si^cles.
Paris, L. Larose et Forcel, 1886. 2 v. 8°.
Fournier de Flaix, Ernest.
L'impot dans les diverses civilisations.
Paris, Guillatunin & cie., 1897. 2 v. 8°.
On the tax systems of ancient and mediaeval times.
Foville, Alfred de.
Etudes ^conomiques et statistiques sur la propri^t^ fonci^re; le
Paris, Guillauniin et cie., i88§. 8°.
Frazer, J. G.
The golden bough, a study in magic and religion ... 2d ed.,
revised and enlarged.
London, Macinillan and co., igoo. 3 v. Front. 8°.
Glasson, E. D.
Histoire du droit et des institutions politiques, civiles et judiciaires
de I'Angleterre.
Paris, Pedone-Lauriel, 1882-8^. 6 v. 8°.
GR5tz, Wilhelm.
Die Verkehrswege ini Dienste des Welthandels. Eine historisch-
geographische Untersuchung samt einer Einleitung fiir eine
" Wissenschaft von den geographischen Entfernungen ".
Stuttgart, F. Enke, 1888. Maps. 8°.
Goldschmidt, Levin.
Handbuch des Handelsrechts ... 3. vollig umgearb. Aufl.
Stuttgart, F. Enke, i8gi. 8°.
System des Handelsrechts, mit Einschluss des Wechselsee-
und Versicherungsrechts im Grundriss von L. Goldschmidt.
4. verb, und durch Einzelausfiihrungen verm. Aufl.
Stuttgart, F. Enke, 1892. 8°.
SeUd List of Recent Purchases. 133
Grasshoff, Richard.
Des Wechselrecht der Araber. Eine rechtsvergleichende Studie
iiber die Herkunft des Wechsels.
Berlin, O. Liebtnann, iSgg. S°.
Hand- und Lebrbuch der Staatswissenscliaften in selbstandigen
Banden begriindet von Kuno Frankenstein fortgesetzt von
Max von Heckel.
Leipzig, Hirschfield, iSgj-i^oo. 23 v. 8°.
Contains treatises by Lehr, Adler (G«scb. d. Socialismus ) ;
Kleinwachter (Die Einkommes und seine Verteilung): Borght (Das
Verkehrswesen) ; Schaffle (Die Steuem). and others.
Hehn, Victor.
Kulturpflanzen und Hatisthiere in ihrem Ubergang aus Asien
nach Griechenland und Italien sovrie in das ubrige Huropa.
Historisch-linguistische Skizzen ... 6. Aufl. neu hrsg. von
O. Schrader.
Berlin, Gebriider Bomtraeger, 1894. 8°.
Held m an n, Karl Christian Wilhelm.
Der Kolngau und die ci\-itas Koln. Historisch-geographische
Untersuchungen iiber den Ursprung des deutschen Stadte-
Halle a. S., M. Xiemeyer, igoo. Fold. map. 8°.
Hertz, Friedrich Otto.
Die agrarischen Fragen im Verhaltnis zum Socialismus . . .
Mit einer Vorrede von E. Bernstein.
Wien. L. Rosner, iSgg. 8^.
Herzog, Ernst von.
Geschichte und System der romischen Staatsverfassung.
Leipzig, B. C. Tetibner, 1884-^1. s v. in 2. 8°.
Contexts. — i. Bd. Kouigszeit und Republik. 1SS4. — 2. Bd. Die
Kaiserzeit von der Dictatur Casars bis zum Regieningsantritt Dio-
cletians: i.Abt. Geschichtliche Cbersicht. 1SS7. 2. Abt. S>-stem der
Verfassung der Kaiserzeit. IS91.
Hildebrand, Richard.
Recht und Sitte auf den verschiedenen wirtschaftlichen
Jena, G. Fischer, iSg6. 8°.
HoltzendorfT-VietmansdOTf, Franz von.
Handbuch des Volkerrechts.
Berlin & Hamburg, C. Hobel \etc.'\ 1885-Sg. 4 v. 8°.
Hubert- Valleroux, Paul.
Les corporations d'arts et metiers et les syndicats professionels en
France et a I'etranger.
Paris, Guillaumin & cie., 1885. 8°.
Huvelin, P.
Essai historique sur le droit des marches & des foires.
Paris, A. Pousseaii, /8gy. 8°.
134 Report of the Librarian of Congress,
Inaina-Sternegg, Karl Theodor Ferdinand Michael von.
Deutsche Wirthschaftsgeschichte.
Leipzig, Dtmcker <2f Humblot, i8jg-i8gg. j v. 8°.
Jager, Eugen.
Die Agrarfrage der Gegenwart. Socialpolitische Studien.
Berlin, Pnttkamvier & Miihlbrecht, iSSs-g^, 4 v. 8°.
Kiener, Fritz.
\'erfassungsgeschichte der Provence seit der Ostgothenherrschaft
bis zur Errichtnng der Konsulate (510-12CX3).
Leipzig, Dyk, I goo. Tab., map. 8°.
Kudelka, Thaddaus.
Das landwirtschaftliche Genossenschaftswesen in Frankreich.
Unter besonderer Beriicksichtigung der landwirtschaftlichen
Berlin, Puttkainmer & Muhlbrechi, iSgg. 8^.
Labande, Honor^ Lambert.
Histoire de Beauvais et de ses institutions conimunales jusqu'au
coniiiiencement du xv^ sidcle.
Paris, Impriinerie nation ale, 1S92. 4°.
Lampreclit, Karl Gotthard.
Deutsches Wirtschaftsleben im Mittelalter. Untersuchungen
iiber die Entwicklung der niateriellen Kultur des Flatten
Landes auf Grund der Quellen, zunachst des IMosellandes.
Leipzig, A. Di'irr, 1885-86. j v. in 4. Illus., maps. 4°.
lieist, Burkard Wilhelni.
Alt-arisches jus civile.
Jena, G. Fischer, i8g2-g6. 2 v. 8°.
liiebenam, W.
Stadteverwaltung ini romischen Kaiserreiche.
Leipzig, Dimcker & Humblot, igoo. 8°.
Contents. — Einnahmen und Ausgabeti der Stadte.— Stadtische
Vermogensverwaltung. — Staat und Stadt.
Iiippert, Julius.
Social-geschichte Bohniens in vorhussitischer Zeit. Ausschliess-
lich aus Quellen.
Wien {_etc.'\ F. Tempsky \etc.'\ /8g6-g8. 2 v. Map. 8°.
Contents. — 1. Bd. Die slavische Zeit und ihre gesellschaftlichen
Schopfungen. 1896.— 2. Bd. Der sociale Einfluss de'r christlich-kirch-
lichen Organisationen und der deutschen Colonisation. 189S.
Lotz, Walther.
Verkehrsentwicklung in Deutschland, iSoo-1900. Sechs volks-
tiimliche Vortriige iiljer Deutschland's Eisenbahnen und
Binnenvva.sserstra.ssen, ihre Entwicklung und Verwaltnng,
sowie ihre Bedeutung fiir die heutige Volkswirtschaft.
Leipzig, B. G. Teuhner, /goo. 12°. {Aiis Natur und Geistes-
welt ... /J. Put. )
Select List of Recent Purchases. 135
Ittunbroso, Giacomo.
Recherches sur I'^cononiie politique de rEg>"pte sous les
Turin, Itnprimerie royale, Boaa freres, iSjo. S" .
I<uro, Jean Baptiste Eliaciu.
Le pays d'Annam. Etude siu" I'organii^ation politique et sociale
des Annamites ... 2. ed.
Paris, E. Leroux, iSgj, S°.
Maitland, Frederick William.
Domesday book and beyond. Three essays in the early history
of England.
Cambridge, University press^ iSgj. 8°.
Roman canon law in the chiirch of England. Six essays.
London, Methuen cf co. /SpS. PI. S°.
— Township and borough. Being the Ford lectures delivered in
the University of Oxford in the October term of 1S97. To-
gether Avith an appendix of notes relating to the history of
tiie town of Cambridge.
Cambridge, The University press, iSgS. r pi., 2 maps. S°.
Makovrer, Felix.
The constitutional history and constitution of the Chtu-ch of Eng-
land; tr. from the German.
London, S. Sonnenscheiu & co., 189^. S°.
" Deals principaUy with the period since the Reformation, treating
of the earlier conditions mainly as antiquities useful in the explana-
tion of later institutions."
Marquardsen, H., ed.
Handbuch des oeffentlichen Rechts der Gegenwart in Mono-
Freiburg i. B.,J. C. B. Mohr, iSS^-99. ^? ^•- <^-
Consists of upward of thirty treatises on administrative laws of
states and ptiovinces, by the most competent writers.
Marsille, Louis.
Etude sur le communisme agraire; le mir russe.
Caen, C. Valin, 1899. 8°.
Martin, Germain.
Les associations ou\-rieres au x\'ni* siecle (1700-1792).
Paris, A. Rousseau, iqoo. 7°.
La grande industrie sous le regnede Louis xr\' {plusparticn-
lierement, de 1660 a 1715).
Paris, Arthur Rousseau, 1S9S. 8°.
M aurer, Georg Ludwig von.
Einleitung zvu- Geschichte der Mark-, Hof-, Dorf- und Stadtver-
fassung und der offentlichen Gewalt ... 2. Aufl. Mit ein-
leitendem Vorwort von H. Cunow.
Wien^ I. Brand, 1896. 8°.
136 Report of the Librarian of Congress.
KaTirer, Georg Ludwig von— Continued.
Geschichte der Dorfverfassung in Deutschland.
Erlangen, F. Enkc\ 1865-66. 2 v. S°.
Geschichte der Fronhofe, der Bauernhofe und der Hofver-
fassung in Deutschland.
Erlangett, F. Enke, 1862-63. 4 '<■'• ^°-
Geschichte der Markenverfassung in Deutschland.
Erlangen, F. Enke, 1856. 8°.
Geschichte der Stadteverfassung in Deutschland.
Erlatigen, F. Enke, i86g-ji. 4 v. 8°
Meitzen, August.
Wanderungeii, Anbau und Agrarrecht der Volker Europas nord-
lich der Alpen. i. Abt.
Berlin, IV. Hertz, /S93. 2 v. 8° and atlas 8°.
Mommsen, Theodor, and Karl Joachim Marquardt.
Handbuch der roniischen Alterthiiuier.
Leipzig, S. Hirzel, j 88 1-88. 7 v. in 10. Illus.,pl. 8°.
CoNTKNTS. — I. -3. Bd. Mommsen, T. Romische Staatsrecht: i-ii.
Die Mafdstratur. 3. Aufl. 1SS7. 3 v. iii. Biirgerschaft und Senat.
1887-88 2 v.— 4.-6. Bd. Marquardt, J. Romische Staatsvenvaltung:
i. Organisation des Romischen Reichs. 2. Aufl. iSSi. ii. Finanz-
und Militarwcsen. 2. .\ufl. Besorgt von H. Dessau und A. v. Domas-
zewski. 1S84. iii. Das SacraUvesen. 2. Aufl. Be.sorgt von G. Wis-
sowa. 1885. — 7. Bd. Marquardt, J. Das Privatleben der Romer. 2.
Aufl. Besorgt von A. Mau. 1SS6. 2 v.
Manuel des antiquites roniaines. Traduit de I'allemand sous
la direction de M. Gustave Humbert.
Paris, E. Thorin [A. Fontemoing'], i888-g8. ij vols. 8°.
Mucke, Johann Richard.
Urgeschichte des Ackerbaues und der Viehzucht. Eine neue
licher Probleme auf statistischer Grundlage.
Grei/swald,J. Abel, 1898. 4°.
Neumann, Friedrich Julius.
Grundlagen der Volkswirtschaftslehre . . . i. Abt.
Tubingen, //. Laupp, /8S9, 8°.
Nostitz-Drzewiecki, Hans Gottfried von.
Das Aufsteigen des Arbeitenstandes in England. Ein Beitrag
zur socialen Geschichte der Gegenwart.
fena, G. Fischer, 1900. 8°.
Ochenkowski, Wlady.slaw von.
Englands wirtschaftliche Entwickelung im Ausgange des Mittel-
Jena, G. Fischer, 18/9. 8°.
Pohl, Karl.
Handbuch des Staats- und Verwaltungsrechts fiir das Konigreich
Bayern. Mit besonderer Riicksicht auf die Gcschaftsthiitig-
keit der rechtsrheinischcn Gemeindebehorden, sowie auf die
einschlagige Litteratur und Recht.sprcchung.
Miinchen,J. Schweitzer Verlag, 189S-1900. 2 v. 8°.
Select List of Recent Purchases. 137
POhlmann, Robert.
Geschichte des antiken Cotnmunismus und Sozialismus.
Munchen, O. Beck, iSgj-igoi. 2 z: 8^.
Quetsch, Franz H.
Geschichte des Verkehrswesens am Mittelrhein. Von den
altesten Zeiten bis zum Ausgang des achtzehnten Jahrhun-
derts nach den Quellen bearbeitet.
Freiburg im Breisgau, Herder' sche Verlagshandlung, i8gi. J\Iap,
illus. S°.
Kagueau, Frangois.
Glossaire du droit fran^ois contenant I'explication des mots diffi-
cilesqui se trouventdans les ordonnances des roysde France,
dans les coustumes du royaume, dans les anciens arrests et les
anciens titres par F. Ragueau . . . rev. cor. augm. . . . par
E. deLauriere . . . Nouv.ed. avec additions d'anciens mots.
JViort, L. Favre, 1SS2. 4°.
B-atzenhofer, Gustav.
Wesen und Zweck der Politik als Theil der Sociologie und Grund-
lage der Staatswissenschaften.
Leipzig, F. A. Brockhaus, /Sgj. j z>. 8^.
Reville, Andre.
. . . Le soulevement des travailleurs d'Angleterre en 1381 . . .
Etudes et documents pub. avec une introduction historique
par Ch. Petit-Dutaillis.
Paris, A. Picard & fih, 1S9S. Map. 8°.
S.iehl, Wilhelm Heinrich.
Die Naturgeschichte des Volkes als Grundlage einer deutschen
Sittttgati, J. G. Cotta, 1S62-69. 4 v. 8°.
Hound, John Horace.
Feudal England; historical studies on the xith and xiith cen-
London: Snan. Sonnenschein <2f co., i8g^. 8°.
Geoffrej- de MandeWlle; a study of the Anarchy.
London, New York, Longmans, Green & co., i8g2. Facsim. 8°.
Schmidt, Charles Guillaume Adolphe.
Les seigneurs, les paysans et la propriete rurale en Alsace au
moyen age . . . preface de M, Ch. Pfister.
Paris cf Nancy, Berger-Levranlt of cie., iSgj. 8^.
SchmOle, Josef.
Die sozialdemokratischen Gewerkschaften in Deutschland seit
dem Erlasse des Sozialisten-Gesetzes.
Jena, G. Fisher. iSg6-iSg8. 2 v. 8°.
Schmoller, Gustav.
Die Strassburger Tucher- und Weberzunft. Urkunden und
darstellung nebst Regesten und Glossar. Ein Beitrag zur
Geschichte der deutschen Weberei und des deutschen Gewer-
berechts vom 13. -17. Jahrhundert.
Strassburg, A'. J. Triibner, iSjg. 4°.
138 Report of the Librarian of Congress.
SchUller, Richard.
Die Wirthschaftspolitik der historischen Schule.
Berlin^ C. Heymann, i8gg. 8°.
Schulte, Aloys.
Geschichte des niittelalterlichen Handels und Verkehrs zwischen
Westdeiitschland und Italien niit Ausschluss von Venedig.
Leipzig, Duncker & Hmnblot, /goo. 2 v. Maps. 8°.
Schurtz, Heinrich.
Grundriss einer Entstehungsgeschichte des Geldes.
Weimar, E. Felber, i8g8 <?°. {Beiirage zur Volks- und Volk-
erkunde,5. Bd.)
Sch'warcz, Julius.
Die Demokratie. Erster Band. Die Demokratie von Athen.
Zweite Ausgabe.
Leipzig, Eduard Avenarius, igoi. 8°.
Schwarz, Otto and Georg Strutz.
Der Staatshaushalt und die Finanzen Preussens. Unter Benutzung
anitlicher Quellen.
Berlin,]. Giittentag, igoo. 2 v. in j. 4°.
Sieveking, Heinrich Johann.
. . . Genueser Finanzwesen mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der
Casa di S. Giorgio.
Freiburg i. B., Leipzig \etc.'\J. C. B. Mohr, /SgS-gg. 2 v. in i.
Contents — 1. Genueser Finanzwesen vom 12. bis 14. Jahrhun-
dert. — 2. Die Casa di S. Giorgio.
Sinzheimer, Ludwig.
Der Londoner Grafschaftsrat; ein Beitrag zur stadtischen Sozial
."Stuttgart, J. C. Cotta, igoo. 8°.
Speck, E.
Handelsgeschichte des Altertunis.
Leipzig, Brandsietier, igoo. 8°.
Vol.1. Die orientalischen Volker.
Staatswisenschaftliche Studien . . . hrsg. von Ludwig Elster.
Jena, G. Fischer, 1887-igoo. 38 v. in 6. <?".
Stein, Lorenz von.
Handbuch der Verwaltungslehre ... 3. vollstandig neu bearb.
.Stuttgart, J. G. Cotta, 1887-1888. 3 v. 8°.
Stengel, Karl, freiherr von.
Worterbuch des deutschen Verwaltungsrechts. In Verbindung
mit vielen gelehrten und hoheren Beamten hrsg. von K.,
Freiherrn von Stengel.
Freiburg, i. B.,J. C. B. Mohr, i8Sg. 2 v. 4°.
Vandervelde, Kniile.
... La propri<5t^ fonci^re en Belgiqiie.
Paris, Schleicher freres, igoo. Maps. 8°.
Select List of Recent Purchases, 139
Viollet, Paul-Marie.
Droit public. Histoire des institutions politiques et administratives
de la France.
Paris, L. Larose et Forcel \etc.'\, iSgo-gS. 2 v. 8°.
Wiarda, Diddo.
Die geschichtliche Entwickelung der wirthschaftlichen Verhalt-
nisse Ostfrieslands.
Jena, G. Fischer, iSSo. S°.
Zacharia von liingenthal, Karl Eduard.
Geschichte des griechisch-romischen Rechts ... 3. verb. Aufl.
Berlin, Weidtnarin, i8g2. 8°.
Zittunermann, Alfred.
Geschichte der preussisch-deutschen Handelspolitik, aktenmassig
Oldenburg und Leipzig, Schulze, 1S92. 8°.
Zwiedineck-Sudenliorst, Otto von.
Lohnpolitik und Lohntheorie tnit besonderer Beriicksichtigung
des Minimallohnes.
Leipzig, Duncker & Hutnblot, 1900. 8°.
Aitchison, C. U.
A collection of treaties, engagements, and sanads relating to India
and neighboxiring countries . . . [3d ed.] rev. and continued
up to the present time.
Calcutta, Office of the superintendent of government printings
India, iSg2. 11 v. Maps. 4°.
Alberi, Eugenio.
Relazioni degli ambasciatori veneti al Senato; raccolte, annotate,
ed edite da E. Alberi, a spese di una society.
Firenze, Societa editrice fiorentina \etc.'\ i8^^6^. i^ v. i tab. 8°.
Barthelemy, Edouard, Marie comte. de.
Histoire des relations de la France et du Danemarck sous le
ministere du comte de Bernstorff, 1751-1770.
Copenhague, f0rgensen & cie., /88/. 8°.
Beauchet, Ludo\-ic.
Traite de 1' extradition.
Pan's, A. Chevalier-Marescq et cie., 1899. 8°.
Becker, Jer6nimo.
Historia politica y diplomdtica desde la independencia de los
Estados Unidoshasta nuestros dias (1776-1895).
Madrid, A. Romero, 1897. 8°.
Benedetti, Vincent, comte.
Essais diplomatiques (nouv. ser. ) precedes d'une introduction sur
la question d' Orient.
Paris, E. Plon. Xourrit & cie., i8gj. 8°.
140 Report of the Librarian of Congress.
Bonfils, Henry Joseph Franjois Xavier.
Manuel de droit international public (droit des gens) . . , 2. M.,
rev. et mise au courant par P. Fauchille.
Paris, A. Rousseau, iSg8. 8°.
Brog-lie, Jacques Victor Albert, due de.
L'alliance autrichienne.
Parts, C. Lh'V, 1S79. 12° .
La diplomatie et le droit nouveau.
Paris, M. Lhyfr^res, 1S6S. 12°
— La paix d'Aix-la-Chapelle.
Paris, C. Livy, /8gj. 12°.
Chand^ze, Gustave.
. . . De I'intervention des pouvoirs publics dans I'^migration et
r immigration au xix* siecle. Etude historique.
Paris, P. Dupont, 1S9S. 4°.
Clement, Nicolas, ed.
Memoires et negociations secretes de la cour de France, touchant
la paix de Munster. Contenant les lettres, r^ponses,
memoires, & avis secrets envoiez de . . . Mazarin & . . . de
Brienne . . . aux plenipotentiaires de France a INIunster . . .
Amsterdam, Freres Chatelain, ijio. 4 r. 12° .
Clercq, Alexandre Jehan Henry de and Jules de Clercq, ed.
Recueil des trait^s de la France public sous les auspices du Minis-
tere des affaires etrangeres, 17 13-1896.
Paris, Amyot [etc.'], 1S64-1900. 21 v. 8°.
Debidour, A.
Histoire diplomatique de I'Europe depuis I'ouverture du congr^s
de Vienne jusqu'4 la cl6ture du congres de Berlin ( 1814-
Paris, F. Alcan, iSgi. 2 v. 8°.
Despagnet, Frantz.
Cours de droit international public ... 2*^ ^d. compl^tement
Paris, L. Larose, 1899. 8°.
Precis de droit international priv^ ... 3* ^d. revue et mise
au courant de la loi, de la jurisprudence et des trait^s.
Paris, L. Larose, i8gg. 8°.
Dupuis, Charles.
Le droit de la guerre maritime d'apr^s les doctrines anglaises
Paris, A. Pedone, 1899. <?".
Oabriac, Jo.seph Jules Paul Marie Fran9ois de Cadoine, marquis de.
Souvenirs diplomatiques de Russie et d'Allemagne, 1870-1872.
Paris, E. Hon, Nourrit et cie., 1896. 8°.
Select List of Recent Purchases. 141
Oairal, Fran9ois.
Le protectorat international: la protection-sauvegarde, le pro-
tectorat de droit des gens, le protectorat colonial.
Paris, A. Pedone, [/8g6'\. 8°.
Jhze, Gaston.
Etude th^orique et pratique sur I'occupation comme mode d'ac-
qudrir les territoires en droit international.
Paris, V. Giard & E. Briere, 1S96. 8°.
Martens, Fedor Fedorovich.
Traite de droit international; tr. du russe par Alfred L^o.
Paris, Chevalier-Marescq et cie., 1883-87. j i'. 8°. »
Meiem, Johann Gottfried von.
Acta pacis executionis publica. Oder nii-nbergische Friedens-
executions-Handlungen und Geschichte ... in einer aus-
fiihrlichen historischen Erzehlung, mit beygefiigten authen-
tischen Urkunden, vorgetragen.
Hannover und Tubingen, J. G. Cotta, 173(^-37. 2 v. Front.
{port. ) pi. F°.
Acta pacis westphalicse publica. Oder westphalische Frie-
dens-Handlungen und GescMchte ... in einera mit richtigen
Urkunden bestarckten historischen Zusanunenhang verfasset
und beschrieben.
Hannover, Gedruckt bey J. C. L. Schultzen, 173^36. 6 v. Front.,
illus. , pi. , port. , tab. F^.
La Mer Noire et les detroits de Constantinople. (Essai d'histoire
diplomatique. ) Par * * *
Paris, A. Rousseau, i8gg. 8°.
Nys, Ernest.
. . . Les theories politiques et le droit international en France
jusqu'au iS^ siecle. 2. ed.
Bruxelles, A. Castaigne; Paris, A. Fontemoing, /8pg. 8°.
Pietri, Franfois.
Etude critique sur la fiction d'exterritorialite.
Paris. A. Rousseau, iSg^. 8°.
Pradier-Fodere, P.
Cours de droit diplomatique a I'usage des agents politiques dn
ministere des affaires etrangeres des etats europeens et
americains ... 2^ ed. completement revue, augment^ et
mise au courant d'apres les plus recents documents oflBciels.
Paris, A. Pedone, i8gg. 2V. 8°.
Bibier, Gabriel de.
Repertoire des traites de paix de commerce, d'alliance, etc.
conventions et autres actes conclus entre toutes les puis-
sances du globe, depuis 1S67 jusqu'a nos jours (^faisant suite
au repertoire de M. Tetot).
Paris, A. Pedone, iSg^-gg. 2 v. 8°.
142 Report of the Librarian of Congress.
Kothan, Gustave.
Souvenirs diplomatiques: L' Europe et Tav^nement du second
Paris, C. Lh<y, 1S90. 8°.
"Rott, Edouard.
Histoire de la representation diplomatique de la France aupr^s
des cantons Suisse, de leurs allies et de leurs conf^d^r^s.
Bertie, A. Benteli & Co., Paris, F. A lean, /goo. 4°.
Houard de Card, Edgard.
Les destinies de I'arbitrage international depuis la sentence rendue
•^ par le tribunal de Gendve.
Pans, G. Pedone-Lauriel, iSg2. 8°.
Les trait^s d^ protectorat conclus par la France en Afrique,
Paris, A. Durand et Pedone-Lauriel , iSgj. 8°.
Takahashi, Sakuy^.
Cases on international law during the Cliino-Japanese war . . .
With a preface by T. E. Holland, and an introduction by J.
Cambridge, University press, i8gg. 8°
Vast, Henri, ed.
. . . Les grands trait^s du regne de Louis xiv.
Paris, A. Pieard et fits, i8gj-gg. j v. in i. 8°.
Andrea, Richard.
Die Anthropophagie. Eine ethnographische Studie.
Leipzig, Veit& covip., 1887. 8°.
Ethnographische Parallelen und Vergleuhe.
Stuttgart, J. Maier, 1878. Illiis. 6 pi. {parity col.). 8°.
Ethnographische Parallelen und Vergleiche. Neue Folge.
Leipzig, Veil und comp., i88g. Illus. g pi. {partly col.).
Bastian, Philipp Wilhelm Adolf.
Einiges aus Samoa und andern Inseln der Sudsee. ^lit ethno-
graphischen Anmerkungen zur Colonialgeschichte.
Berlin, F. Dummler, /88g. 8°.
Ethnologisches Bilderbuch mit erklarendem Text. 25 Tafeln,
davon 6 in Farbendruck, 3 in Lichtdruck. Zugleich als
lUustrationen beigegeben zu dem Werke Die Welt in
ihren Spiegelungen unter dem Wandel des Volkergedankens.
Berlin, E. S. Mittler & sotin, 1SS7. 25 nuwb. pi. i f>aiilv mlA.
obi. 4°.
Ideale Welten nach uranographi.schen I'roviiizeii in Wort
und Bild. Ethnologische Zeit- und Streitfragen, nach
Gesicht.spunkten der indi.schen Volkerkunde.
Berlin, E. Felber, iSg2. 3 :: H. ./».
Select List of Recent Purchases. 143
Bastian, Philipp Wilhelm Adolf — Continued.
Indonesien, oder die Inseln des Malayischen Archipel.
Berlin, F. Ditminler, 1884-1894. 5 v. in i. PI. ( partly col. ) . 4°.
Contexts: i. Ifg. Die Molukken. Reise-Ergebnisse und Studicn.
1884.— 2. Ifg. Timor und uinliegende Inseln. 1S.S5.— 3. Ifg. Sumatra
und Nachbarschaft. 1S.S6.— 4. Ifg. Borneo und Celebes. 18S9.— 5. Ifg.
Schlussheft unter Bezugnahnie auf Java. 1894.
Der Mensch in der Geschichte. Zur Begrundung einer
psychologischen Weltanschauung.
Leipzig, O. U'igand, i860. 3 z: 8°.
Contexts: i. bd. Die Psychologie als Naturwissenschaft. — 2. bd.
Psychologie und M\-thologie.— 3. bd. Politische Psychologie.
Die mikronesischen Colonien aus ethnologischen Gesichts-
Berlin, A. Asherandco., i8gg-igoo. 8°.
Die Volker des oestlichen Asien. Studien und Reisen.
Leipzig, O. Wigand [etc.'\, /S66-71. 6 v. Map. 8°.
Contents: i. bd. Die Geschichte der Indochinesen . . . —2. bd.
Reisen in Birma in den Jahren 1861-1S62. — 3. bd. Reisen in Siam im
Jahre 1S63. Nebst einer Karte Hinterindiens von . . . Dr. Kiepert. —
4. bd. Reise durch Karabodja nach Cochinchina. — 5. bd. Reisen im
Indischen Archipel, Singapore, Batavia, Manilla und Japxan. — 6. bd.
Reisen in China von Peking zur mongolischen Grenze und Riickkehr
nach Eurojja.
Die Volkerkunde und der Volken'erkehr unter seiner Riick-
wirkung auf die Volksgeschichte. Ein Beitrag zur Volks- und
Berlin, IViedtnannsc/ie Buchhandlnng. /goo. 8°.
Volkerstamme am Brahmaputra und Verwandtschaftliche
Nachbarn. Reise-Ergebnisse und Studien.
Berlin, F. Diimviler 1S83. Col. pi. 8°.
Die Vorgeschichte der Ethnologie. Deutschland's Denk-
freunden gevvidmet fiir eine Musestunde.
Berlin, Hamcitz und Gossfnann. iSSi. 8°.
Bertholon, Lucien Joseph.
Les premiers colons de souche europeenne dans I'Afrique du
nord. Essai historique sur les origines de certaines popula-
tions berberes d'apres les documents egyptiens et les
^crivains de I'antiquite.
Tunis, L. Nicolas & cie., i8g8. $°.
Cabeza Pereiro, A.
Estudios sobre Carolinas; la isla de Ponape; geografla, etnografia,
historia . . . con un prologo del ... V. Weyler; obra pre-
miada per la Junta superior consultiva de guerra.
Manila, Cho/re y comp^. 1893. M., maps, tables. 8°.
Christian, F. W.
The Caroline islands; travel in the sea of the little lands.
London, Methiien & CO., iSgg. Front., pi., map. 8°.
Codringrton, R. H.
The Melanesia!! races: studies in their anthropology- and folk-lore.
Oxford, Clarendon press, igoi. Folded map. 8°.
144 Report of the Librarian of Congress.
Deniker, Joseph.
Les races et les peuples de la terre; ^l^ments d' anthropologic et
Paris, Schleicher fr^res, igoo. Front., illus.,pl., map. 12°.
Ehrenreich, Paul Max Alexander.
Anthropologische Studien iiber die Urbewohner Brasiliens vor-
nehmlich der Staaten Matto Grosso, Goyaz und Aniazonas
( Purus-gebiet ) . Nach eigenen Aufnahmen und Beobach-
tungen in den Jahren 1S87 bis 1889.
Braunschweig, F. Vieweg und Sohn, 1897. Illus.,pl. F°.
Finsch, Otto.
Neu-Guinea und seine Bewohner.
Bremen, C. E. iMiiller, 1865. Map. 8°.
Frobenius, Leo.
Die Weltanschauung der Naturvolker.
IVeimar, E. Felber, 1S98. 8".
Hagen, B.
Unter den Papua's. Beobachtungen und Studien iiber Land und
Leute, Thier-und Pflanzenwelt in Kaiser-Wilhelmsland.
IVieshaden, C. IV. Kreidel, /Sgg. Front, pi. F°.
Joest, Wilhelm.
Tatowiren, Narbenzeichnen und Korperbemalen. Ein Beitrag
zur vergleichenden Ethnologic.
Berlin, A. Asher & co., 1887. Illus., 12 pi. {partly col. ) F°.
Kubary, J. S.
Ethnographische Beitrage zur Kenntniss des Karolinen Archipels.
Veroffentlicht im Auftrage der Direktion des Kgl. Museums
fiir Volkerkunde zu Berlin. Unter Mitwirkung von J. D. E.
Leiden, P. IV. M. Trap, 1893. PL 4°.
Lesson, A.
Les Polynesiens, leur origine, leurs migrations, leur langage.
Ouvrage r^dige d'apres le manuscrit de I'auteur par Ludovic
Martinet, membre de la Soci^t^ d'anthropologie.
Paris, Ernest Leroux, 1880-84. 4 v. Folded map. 8°.
L\imholtz, Karl S.
Unter Menschenfressern. Eine vierjahrige Reise in Australien , . .
Autorisierte deutsche Ubersetzung.
Hamburg, Actien-Gesellschaft, 1892. Illus., pi., port., fold,
maps. ^8°.
Luschan, Felix von.
Beitrage zur Volkerkunde der deutschen Schutzgebiete . . .
Erweitertc Sonderausgabe aus dem "Anitlichen Bericht
iiber. die erste deutsche Kolonial-Ausstellung " in Treptow,
Berlin, D. Reinier{E.Vohsen), 1897. Illus'., pi. F°.
Select List of Recent Purchases. 145
Mathe-w, John.
Eaglehawk and crow; a study of the Australian aborigines,
including an inquiry into their origin and a survey of Aus-
tralian languages.
London, D. Niitl; Melbourne, Melville, Mullen & Slade, 1899.
Front. , pi. , fold. map. 8° .
Paulitschke, Philipp.
Ethnographie Nordost-Afrikas. Die materielle Cultur der
Danakil, Galla und Somal.
Bern, D. Reimer, iSgj. 2^ pi., fold. map. 4°.
Ploss, Hermann H.
Das Weib in der Natur- und Volkerkunde . . . Anthropologische
Studien. 4. umgearbeitete Auflage . . . Bearbeitet und
herausgegeben von M. Bartels.
Leipzig, T. Grieben, iSgs. 2 v. Illus, pi. 4°.
Ratzel, Friedrich.
Anthropogeographie. 2. Aufl.
Stuttgart, J. Engelhorn, iSgg. S°. {Bibliothek geographischer
Handbucher. B. /.
Contents. — i. t. Grundziige der Anwendung der Erdkunde aiif
die Geschichte.
Reeves, Edward.
Brown men and women, or the South Sea Islands in 1S95 and
1896. With 60 illustrations and a map.
London, Swan Sonnenschein & co., 1898. PI., fold. map. 8°.
Biedel, Johann G. F.
De sluik- en kroesharige rassen tusschen Selebes en Papua.
'5 Gravenhage, M. Nijhoff, 18S6. PI., maps. 4°.
Siemiradzki, Jozef von.
Beitrage zur Ethnographie der siidamerikanischen Indianer.
IVten, Anthropologische Gesellschaft, i8g8. Illus. 4°.
White, John.
The ancient historj' of the Maori, his mj'thology and traditions.
Wellington, G. Didsbury, 1887-88. 4 v. Front., pi., i fold. tab. 8°.
Apianus, Petrus.
Libro de la Cosmographia De Pedro Apiano, el qual trata la
descripcion del Mundo, y sus partes, por muy claro y lindo
artificio, augmetado por el doctissimo varon Gemma Frisio
. . . con otros dos libros del dicho Gemma, de la materia
mesma. Agora nueuamete traduzidos en Romace Castellano.
M.D.XL VIII. Vendese en Enveres en casa de Gregorio Bontto
en el escudo de Basilea . . . Illus., diagr., map. 8°.
9957—01 10
146 Report of the Librarian of Congress,
Banks, .SVr Joseph, bart.
Journal d'un voyage autour du monde, en 1768, 1769, 1770, 1771;
. . . traduit del'anglois pat M. de Frdville.
Paris, Saillant & Nyon, 1772. 12°.
Bellin, Jacques Nicolas.
Le petit atlas maritime recueil de cartes et plans des quatre parties
du monde.
[Paris'], 1764. J V. Maps, plans. F°.
Contents. — v. i. I^'Am^rique .septentrionale et Ics isles Antilles.—
V. 2. l,'Am4riqiie m^ridioiiale et ses details. — v. 3. i. L'Asie. 11.
L'Afrique. — v. 4. ^'Europe et les divers 6tats qu'elle renferme ex-
cepts la France. — v. 5. I,es costes de France et les places maritimes
sur roc6an et sur la M6diterran6e.
Benjamin, ben Jonah, 0/ Tiidela.
Voyages . . . en Europe, en A.sie et en Afrique, depuisl'Espagne
jusqu'a la Chine . . Traduits de I'h^breu et enrichis de
notes et de dissertations historiques et critiques sur ces
. voyages. Par J. P. Baratier.
Amsterdatn, aux dkpens de la Compagnie, 1734. 2 v. Front,
{port.) 24°.
Blaeu, W. and J.
Tonneel des aerdriicx ofte nievwe atlas, dat is beschryving van
alle landen. '
Anisterdami, apud Johannem Giuljeltni F. Blaeu, 1648-165^.
6 V. F°.
Bordone, Benedetto.
Libro di Benedetto Bordone. Nel qua! si ragiona de tutte 1' isole
del monde con li lor nomi antichi & moderni, historic, fauole,
& modi del loro uiuere, & in qual parte del mare stanno, &
in qual parallelo & clima giacciono.
[ Vinegia, N. d'Aristotile, detto Zoppino\ , 1528. Maps, plans. F°.
Bou-gainville, Hyacinthe Yves Philippe Potentin de.
Journal de la navigation autour du globe, de la frigate Thetis et
de la corvette I'Esp^rance, pendant les ann^es 1824, 1825 et
Paris, A. Bertrand, 1837. 2 v. 4° and atlas F°.
[Challes, Gr^goire de.]
Journal d'un voyage fait aux Indes orientales, par une escadre de
six vaisseaux commandez par Mr. Du Quesne, depuis le 24
f^vrier 1690, jusqu'au 20 ao^t 1691, par ordre de la Compagnie
des Indes orientales.
La //aye, 1721. 3 v. PI. 16°.
Charton, Edouard Thomas, ed.
Voyageurs anciens et modernes; ou, Choix des relations de voy-
ages les plus int^ressantes et les plus instructives depuis le
cinqui^me siecle avant Jdsus-Christ ju,squ'au 19. si^cle,
avec biographies, notes et indications iconographiques.
Paris, Aux bureaux du Magasin pittoresque, 1857-63. 4 v. /llus. ,
maps. 4°.
Select List of Recent Purchases. 147
Dumont-d'TJrville, Jules Sebastien C^sar.
Voyage au pole sud et dans I'Oceanie sur les con'ettes I'Astrolabe
etlaZ^l^e . . . pendant les annees 1837-183S-1839-1840.
Paris, GideetJ. Baiuln; 1S41-54. 23 v. S° and atlas, 7 :-., F° .
£ast India company. English.
The dawn of British trade to the East Indies as recorded in the
court minutes of the East India company 1599-1603; .
now first printed from the original manuscript by Henry
Stevens of Vermont; with an introduction bj' Sir George
London. Henry Stevens & son, 1SS6. S°.
£g^ermont, Isidore Jacques Marie Ang^lique.
Voyage autour du globe.
Paris, C. Delagrave, 1S92. Illus., maps. F°.
£ntrecasteaux, Joseph Antoine Bruni, chevalier d\
Voyage de Dentrecasteaux, envoye a la recherche de La P^rouse
Paris, Imprimerie imperiale, 1807-0S. 2 v. PI., tad., and atlas.
Freycinet, Louis Claude Desaulses de.
Voyage autour du monde, entrepris par I'ordre du roi . . . Exe-
cute sur les corvettes . . . rUranie et la Physicienne pendant
les annees 1S17, 181S, 1819 et 1S20.
Paris, Imprimerie royale, 1S24-44. 6 v. 4° and atlases F°.
Oaimard, Joseph Paul, ed.
Voyages de la Commission scientifique du nord en Scandinavie,
en Laponie, au Spitzberg. et au Feroe, pendant les annees
1838, 1S39 et 1840 sur la cor\-ette La Recherche, commandee
par M. Fabvre. Pub. par ordre du roi sous la direction de
M. P. Gaimard.
Paris, A. Bertrand. /6 v. 8° a fid pi. F°.
Hommaire de Hell, Ignace Xavier Morand.
\oyage en Turquie et en Perse execute par ordre du gouveme-
ment fran^ais, pendant les annees 1846, 1847 ^t 1848 par X.
Hommaire de Hell.
Paris, P. Bertrand, 1834-60. 4 v. 8° and atlas P°
lanschoten, Jan Huygen van.
Histoire de la navigation de lean Hvg^-es de Linscot hollandois
et de son voyage es Indes Orientales: . . . Avec annotations
de Bernard Palvdanus ... A qvoy sont adiovstees qvelqves
avtres descriptions tant du pays de Guinee, & autres costes
d'Ethiopie, que des nauigations des Hollandoisvers le Nord
au Vaygat & en la nouuelle Zembla. Le tovi: . . . nouuel-
lement traduict en Fran9ois.
A Antstelredam, De IHmprimerie de Theodore Pierre, M DC. X.
57 pL, map, 28 double pi., 4 fold. maps. F°.
148 Report of the Librarian of Congress.
Maffei, Giovanni Pietro.
Rerutn a Societate Jesu in Oricnte gestarvm tractatus.
Neapoli, D. Lacha'[us'], 1573. S°.
Miller, Konrad.
Mappaemundi; die altesten Weltkarten. Hrsg. und erlautert von
Dr. K. Miller . . .
Stuttgart, J. Roth, i8g^-g8. 6 v. Illus., cot. maps {partly
fold.) 4\
Contents.— Hft. i. Die Weltkarte des Beattis (776 11. Chr.)-Hft. 2.
Atlas von 16 Lichtdruck-Tafeln. — Hft. 3. Die kleiiieren Weltkarten.—
Hft. 4. Die Herefordkarte.— Hft. 5. Die Ebstorfkarte.- Hft. 6. Rekon-
struierte Karten.
Moore, John Hamilton.
A new and complete collection of voyages and travels.
LoudoHs ijjS. IV. in 2. Front., pi., maps. F^.
Olearius, Adam.
Persiaensche rej-se, uyt Holstej-n, door Lijflandt, Moscovien,Tar-
tarien in Persien, door Philippvs Crvsivs, en Otto Brvgliman.
V Amsterdam , VoorJanJansz.,/6^/. 2 v. in/. Engr. illus., maps,
sq. J 2°.
V. 2 has title: "Beschrijvinghe koninckryckx Persien. Zijnde het
tweede deel van de Per.siaensche reyse uyt Holsteyn . . . Met een
Reyse van daer te lande naer Oost-Indien. Door J. A. van Mandel-
slo ..."
Ortelius, Abraham.
Epitome theatri Orteliani. Praecipuarum orbis regionum delinea-
tiones, minoribus tabulis expressas, breuioribus que declara-
tionibus illustratas, continens. Nona editio, multis locis
emendata & octodecim nouis tabulis aucta.
AntwerpicB, P. Galkeo cxcudebat A. Coninx, 1595. 109 maps,
obi. 32°.
Ptolemseus, Claudius.
Clavdii Ptolem^ei geographicae enarrationis libri octo, Bilibaldo
Pirckeymhero interprete. Annotationes loannis de Regio
Monte in errores commissos a lacobo Angelo in translatione
[Colophhofi {sig. Q 8^): Argentoragi, Johannes Grieningerus,
communibus lohannis Koberger impensis excudebat. Anno
a Christi natiuitate M.D.XXV, Tcrtio Kal. Apriles.]
Illus., 50 maps. F°.
Claudii Ptolemei . . . geographic opus novissima traduc-
tione e Grecorum archetypis castigatissime pressum . . .
Brevis Gregorij Lilij subsequitur instructio de Greco y nume-
rali supputatione . . . Pars .secimda mederniormn lustra-
tionum viginti tabulis, veluti supplementum quoddani anti-
quitatis obsolete suo loco qu§ vel abstrusa vel erronea vide-
Select List of Recent Purchases. 149
PtolemsBus, Claudius — Continued.
bantur resolulissime pandit. Adnexo ad finem tiactatu sicuti
lectu iucundissimo, ita & utilissimo de varijs nioribus &
ritibus gentium.
[Argentine, I. Schott, I5i3'\. 47 maps. F°.
Richthofen, Ferdinand Paul '^\^€ira.,freiherr von.
China. Ergebnisse eigener Reisen und darauf gegriindeter
Studien ... v. 1-2, 4.
Berlin, D. Reimer, 1877-83. 3 v. Col. front., pi. {partly cot.),
maps. 4°.
V. 3 not yet nublished.
Sanson, Nicolas.
Geographia sacra ex \'eteri, et Novo Testamento desumpta, et in
tabvlas tres concinnata.
LvteticT Parisiot-'vi, P. Mai-iette, 1663. F°.
Santarem, Manuel Francisco de Barros e Sousa, viscomte de.
Atlas compose de mappemondes, de f>ortulans et de cartes
hydrographiques et historiques depuis le N-i^ jtisqu'au x\-ii«
Paris, E. Thiinot et cie. \etc.'\ 1842-53. F°.
Siebold, Philipp Franz von.
Nippon. Archiv zur Beschreibung von Japan und dessen Neben-
und Schutzlandem Jezo mit den siidlichen Kurilen, Sacha-
lin, Korea und den Liukiu-Inseln ... 2. Aufl.
Wurzburg und Leipzig, L. Woerl, 1897. 2 v. Front., illus.,
port.f map, tab. 4°.
Spilbergen, Joris van.
Miroir oost & west-indical, auqucl sont descriptes les deux
demieres navigations, faictes es annees 1614, 1615, 1616, 1617
& 1618, I'une par . . . George de Spilbergen, par le destroict
de Magellan, & ainsitout autour detoute la terre, avec toutes
lesbattaillesdonnees . . . L'autre faicte par Jacob Le Maire.
Amstelredam, I. lansz, 1621. 23 maps. obi. 12°
Tacliard, Gui.
\'oyage de Siam des peres Jdsuites, envoy^s par le roy, aux Indes
& a la Chine. Avec leurs observations astronomiques, &
leurs remarques de physique, de geographic, d'hydrographie,
& d'histoire. Eruichi de figiu-es. Suivant la copie de Paris
imprimee. Par ordre exprez de Sa iMajeste.
A Amsterdam, Chez P. Mortis, 1687. PI. 16°.
Vaillant, Auguste Nicolas.
Voyage autom- du monde execute pendant les annees 1836 et
1837 sur la cor^•ette la Bonite, commandee par M. Vaillant,
capitaine de vaisseau; pub. par ordre du roi sous les auspices
du Departement de la marine.
Paris, A. Bertrand, 1840-66. 13 v. PI. {partly col.), tab., diagr.
8° and atlases 3 V. F°.
150 Report of the Librariayi of Congress.
[Veer, Gerrit de.]
The True and perfect Description of three Voyages, so strange
and woonderfuU, that the like hath neuer been heard of
before: done and performed three yeares, one after the other,
by the Ships of Holland and Zeland, on the North sides of
Norway, Muscouia, and Tartaria, towards the Kingdomes of
Cathaia & China; shewing the discouerie of the Straights of
Weigates, Noua Zembla, and the Countrie lying vnder 80.
degrees; which is thought to be Greenland.
London, T. Pauier, i6og, sq. 12°.
Tr. from the Dutch by VV. Phillip. Gothic type.
Vollmer, W. F.
Die Inseln des Indischen und Stillen Meeres. Reise eines hol-
landischen Arztes und Naturforschers von Java iiber Timor,
die Molucken, New-Guinea und Neu-Seeland . . . nach deu
Sandwichs-Inseln . . . und zuriick nach Batavia.
Berlin, T. Thiele., 1863-65. j v. Front., illus., map. 8°.
Appendix VI.
Accessions, 1900-1901.
The accessions since July i, 1900. have been grouped for
convenience in presentation as follows:
Discovery and exploration:
Columbus Codex 1502 ? (Transcript.)
Letter: Americus Vespuccius to Lorenzo de' Medici, 1500. (Tran-
script. I
Spanish colonies:
Petitions to the Spanish Government. Eighteenth century. (54
documents. )
Decrees and regulations of the Spanish Government respecting
South America and West Indies.
Papers relating to history of the Spanish • colonies in South
America. ( Transcripts. )
Letter and papers relating to exploration and settlement of Mex-
ico and South America. ( Transcripts. )
Relacion dela revolucioj de losCrioUas, in Buenos Ai^-res, 17S0-81,
with miscellaneous papers, 1740- 1800.
Transcripts and translations from the Columbian Library-, Seville.
(527 documents. )
Description of Castle San Marco, 16S6. (Transcript. )
Decrees respecting descendants of Montezmna, 1709-1713.
Diario del Padre Font. (Transcript. )
Diario del Padre Garees. (Transcript.)
West Indies:
Bond of. and grant to one Kennion respecting slave privileges in
Cuba. 1762.
Miscellaneous papers relating to the history of Cuba, eighteenth
and nineteenth centuries.
Libro de las actas de la Junta de 1S37.
Documentos historicos Cubanos, 1597-1S29. (Transcripts.) •
Orders of Spanish Government for seizure of English property',
1802-1S2 1 . (10 documents. )
Autograph letter of Pere Lesbrun, 1S25.
152 Report of the Librarian of Congress.
French colonies:
Memoire sur les dem^les de la France avec 1' Anglcterre aux Indes
orientales, 1754.
Observation sur les moyens employes par les corsairs, 1759.
Certificate of religious qualifications of a French soldier, 1724.
A letter signed by Landinsiau, 1730, and an autograph letter of
De Luysieulx, 1749, givingaccountsof conditions in America.
English colonies:
Documents relating to equipment of British forces in North
America, 1728-1792. (131 documents).
Manuscript diary of a captive among the French, 1749-1750.
Conway, Henry Seymour. Letters to the various colonial gov-
ernors, 1765-66. (Official copies of 46 documents).
Revolutionary currency of Maryland, Connecticut, and Rhode
The Robert Morris manuscripts. ( 15 bound volumes, 2 manu-
.scripts. )
Letter: Jonathan Hart to Col. John Daurence, 1777.
Letter: Francis Johnson to General Lincoln, 1777.
William Livingston: Warrant for the arrest of tories, 1777.
Letter: John Beatty to Louis Pintard, 1778.
Letter: J. W. Prevostto Maj. Thomas Pinckney, 1779.
Letter: William Christey to Col. Moore F'urman, 17S0.
Muster roll of Captain Westfall's company, 17S0.
Letter: Due de Luzerne to Maj. Gen. Philippe du Coudray,
1 781.
Deposition respecting capture of Paul Jappie, 1781.
Precis de ce que s'est passe entre I'escadre du Roy aux ordres
de Compte De Grasse et Admiral Hood, 1781.
Letter: Elias Boudinot to the governor of New York, 17S3.
Letter: Zebulon King to Capt. Rufus Lincoln, 1783.
Massachusetts :
Articles of Confederation between Massachusetts Bay, Plymouth,
Connecticut, and New Haven, 1643-1654. (Transcript by Rufus
Governor Belcher's commission to Abraham Harding as captain,
Letter: Daniel Webster to Jesse Buel, 1836.
Letter: Edward Everett to R. R. Gurley, 1854.
Letter: Charles Sumner to R. C. Waterston, i860.
Letter: John Shirley to Governor Robert H. Morris, 1755.
Letter: Jacob Orndt to Governor William Denny, 1757.
Letter: John Irwin to Boynton, Wharton & Morgan, 1767.
List of taxables in four of the Hundreds of New Castle County,
Manuscripts — Accessions. 153
Delaware— Continued.
Oaths of allegiance to United States, 1778.
Proclamation of President Vandyke, 1785.
Account book of John Digges, 1720- 1749.
Account book of Charles Carroll, 1734-1759.
Certificate of an election, Queen Anne County, 1776.
Certificate of an election for council of safety, 1776.
Ivetter from Anne Arundel County committee to Maryland coun-
cil of safety, 1 776.
Letter: W. Brown to the governor aiid council of Maryland, 1778.
Letter: S. Broughton to Governor Thomas Johnson, 1778.
Letter: John Murdock to Governor Thomas Johnson, 1779.
Letter: William Bacon to Governor Thomas Johnson, 1779.
Letter: Robert Maxwell to Governor Thomas Johnson, 1779.
Estimate of expenses to be met by taxation. 1779.
Letter: Mary Hughes to Dr. James Murray, 17S1.
Account books of Martin Cockbiu-n, 1767-1S1S.
Grant of land to James Welch, 1S02.
The Ellis papers, 1S05-1S53.
Order for witness fees in Loudoun County, 1829.
Miscellaneous States:
New Hampshire. Letter: Josiah Bartlett to Isaac Hill, 1S24.
Connecticut. Letter: Lord Hillsborough to Governor Thomas
Fitch, 1764.
New York. A short account of New Netherlands, 1662 (tran-
script); Letter book of Governor Daniel D. Tompkins, iSoi-
New Jersey. Chesterfield town docket, 1692- 1702.
South Carolina. Letter: Boundary commissioners to Georgia
boundarj- committee, 17S7.
Ge-irgia. Letter: General Mitchell to Edward Telfair 1S07; Gov-
ernor Jenkins to James Johnson, 1S65.
Missouri. Account of Geoige Morgan's attempt to settle New
Madrid 1 7S9. (Transcript.)
Kentucky. Letter: John Winlock to Governor Gibson 1812; Bill
of sale of negro slave, 1S29.
Kansas. Fragment of manuscript, 1S57.
Michigan. Rivot, L. E. Voyage au lac Superieur fait en 1S54.
Northwest Territon.-:
Act for the suppression of gambling, 1 790.
Six documents relative to land titles and transfers, 1S03-1837.
Two manuscripts respecting a negro in Illinois Territory*-, 1807.
Three papers relating to a divorce proceeding 181 1.
Bank bill of 1839.
Mercantile handbill of one Sanford Hill.
District of Columbia:
Manuscript and printed matter relating to the American Christian
University at Washington.
154 Report of the Librarian of Congress,
District of Columbia — Continued.
Records of the Washington National Monument Association.
(8,176 manuscripts. )
Two plans of the House of Representatives, 1830 and 1848.
Civil war:
Three letters to Abraham Lincoln, 1861-62.
Petition of Philadelphia citizens respecting slave law, 1861.
Muster roll, Forty-sixth Virginia Volunteers, 1862.
Muster roll. Eleventh North Carolina Regiment, 1862.
Ruders, R. F. Van. Letter dated The Hague, 1862.
Quartermaster's return of clothing issued to Companies B and K,
Eleventh North Carolina Regiment, 1864.
Act of Confederate Congress, April 19, 1862.
Relation d'un voyage 1794 dans TAmerique du Nord.
Letter: Thomas Jefferson to Franjois d' I vernois, 1795.
Letters: Tobias Lear to David Porter and Charles D. Cox, 1797-
President Jefferson's official notification to the First Consul of
the appointment of a minister to France, 1S03.
Letter: William Eaton to the Bashaw of Tripoli, 1804.
Letter: James Madison to Jacob Wickelhausen, 1805.
Letter of Robert Smith relative to West Florida, 1810.
Letter: Benjamin Parke to Captain Brouillet, 181 6.
Letter: James Madison to inhabitants of Plymouth, 1817.
Letter: John Quincy Adams to Jacob Wickelhausen, 1818.
Letter: Thomas Jefferson to Robert Walsh, 1820.
Letter: James Monroe to George W\ Erving, 1823.
Letter: James Monroe to John McLean, 1828.
Letter: Andrew Jackson to General Coll, 1828.
Letter: John Quincy Adams to Marquis Martx)is, 1829.
Letter: John Quincy Adams to Sir Charles Richard Vaughan, 1835.
Letter: Henry Clay to J. B. Dillon, 1S3S.
Letter: John C. Spencer, Secretary of Treasury, to Samuel F. B.
Morse, 1843.
Letter: W. C. Rives to Senator Pierce and Library Committee,
Two authorizations of President Benjamin Harrison to affix the
great seal of United States, 1889.
Autograph album of signatures of prominent Americans.
Philippine Islands:
Memorial of Fr. Galan de la Soledad to Alfonso XH of Spain,
Hacienda memoria. (General Weyler's report) 1891.
Memorial of officers of insurgent army, 1898.
Letters: Robert Morris to John Barry, 1782-83.
Letter book of U. S. S. Alliance, 1782-83.
Letters: Thomas Barclay to John Barry, 1782-83.
Power of attorney of officers of Alliance to John Barrj', 1782.
Manuscripts — Accessiojis. 155
Navy — Continued.
U. S. S. Alliance muster book, 1783.
John Barry, account against the Alliance, 1783-84.
Letter: Benjamin Walker to John Barrj-, 17S6.
Letter: James McHenry to John Barrj-, 1797-98.
Letters: Benjamin Stoddert to John Barrj-, 1798-1S00.
Letters: Robert Smith to John Barr^-, iSoi.
Letters: Commodore John Rodgers to John Barn,-, 1805-1806.
Letters and orders received by David Porter, 1S05-1808.
Letter book of Da\nd Porter, 1807-1S0S.
Letters of Secretar\- of Navy to Da\-id Porter, 1808-1812.
Letters of David Porter to General Wilkinson, 1809.
A muster roll of John Le Hunt's company, 1699.
Extract nytte notulen van de Staten van Zeelant, 1674. (Tran-
script. )
Italy •
Traduzione libera di un frammento Inglese trovato sulle Alpi.
Spain :
Papers relating to the capture of Algiers, 1775. Addiciones al
Diccionario de la Real Academia Espaiiola, 1S17. (Tran-
script. )
Papeles teologicos y politicos del siglo XVII y principios XVIII.
Photograph of a Chinese edict decreeing religious honors to the
memory of General Ward.
Persian manuscript.
Miguel Tolon. " Un Casorio" (a comedy).
Notice des manuscrits de d'Anville.
Lind, E. G. The music of color. (26 hand-painted plates.)
Photograph of Longfellow's autograph memorandum of an interv-iew
with Hawthorne.
Answers of Zebulon Butler to questions respecting the Indian country,
Autograph letter of William Few, 1791.
Two letters of Francis Scott Ke}-, 1841-42.
Manuscript genealogy of George Little.
An autograph letter of Dolly Madison to J. P. Todd, 1844.
Photograph of the Mayhew genealogical tree.
Robert Morris. Record of land in Virginia.
An autograph letter of Bushrod Washington, 1S06.
Letter of George Washington to Joseph Reed, 1779.
Papers of George Watterston. (94 pieces. )
156 Report of the Librarian of Congress,
A New York broadside calling for recruits, 1S61.
A Maryland political broadside.
The Boston Independent Chronicle Supplement, No. 705.
A plan for harbor defense.
Proclamation of the governor of Porto Rico, 1901.
Appendix VII.
Newspapers Currently ox File in the Library of Congress.
November 20, igor.
UNITED states.
Birmingham Age-Heraid.
Birmingham News.
Greenville Li\'ing Truth.
Huntsville Journal.
Mobile Daily Register.
Montgomen,- ^lontgomery Advertiser.
Tuscaloosa Evening Times.
Weekly Times.
Juneau Juneau Dispatch.
Alaska Record-Miner.
Sitka Alaskan.
Phoenix Daily Herald.
Arizona Republican.
Weekly Republican.
St. Johns St. Johns Herald.
Tombstone Tombstone Epitaph.
Tucson Arizona Daily Citizen.
Weekly Citizen.
Little Rock Arkansas DemocraL
Arkansas Gazette.
Newport Evening News.
Fresno Guide.
Los Angeles Evening Express.
Los Angeles Times.
Napa Napa Register.
Niles Herald.
Oakland Oakland Enquirer.
Oakland Tribune.
Sacramento Evening Bee.
158 Report of the Librarian of Congress.
Newspapers currently on file w the Library of Congress — Cont'd.
UNITED STATES — continued.
California — Continued.
San Diego San Diegan Sun.
San Diego Union.
San Francisco Bulletin.
Daily Commercial News.
Journal of Commerce.
Santa Rosa Republican.
Stockton Evening Mail.
Colorado Springs Colorado Springs Gazette.
Cripple Creek Morning Times-Citizen.
Denver Denver Republican.
Rocky Mountain News.
Leadville Herald-Democrat.
Bridgeport Evening Post.
Bridgeport Telegram-Union.
Hartford Hartford Courant.
Hartford Times.
Meriden Daily Journal.
Morning Record.
New Haven Evening Register.
New London Day.
Morning Telegraph.
Dover Delawarean.
State Sentinel.
"Wilmington Every Evening.
Evening Journal.
Morning News.
Daily Republican.
District of Columbia:
Washington Washington Bee. «
Colore<l American.
Sunday Morning Globe.
Washington Po.st.
Washington Sentinel.
Suburban Citizen.
Evening Star.
Evening Times.
The Times.
National Tribune.
Newspapers on File. 159
Newspapers airrently on file in the Library of Congress — Cont'd.
UNITED STATES — continued.
Avon Park South Florida Sun.
De Funiak Springs Breeze.
Fernandina Florida Mirror.
Jacksonville Times Union and Citizen.
Pensacola Daily News.
Tallahassee Weekly Floridian.
Atlanta Atlanta Constitution.
.\tlanta Journal.
Augusta Augusta Chronicle.
Augusta Herald.
Columbus Columbus Enquirer-Sun.
Macon Macon News.
^lacon Telegraph.
Mount Airy Protectionist.
Savannah Morning News.
Boise City Idaho Daily Statesman.
Hailey Weekly Wood River News-Miner.
Pocatello Pocatello Tribune.
Alton Alton Evening Telegraph.
Bloomington Daily Pantagraph .
Weekly Pantagraph.
Trades Review.
Chicago Hearst's Chicago American.
Chicago Chronicle.
Chicago Citizen.
Daily Inter Ocean.
Weekly Inter Ocean.
Chicago Journal.
Chicago Leader.
Chicago Daily News.
. Chicago Post.
Progressive Thinker.
Chicago Record-Herald.
Saturday Blade.
Chicago Daily Tribune.
Weekly Drovers' Journal.
Galesburg Galesburg Labor News.
Joliet Joliet Weekly News.
Lagrange Suburban News.
Moline Moline Review-Dispatch.
Peoria Peoria Herald-Transcript.
Quincy Quincy Joxu-nal.
Quincy Daily ^\'hig.
i6o Report of the Librarian of Congress.
Newspapers currently on file in the Library 0/ Cotigress—ConVd.
UNITED STATES — continued.
Illinois — Continued.
Springfield Illinois State Register.
Streator Streator Daily Free Press.
Indian Territory:
Ardniore Ardniore Appeal.
McAlester Daily Capital.
South McAlester News.
Evansville Evaiisville Courier.
Fort Wayne Indiana Staats-Zeitung.
Fort Wayne Sentinel.
Indianapolis American Tribune.
Indianapolis Journal.
Indianapolis News.
Indianapolis Sentinel.
La Porte La Porte Daily Herald.
Lafayette Lafayette Daily Courier.
New Albany New Albany Elvening Tribune.
South Bend South Bend Daily Tribune.
Terre Haute Terre Haute Express.
Carroll Carroll Sentinel.
Cedar Rapids Evening Gazette.
Chariton Chariton Herald.
Council Bluffs Daily Nonpareil.
Davenport Davenport Democrat.
Davenport Daily Republican.
Des Moines Iowa State Register.
Dubuque Evening Globe-Journal.
Dubuque Daily Times.
Fonda Fonda Times.
Mount Ayr Twice-a-Week News.
Ottumwa Ottumwa Daily Courier.
Sioux City Sioux City Journal.
Sioux City Tribune.
Kansas City Labor Record.
Lawrence Lawrence Daily Journal.
Leavenworth Evening Standard.
Leavenworth Times.
Topeka Topeka Daily Capital.
Wichita Wichita Daily Eagle.
Wilsonton Wilsonton Journal.
Covington Kentucky Post.
Newspapers an File. i6i
Newspapers currently on file in the Library of Cong^ress — Cont'd.
UNITED STATES— continued.
Kentucky — Continued.
Lexington Daily Leader.
Louis\-ille Louis\nlle CommerciaL
Evening Post.
Louis\-ille Times.
Shelby\nlle Shelby\4Ue News.
Baton Rouge Daily Advocate.
Lake Charles Lake Charles American.
Lake Charles Daily Press.
New Orleans Daily Item.
Daily Picayune.
Daily States.
L'Abeille de la Nouvelle-Orleans.
Shreveport Shreveport Times.
Augusta Daily Kennebee Journal.
Bangor Bangor Daily Commercial
Bar Harbor Bar Harbor Record.
Biddeford Biddeford Daily JoumaL
Lewiston Lewiston Evening Journal.
Portland Daily Eastern .\rgus.
Evening Express.
Portland Daily Press.
Annapolis Evening CapitaL
Baltimore Baltimore .\merican.
Der Deutsche Correspondent.
Baltimore Morning Herald.
Weekly Herald.
Baltimore News.
, Baltimore Herald.
Republican Guide-
Baltimore Sun.
Brunswick Brunswick Herald.
Cumberland Daily News.
Evening Times.
Easton Peninsula Democra*'
Hagerstown Evening Globe .
Middletown Valley Register.
Unicn Bridge Union Bridge Pilot-
Massachusetts :
Amherst Amherst Record.
Beverly Saturday Morning Citizen.
Boston Boston Daily Advertiser.
9957— oi II
1 62 Report of the Librarian of Congress.
Newspapers currently on file in the Library of Congress— QjonV^.
UNITED STATKS — continued.
Massachusetts — Continued.
Boston— Continued American Citizen.
Commercial Bulletin.
-^- Daily Globe.
Boston Herald.
Evening Journal.
Boston Morning Journal.
New England Statist.
Boston Post.
Boston Evening Record.
Boston Evening Transcript.
Boston Traveler.
Fall River Fall River Daily Globe.
Fall River Morning News.
'Haverhill Haverhill Evening Gazette.
Ivawrence Lawrence American and Andover
Lawrence Daily American.
Lawrence Daily Eagle.
Lawrence Sun.
Lowell Lowell Sun.
Lynn Daily Evening Item.
Salem Saturday Evening Obser\-er.
Salem Daily Gazette.
Springfield Springfield Daily Republican.
Weymouth Weymouth Gazette.
Worcester Worcester Spy.
Massachusetts Spy.
Ann Arbor Michigan Daily News.
Detroit Detroit Free Press.
Twice-a-Week Free Press.
Detroit Jourrfal.
Detroit Informer.
Evening News.
Detroit Tribune.
Grand Rapids Grand Rapids Herald.
Houghton Daily Mining Gazette.
Lansing Lansing Journal.
Marquette Daily Mining Journal.
Menominee Menominee Democrat.
Port Huron Port Huron Daily Times.
Saginaw Saginaw Evening News.
Saginaw Exponent
Akely Akely Independent.
Newspapers on File. 163
Newspapers currently on file in the Library of Congress— QorHC^
UNITED STATES — Continued.
Minnesota — Continued.
Austin Austin Daily Register.
Austin Register.
Brainerd Brainerd Tribune.
Duluth Duluth Evening Herald.
East Grand Forks Valley \'iew.
Faribault Faribault Republican.
Fergus Falls Fergus Falls Weekly Journal.
Little Falls Little Falls Weekly Transcript.
Mankato Mankato Daily Free Press.
Minneapolis Minneapolis Joiu-nal.
Daily Market Record.
Svenska Amerikanska Posten.
Minneapolis Times.
Minneapolis Tribune.
Moorhead Moorhead Daily News.
Northfield Northfield News.
Red Wing Red Wing Daily Republican.
St. Cloud Daily Journal-Press.
St. Paul Appeal.
St. Paul Dispatch.
St. Paul Globe.
St. Paul Daily Pioneer Press.
Stillwater Stillwater Daily Gazette.
Winona Winona Republican and Herald,
Aberdeen Aberdeen Examiner.
Biloxi Biloxi Daily Herald.
Jackson Weekly Clarion-Ledger,
Daily Clarion-Ledger.
Meridian Evening Star.
Natchez Evening Bulletin.
Daily Democrat.
Vicksburg Vicksburg Herald.
Kansas City Daily Drovers' Telegram.
Kansas City Journal.
Kansas City Star.
Kansas City Times.
Richmond Missourian.
St. Joseph St. Joseph Gazette-Herald.
St. Joseph Daily News.
St. Louis .\bend-.\nzeiger.
Mississippi Blatter.
St. Louis Chronicle.
Labor Compendium.
164 Report of the Librarian of Congress.
Newspapers currently on file in the Library of Congress — Cont'd
UNITED STATES— continued.
Missouri- -Continued.
St. Louis St. Louis Globe-Democrat.
Daily National Live Stock Re-
St. Louis Post-Dispatch.
St. Louis Republic.
St. Louis Star.
We.stliche Post.
Sedalia Sedalia Daily Capital.
Anaconda Anaconda Standard.
Butte • Butte Inter-Mountain.
Great Falls Great Falls Daily Tribune.
Helena Helena Evening Herald.
Helena Independent.
Hastings Hastings Tribune
Lincoln Commoner.
Lincoln Free Press.
New Republic-Patriot.
Nebraska State Journal.
Nebraska City Conservative.
Omaha Omaha Daily Bee.
Morning World-Herald.
Lovelock Lovelock Tribune.
Reno Evening Gazette.
Daily Nevada State Journal.
New Hampshire.
Concord Concord Evening Monitor.
Daily Patriot.
Manchester Manchester Union.
Portsmouth Daily Chronicle.
Portsmouth Times.
New Jersey:
Atlantic City •. . . . Atlantic Review.
Cape May Star of the Cape.
Camden Camden Daily Courier.
Jersey City Evening Journal.
New Brunswick Daily Press.
Newark Newark Daily Advertiser.
Sunday Call.
Newark Evening News.
Paterson Morning Call.
Paterson Daily Press.
Perth Amboy Middlesex County Democrat.
Newspapers on File. 165
Newspapers currently on file in the Library of Congress — Cont'd.
UNITED STATES — continued.
New Jersey — Continued.
Trenton Daily State Gazette.
Daily True American.
New Mexico:
Albuquerque Albuquerque Daily Citizen.
Albuquerque Journal-Democrat.
Santa Fe Santa Fe New Mexican.
New York:
Albany Argus.
Albany Evening Journal.
Brooklyn Brooklyn Citizen.
* Brooklyn Daily Eagle.
Standard Union.
Brooklyn Times.
Buffalo Buffalo Courier.
Catholic Union and Times.
Buffalo Morning Express.
Buffalo Evening News.
Buffalo Re\-iew.
Elmira Elmira Gazette and Free Press.
Jamestown Evening Journal.
Union Advocate.
Middletown Middletown Daily Times.
Mount Vernon Movmt Vernon Daily Argus.
New York New York Age.
Al-Musheer. (The Counsellor.)
Amerikanische Schweizer Zeitung.
Bollettino della Sera.
Chinese Weekly Herald.
City Record.
New York Commercial.
Commercial Advertiser.
Courrier des Etats-Unis.
Daily Dr\- Goods Record.
Freeman's Journal.
Gross New Yorker Zeitung.
New York Herald.
Irish World.
Jewish Morning Journal.
New York Jewish Abend-Post.
Harlem Local Reporter.
New Yorker Herald, Abend Zei-
1 66 Report of the Librarian of Congress.
Newspapers currently on file in the Library of Congress— ConV A.
UNITED STATES— continued.
New York — Continued.
New York New York Journal and American.
Evening Journal.
Journal of Commerce and Com-
mercial Bulletin.
Daily Journal of Finance.
Narodni List.
New-Yorsk6 Listy.
Mail and Express.
Our Second Century.
Daily People.
Evening Post.
New York Press.
New Yorker Revue.
Abendblatt der N. Y. Staats-Zei-
New Yorker Staats-Zeitung.
Wochenblatt der New Yorker
Slovak V Amerike.
Daily Stockholder.
Evening Telegram.
Morning Telegraph.
New York Times.
New York Tribune.
United Irishman.
New Yorker Volks Zeitung.
Wall Street Journal.
Wall Street Daily News.
Northport Northport Journal.
Oswego Daily Palladium.
Daily Times.
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle.
Union and .\dvertiser.
Saratoga Springs Daily Saratogian.
Syracuse Evening Herald.
Troy Troy Northern Budget.
Troy Daily Times.
Utica Herald-Dispatch.
Utica Observer.
Weedsport Cayuga Chief.
Newspapers on File. 167
Newspapers currently on file in the Lil^rary 0/ Congress— QxmV A.
UNITED STATES — continued.
North Carolina:
Asheville Asheville Daily Gazette.
Charlotte Charlotte Daily Observer.
Greensboro Telegram.
Raleigh News and Obser%-er.
Wilmington Morning Star.
North Dakota:
Bismarck Bismarck Daily Tribune.
De\-ils Lake Inter-Ocean.
Fargo Fargo Forum.
Grand Forks Daily Plaindealer.
Wahpeton Richland County Gazette.
Canton ^ Evening Repository.
Cincinnati -\merican Israelite.
Brauer Zeitung.
Commercial Tribune.
Cincinnati Enquirer.
Cincinnati Post-
Times -Star.
Tagliches Cincinnatier Volksblatt.
Cleveland Citizen.
Weekly Leader.
Plain Dealer.
Columbus Evening Dispatch.
Ohio State Journal.
Columbus Evening Press.
Da^•ton Da\-ton Daily Journal.
Findlay Findlay Morning Republican.
Hamilton Evening Democrat.
Daily Republican-News.
Ironton Ironton Daily Republican.
Marion Marion Weekly Star.
Mansfield Mansfield News.
Springfield Daily Morning Sun.
Toledo Toledo Blade.
Toledo Times.
Youngsto\vii Youngstown Telegram.
Elreno El Reno Daily .\merican.
Guthrie Oklahoma State Capital.
Oklahoma City Daily Oklahoman.
Albany Albany Daily Democrat.
1 68 Report of the Librarian of Congress.
Newspapers currently on file in the Library of Congress — Cont'd.
UNITED STATES — continued.
Oregon — Continued.
Astoria Astoria Daily Budget.
Baker City Baker City Herald.
Eugene Oregon State Journal.
Heppner '. . . . . Heppner Weekly Gazette.
Pendleton East-Oregonian.
Portland Morning Oregonian.
Salem Daily Oregon Statesman.
Salem Sentinel.
Easton Easton Daily Argus.
Erie Erie Morning Dispatch.
Harrisburg Patriot.
Harrisburg Star-Independent.
Lancaster Daily New Era.
Lebanon Lebanon Daily News.
Lebanon Daily Times.
Oil City Oil City Semi-Weekly Derrick.
Philadelphia Evening Bulletin.
Catholic Standard and Times.
Philadelphia Inquirer.
Philadelphia Evening Item.
' North American.
Public Ledger.
Philadelphia Record.
Evening Telegraph.
Pittsburg Amalgamated Journal.
Pittsburg Gazette.
Pittsburg Dispatch.
Pittsburg Leader.
Pittsburg Post.
Pittsburg Press.
Pittsburg Times.
Reading Reading Eagle.
Reading Herald.
Scranton Scranton Republican.
Scranton Tribune.
Scranton Truth.
Wilkesbarre Wilke.s-Barre Record.
Wilkes-Barre Times.
York York Dispatch.
Rhode Island:
Newport Newport Mercury.
Pawtucket Evening Times.
Newspapers on File. 169
Newspapers atrrenily on file in the Library of Congress — Cont'd.
UNITED STATES — Continued.
Rhode Island — Continued.
Providence Providence Daily Journal.
Pro\-idence News.
W'esterK- Westerly Sun.
South Carolina:
Charleston Charleston Messenger.
News and Courier.
Coliunbia State.
South Dakota:
Aberdeen .\berdeen Daily News.
Dakota Riu-alist.
Sioux Falls Daily Argus Leader.
Sioux Falls Daily Press.
Pierre Pierre Weeklj- Free Press.
Yankton Press and Dakotan.
Chattanooga Chattanooga Press.
Chattanooga Daily Times.
Jackson Jackson Daily ^\'hig.
Knox%-ille Journal and Tribune.
Memphis Commercial .\ppeal.
Nashville Nash\-ille American.
Nash\-ille Banner.
Nashville Daily News.
Beaumont Beaumont Daily Events.
El Paso El Paso Herald.
Galveston Galveston Daily News.
Galveston Tribune.
Houston Houston Daily Post.
Rockdale Rockdale Messenger.
San Antonio Daily Express.
Waco Waco Times-Herald. '
Ogden Standard.
Salt Lake City Salt Lake Herald.
Deseret Evening News.
Deseret Semi-Weekly News.
Salt Lake Tribune.
Brattieboro Vermont Phoenix.
Windham County Reformer.
Burlington Burlington Daily Free Press.
Montpelier Argus and PatrioL
Rutiand Rutiand Daily Herald.
170 Report of the Librarian of Congress.
Newspapers currently on file in the Library 0/ Cong^ress—ConVd.
UNITED STATES — Continued.
Alexandria Alexandria Gazette.
Fairfax Fairfax Enterprise.
Fairfax Herald.
Hamilton , , .... Loudoun Telephone. •
Leesburg Record.
Lynchburg News.
Manchester Evening Leader.
Newport News Daily Press.
Evening Telegram.
Norfolk Norfolk Landmark.
Virginian Pilot. •
Palmyra Midland Virginian.
Richmond Richmond Dispatch.
Richmond Planet.
Roanoke Roanoke Times.
Staunton Staunton Daily News.
Chehalis Chehalis Bee-Nugget.
Everett Everett Daily Herald.
Seattle Seattle Post-Intelligencer.
Seattle Republican.
Seattle Daily Times.
Spokane Spokane Daily Chronicle.
Spokesman Review.
Tacoma Tacoma Daily Ledger.
Tacoma Daily News.
Walla Walla Weekly Statesman.
West Virginia:
Bluefield Bluefield Daily Telegraph.
Charlestown Virginia Free Pre.ss.
Parkersburg Daily State Journal.
• Wheeling Wheeling Daily Intelligencer.
Wheeling Register.
Ashland Ashland Daily Press.
Fond du Lac Daily Commonwealth.
Janesville Janesville Daily Gazette.
Janesville Recorder.
Jefferson ; Jefferson Banner.
La Crosse La Cro.sse Morning Chronicle.
Madison Daily Cardinal.
Madison Democrat.
Wisconsin State journal.
Milwaukee Columbia.
Milwaukee Gerraania.
Newspapers on File. 171
Newspapers currently on file in the Library of Congress— Q.ou\:^
UNITED STATES — continued.
WisQonsin — Continued.
Milwaukee Milwaukee Herald.
Milwaukee Joumal.
Milwaukee Sentinel.
Evening Wisconsin.
Oshkosh Daily Northwestern.
Superior Evening Telegram.
Cheyenne Cheyenne Daily Leader.
Wyoming Tribune.
Thennopolis Big Horn River Pilot.
Cardenas Heraldo de Cardenas.
Habana Diario de la Marina.
Honolulu Hawaiian Gazette.
Semi- Weekly Star.
Philippine Islands:
Manila Manila American.
Manila Freedom.
El Progreso.
Porto Rico:
San Juan La Correspondenciade Puerto
San Juan News. '
El Pais.
Birmingham Birmingham Weekly Post,
Leeds Mercurj-.
Liverpool Liverpool Journal of Commerce.
Liverpool Mercur\-.
London Daily Chronicle.
Daily Financial News.
Lloyd's Weekly Newspaper.
Daily News.
Globe and Traveler.
Pall Mall Gazette.
Morning Post.
172 Report of the Librarian of Congress.
Newspapers currently on file in the Library of Congress— Q.oia!C 6..
GREAT BRITAIN AND coiX)NiES — Continued.
England — Continued.
London Referee.
St. James Gazette.
Shipping and Mercantile Gazette
and Lloyd's List.
Sporting Life.
Daily Telegraph.
Westminster Gazette.
Manchester .... Manchester Guardian.
Glasgow Glasgow Herald.
Dublin Weekly Freeman.
Weekly Irish Times.
British Columbia —
Vancouver Daily News Advertiser.
Victoria Daily Colonist
Manitoba —
Winnipeg Manitoba Morning Free Press.
New Brunswick —
St. John St. John Daily Sun.
Daily Telegraph. .
Nova Scotia —
Halifax Morning Chronicle.
Ontario —
Ottawa Ottawa Citizen.
Toronto Globe,
Daily Mail and Empire.
Quebec —
Montreal Gazette.
La Patrie.
La Presse.
Quebec Quebec Chronicle.
Melbourne Leader.
Sydney Sydney Morning Herald.
Bermuda, West Indies:
Hamilton Royal Gazette.
British Honduras:
Belize Colonial Guardian.
British Guiana:
Georgetown Demerara Daily Chronicle.
J\€wspapers on File. 173
Newspapers currently on file in the Library of Congress — Cont'd.
Cape Colons-
Cape Town Cap>e Argus.
Dm-ban Natal Mercvuy.
Wynberg Wynberg Times.
Fiji Islands:
Suva Fiji Times.
Bombay Bombay Gazette.
Calcutta Englishman.
Kingston Daily Gleaner.
Newfoundland :
St. Johns Evening Telegram.
New Zealand:
Auckland Auckland "Weekly News.
Austria :
Budapest Pester Lloyd.
Trieste Nea Hemera.
II Mercvu-io.
Vienna Neue Freie Presse.
grussels L'Independance Beige.
Le Peuple.
Copenhagen Aftenposten.
Havre Joiu^al du Havre.
Paris L'Eco de L'Oise.
Le Figaro.
L ' Intransigeant.
Journal des D^bats.
Journal Official.
Daily Messenger.
Messager de Paris.
New York Herald.
Le Pays.
Le Petit Journal.
Le Temps.
Berlin Berliner Tageblatt.
Koniglich Privilegirte Berlinische
* Vorwarta
174 Report of the Librarian of Congress.
Newspapers currently on file in the Library of Congress — Cont'd.
EUROPE — conti n ued .
Gennanj* — Continued.
Cologne Kolnische Zeitung.
Frankfurt Frankfurter Zeitung.
Hamburg Hamburger Nachrichten.
Munich Allgemeine Zeitung.
Strasburg Journal d'Alsace.
Athens Akropolis.
Amsterdam Amsterdamsche Courant.
Hague De Nieuwe Courant.
Genoa Courriere Mercantil.
Milan II Secolo.
Rome II Giorno.
Norway :
Christiania Dagbladet.
Portugal :
Lisbon O Jornal do Commercio.
Moscow Courier.
St. Petersburg Journal de St. Petersbourg.
Russkija Vyedomosti.
Novoe Vremya.
Madrid Gaceta de Madrid.
El Imparcial.
Stockholm Aftonbladet.
Bern Der Bund.
Geneva Journal de Geneve.
Lugano Gazzetta Ticinese.
Zurich Neue Ziircher Zeitung.
Turkey in Europe:
Constantinople Levant Herald.
Hongkong Hongkong Telegraph.
Overland China Mail.
Shanghai Celestial Empire.
North China Herald.
Tientsin China Times,
Newspapers on File. 175
Newspapers currently on file in the Library of Congress — Cont'd.
ASIA — continued.
Yokohama Japan Daily Herald.
Japan Weekly Mail.
Bangkok Siam Free Press.
Turkey in Asia:
Smj-ma Les Afl5ches Smyreenes.
Algiers Les Nouvelles.
Alexandria Eg>-ptian Gazette.
Costarica La Vanguardia.
Costa Rica:
San Jos^ La Gaceta.
Tegucigalpa Gaceta Judicial.
El Pabellon de Honduras.
Ciudad de Tepic La Democracia.
Durango El Domingo.
La Idea.
Guadalajara El Chiquitin.
Guaymas El Correo de Sonora.
El Trafico.
City of Mexico Anglo-.-Vmerican.
El Lazo de Union.
Mexican Herald.
El Xacional.
Two Republics.
El Tiempo.
Monterey :Monterey News.
La Union. ,
Morelia El Centinela.
Nuevo Laredo La Zona Libre.
Orizaba El Cosmopolita.
El Reproductor.
El Siglo Que Acaba.
Queretaro El Figaro.
Tula El Tulteco.
Zacatecas El Debate.
176 Report of the Librarian of Congress,
Newspapers airrently on file in the Library of Congress — Cont'd.
Nicaragua :
Bluefields El Atlantico.
Granada El Periodic©.
San Salvador El Diario de Salvador.
Buenos Aires Buenos Aires Herald.
Buenos Aires Weekly Herald.
La Prensa.
Brazil :
Rio de Janeiro Rio News.
Santiago El Chileno.
Diario Oficial.
Panama La Estrella de Panama.
Star and Herald.
Guayaquil Gaceta Municipal.
Uruguay :
Montevideo Montevideo Times.
Caracas Gaceta Medica de Caracas.
Gaceta Oficial.
Venezuelan Herald.
La Hidalguia.
El Tiempo.
R E I> O R T
9957— <^i 12 177
1802-/80/. — ^John Beckley, Clerk of the House of Representatives and
i8oj-iSij. — Patrick Magruder, Clerk of the House of Representatives
and Librarian.
i8i^-iS2g. — George Watterston.
i82g-i86i. — ^John S. Meehan.
J861-1S64. — John G. Stephenson.
1 864- 1 Sg J [June JO \. — Ainsworth R. Spoflford.
i8gj-Janiiary ij, i8gg. — John Russell Young.
j8<)g y April 5). — Herbert Putnam.
Herbert PrTX.\M. — Librarian of Congress.
Ainsworth R.\nd Spofford. — Chief Assistant Librarian.
Allen Richards Boyd. — Librarian's Secretan,-.
Thomas Gold Alvord.— Chief Clerk.
Reading Rooms. — David Hutcheson, superintendent; John Graham
Morrison, Hugh Alexander Morrison, chief assistants. Reading
Room for the Blind. — Etta Josselyn Giffin, assi^ptant in charge.
Division of Bibliography. — Appleton Prentiss Clark Griffin, chief.
Catalogue Division. — James Christian Meinich Hanson, chief.
Division 0/ Documents. — Roland Post Falkner, chief.
Division 0/ Manuscripts. — Charles Henry- Lincoln, assistant in charge.
Dii'ision 0/ Maps and Charts. — Philip Lee Phillips, chief.
Division of Music. — Walter Rose Whittlesey, chief.
Order Division. — William Parker Cutter, chief.
Division of Periodicals. — Allan Bedient Slauson, chief.
Division of Prints. — Arthur Jeffrey Parsons, chief.
Smithsonian Deposit. — Cjt^s Adler, custodian (Librarian of Smith-
sonian Institution, office at Smithsonian Institution ; Francis
Henn,- Parsons, assistant in charge.
Law Library. — Thomas Harvey Clark, custodian.
i8o Report of the Librarian of Congress,
Thorvald Solberg, Register.
Printing. — William Henry Fisher, foreman.
Binding. — Henry Clay Espey, foreman.
Bernard Richardson Green. — Superintendent
Frank Webber Hutchings, chief clerk.
Charles Benjamin Titlow, chief engineer.
Damon Warren Harding, electrician.
John Vanderbilt Wurdemann, captain of the watch.
I ■
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■ 1 ■ 1.^:^- J • -*L^ ■•■• »-«--w
The purpose of this section of the report is to set forth
the more significant present facts in the constitution, equip-
ment, organization, processes, facilities, and resources of the
Library-. It does not attempt to de-scribe the building itself;
that has been done in various handbooks compiled and
issued by private concerns. It wnll, however, indicate the
present location of the various divisions by floor plans accu-
rate to date, and will exhibit by illustration typical portions
of the work and certain of the mechanical apparatus auxil-
iary- to it.
The circulation of this report to other libraries and insti-
tutions, including many abroad, has seemed to render desira-
ble an inclusion in the statement of some details as to proc-
esses which are common to most American libraries, and
some explanations which are unnecessary- to those familiar
wdth the usage of the Executive Departments at Washing-
ton. Certain items of information are designed particularly
f or the convenience of persons who wish to make practical
use of the Library-. This section of the report may form
the basis of a manual to be issued separately later.
The purpose is a statement of present conditions, but it
includes necessarily a reference to certain historical facts
through which these conditions become intelligible. It should
be considered in connection wnth the statistics presented in
Part I of the report.
Herbert Putnam,
Librariayi of Congress.
Washington, D. C, December 2, i^oi.
Note. — Owing to the absence of Dr. Spofford on an ofiBcial trip abroad in behalf
of the Libran,', the following sketch has been prepared by Mr. David Hutcheson,
for twenty-two years his chief associate in the old Library, and now Superin-
tendent of the Reading Room.
The Library of Congress was established by the act of
April 24, 1800, providing for the removal of the Government
to Washington in 1800. The need, however, of a collection
of books for the use of Congress in connection with the work
of legislation was felt, and in some measure provided for in
advance of the first meeting of the Continental Congress in
A few days before the Continental Congress assembled in
Philadelphia the directors of the Librarj- Company of Phila-
delphia passed a resolution, dated August 31, 1774, "that
the librarian furnish the gentlemen who are to meet in
Congress with the use of such books as they may have occa-
sion for, taking a receipt for them. ' ' This resolution was
placed before Congress September 6, 1774, and it was ordered
* ' that the thanks of the Congress be returned to the directors
of the Library Company of Philadelphia for their obliging
order." During the occupancy of the New York city hall
by the Federal Congress from January- 11, 1785, to October
21,1 788, members were granted the use of the books belong-
ing to the New York Society Library-, then located in the
City Hall and numbering about 3,000 volumes.
The first step in Congress in the direction of procuring
a library for the use of its members was taken in the House
of Representatives August 6, 1789, when Mr. Gerrj- moved
that a committee be appointed to report a catalogue of
books necessar\' for the use of Congress, with an estimate
of the expense, and the best mode of procuring them. The
motion was ordered to lie on the table. April 30, 1790, a
resolution was passed by the House of Representatives
I S3
184 Report of the Librarian of Congress.
appointing three members as a committee ' ' to report a cata-
logue of books necessary' for the use of Congress, together
with an estimate of the expense thereof." This committee
made a report June 23, 1790, and the report was ordered to
he on the table. No further action, however, was taken on
this resolution. Shortly after the removal of Congress from
New York to Philadelphia the Library Company of Phila-
delphia renewed the tender of the use of their library by a
resolution of the directors communicated to the Senate, Jan-
uary 19, 1 79 1, placing the library at the ser^dce of both
Houses of Congress.
j&». Apr. 24. The Librarj- of Congress \N'as established b)' section 5 of
an act to make further provision for the removal and accom-
modation of the Government of the United States, approved
April 24, 1800, By this act $5,000 were appropriated for
the purchase of books, and for fitting up a suitable apart-
ment in the Capitol to contain them, the purchase to be
made by the Secretary of the Senate and the Clerk of the
House of Representatives, under "such directions as shall
be given, and such catalogue as .shall be furnished by a joint
committee of both Houses of Congress, to be appointed for
that purpose. ' '
i8o2,jan. 26. Xhe next act dealing with the Library was pa.ssed Janu-
ary 26, 1802, and provided for the placing in one room of
the Capitol the books which had been purchased by the first
appropriation, together with the books or libraries which
had been kept separately by each House. It authorized the
making of suitable rules and regulations by the President of
the Senate and the Speaker of the Hou.se of Representatives;
and the appointment by the President of a Librarian at a
.salary not to exceed $2 per diem of necessary attendance.
The unexpended balance of the sum of $5,000 appropriated
by the act of April 24, 1800, and all sums later appropriated,
to be expended under the direction of a joint committee,
consisting of three members from each House.
u/^e!'^ <"'"''- John Beckley, of Virginia, Clerk of the House of Repre-
iHo2jan. 2^. sentatives, was appointed Librarian by President Jefferson,
January 29, 1802. In April, 1802, less than three months
after the appointment of Mr. Beckley, the first catalogue
was issued. It filled 10 octavo pages and contained the
titles of 964 volumes and 9 maps. The books were classi-
Historical Sketch. •. 185
fied by size, folios coming first, then quartos, octavos, and
duodecimos, followed by the maps.
It is interesting to note the character of the books whose '^'- ^f^^-
titles are given in the first catalogue of the Library, issued
in April, 1802. Senator Mitchill. in a report from the Sen-
ate Library Committee, Januar>- 20, 1806, states that the aim '***•
in purchasing books should be " to furnish the Librarj- with
such materials as will enable statesmen to be correct in
their investigations, and by a becoming display of erudition
and research give a higher dignity and a brighter luster to
truth. ' ' The wide range of subjects covered by the small
collection of less than i.ooo volumes shows that a well-
directed effort was made to place in the Librarx* the best
standard works on law, archaeolog>", history, geography,
politics, political economy, theologj-, and translations of the
Greek and Roman classics. Light reading is represented
by a set of the British Essayists. Fiction is entirely absent,
and the only poet admitted is Bums. Four other catalogues
were issued between this date and 18 12, the last catalogue iSn.
printed prior to the destruction of the Library in 1814. The
catalogue published in 1812 filled loi octavo pages and con-
tained the titles of 3,076 volumes and 53 maps, charts, and
plans. As this catalogue was printed toward the end of the
year it gives approximately the contents of the Library- when
it was destroyed eighteen months later. An additional
appropriation of $1,000 yearly for five j-ears was made Feb-
ruar\- 2 1 , 1806, and a similar sum December *6, 181 1. These i^n, Dec. 6.
three appropriations of $5,000 each, with annual appropria-
tions for the salary- of the Librarian and for contingent expen-
ses, amounting to a little over $9,000. comprise the whole
sum appropriated for the support of the Library prior to its
destruction b}- the British soldiers August 24, 1814, and of
this sum from $2,000 to S3. 000 had not then been expended.
John Beckley remained in charge of the Librar}- till his
death, April 8, 1807, and on November 7 of the same j^ear
Patrick Magruder, of Virginia, prexnously elected Clerk of
the House of Representatives, was appointed Librarian by
President Jefferson.
Bv the act of January- 26, 1S02, the President of the Sen- zS02.jan.36.
ate and the Speaker of the House were "empowered to
establish such regulations and restrictions in relation to the
1 86 Report qJ' the Librarian of Congress.
said Library as to them shall seem proper, and from time to
time to alter or amend the same; provided, that no regula-
tions shall be made repugnant to any provision contained in
this act. ' ' Some of the rules and regulations as printed in
i8os. the catalogue of 1808, and in an amended and revised form
in the catalogue of 1815, are curious and amusing, and seem
to have been designed to safeguard and restrict the use of
the books rather than to provide for their free use. A folio
was to be returned within three weeks, a quarto within two,
and an octavo or duodecimo within one. No member was
to "receive more than one folio, one quarto, or two octavos
or duodecimos within the terms aforesaid, unless where so
connected as to be otherwise useless, ' ' The penalties for
the detention of a book beyond the time allowed were severe:
for a folio, $3 per day; for a quarto, $2, and for an octavo, Si.
1S12. This was modified in the revision of 18 12 to $1 for a folio,
50 cents for a quarto, and 25 cents for an octavo. The fines
7«/<5. were still further reduced in 1816. The President of the
Senate and the Speaker of the House, however, might for
good cause remit the penalty in whole or part. No book
was to be issued within ten days of the termination of a ses-
.sion of Congress, and all books were to be returned five days
before adjournment.
1814, Aug. 34- The British soldiers, under the command of General Ross,
burned the Capitol August 24, 1814, and the Library, then
consisting of a little over 3,000 volumes, was destroyed.
Less than a month after this, on Septeml:)er 21. 1814,
ex-President Jefferson, who had always taken an interest in
the Library, wrote from Monticello to his friend, Samuel
Harrison Smith, founder of the National Intelligencer, ask-
ing him to tender his library to the Library Committee of
Congress. This was done, and Congress, October 21, 18 14
authorized the Library Committee to contract for the pur-
iSisjan.so. cliase of the library, and on January 30, 18 15, after .some
discussion, an act was pas.sed authorizing the committee to
draw from the Treasury the sum of $23,950, to be applied
to the purchase. Jefferson, in his letter to Mr. Smith, states
that the collection "while it includes what is chiefly valua-
ble in science and literature generally, extends more particu-
larly to whatever lx;longs to the American .statesman; in the
diplomatic and parliamentary branches it is particularly
Historical Sketch. 187
full." The collection contained not quite 7,000 volumes,
and has been described by Mr. Spofford as ' " an admirable
selection of the best ancient and modem literature up to the
beginning of the present century. " The catalogue of the
collection, prepared by Jefferson himself, was published in
18 15, and bears the title "Catalogue of the Library of the
United States. ' ' The system of classification used was pre-
pared by Jefferson, and based upon Lord Bacon's division of
knowledge, and this sj'stem was maintained in the arrange-
ment of the books on the shelves and in the catalogues of
the Library till 1864.
Early in May the Jeff<irson Library was packed in wagons tSis, May.
and sent to Washington. It was first placed in a room in
the hotel building temporarily occupied by Congress, and
remained there for three years while the north wing of the
Capitol was being rebuilt. It was then, in 18 19, removed to isig.
rooms in the north wing of the Capitol, and ultimately placed
in the long hall occupying the western front of the newly
erected center of the Capitol, and here it remained — except
for a short period after the fire of 1851, when it was tempo-
rarily housed in adjoining committee rooms — until the
removal to the new building.
For a period of thirty-six years, from the foundation of iSistoiSsi.
the existing collection by the acquisition of Jefferson's librar>^
in 1 8 15, till 1S51, the Library increased gradually, mainly bj-
purchase, until it numbered 55,000 volumes, being an average
annual increase of over i , 300 volumes.
Congress, by an act to increase and improve the law de- Law Library.
partment of the Library of Congress, approved July 14, 1832, iS32,juiy 14.
directed the Librarian ' ' to prepare an apartment near to
and connected by an easy coiumunication with that in which
the Library of Congress is now kept for the purpose of a law
library; to remove the law books now in the Librar\- into
such apartment, and to take charge of the law library- in the
same manner as he had been required to do of the Librar>'
of Congress. ' '
At that time the collection of law books, numbering 2,01 1,
of which 693 had belonged to Jefferson,- was placed in a
room adjoining the main librar>'. In 1848 it was removed ^^^'^•
to the room in the basement of the west side of the north
wing, and in December, i860, finally placed in the room in iSdo.
the basement floor, formerly occupied by the Supreme Court,
1 88 Repot t of the Librarian of Congress.
where it has ever since remained. From this small Ijegin-
ning it has grown to be one of the largest collections of
law books in the country, now numbering nearly ioo,cxx>
ti73- volumes. From 1835 to the .spring of 1873 it was under
the charge of Mr. Charles H. W. Meehan, son of the librarian.
He was succeeded by Mr^ Charles W. Hoffman, who held the
'*/• ofRce till his retirement about 1890. The present cu.stodian,
Mr. Thomas H. Clark, was appointed in Septemljer, 1897.
Fires. A fire broke out in one of the galleries of the Librar>' on
1S25.Dec.33. the evening of December 22, 1825. It is interesting to note
that Edward Everett, on his way home from an evening
party, was the first to notice the fire, and he and Daniel
Webster, with other members of Congress, helped to extin-
guish it. Only a few books were de.stroyed.
1S5t.Dec.24, On the 24th of December, 1851, another and more disas-
trous fire occurred, caused b}- a defective flue, and out of
55.000 volumes only 20,000 were .saved. The portion saved
included the divisions of jurisprudence, political science, and
American history and biograph}'. Two-thirds of the Jeffer-
son collection were destroyed in this fire. The law library
was not involved. Congress, which was then in session, on
January 13, 1852, appropriated $10,000 for the purchase of
lx)oks; on Januar}- 23, $1,200 to fit up the document room
and a portion of the adjoining pa.ssage temporarilj'^ to hold
the books; on March 19, $72,500 for the restoration of the
library room, and on August 31, $85,000 for the purchase
of books.
Catalogues. The first general catalogue printed after the fire was i.ssued
in 1861 , and was arranged like the former catalogues of 18 15,
1831, 1839, and 1849, upon the .s^-stem of classification
adopted by Jeffer.son. It was a bulky volume of i ,398 pages,
distributing the titles of the books through a series of 1 79
alphabets. This system of classification, though main-
tained with modifications in the arrangement of the lx>oks
on the shelves, was abandoned in the next general catalogue
1864. published at the end of 1864, which was arranged as an
alphabetical author catalogue. This was the last com])lete
general catalogue published. \'arious supplemental volumes
were issued, and in 1878-1880, portions of a new general
author catalogue were published; but the two volumes ])ub-
lished only contained the titles from A to Cragin. In 1869
Historical Sketch. 189
the last complete subject catalogue published by the Library
was issued. It consisted of two large octavo volumes of
1,744 pages, aud was arranged in one alphabet of topics,
with subordinate topics grouped under the general class to
which they belong, and with cross references from particular
to general topics.
From 1865 the official author catalogue of the Library was '^•
kept on large cards 7 by 4>4 inches in size. No subject
cards were made, the books being catalogued under the
name of the author, with full title, edition, pagination, size,
place of publication, publisher, date, and other biblio-
graphical details. No accession book was kept and no shelf
list. Some of the items usually entered in an accession
book were recorded on the margin of the cards, which also
held the shelf number of the book. This card catalogue is
still the source of information concerning the contents of
the larger part of the Librar}-, and is the key to the location
of the books on the shelves. As the work of recataloguing
and reclassification progresses, it is gradually being replaced
by cards of the standard size, placed in drawers, in the
Reading Room, open to the public.
While Congress by act and resolution took steps in 1840, ^jrcA^^i"""*'
and again in 1848, to estabhsh a system of international
exchanges of public documents, the present sj^stem was
founded by joint resolution of Congress of March 2, 1867, iS67,Mar.2.
by which 50 copies of all Government documents were placed
at the disposal of the Joint Committee on the Library*, to be
exchanged through the agency of the Smithsonian Insti-
tution ' ' for such works published in foreign countries, and
especialh' by foreign Governments, as may be deemed by
said committee as equivalent; said works to be deposited,
in the Library* of Congress. ' ' This system has resulted in
procuring for the Library a large collection of the documents
and parliamentan- proceedings of over forty Governments of
the world. (See pp. 328 to 331 of this Report.)
From 181 s, when i librarian cared for the Library-, the Appropria-
"^ -^ tions, iSts to i8js.
number of assistants employed gradually increased till they
numbered 42 during the last year the Library remained in
the Capitol. In December, 1864, when Mr. Spofford was
appointed Librarian, there were 3 a,ssistants, i messenger,
and 3 laborers, a total force of 8, with a salarj' roll of $10,500,
and a total appropriation of $9,000, for the purchase of
igo Report of the Librarian of Coua^ress,
books, law books, and tor contingent expenses. The annual
appropriations for the increase of the Library gradually
grew from $i,oooin 1818 to $13,500 in 1875, the largest
appropriation made up to the removal to the new building.
is^Dec'^i?'^^ Mr. Edward Everett, from the Committee on the Library,
submitted to the House, December 27, 1827, a list of manu-
scripts and printed books relating to America in the ]X5sses-
sion of Obadiah Rich, consul of the United States at Valen-
cia. It was ordered to be laid on the table, and 1,000 extra
copies printed. There does not appear to ha\e been any
report or statement from the committee as to the reason for
submitting the list. But the fact of its submission indicates
that the scope of the Library was assumed to l^e a wide one.
The list contains the titles of nearly 100 manuscripts and
400 rare and valuable books, many of them published in the
sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.
special pur- From time to time various special appropriations were
jS54,May3i. made for the increase of the Library: May 31, 1854,
$1,700 for the purchase of Spanish and Mexican law books
1864, July 2. for the Law Library; July 2, 1864, $1,000 to purchase a col-
lection of early American maps and plans, chiefly manu-
script originals illustrative of the French war and the war
i866,juiy25. of the Revolution; July 25, 1866, $5,000 to purchase the law
library of the late James Louis Petigru. Between 1866 and
1870 several small sums were appropriated for the purchase
1872, June 10. of files of leading American newspapers. By act of June
10, 1872, $5,000 were granted to purchase Engli.sh county
histories, and this was supplemented June 20, 1874, by an
additional appropriation of $2,000 for the .same purpo.se.
These two sums enabled the Librarian to procure an almost
complete collection of the very valuable — and in some cases
very rare — county histories of England. B^- act of August
1882, Aug. 7. 7, 1882, $35,000 were allowed to purchase the manuscript
papers of Benjamin Franklin and the books known as the
Franklin Collection, belonging to Henry Stevens. The
books, pamphlets, newspapers, and typewritten copy of the
manuscripts came to the Library, while the manuscripts
went to the Department of State. An act of March 3,
18S3, Afar.j. 1883, granted $8,000, to purchase a set of records and briefs
in cases in the Supreme Court of the United vStates, belong-
ing to the estate of the late Matthew H. Carpenter; and
Historical Sketch. 19 1
$20,000 to purchase from the Marquis De Rochambeau the
military papers, maps, and letter books of the Count De
Rochambeau, general in the French armj' in America dur-
ing the Revolution.
The largest accession was, however, the historical library
collected by Mr. Peter Force, of this city, purchased by act Force coiiec-
of Congress, approved March 2, 1867, for $100,000. The 1867, Mar. 2.
collection contained about 60,000 articles, consisting of
books and pamphlets relating to America, early American
newspapers, maps, incunabula, manuscripts, and autographs,
and the manuscript material gathered for the American
Archives or documentary histors' of America.
In 1876 (March 13) a joint resolution of Congress "rec- Fourth of juiy
ommended to the people of the several States that they 1S76. Mar. 13.
assemble in their several counties or towns on the approaching
centennial anniversary of our national independence, and
that they cause to have delivered on such day an historical
sketch of said county or town from its formation ' ' and that
a copy be filed in the Library of Congress.
In response to this request about 400 Fourth of July ora-
tions containing historical sketches were added.
The beginning of the large collection of modern news- Newspapers.
papers in the Librarj' was made in July, 1874, when over iS74,jt,iy.
100 daily newspapers were subscribed for, including two of
the principal newspapers of each State in the Union repre-
senting different political parties.
The first increase to the Library by deposits under copy- Copyright de-
right law came by an act, approved August 10, 1846, /M, Aug. w.
directing that one copy of each copyrighted book, map,
chart, musical composition, print, cut, or engraving, should
be delivered to the Librarian of Congress. Later, by an
act approved March 3, 1865, this deposit of one copy of the j86s. Mar. 3.
articles enumerated above, with the addition of photographs,
was again enacted and continued in force till the passage of
the copyright law of July 8, 1870, placing the copyright i87o,juiys.
business under the charge of the Librarian of Congress, and
calling for a deposit in the Librar>- of two copies of each
article. This act provided for the removal of copj-right
deposits from the Patent Ofiice, and from the United States
district courts, and 23,070 volumes were received from these
sources. The international copyright act of March 3, 1891, Mar. s.
192 Report of the LibraHan of Congress.
1 89 1, still further increased the number of deposits, which
grew from 19,826, in 1871, to 162,949, in 1900.
ommodation"'^ ^^ provide for the rapidly growing Library, Congress,
/86s, March i. Marcli 2, 1865, appropriated $160,000 for an enlargement
of the L,ibrar>% so as to include in two fireproof wings the
space at either end of the central library hall. During the
next two 3'ears various supplemental appropriations were
made for this purpose, making the total expenditure
$203,163.38. It was estimated that with the additional
space gained, there would be accommodation for the safe
j866. keeping of over 200,000 volumes. At the end of 1866 the
number of volumes in the Library was 99,650, not including
the 40,000 volumes of books belonging to the Smithsonian
Institution then in course of removal to the Library.
Smithsonian April 5, 1 866, an act was approved for the transfer of the
1866, Apr.s library of the Smithsonian Institution to the Library of Con-
gress, to be removed on the completion of the new fireproof
extension of the Library. (See Smithsonian Division, pp.
270-273,) The collection was estimated at that time to con-
tain about 40,000 volumes. This valuable accession to the
library comprised a large collection of journals and trans-
actions of learned societies, foreign and domestic, many
important works on the fine arts, linguistics, bibliography,
statistics, and natural history. Though not stipulated in the
act, later accessions were deposited, until the overcrowded
condition of the Library rendered it impossible to care prop-
erly for the increase . Now that ample space has been provided
in the new building, the whole collection will be arranged
in the large hall specially fitted up for it, and with suitable
accommodation for the student.
Gi/is. The library of Joseph Meredith Toner, M. D., of this city.
L^TioN.'^ ^^^ was presented to the Government and accepted by act of
1882, May 19. Qongi-ggg ^jgy jg^ 1882. It consists of ovcr 27,000 volumes
of books and 1 2,000 pamphlets aiid periodicals. It embraces
valuable material on the local history of States, counties, and
towns, Washingtoniana, biography, and medical science. It
contains also an extensive collection of portraits of American
physicians, many of early date; a large case of mounted
cuttings from books and newspapers, illustrative of Amer-
ican biography, arranged in alphabetical order, and of great
value in furnishing information concerning the lives of per-
Historical Sketch. 193
sons not included in general biographical encyclopaedias; and
an almost complete collection of copies of the letters and
papers of George Washington, copied from ever>' available
source, published and unpublished. Additions were con-
stantly made by Dr. Toner till his death, August 30, 1896.
Another most valuable addition to the Library- was the ^f^^l^^^^^
donation, accepted by Congress July 7, 1898, by Mrs. Ger- '^.J^y7-
trude M. Hubbard, of the large collection of engra\'ings
formed by her husband, the late Gardiner Greene Hubbard,
of this city. The result of many years of careful collecting,
it is rich in examples of the work of engravers of all schools,
many of great rarity, and embraces an extensive series of
portraits of Napoleon and Frederick the Great. In present-
ing the collection. Mrs. Hubbard stated that it was her inten-
tion to add to the collection from time to time, and in her
will to make provision for increasing it by creating a fund
of $20,000, the interest of which was to be used in the pur-
chase of additional engravings.
While in constant receipt of valuable gifts, the Librar>'
has not been the recipient of any extensive donations,
except in the two cases noted above, the Toner library- and
the Gardiner Greene Hubbard collection of engravings.
Owing to the crowded condition of the Librar>' during the
last twenty-five years of its stay in the Capitol, rendering it
impossible to care properly for the unavoidable increase,
there was little inducement to anyone to place there any
collection of value.
Originally established for the use of the Members of both us^.
Houses, the pri\nleges of the Library-, permitting books to
be taken out from the Librar\-, were extended, from time to
time, to the Justices of the Supreme Court and to other
Government ofiicials. (See Constitution, pp. 198-208.)
The Library for many years was open daily onh- during
the sessions of Congress, and on three days in the week
during the recess. From 1865 it has been open ever>- week
day, except legal holidays, all the year round.
Under interpretation of one of the rules and regulations,
as revised in 18 12, books were loaned for home use to persons
other than those entitled by law to take books out, on a
deposit of money covering the value of the books taken, the
deposit to be refunded on the return of the books and the
9957—01 13
194 Report of the Librarian of Congress.
closing of the account. During the years 1870 to 1894,
considerable use was made of this privilege, which, how-
ever, was suspended shortly before the removal of the
Library to the new building.
N^ building. As early as 1871 Mr. SpofTord, in his annual report for
that year, called attention to the crowded condition of the
Library, and reconmiended that Congress take action look-
ing to the erection of a Library building to accommodate
• the rapidly growing collection. The first step in this direc-
tion was taken when Congress, by the act of March 3, 1873,
created a commission to select a plan for a building for the
Librar>-, and appropriated $5,000 to procure plans. Twenty-
eight designs were submitted in November of that year.
The Joint Committee on the Library unanimously recom-
mended a separate building rather than an extension of the
Capitol, but their recommendation was not acted on, and an
additional appropriation of $2,000 to procure other plans
was made June 23, 1874, resulting in the preparation of
several plans for the enlargement of the Capitol. A com-
mission to consider and report a plan was authorized by act
of April 3, 1878, and the Secretary of the Interior, by act
of June 20, 1878, was instructed to ascertain the probable
cost of land adjoining the Capitol grounds on the north,
east, and south sides to the extent required for a proper
site for the Congressional Library. June 8, 1880, a joint
select committee to procure additional accommodation for
the Library was created. Finally, after nearly fifteen years
of discussion and postponement, art act was pasvsed April 15,
1886, authorizing the con.struction of a building substantially
according to the plan submitted to the joint ."select committee
by John L. Smithmeyer in the Italian renaissance style of
architecture, with such modifications as might be found
necessary or advantageous. The construction of the build-
ing was placed in charge of a commission composed of the
Secretary of the Interior, the architect of the Capitol exten-
sion, and the Librarian of Congress. Five hundred thou-
sand dollars were appropriated to commence the construction
of the building and $550,000 to purchase the site. Under
this commi.ssion, with Mr. J. L. Smithmeyer as architect,
the site was cleared of houses, and excavations for the
foundations made during 1887-88. By act of October 2,
Historical Sketch. 195
1888, this commission was abolished, and tne construction
placed under the direction of Gen. Thomas L. Casey, the
Chief of Engineers of the Army. The original designs for
the building were furnished by John L. Smithmeyer and
Paul J. Pelz, and the architectural details were worked out
by Paul J. Pelz and Edward P. Casey. Upon the death of
General Casey, March 25, 1896. the charge of the construe- 1IS96, Mar. 25.
tion devolved upon Bernard R. Green, and under his super-
intendence the building was completed February 28, 1897,
at a cost of $6,347,000, exclusive of the land, which cost
The rapid growth of the Library dates from the appoint- ^^f"'
ment of Mr. SpofFord as Librarian, at the end of 1864. The
sources of increase were then, as now, regular annual appro-
priations by Congress, special appropriations, deposits under
the copyright law, gifts, international exchanges, and, be-
ginning in 1866, the additions to the Smithsonian collection 1866.
of publications of learned societies. The annual appropria-
tions for books were small, but were expended bj' the Libra-
rian with sedulous care in supplying deficiencies, particu-
larly in the departments of American history- and biography,
in jurisprudence and in political science, through constant
use of e\'ery opjxartunity offered bj* public sales and by pur-
chase from catalogues. The development of the Library'
from a collection of 72,000 volumes in 1863 to 1,000,000
volumes in 1900, and the growth of its large collection of ^poo-
newspapers, periodicals, music, maps, manuscripts, and
prints, is shown in detail in the annual reports of the
Librarian from 1866 to 1900.
The new building was readv for occupancv on the ist RemovaUo»ei
" ' ^ - building.
day of March. 1897, but the extra session of the Fifty-fifth '^97.
Congress, assembling March 15 and remaining in session
till July 24, delayed the removal of the books for a few
months. Before the completion of the building, however,
large quantities of uncatalogued books and pamphlets, news-
papers, and copyright deposits had been removed to rooms
temporarily fitted up to store them. At the beginning of
August active preparations were begun to arrange and move
the books, and bj- the end of September they had been
moved and placed in order on the sheh'es in the new build-
ing. The books were arranged before being moved, and
196 Report of the Librarian of Congress.
were placed in boxes, each box containing a shelf-full of books,
and with a numbered card designating the shelf on which
the books were to be placed. The boxes when filled were
carried to the east front of the Capitol, and from there con-
veyed in wagons to the new building. The only portion
not removed was the Law Library, which still remains in
the Capitol. The Librar>' was closed to the public during
August, September, and October, but the copyright busi-
ness, requests from Members of Congress and Government
officials, and requests by letter, were attended to during
that time.
^eorganiza- 'pj^g ^^.^ of February 19, 1897, reorganizing and increasing
1897, Feb. 19. the Library servnce, created the office of Register of Copy-
rights, divided the service of the Library into several depart-
ments, and provided for a force of 104 in the work of the
Library' proper, exclusive of those under the charge of the
'900. Superintendent of the Building. Two years later the num-
ber was increased by the addition of 20 for the night service
in the Reading Room. The rapid development of the work
of the various divisions, the need for new divisions not pro-
vided for in the original reorganization, and the necessity for
a reclassification and recataloguing of the Librar}', called for
a larger appropriation, which was granted in 1900, increasing
the force, mainly in the Catalogue Division, to 230, and in
1901 to 256, the present number.
butiding^ '" "^ '^h^ Library in its news quarters was opened to the public
1897, Nov. t. November i, 1897, ^t first only from 9 a. m. to 4 p. ni.
On October i, 1898, the Reading Room hours were extended
to 10 p. m., and the hours of the Periodical Reading Room,
first opened to the public January 22, 1900, were extended to
10 p. m. June 4 of the same year. The Division of Music,
opened early in 1898, also began evening service October 23,
1900. The Law Library at the Capitol is open from 9 a. m.
to 10 p. m. The remaining divi.sions close at 4 p. m.
Reading room A room In the northwest basement of the building was
jLj Nov 4 prepared for the blind, and opened November 4, 1897, fur-
nished with a selection of books printed in rai.sed letters, and
with writing slates, typewriting machines, and other devices
for the use of the blind. Readings or mu.sical recitals are
given daily from October to June.
In 1900 a branch of the Government Printing Office and
Historical Sketch.
binden- was installed in the Libran. This branch now does
most of the printing and binding required by the Library.
The salarj' of the Librarian was fi^ed at $1,000 per annum
April 16, 1816, and at $1,500 April 18, 1818. In 1870 the
Librarian's compensation was fixed at $4,000, at which sum
it remained till the reorganization of the force by the act of
Februarj' 19, 1897, when it was fixed at $5,000, and in 1900
at $6,000.
From 1802 to 18 14 the Library had been in charge of the
Clerks of the House of Representatives, also appointed
Librarians by the President. Shortly after Congress had
voted the purchase of the Jefferson collection, and before it
had reached Washington. President Madison. March 21. 1815,
appointed George Watterston, Librarian. He remained in
charge till 1829, when he was succeeded by John Silva
Meehan, appointed by President Jackson May 29, 1829.
The latter was succeeded June i, 1861, by Dr. John G.
Stephenson, of Indiana, appointed by President Lincoln.
In 1864 Dr. Stephenson resigned, and on December 31.
1864, Ainsworth Rand Spofford, who had come to the
Library as an assistant in 1861, was appointed to the post,
which he held during the long period of thirty-two years,
resigning in June. 1897, to accept the position of Chief
Assistant Librarian. John Russell Young was appointed
by President McKinley June 30, 1897. After a short term
of ser\-ice he died on January 17, 1899; and on March 13,
during the recess of Congress, the President appointed the
present Librarian, Herbert Putnam, who entered upon the
duties of the oflfice April 5. His appointment was con-
firmed by the Senate December 12, 1899.
The present constitution of the Library is not contained
in a single organic act. Various statutes concerning it were
consolidated in the Re\ased Statutes of 1873, Chapter VI,
sections 80-100. Between that date and the removal of the
Library to the new building the only statutes enacted spe-
cificall)' affecting its constitution or general administration,
excluding mere appropriation bills and acts or resolutions
extending the privilege of drawing books to further desig-
nated classes of persons, were:
[1888] Fiftieth Congress, first session, chapter 615:
' ' That hereafter the Law Library shall be kept open
every day so long as either House of Congress is in
session. ' '
[1892] Fifty-second Congress, first session: Resolu-
tion 8, including the Library of Congress among the
Governmental collections whose ' ' facilities for research
and illustration" should be made "accessible, inider
such rules and restrictions as the officers in charge of
each collection may prescribe, subject to such authority
as is now or may hereafter be permitted by law, to the
scientific investigators and to students of any institution
of higher education now incorporated or hereafter to be
incorporated under the laws of Congress or the District
of Columbia, ' '
The main provisions of the Revised Statutes of 1873,
Chapter VI, sections 80-100 (for the most part repetitions
of prior acts), were as follows:
The Library to remain in the Capitol, and to consist of
two departments — general and law. Appropriations for
increase of the former to be laid out under direction of " a
joint committee of Congress upon the Library," to consist
of three Senators and three Representatives, and those for
the increase of the Law Library under the direction of the
Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. The Joint Committee
on the Library authorized "to establish regulations, not
Constitution. 199
inconsistent with law. in relation to the Library of Congress
or either department thereof, and from time to time to alter,
amend, or repeal the same; " regulations as to the Law
Library- to be subject to those imposed by the Justices of
the Supreme Court as to its use during sittings of the court.
The joint committee authorized further to " ' exchange or
otherwise dispose of duplicate, injured, or wasted books
* * * or documents, or any other matter in the Library
not deemed proper to it, as they deem Tjest. and to appoint
agents to carry into effect donations and exchanges of docu-
ments and other publications ' ' at their disposal for the
The President ' ' solely " to " appoint from time to time a
Librarian to take charge of the Library- of Congress. ' '
Librarian to give bond. His staff defined.
No map to be taken out of the Library by any person.
No book to be taken out except hx the President, the Vice- „/attmL'""' '
President, Senators, Representatives, and Delegates in Con-
gress, and certain other persons enumerated in the act ' ' or
othenN-ise authorized by law."
The persons enumerated in the act [sec. 94] were the
Heads of departments, the Chief Justice and associate jus-
tices, the reporter and clerk of the Supreme Court; members
of the diplomatic corps; the judges and clerk of the Court
of Claims: the Solicitor-General and assistant attorneys-gen-
eral; the Secretary of the Senate and Clerk of the House;
the Chaplain of each House: the Solicitor of the Treasur\-;
the financial agent of the Joint Committee on the Librar\-
the Smithsonian Institution through its Secretary-; and any
person, when in the District, who has been President.
To the above there were subsequently added: ( 1875) The
Regents of the Smithsonian resident in Washington; ( 1890)
the members and secretary of the Interstate Commerce Com-
mission, and the Chief of Engineers, United States Army;
(1S94) the justices of the Supreme Court and of the Court
of Appeals of the District of Columbia.
XoTE. — The general statutory limitation as to the
issue of books for use outside the Library premises is a
verbatim repetition of previous statutes dating back to
the first organization of the Library a hundred years
200 Report of the Librarian of Congress.
ago. The ' ' regulations ' ' approved by the President
of the Senate and the Speaker of the House in i8i2
provided that no book should be issued to any person
except a Senator or Representative without a deposit
as security. At this time the only persons whom the
statute included, besides Senators and Representatives,
were the financial agent of the Library Committee and
the justices of the Supreme Court. The regulation was
interpreted to imply a permission to issue books to
other persons upon a deposit as security. They were
frequently so issued (see Historical sketch, above), and
apparently in many cases without specific security, where
the applicant was obviously responsible and the public
interest or the interest of scholarship .seemed to require
it. The employees of the Library have always had the
privilege as necessarily incident to their ofi&ce and con-
ducive to their efficiency.
A concurrent resolution of the Senate May 5, 1896, called
upon the Joint Committee on the Library' to inquire into
"the condition of the Library of Congress, and to report
upon the same at the next session of Congress, with such
recommendations as may be deemed advisable; also to report
a plan for the organization, cu.stody, and management of
the new Library building and the Librar>' of Congress. ' '
The committee held .sittings and took testimon}- (includ-
ing that of various librarians), which occupies 279 printed
octavo pages. Before, however, any full report or plan had
been framed by the committee the appropriation bill for the
ensuing fiscal year had been framed and passed. This act
(Fifty-fourth Congress, second session, chap. 265) carried
with it the provision for the organization of the Library in
the new building. The committee submitted in print the
evidence which it had taken, with the following preliminary
' ' By the terms of the piovision inserted in the House
bill (No. 9643) making appropriations for legislative,
executive, and judicial expenses of the Government for
the fiscal year ending June 30, 1898, the management
of the new Library building is placed in the hands of a
superintendent, who is to l^e appointed by the Presi-
dent and confirmed by the Senate. This officer will
have complete control and entire charge of the new
Constitution. 20i
Library building, and will employ such force as is
necessary to care for and conduct the affairs of the said
building. It is further provided in the said House bill
(No. 9643) that the Librarian of Congress shall have
complete and entire control of the Library proper, includ-
ing the copyright business; that he shall prescribe rules
and regulations under which his assistants are to be
employed and have the custody and management of the
Library. Heretofore the Joint Committee on the Li-
brary has had authority to approve such rules and regu-
lations as have been made by the Librarian of Congress,
but the provision of law under which the Joint Com-
mittee has hitherto passed upon said rules and regula-
tions would appear to be repealed by the more recent
act which places this power in the hands of the
Librarian of Congress.
' ' Under these circumstances your Joint Committee on
the Library did not deem it necessary to report a plan
for the 'organization, custody, and management' of
the Library of Congress, in accordance with the provi-
sions of the concurrent resolution under which this
hearing was held."
The significant provisions of the appropriation act referred Appropriatio*
to were as follows:
' ' For Librarian of Congress, to be appointed by the
President, by and with the advice and consent of the
Senate, five thousand dollars; and the Librarian shall
make rules and regulations for the government of the
Librar>' of Congress.
" For the following, to be selected by the Librarian
of Congress, by reason of special aptitude for the work
of the Library, including the copyright work, namely:
For Chief Assistant Librarian, $4,000 [etc., each posi-
tion and salary being specified] .
"Copyright Department: For the following, under
the direction of the Librarian of Congress, necessary
for the execution of the copyright law, namely: Regis-
ter of Copyrights * * * who shall * >!= * un_
der the direction and supervision of the Librarian of
Congress, perform all the duties relating to copyrights"
[his force enumerated] .
202 Report of the Librarian of Congress.
After appropriations for the increase of the Library, con-
tingent and other expenses, the act continues:
supfrintendftit " Custodv, care, and maintenance of Library, build-
oj ouilatug ana ' -
groands. j^g and grounds: For Superintendent of the Library-
building and grounds, to be appointed by the President,
by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, five
thousand dollars; and said superintendent shall disburse
all appropriations made for and on account of the Library
and Library building and grounds. ' '
A sum is appropriated for the employment by said Super-
intendent of all necessary clerks and other assistants,
' ' Provided, That all persons employed in and about
said Library of Congress under the Librarian or super-
intendent of the Library building and grounds shall be
appointed solely with reference to their fitness for their
particular duties. ' '
Bonds of Li- The Librarian was to give bonds to the United States, and
brarianand Keg- , ^^ . ^ ,-» . , , _ ., . i ■ i
ister of Copy- the Register of Copyrights to the Librarian, each in the sum
'^'^ ' of $20,000. The superintendent was to give bond to the
United States in the sum of $30,000.
The register was to make weekly deposits with the Secre-
tary of the Treasury and monthly reports to him and to the
Librarian of Congress. The Librarian was to make an
annual report to Congress as to the affairs of the Library,
including the copyright business.
Provision was made for the removal of the collections to
the new building and the reservation of the vacated space
until further action by Congress.
Chapter 9 of the act of 1897 (Fifty-fifth Congress, first
session) imposed upon the Superintendent the disbursement
also of all appropriations for and on account of the Botanic
Garden and also of "all appropriations authorized to be
expended by the Joint Committee on the Library." (That
committee has customary charge of expenditures for works
of art for the Capitol, and for Federal monuments.)
The appropriation acts of 1898, 1899, and 1900, enlarged
the force, and, to a degree, reclassified it; but they contained
no new definitions and no further provisions as to authority,
function, or regulation. The appropriation act of 1901
(for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1902), in the section
Constitution. 203
relating to the House of Representatives, contained the ff^^'^V'j^^l
following: sentatives.
' ' The library of the House of Representatives shall
hereafter be under the control and direction of the
Librarian of Congress, who shall pro\nde all needful
books of reference therefor. The librarian, two assist-
ant librarians, and assistant in the library-, above pro-
\nded for (librarian at $1,800, two assistant librarians at
$1,600 each, one assistant at $900), shall be appointed
by the Clerk of the House, with the approval of the
Speaker of the House of Representatives of the Fifty-
sixth Congress, and thereafter no removals shall be
made from the said positions except for cause reported
toand approved by the Committee on Rules."
There appear to have been no other recent statutes mod-
ifying the constitutional relations of the Library-.
The above acts of 1897 ^^^ 1901. with so much of the
Revised Statutes of 1873 and inter\-ening statutes as it does
not modify or repeal, appear, therefore, to constitute the
organic law of the Library at the present day.
Present constitution. — The Librarv of Congress is classed, Present ctmsti
° tution.
not as an executive department of the Government, but as
a branch of the legislative. The annual appropriations for
it are included in the legislative portion of the legislative,
executive, and judiciary bill. The Librarian and the Super-
intendent of the Building and Grounds are appointed by the
President of the United States, but they report direct to
Congress; they make their recommendations direct to Con-
gress; they apply direct to Congress for the appropriations
requisite for their respective departments of work; and they
expend these appropriations under direct responsibility to
Congress. They appoint, and if necessarj' discharge, their
respective subordinates. The appointments are not subject
to the provisions of the ci\"il-ser\'ice law, which applies only
to the Executive Departments of the Government.
The regulations adopted by the Executive Departments,
including the rules for the government of employees, are not
mandatory upon the Library-. But as the Librarj^ has in
its administration many activities properly executive, being
in operation the entire year, and ser\-ing the public as well
as Congress, many such regulations are in fact accepted by
204 Report of the Librarian of Congress.
the authorities of the Library as having an analogy useful
to its purpose.
Maintenance. — The Library' is maintained by annual
appropriations granted by Congress. The fiscal year runs
from July i until June 30. Not later than October i of each
year estimates must be framed and submitted of the appro-
priations requisite for the fiscal year next ensuing; i. e.,
the year beginning on the ist of July next ensuing (nine
months distant). They are forwarded to the Secretary of
the Treasury, printed, and submitted to Congress at the
beginning of its session. In Congress they are referred,
not to the Committee on Library, but to the General Com-
mittee on Appropriations. They are here dealt with by
a subcommittee (five members in each branch) having
charge of the legislative, executive, and judiciary bill. A
written explanation accompanies them, but opportunity for
oral explanation is given before the subcommittee itself.
The estimates for the Library are in two sections, being
framed* by the Librarian or by the Superintendent accord-
ing to the matters of expenditure involved. The amount
of the customary appropriations is indicated by the financial
statement on page 51 of Part I of this report. For conven-
ience, the appropriations for the current fiscal year (ending
June 30, 1902) are here repeated.
Library and Copyright Office:
Salaries, general service $198) 320. 00
Salaries, special service »i, 412. 77
Salaries, Copyright Office 55, 480. 00
Increase of Librarj' '69, 800. 00
Contingent expenses 7, 300. 00
Printitig and binding (allotment) 75, 000. 00
Total Library and Copyright Office 407, 31 2. 77
Building and grounds:
Care and maintenance 7". 945- 00
Fuel, lights, and iniscellaneous 25, 000. 00
Furniture and shelving 60, 000. oo
Grand total 563. 257- 77
' Balance of amounts appropriated by acts of April 17, 1900, and
March 3, 1901.
» Exclusive of f 1,500 to be expended by the marshal of the Supreme
Court for new lxx)ks of reference for that Ixxly.
Constitution. 205
Unless otherwise expressed, all appropriations are avail-
able only for the fiscal year for which they are granted, any
balances being covered into the Treasury'.
The allotment for printing and binding is not a direct
appropriation, but a permission to have work done by the
Government Printing Office to the amount indicated.
DisbursemeJits. — The Librarian handles no moneys. The
fjay rolls of employees under him are made up monthly b\'
the chief clerk (see p. 211), and when approved by the
Librarian are passed to the disbursing officer (who is now
also the Superintendent of the Building). The amounts due
are paid b\' him at his office semimonthly direct to the
employees, by whom the rolls have been receipted in advance.
Bills for purchases chargeable to the appropriations under
control of the Librarian are transcribed in duplicate upon
formal "vouchers," and these also when approved by the
Librarian are forwarded to the disbursing office for payment.
Salaries are usually paid in currency or check ; bills always
by check, and always upon advance receipt.
All bills for books and other purchases out of the appro-
priations for ' ' increase of the Library- " ' are checked up and
verified, and the "vouchers" prepared in the Order Divi-
sion (see p. 217). Other bills are thus handled in the office
of the chief clerk.
Purchases of routine supplies are made by the chief clerk
by orders, of which a stub record is retained. All purchases
not routine are made only upon specific approval of the
Librarian. Xo single book or other item chargeable to the
appropriation for ' ' increase ' ' is purchased except upon spe-
cific approval of the Librarian. This approval appears ini-
tialed on ever}- one of the ' ' order cards ' ' which form the
record in the Order Di\'ision of orders placed.
Copyright Offue. — For the operations of this office see
pp. 278-291 of this Report.
Privilege of use. — The Library is absolutely free, with- ^^^^^^^"^^
out credential or other formality, to any inquirer from any
place. The general pri\nlege of drawing books for home use is
held as of right by Senators and Representatives and the other
persons designated b\' class in the statutes already quoted.
It extends, however, by usage, to the families of Senators
and Representatives and other members of their immediate
2o6 Report of the Librarian of Congress.
households, to other persons having a regular occupation
at the Capitol and to various officials whose work is auxiliary
to that of Congress, or of the Executive Departments or
scientific bureaus. In cases of special need, brought to the
attention of the Librarian, particular books have l^een and
are issued "on special permit" to others within the District
engaged in serious research. So far as it can be done without
inconvenience to Congress or reference readers this class of
use will doubtless be enlarged so as to include all cases where
in the public interest or in the interest of scholanship a book
is needed outside the building. The actual extent of this
need within the District can not be fully determined until the
Washington Public Librarj- shall have been opened and for
a time in operation in the new Carnegie Building.
Delivery. — Books are delivered by automobile twice daily
at the residences of those entitled to draw them. Books
required at the Capitol are conveyed thither by the book rail-
way (an automatic cable road) connecting the Library with
the Capitol through an underground tunnel. The terminal
at the Capitol is in charge of two Library- employees who
receive applications for books, transmit them by pneumatic
tube to the Library, and deliver to Senators or Representa-
tives the books sent in response.
The Library building is open from 9 a. m. until 10 p. m.
daily, except Sundays, legal holidays, and Saturdays in
July and August. On Saturdays in July and August it
closes at i p. m. An appropriation has been requested to
enable it to be open on Sundays from 2 till 10 p. m.
It is closed to the general public on the following holidays
unless Congress is in session on those days, when it remains
open until the adjournment of both Houses: January i;
February 22; March 4 (every fourth year): May 30; July 4;
Labor Day; Thanksgiving; Christmas; and such other days
as may be designated by Executive order. But persons who
desire to file applications for copyright are admitted to the
Copyright Office on all holidays not legal holidays from 9
a. m. until 4 p. m. In case a legal holiday falls upon Sun-
day, the next succeeding Monday is considered the legal
holiday, under which date no registrations are made.
The Main Reading Room, the Periodical Reading Room,
the Music Division, and the Law Library at the Capitol
Constitution. 207
(except in the summer), are open from 9 a. m. until 10 p. m.
The remaining dix-isions close at 4 p. m.
Service hottrs. — The working day for employees is from
9 a. m. until 4 p. m. In di\*isions open in the evening the
force is divided into two shifts, alternating from 9 a. m.
till 4 p. m. and 3.30 till 10 p. m. Each employee hasthirtj-
dajs of annual leave and the possibility of thirty days
additional of sick leave, if actually ill, without loss of pay.
Regulations. — ^The purpose of the administration is the Regciatioxs.
freest possible use of the books consistent with their safet3-;
and the widest possible use consistent with the convenience
of Congress. Regulations limiting use will be adopted ver\-
sparingly. and only as experience proves them to be neces-
sar>'. The present regulations are rather matters of cus-
tomary- practice than of formal rule, and so far as restricting
they are subject to constant exceptions to meet special exi-
gencies. For instance, the general reader is supposed to
carry on his work in the Main Reading Room. If, how-
ever, he is pursuing investigations requiring access to the
books upon the shelves, he will be admitted to the shelves.
If he is engaged in research invohnng the continuous use of a
number of the same books day after day, he will be given a
table in an alcove where they may be set aside for him; if
he desires to dictate to a stenographer, a separate room
where he may do so without inconvenience or publicity.
Ink is not supposed to be used, but may be by special per-
mit in cases of necessity.
There is no limit to the number of books a reader may
draw for reference use. For books from the stacks to be
used in the Reading Room he makes out a call slip, signing
his name and residence. But there are to be available to
him without this formality or the intervention of an attend-
ant some 20.000 volumes of reference books in this room;
2,700 current newspapers and periodicals in the Periodical
Reading Room; and much material in other parts of the
Material of special rarity is, of course, examined only
under special supervision. But so far as possible such super-
vision is substituted for prohibition, restriction, or formal
process. This practice is particularly pm^sued in the divisions
handling the manuscripts, maps, prints, etc.
2o8 Report of the Librarian of Congress.
Phoiographinfr. Photographing. — Photographing is freely permitted, a
special room (I 5 on plan) being provided for the purpose.
The permission extends to the building itself and any of its
parts, including the mural decorations. It extends to
articles bearing claim of copyright. But in granting per-
mission to photograph these the Library gives no assurance
that the photograph may be reproduced or republished or
placed on sale. These are matters to be settled with the
owner of the copyright.
Research. — Inquiries by correspondence are answered with
the fullest detail possible without withdrawing attendants
unduly from their routine duties. Where the full answer
will involve elaborate research the Library must limit it to
indication of the proper authorities. Inquiries on genea-
logical matters, already very numerous, are apt to be of this
nature. The Library is ready to suggest persons who will
make the investigation for a reasonable charge; also persons
who will transcribe lengthy extracts where these are desired.
The Library service as a whole now consists of 372 persons.
Of this number 207 are employed in the Library- proper, 49
in the Copyright Office, and 116 form a separate force for
the care and maintenance of building and grounds under the
control of the Superintendent of Building and Grounds. (For
organization in detail, see Appendix I.)
Of the 207 persons engaged in the Library proper, 36 fill
the more subordinate positions of messengers, assistants in
cloakrooms, etc.: 112 of the remaining 171 fill positions at
salaries ranging from S480 to S900, inclusive.
There are 56 persons engaged in the Reading Room, 67 in
the Catalogue Division, 13 in the Order Di\nsion, a total in
the three divnsions of 136, 65 per cent of the force.
The Library- force is grouped into divisions. At the head
of each division is a chief, who administers the division in
detail and is responsible direct to the Librarian. The divi-
sions may be clas.sified as follows:
A. General admiyiistration. — The Librarian; the Chief
Assistant Librarian; Librarian's Secretary-, Chief Clerk, and
subordinate assistants.
B. Divisions haWng to do with the acquisition, receipt,
dispatch, and deliver^" of material;
(i) Mail and supply (delivery);
(2) Order.
C. Divisions having to do with the preparation of material
for use, and with the preparation of the apparatus of use
(in each case printed books and pamphlets only);
1. Cataloguing (which includes classification);
2. Bindery;
3. Printing Office.
D. Special research, compilation of topical lists and bib-
liographies, and editing of Ubrary publications:
E. Divisions having the preparation and custody of ma-
9957—01 14 209
2IO Report of the Libra?iau of Co7igress.
terial in use, the supervision of reading rooms and the direct
service to the reader:
1. Main Reading Room and its auxiUaries (Con-
gressional Reading Rooms and Reading Room for the
Blind). (This division deals with printed books and
pamphlets) ;
2. Periodical (current periodicals and newspapers);
3. Documents;
4. Manuscripts;
5. Maps;
6. Music;
7. Prints;
8. Smithsonian Deposit;
F. The Law Library (at the Capitol);
G. The Copyright Office.
The appropriation act for the present fiscal year giving the
Salaries various positious and salaries in detail will be found in
Appendix I.
Appointments to the Library'' service are made by the
Librarian. Appointments to the watch, engineer, and jani-
torial service are made by the Superintendent of Buildings
and Grounds. There has been thus far no written examina-
tion preliminary to entrance. There is a form of application
(see Appendix IV) which tabulates fully the education and
experience of the applicant. Testimonials as to character
and capacit}' shown in actual work may be added.
All appointments are in the first instance merely proba-
tionary, however. The probationary period is at least three
months. At the end of it the appointee discontinues unless
then confirmed in the regular service. The probationary
period thus itself forms an examination — a test of the appli-
cant in actual work.
The power of dismissal also rests with the Librarian or
superintendent, as the ca.se may be. Except for the proba-
tionary period appointments are not made for a fixed term.
Rooms B 3, C 3, D 3, E 3, F 3, C 2, D 2, E 2, of floor
plans. Herbert Putnam, Librarian.
Ainsworth R. Spofford, Chief Assistant Librarian.
Allen R. Boyd, Librarian's Secretar>'; Thomas G. Alvord,
Chiet Clerk.
General Admimstration. , 211
The functions of the Librarian, Chief 'Assistant Librarian,
and Librarian's Secretar>- need no explanation. The func-
tions of the Chief Clerk are those usual in Executive Depart-
ments of the Federal Government. Through him are issued
notices of appointment, promotion, detail, and transfer, and
general and special orders for the instruction of the ser^-ice.
He keeps the various records relating to the ser\4ce and sees
to the observance of the general service rules. He arranges
vacations and leaves of absence within the legal limit. He
prepares the pay rolls, and draws all vouchers for the settle-
ment of bills chargeable to "contingent expenses,'' and
examines and notes all other vouchers before the}' reach
the Librarian for final approval. He keeps account of the
expenditures chargeable to all appropriations under control
of the Librarian. He has charge of the "supplies" (stock
room) and of the Library pubHcations, both of which he dis-
tributes upon requisitions approved by the Librarian. He
draws all requisitions for printing and binding, and he
attends to all inquiries of a commercial nature save those
relating to the purchase of books, and in the first instance
to all inquiries and complaints relating to the ser\-ice.
All communications upon Library business, excepting
copjndght matter, should be addressed to the Librarian of
Congress. This is the rule even where the communica-
tion relates to the material handled by a .special division
of the Librar>^ or to matter as to which that di\nsion has
special knowledge. In this case the communications, be-
fore response, are referred from the Librarian's Office to
the appropriate division to furnish the information upon
which the response shall be based.
(Properly now the mail and deliver^', since all supplies are
now handled in the office of the Chief Clerk. Room L 2 of
plan.) Five persons, including the automobile operator.
S. M. Croft, assistant in charge.
Handles all material arriving at or dispatched from the
Library building, including all mail matter and all books
delivered for outside use. During the past fiscal year there
were received by this division for the Library proper 25,558
212 Report of the Librarian of Congress.
letters, 125,271 books aud miscellaneous items, and over
500,000 numbers of newspapers and magazines. The divi-
sion handled in addition 78,025 letters and 126,879 books
and other articles for the Copyright Office. Every item
received is stamped with the date of receipt. This record
is essential because the articles deposited to perfect copy-
right must by law be deposited in the mail or in the office
on or before date of publication; and as the articles them-
selves come with the ordinary mail of the Library and often
without identification as copyright deposits, record can be
certain in their case only if applied to all articles received.
(Room K 3 of plan.) Thirteen persons. W. P. Cutter,
vdnctions. This division was not provided for by law until the appro-
priation act effective July I, 1900. It attends to the busi-
ness connected with the purchase of books; handles, in the
first instance, all material destined for the increase of the
Library proper; attaches to it the indicia of ownership, and
attends to all processes connected with its preparation for
use save those which belong to the classifier and cataloguer,
or to the divisions dealing with periodicals, documents,
manuscripts, maps, music, and prints. It has custody of the
trade lists and other publications which guide to the varying
commercial values of books past and present. It receives
in the first instance all trade catalogues and other offers
of material on sale; forwards these to the Library officials
having special knowledge of the deficiencies of the Library,
or special judgment as to the particular items offered, and
submits to the Librarian the resultant recommendations. It
systematizes also all recommendations for purchase origi-
nating in the Library'. It determines, in conformity with
general instructions, where and with what dealer a particu-
lar order shall be placed, whether, e. g., in New York or
London or Paris or Amsterdam or Leipsic. It places orders
for the items approved by the Librarian for purcha.so and
attends to all the business connected with the purchase. It
thus represents the Library in all its bu.siness relations with
the book trade, excepting only those concerned with copy-
right. It handles also all gifts of material, all exchanges
Order Division. . 213
and all articles drawn into the Library proper through
copyright; in short, all "accessions." Its equipment is
adapted to these functions.
It has the responsibility of ascertaining finally whether
any item whose purchase is approved will not duplicate
material already in the Library- or ordered, and also of ad\'is-
ing as to any cheaper or more desirable editions in the
market or prospective new editions which ma}' render a post-
ponement of purchase desirable. It would seem to be easy
to determine whether or not a proposed item is already in
th^ Library-. In this Librar\- it is at present vers- difi&cult,
because no acctu-ate statement exists of what the Library
already- contains. (See under Catalogues, pp. 235-240.)
Sources. — T/ie sources of material 2x^ (a) copyright, (d)
gift, (c) exchange, (rf) deposits by the Smithsonian Institu- sotrscBs.
tion, (<?) purchase.
(a) Copyright. — The Library- receives from the Cop5-right
Office one at least of the two copies of the works required
b}- law to be deposited to complete the copyright entr}*,
rejecting only, for the time at least, such material as seems
to have no value in a hbrar^- or to be of a physical character
unsuitable for inclusion in it. The articles received are
counted as additions to the Librarj- proper, and are labeled,
stamped, and passed forward as accessions.
{F) Gifts. — Each gift is separateh' acknowledged and
entered in the card record of accessions. A separate alpha-
betic card record is kept of the givers. Government pub-
lications are counted as gifts.
(f) Exchanges. — A card is made for each item received in
exchange and a debit and credit account kept with the in.sti-
tution or individual exchanging.
International excha?iges. — The material from this
source (chiefly Government publications) is the result
of the distribution to foreign Governments of the Fed-
eral publications placed at the disposal of the Library-
for tlie purpose. It is received bj^ the Order Division
and summarily noted there, but it is handled in detail
by the Division of Documents. The Governments or
institutions exchanging are now fiftj'^ in number, and
are being added to, the number of sets of publications
available for the purpose being now 100. (See pp.
328-331, below.)
Report of the Librarian of Congress.
Trade lists.
(d) Smithsonian deposits. — Material received by the Smith-
sonian through its own exchanges is first accessioned there,
two persons engaged in this work as well as the Librarian of
the Smithsonian Institution being on the pay rolls of the
Library of Congress. That which is forwarded to the Library
of Congress passes through ^he Order Division and is plated
there as an addition to the Smithsonian Deposit, but other-
wise pursues the usual course.
(e) Purchases. — Selections of material for purchase are made
( I ) from offers of particular material submitted by the owner
for consideration; (2) from current trade lists and prospec-
tuses; (3) from the catalogues of dealers having stocks of
books not current; (4) by selection direct from the stocks
of such dealers; (5) from auction catalogues; (6) from the
recommendations of Library officials; (7) from the recom-
mendations of readers.
(i) Material submitted for consideration is receipted
for by the Order Division and specially safeguarded
there until the decision is reached. This applies not
merely to the printed books, but to manuscripts, prints,
or other material interesting a special division. It
applies where, as often happens, the offer is first made
to the special division or to some subordinate in some
other division, the rule being strict that there shall be
but one channel of entrance and exit and one formal
process for material as to which the Library is to
assume responsibility. The Library receives frequent
offers of collections to be disposed of en bloc, but rarely
entertains such, owing to the duplication which their
acquisition would involve.
(^) The trade lists and prospectxises of current books
must be examined for all books not likely to be received
through copyright. These will include not merely the
bulk of foreign publications, but a very considerable per-
centage of the books published in the United States.
The number of such books not entered for copyright is
much larger than would be supposed. It includes, of
course, books privately printed, and many (e. g., gene-
alogies) .safe from piracy, owing to the limited con-
stituency which they interest, and also many important
books issued in limited editions, especially those whose
Order Division. 215
cost to reproduce is so great as to defy piracy. Exam-
ples of these latter are the recent editions issued in New
York of the writings of the Fathers of the Republic,
Washington, Hamilton, Jay, etc. These were printed
from type and the type at once distributed. The edition
was in each case less than a thousand copies. There
was certain sale for every copy; and the danger and the
possible loss from piracy was so slight that the gift to
the Government of the two copies requisite for copy-
right did not seem to the publishers a justifiable
(j, 4.) Books noncurrent. — These are the books ^J^^*^ »»*«»'
needed to complete deficiencies and build up in the
lyibrary a comprehensive collection. They are for the
most part out of print, and are to be .secured only at
second hand. The second-hand book trade abroad is,
however, elaboratel}' developed. The men conducting
it are often (like Bernard Quaritch) men of profound
and accurate bibliographic learning. They carry stocks
some of which include at any one time hundreds of
thousands of volumes, and recruit them_ constantly at
auction sales and by the purchase of private collections.
Most of them issue printed priced catalogues, thousands
of which come to the Library during each year.
They are apt, however, to omit from the printed cata-
logues items for which there is a sure sale without
advertisement. These items can be secured to advan-
tage only by a personal visit to the shop. Such a visit
often secures also special terms which could not be
secured through correspondence, and, indeed, is neces-
sary to ensure even the receipt of the catalogues actually
issued. It has to be made b}- a representative of the
Library at least once a year. It was made h\ the
Librarian last year, and for this year has just been
concluded by the Chief Assistant Librarian, Dr. Spof-
ford. With reference to such trips, as well as to aid
in the decision on items in auction catalogues, lists of
desiderata in various subjects are constantly in course
of preparation.
(j") Auction sales also of material noncurrent are held Auction sales,
constantly in the book centers, especially London, New
2l6 Report of the Librarian of Congress.
York, Boston, and Philadelphia. On the average there
is at least one such sale dailj' from October i to June 30,
The Library receives the auction sales catalogues,
checks them, determines the bids for such lots as it
may require, and forwards them to an agent who
attends the sale in its behalf. Where the number of.
items or their importance warrants, or the dubious
character of the material quoted necessitates inspection,
it sends an employee to represent it. This, of course,
applies only to the sales on this side of the Atlantic.
((5, 7) Recommendations of officials and of readers. —
Certain officials have the particular duty to examine
reviews of current books and report notable titles appro-
priate to the Library. The cataloguers, the bibliog-
raphers, and the attendants serving the public discover
deficiencies, and report them. Any reader not finding
a desired book in the Library is encouraged to recom-
mend it for purchase.
Decision for purchase. — All such recommendations are
drawn off on cards and come to the Librarian for his consid-
eration. There come to him also all recommendations in
other form — checked catalogues, reports on material offered,
etc. Where he approves, he initials the card and sends it
forward to the Order Di\4sion for action. A checked cata-
logue approved is initialed on the cover, but the individual
items are submitted to him later on cards, so that the history
of the purchase on the card record in the Order Division will
be complete as to each item.
Orders. — Every item approved for purchase is entered on
a card in a form similar to an abbreviated catalogue entry,
containing, however, a statement of the price at which the
]x>ok is sold or an estimate of its probable cost. From these
cards the final order is prepared. Orders transmitted to
dealers are in the form of lists. Each item ordered is given
a distinctive number, which is stamped on the card and stands
against the item on the order, so that any further corre-
spondence may refer to the item by number and catchword.
The cards are arranged alphabeticalh-, forming a complete
catalogue of books ordered and received. Duplicate copies
of the order are kept on file both under the name of the
dealer and in chronological order. Before an order is mailed
Order Division. 217
the corresponding cards are carefully compared with those
representing former orders, in order that duphcation maj' be
prevented, and an estimate of the amount of the order in the
aggregate is entered on another form of card, which ser^-es
as a memorandum for the clerk who keeps the record of the
amount of orders outstanding.
Invoices. — All invoices are required to be in duplicate, one invoices.
copy being required for the files of the Order Division, the
other, after auditing, to ser\'e as a basis for payment. Two
tj^jewritten copies of the invoice are in addition drawn off
in the di\nsion on ' ' voucher ' ' forms. These are initialed
by the assistant who has checked them, and by the chief of
the Order Division as "audited." They go then to the
chief clerk, accompanied hy the original invoice. He com-
pares and verifies them, notes the total, and submits them
to the Librarian. When signed "approved" hy the Libra-
rian they are forwarded to the disbursing ofl&ce for payment.
They are not even then paid without independent, careful
comparison there of the original invoice (which still accom-
panies them), a verification of footings, and approval as to
form. Thej- are then sent to the creditor to be receipted in
advance, and on their return a check remitted in payment.
Of the two receipted typewritten vouchers, one goes finally
to the Treasury- Department with the financial statement of
the disbursing ofiicer; the other remains for a year in the
files of his office. It then takes the place of the manuscript
copy in the Order Division as olfering a record of the pur-
chase more legible, uniform, and convenient for permanent
The Books. — On receipt of the bill the cards corresponding
to the items received are withdra\\-n from the catalogue of
orders outstanding, the withdrawal being indicated hx the
insertion of a special card. The books are arranged in order
of the items on the bill. Each book is compared with the
corresponding charge on the bill and with the appropriate
card, in order to determine whether the book sent corre-
sponds with the order. An\- misstatement on the card is
corrected, and information not pre\-iously obtained is added,
and the price on the bill is compared with the estimate.
Each book is then marked with the order number, in order
that information relati\-e to the purchase maj' easih* be
2i8 Report of the Librarian of Congress.
traced in the future. The bill as a whole is examined to
see if the correct discounts have been given, whether freight
charges and charges for boxing, packing, cartage, and
insurance are proper, and the addition is verified. The
assistant examining the bill finally affixes a statement of
correctness, and the books, bills, cards, and order are passed
forward to the assistant chief for revision and correction of
errors. After final revision, the cards are stamped with the
date of receipt and refiled in the catalogue, the order .sheet
is refiled in its appropriate position, the certificate of audit
is affixed to the bill by the chief of the division, and the
books are pas.sed forward for stamping and the in.sertion of
the Library book plate. Maps, manuscripts and prints,
music, documents, and unbound numbers of periodicals are
forwarded direct to the appropriate special divisions. Books,
pamphlets, and bound volumes of periodicals are sent to the
Catalogue Division for preparation of the requisite catalogue
The ownership of books is indicated by perforating the
title page of the book with an appropriate stamp, the inser-
tion of the Library book plate on the inside of the front
cover, and by a special secret mark in the book.
Record of ac- >jfo " acccssiou books " are now kept by the division, the
u.se of these having been abandoned on September 30, 1900.
The information required of an accession book is chiefly:
When and how was a particular book acquired; if bought,
from whom, and at what price? These latter items are all
supplied by the card catalogue of books ordered and
received, together with the duplicate invoices retained on
file. The records of gifts and of exchanges are kept on
similar cards, which are filed in the same alphabet with
those for books purchased.
The information lacking is the precise chronological order
of receipt. But this information is not deemed of sufficient
importance to justify the expense of the accession book.
The record of the existing contents of the Library at any
one time is given not by an acession book but by the shelf
lists. Accessions of manuscripts, maps, and prints are, how-
ever, entered in regular accession books in the respective
divisions having custody of them.
Order Division. 219
Accessions by binding. — By the binding of serials manj'
volumes are added to the Library. All volumes bound at
the Library branch bindery are forwarded to the Order Di\-i-
sion to be stamped and labeled. The Binding Di\'ision makes
a report of the number of volumes bound and the net num-
ber gained by binding, which is added to the count kept in
the Order Division.
Accou7its. — The extremely detailed financial transactions
connected with the acquisition of books are recorded on a
card-ledger system, in such a manner that the total amount
of outstanding orders, of bills accredited, and the balance
outstanding with any dealer may be determined in a moment.
At the time an order is made a card also is prepared giving
the estimated cost of the order. When books are received
in response to the order, the total cost is recorded, and the
original estimate is increased or decreased by the amount of
difference between the estimated and the actual cost of these
items. The estimated cost of all canceled orders, as well as
the cost of all items ordered from dealers but sold prior to
the receipt of the order or for any reason returned, is
deducted from the original estimate. A monthly report of
the condition of each appropriation is made to the Librarian,
showing the amount of orders outstanding, the bills paid,
and the balances remaining available.
The items handled by the Order Division during the past
fiscal year exceeded 125,000. (See Part I of this report.)
Foryns. — The amount of correspondence handled b)- the
division is ver^- large, but by the use of a carefullj' devised
system of blank forms it is easily handled in a systematic
Blank forms have been provided:
(i) Acknowledging gifts (two forms); (2) acknowledg-
ing offers of sale; (3) acknowledging material sent for
examination; (4) transmitting offers for recommendation;
(5) notifying receipt of material for examination; (6) recom-
mending acceptance of offers; (7) order form.
The following card forms are used:
(8) Order card — book order; (9) order card — law-book
order; (10) order card — auction order; (11) estimate card;
(12) record of accessions; (13) record of givers; (14)
ledger card for accounts.
Report of the Librarian of Congress,
Priyiting Office and Bindery. 221
(Rooms H 3, I 2, and K 2 of plans.)
These are branches of the Government Printing Office. •
The equipment is suppHed by the Public Printer, and the
workmen are emploj-ees on his rolls and merely detailed from
his office. The materials used, including all stock, are
bought and supplied by him. The branches were estab-
lished in the fall of 1900. They are devoted solely to the
work of the Librar\\ The work done, including the mate-
rial used, is charged to the ' ' allotment ' ' of the Library- for
printing and binding. The allotment for the present year is
These two di\nsions are directly over the electric plant;
and power for the presses, cutters, and other machinerj' is
supphed from that. The machiner}^ in each is new and of
the most modem pattern.
Printiyig Office. — The force consists of 19 persons — fore- pre^tejg of-
man, 2 readers, maker-up, imposer, copy-holder, 9 composi-
tors, pressman, 2 feeders, laborer. W. H. Fisher, foreman.
The equipment consists of a full assortment of type neces-
sary- for the catalogue cards and for the forms and circulars
printed here; two presses, one a large cylinder press, the
other a job press; a proof press, and the other usual auxil-
iaries of a printing office. The publications of the Library
in book form are composed and printed, not here, but in the
main office.
The catalogue cards are now being printed at the rate of
225 titles a day, nearly 70,000 a year. Of each card (i. e.,
for each title or book) from 15 to 100 copies are printed, and
as many more will be as may be required for the distribution
to other libraries. (See under Cataloguing, pp. 229-232. )
The titles are printed on sheets, 40 to a sheet, which con-
stitutes the ' ' form. ' ' The sheets are afterwards cut in the
binderj-, where also the resulting cards are perforated for
the guard rods.
Books are now being catalogued in about 100 different
languages and dialects. Of these 35 have already entered
into the work of the printing office. The compositors and
proof readers have, therefore, to be especially accomplished.
Seventy thousand titles a year on the basis of the present
222 Report of the Librarian oj Cottgress.
"tokens" involve an aggregate of at least 5,000,000 cards.
The miscellaneous forms and circulars for the General
Library' and for the Copyright Office (those in use in the lat-
ter alone reach nearly 200) are hundreds in number and mil-
lions in totals of copies.
Bindery. — Forty-eight persons — foreman, marbler, super-
intendent of job work, 27 forwarders and finishers, superin-
tendent of sewers, 14 .sewers, sawer, 2 laborers. H. C. Espey,
Has the complete equipment of a modern bindery doing
substantial work. Library binding is somewhat special. It
requires care in materials, great care and skill in the sew-
ing, forwarding, and finishing. It should be handled by
skilled workmen and by the same workmen consecutively
and according to certain standard specifications. These needs
are now met here. The presence of the branch also enables
the books to be bound without leaving the building. They
are thus no longer subject to the peril of transit and of tempo-
rary location elsewhere; and any one of them required for an
important reference may be referred to even while in process.
The material used for binding for the Library was for-
merly only morocco ("real" and "imitation") Russia, calf
and sheep. Morocco is still used, chiefly the real goat, and
Russia also; but in addition linen (and cotton) duck
and "book cloth;" the former for newspapers, books, and
periodicals as to which durability is the essential rather than
comeliness of appearance, and which do not need to conform
to preceding volumes of sets. The book cloth is used for
lighter and more ephemeral material. Calf is used only
where necessary to match preceding volumes, and then only
where the .set terminates with the volumes added; and sheep
(on account of its perishability) very sparingly at all.
Pamphlets are bound separately, the less important in
boards. Those least important and least likely to be con-
sulted are not boun4 at all, but placed on the shelves in
manila envelopes.
The cost of binding per volume varies from about 15
cents for a small pamphlet in cheap form to nearly $5 for a
large newspaper. There is little difference in cost between
full duck and one-half morocco, the advantage of the former
being in durabilit3'.
Binding Division. 223
Binding Division.— X. large part of the material requir- vision ^^° "*
ing binding consists of documents and serial publications.
These are ' ' made up " in the several divisions having cus-
tody of them and forwarded with a binder's slip to the Bind-
ing Di\'ision (portion of Room M 2). This di\nsion consists
of three employees of the Library-. Each volume submitted is
by them collated, the title to go on the back verified on the
binder's slip (which reproduces the bands, so that the di\'i-
sions of the lettering may be precise!)- indicated (see sam-
ple under Di\'ision of Periodicals, p. 254), the style and mate-
rial to be used determined and also verified on this slip, and
the item entered on a " requisition ' ' addressed to the binder^-.
On this it receives a specific number. In the case of mono-
graphs the binder's slips are written in this di\'ision.
In the case of serials, actual samples (dummies) are on
hand showing the style and material used in the volume
last bound. The dummy accompanies the requisition. A
card record is kept of all books in process. This reveals at
once whether a particular book is in the binden,-, when it
was sent, how soon in ordinary- course it maj^ be read)' for use.
The Library- binds most of the serials received, but of the
650-odd current newspapers only about one-quarter (the
leading American and certain of the foreign). The others
are not destroyed, but laid away in loose covers for possible
binding later.
Repairing. — The binder)- does all necessar)- repair work
also. In addition to the main force engaged on this there
are four Printing Office employees detailed to special divi-
sions where material is to be repaired, reenforced, or mounted.
There are two at work on manuscripts, one on maps, and
one on prints. The processes with these are special. (See
below under the several divisions.)
224 Report of the Librarian of Congress.
(Rooms M 3, P 3, and portions of M 4 and K 2.) Sixty-
seven persons (and six by detail). J. C. M. Han.son, chief.
Handles printed books and pamphlets only.
Classifier. The function of a classifier in a library is, in brief, to
arrange the books upon the shelves in orderly sequence. But
in a library which is to be used, and which is to grow, the
arrangement must be something more than orderly — it must
be systematic; and it must be elastic; that is, " expan.sive. "
It must bring together books on the same subject, and within
that subject books by the same author; and it must give
alphabetic or, under certain subjects, chronological sequence
to the authors. It must also designate each volume by a
symbol, which will permanently identify its location and yet
permit of the insertion in the group of later additions with
their appropriate symbols, each also self-explanator>' and pre-
cisely locative. There are many schemes of classification;
there are several schemes of notation. The clas.sifier must
determine what, if any, of these, or what combination of
them, will be applicable to the particular collection; he must
apply this; arrange the books accordingly, and indicate on
them and on the shelf lists which are the records specially
in his charge, the precise location of each book, and its par-
ticular symbol (class and book number).
Cataloguer. The function of the cataloguer is to exhibit the book in
the catalogues. He must, however, exhibit it not merely
(i) to one who knows the author and not the title, and (2)
to one who knows the title but not the author, but also (3)
to one who desires to know what the Library contains on the
subject of which the book treats. A fully efficient catalogue
must, therefore, be by author, by subject, and, when the title
is likely to be remembered, by title also.
The labor in cataloguing and the difficulty var>' extra-
ordinarily with the character of the lK)ok. Current Amer-
ican novels by known authors, pure romance (i. e., dealing
with no hi.storical event or sociological problem), may be
catalogued at the rate of 50 or 60 a day. A single work in
Catalogue Dhnsion. 225
science may require a half day ; if by composite authors, or
including various subjects, perhaps several weeks. The
mere identification of the author, or the determination of
the proper bibliographic statement, may involve references
to various authorities; the determination of the subject
entry may involve a detailed and careful examination of the
contents. There is no limit to the knowledge useful for a
cataloguer. There is scarcely any information, fact, or
intellectual experience which may not be brought into play
in the course of a year's work in cataloguing. The mere
linguistic difficulties are formidable; the accessions of the
Library- of Congress include books in more than a hundred
different languages.
It is estimated that in a library- such as this, handling so
large a percentage of serious material, the average output of
a cataloguer is but about 20 titles a day, and of a classifier
but about 50. The work of each cataloguer, however, and
of each classifier requires revision and auxiliary' assistance
in copying, filing, proof reading, labeling, etc. (See under
Organization, pp. 227 et seq.) Therefore out of the force
of 73 persons at present at work in this division, only 24
are making original entries in cataloguing, and but 15 classi-
fying in the sense requisite to anj- computation of the total
normal output.
During the past \'ear the additions to the Library alone
numbered 76,000 printed books and pamphlets.
But the current additions have in this Library- formed but CATA^xxirufG.
a portion of the problem. There was avast work to get the u.ork'^"^'^^ "^
existing collection in order and equipped. The old scheme
of classification was not suitable for continuance; a new one
had to be devised and applied. There were no shelf Usts.
The books did not have specific call numbers. There was
no subject catalogue, and for an author catalogue only the
manuscript entries on the large slips. These existed in but
a single copy. They were not available for the use of the
public. And, though representing j^ears of arduous and
learned work, they were of necessity imperfect, owing to the
lack of adequate bibliographic apparatus and the crowded
conditions at the Capitol. The existing collection of printed
books and pamphlets, exclusive of duplicates, numbered
over 700,000 volumes. The arrears of work upon these
9957—01 15
226 Report of the Librarian of Congress.
would, it was estimated, occupy 91 persons five years. As
late as the spring of 1899 there were but 17 persons in all in
the Catalogue Division. Of these, 3 were engaged in the
ordering and accessioning of books (the Order Division not
then existing), and the time of the remainder was fully
occupied with the cataloguing of current accessions
The estimates submitted to Congress at the session of
1899-1900 proposed an increase of the force in thisdivi.sion,
which, beginning with a first annual instalment of 29, should
bring the total to a normal (say 91) in the course of three
The 29 were granted, 21 more for the succeeding year
(the year now current), and 24 — the third instalment — are
asked in the estimates for the year beginning next July.
Concurrently there were granted enlarged appropriations for
equipment and for books, so that the increased force could
be provided not merely with furniture, but with the biblio-
graphic authorities, which are their necessary tools. Within
the past two years this division has, therefore, been placed
upon a substantial footing, located permanently, and well
equipped. The distance to the book stacks is being abridged
by covered ways across the courts. (See Plan, first story.)
The bibliographical collection of the Library, containing now
1 1 ,000 volumes and 9,000 pamphlets (see below pp. 322-325 ) ,
is for the greater part placed in the main Catafogue Room
itself [M 3] ; the remainder in the Order Division, Biblio-
graphic Division, and East Stack, all conveniently near.
The Library is not compiling or printing a complete cata-
logue in book form. It issues special lists of books on par-
ticular topics (see List of publications, Appendix II), but
these are of selected titles merely. The main catalogue of
the Library is to be on cards. It is now in process, in trip-
licate; one copy for the main Reading Room, one for the use
of Congress at the Capitol, and one for official use in the
Catalogue Division.
From July i, 1898 to September 30, 1901, there were
added to these three catalogues, exclusive of cross refer-
ences, a total of 767,374 cards, divided as follows:
Public catalogue (Reading Room) 351,053 cards (in-
cluding 160,000 mounted ' ' temporary entry ' ' slips from
old catalogues);
Catalogue Division. 227
Official catalogue, 267,751 cards;
Third copy (for the Capitol), 148,570 cards.
The cards used are of the best linen ledger stock, 7^^ cen-
timeters in height, 123^ in width. The author cards are
printed in sheets 40 to a form, and cut afterwards to the
above dimensions. The subject cards are made h\ writing
at the top of the card the proper subject headings. From
15 to 1 00 copies are printed of each author card. A portion
of these are for distribution. (See Part I, Appendix IV, of
this Report. )
The seventy- three emplo^-ees now at work (including the orgaxiza
six temporarily detailed) are occupied as follows: "°"''"
One chief of division.
1. Classification. Fifteen assistants.
(a) Old classification. One chief assistant in
charge, who is also intrusted with the care
of Orientalia and Slavica; two assistants for
labeling, marking, etc.
(^) Reclassification. Twelve assistants. — One chief
assistant in charge; 3 assistants (re\-isers
and classifiers) ; 6 shelf listers; 2 labelers
and markers.
II. Revision. Number of revisers, 4.
Note. — The Chief of Di\'ision, chief assistant m
reclassification, and his first assistant -
also share in revision whenever possible.
Each reviser must be a specialist in some
field of knowledge.
III. Proof recuiing and preparatioji of copy . Five assist-
ants.— Three assistants of a higher grade; 2 assist-
ants of a lower grade.
IV. Filing of cards. Three assistants. — One each for the
Public, Official, and Third Catalogue.
V. Cataloguing. Twenty-four assistants. — Four for spe-
cial cataloguing, including some re\nsion; 2 for
copyright books; 2 for current foreign books; 11
for recataloguiug; 2 for Government publications;
2 for periodicals; i for society publications.
228 Report oj the Libra} ian of Congress.
VI. Stationery, time records, correspondence. One as-
VII. Copying and clerical work . Fourteen assistants. — One
supervisor; 9 copyists; 4 alphabetizers.
VIII. Distributio7i of printed cards. Five assistants. — One
chief assistant, 4 assistants.
IX. Messengers, 2.
What these seventy-three persons do is more intelligible
voA^ED.^* '" '" from the following survey of the processes involved:
c assifica ton. ^ ^\it. books are roughly divided by main classes, as
History, Economics, Art, Music, Mathematics. Physics,
Chemistry, etc. , and distributed to the classifiers for assign-
ment to the special subjects. The classifier ascertains for
each book:
(a;) The main subject from the author's point of view
and from the nature of the contents — sometimes at var-
iance with the language of the title-page.
(J)) The main subject from the standpoint of the
Library (e. g., in a theological library the history of
a parish will be classified with church history; in a gen-
eral librarj' it may be of more value or use with other
histories of the place).
(f) The place of that subject in the scheme of classi-
fication in use. This an expert clas.sifier usually knows
without recourse to the alphabetical index of subjects,
but in many cases a glance at the shelf list or at the
books themselves on the shelves is necessary to make
sure that the book in hand agrees with the evident
intent of the section, judged by the character of the
other books cla.ssified there.
2. The class mark is now written in pencil on the back of
the title-page and the book passed to the shelf lister, who
3. Adds the book number and enters this against the vol-
ume upon a sheet ruled in coUnnns — the memorandum shelf
list. (The permanent shelf list will be kept on cards as
these are printed.) The memorandum shelf list contains
the author's name, short title, date, number of volumes or
parts, and, if over 25 cm. (8°) or under 12.5 cm. (24**),
the size. When neces.sary to distinguish from other editions
previously entered, edition, editor, and place of publication
must be specified.
Catalogue Division. 229
This record, forming an inventory of the Librarj", may
also ser\'e as a classified list or catalogue for consultation;
for this purpose a fuller entrj- is of course desirable and pro-
vided later by the filing of a copy of the catalogue card when
printed. After being shelf-listed the books are catalogued
as described below,' and finally
4. A label is placed upon the back of the book and class
mark and book number are written upon this label and upon
the book-plate on the inside front cover of the book.
The numbers being verified by a last inspection the books
are then forwarded to be distributed under the super\-ision
of the superintendent of the Reading Room to their places
on the shelves.
The method of reclassification is essentially the same.
Books and pamphlets to be catalogued are treated as processes.
When books are received from the Order Division the first
step is to. separate those entitled to priority. Of these,
' ' Hasten books, "i.e., books containing slips which indicate
that the book in question is wanted for immediate use, take
precedence of all others. Next in order come current cop}'-
righted books, followed b}- other current books in English,
then books in foreign languages treating questions of current
interest. The remainder are divided into two classes, viz,
( i) books to be catalogued in ordinary course; (2) books to
be deferred.
Books to be catalogued are carefull}- assigned according to
schedules kept by the reviser, whose duty it is to receive all
new books, and to superintend their distribution among the
cataloguers. This process can be more readil)- understood
by reference to the section above outlining the organization.
The following broad lines are followed in the assignment:
(a) New books copyrighted; {b) Government publications;
{c) publications of societies; {d) periodicals; {e) current
foreign books; (/) bibliography, literarj- history-, and
criticism (except current copyright); {g) fiction, travel,
and biography; {h) rare and valuable books, and other
difl&cult books, particularly- in foreign languages.
•Books belonging to divisions not yet reclassified are catalogued
first and then classed.
230 Report of the Librarian of Congress.
As far as possible the distribution is also by subject, with
reference to the special qualifications of cataloguers to deal
with those subjects.
In cataloguing a book the first duty is, by examination of
the catalogues, both the old author catalogue i the Reading
Room and the official catalogue in the Catalogue Room, to
ascertain whether another copy of the book, another edition,
or another work by the same author, is already in the Li-
brary. If another copy is found, it is sent for, the two com-
pared and referred for decision. That is to say, a particular
reviser, to whom all such questions are referred, decides on
which copy is to be retained, or whether for some special
reason both are to be kept. A great many considerations
may influence the choice. The copy discarded must be duly
marked, notice sent to the Order Division, and the book
placed with the duplicate collection. If another edition of
the work or another work by the same author is found in
either catalogue, this will influence the cataloguing. If en-
tered in the new official catalogue a preliminary card is gen-
erally found, giving the form of the author's name as pre-
viously adopted, with the authorities consulted. This form
is usually followed. Occasionally, however, the new book
is found to contain information that may alter the decision
previously arrived at. Such cases are submitted to the super-
vising cataloguer for decision. In any library as extensive
as the lyibrar}' of Congress it is of much importance that
authors of the same or similar names be carefully distin-
guished. Dates of birth and death are frequently given for
this purpose, as also to indicate the period when the author
Among the classes of reference books with which the
cataloguer must be familiar in order to decide on the proper
author heading for purposes of identification and distinction
are the following: {a) The great national biographies, as
Leslie Stephen's Dictionary of National Biography for Great
Britain, AUgemeine deutsche Biographic for Germany ,Wurz-
bach for Austria, Bricka for Denmark, Van der Aa for the
Netherlands, etc.; {_b) general educational catalogues. State
calendars, regi.sters, directories, annual li.sts, all biographical
and bibliographical works in which the author in (jucstion
is likely to have been treated. Frequently, if the author is
Catalogue Division. 231
less known and his name can not be found in works of refer-
ence, it is necessary to address written inquiries to the
publisher, or to the author himself, provided his address can
be found. In this way much bibliographical information of
value has been procured.
The author's name being settled upon, the next step is a
careful transcription of the title. The rules for the capi-
talization and punctuation of the language in which the book
is written generally govern. Abbreviations and abridgment
of the title are permitted only within limits carefully pre-
scribed. The title is followed by place of publication, name
of publisher, date of imprint, pagination, if one volume, or
number of volumes, if more than one, indication of plates,
illustrations, maps, facsimiles, etc., and the height of the
book in centimeters. Finally, notes or contents are added
when required for a proper description of the book.
In almost all cases reference to pertinent bibliographical
authority is desirable, in order to decide on what properly
constitutes the book, to identify the edition, or to make sure
that the copy in hand is complete.
When the above details have been attended to, the pre-
liminary draft of the author or main entrj- is ready.
Next in order 2it^ added headings. The follo\N'ing ques- Subject hea>
tions are involved :
Is the book to appear in the catalogue —
{a) Under its title?
(3) Under editor, translator, illustrator, etc. ?
(c) Under one or more subjects ; what are these sub-
jects, and how are they to be designated ?
In all cases further reference to the catalogues is necessary.
{a) As a rule only one edition, the best, earUest, latest »
as the case may be, is entered under the subject headings,
and under title, editor, translator.
If a title entry is already in the catalogue the card is
stamped ''For other editions see" author's name, which is
given in full. The reader is thus directed to the heading in
the catalogues where all the editions are found fully described.
{b) In case of editor, translator, etc., the same procedure
is followed as in case of author's name above.
(c) The cataloguer who is far enough advanced to assign
subjects must, after an examination of the book as to its
232 Report of the Librarian of Congress.
subject-matter, make sure whether the same or related sub-
jects already appear in the catalogue, and then must follow
the precedents laid down. New subjects are referred to the
reviser within whose special field they fall and are by him
submitted to the chief. The choice of name of a subject is
often of importance, no less than the connection bj' reference
with allied subjects.
After all the added headings indicated under (a), (^),and
(r) have been indicated on the back of the main card and all
the necessar}' cross references written, the book, if belonging
to a chapter not yet reclassified, is passed on for assignment
of chapter and shelf mark ; if Ijelonging to a class already
reclassified, the assignment of the mark has preceded the
In either case it then reaches the revisers. Their duty is to
examine the work of the cataloguers, to pass on the author-
ities quoted, to .see how far the book has been accurately
described, and particularly to revise the subjects indicated.
In the chapters already reclassified, classification and
revision of the cataloguing are to some extent combined.
After revision and classification, books and cards together
are finally passed upon by the chief, who goes over all
doubtful points with the reviser or the cataloguer. The
copy is then forwarded to the assistant who keeps the sta-
tistics, from him to the section whose duty it is to prepare
finally the copy for printing, to decide on the ' ' token ' ' and
forward the titles to the printing office.
From one to three proofs are generally delivered by the
Proofreading. fhe assistauts to wliom the work of proof reading is
assigned must combine with a knowledge of proof reading
an expert knowledge of cataloguing. Theirs is the last
opportunity to question any doubtful points in orthography,
form, or other details of the entry. The cards when finally
printed are turned over to the section which has to deal
with their preparation for the various catalogues and
deposits. The cards printed are author cards. The sub-
ject cards are made by writing at the head of the author
card the appropriate .subject headings. These ("added
headings") having been noted by the cataloguer on the
back of the original main card, are copied off by hand or
Catalogue Division. 233
typev\'riter at the top of copies of the printed author cards,
three sets of each being necessary (for the three catalogues).
This final transcription of headings is then verified, the
cards separated for the various catalogues, arranged in pre-
liminary' alphabets, and turned over to the assistants to
whom is intrusted the final incorporation of the cards into
the respective catalogues.
The above is a brief outline of some of the main processes
involved in passing a new book or pamphlet through the
Catalogue Division. No adequate idea can be conveyed in
writing of the difficult work connected with the varied
material received by this Librar\-. The increasing tend-
ency toward specialization in all branches of knowledge
makes the determination of subject headings correspond-
ingly diflBcult. Looking to the future growth of the
Libran,', the development of its subject catalogues and
classification must necessarily be sufficiently minute to per-
mit the grouping of all titles bearing directly on one topic
under the name of that topic, not under the name of a large
group of related subjects. For example, the student inter-
ested in the question of Reciprocity should find the titles
collected under Reciprocity, and should not be forced to
search through all the titles under Tariff or Commerce.
Cross references ser\-e to lead the investigator from a par-
ticular to other related subjects. The student who has
looked over the titles under Fi7ia?ice, or Firiarice — U. S.. will
find himself referred to such headings as Bimetallism, Cur-
rency question. Money, Silver q2iestion, etc. In studying
the Labor question he is referred also to Apprentices, Com-
rmmism. Cooperation, Convict labor, Eight-hojir movement, etc.
In the case of books to be recatalogued the processes differ
slightly from the above. Recataloguing is mainly necessarj-
in the case of books which came from the Capitol. As
these books are reached in reclassification or in connection
with the cataloguing of new accessions, the old manuscript
slips are withdrawn, compared, revised, and printed, and
subject entries made.
The system of classification thus far applied is one system of
devised from a comparison of existing schemes (includ- tion
ing the ' ' decimal ' ' and the " " expansive " ) , and a con-
sideration of the particular conditions in this Library-, the
Printed books.
234 Report of the Librarian of Congress.
character of its present and probable collections, and of
its probable use. It is assumed that the departments of
history, political and social science, and certain others will
be unusually large. It is assumed that investigators will
be more freely admitted to the shelves.
The system devised has not .sought to follow strictlj'
the scientific order of subjects. It has sought rather
convenient sequence of the various groups, considering
them as groups of books, not as groups of mere subjects.
It has sought to avoid technical, foreign, or unusual terms
in the designation of these groups. And it has selected for
the symbols to denote them ( i ) for the main clas.ses the
single letters of the alphabet, and (2) for the subclas.ses
these letters combined with a numeral, in ordinary .sequence.
Thus on the sample card on page 236, F 592. Provision for
the insertion of future groups is ( i ) in intervening numbers as
yet unused; (2) in the pos.sible use of decimals; (3) in the
possible combination of a lower-case letter with a single
capital letter alone used at present.
The departments of literature thus far reclassified are
bibliography and American history. The .schemes for
these are being printed in pamphlet form. Political and
social .science will come next, and then Briti.sh history.
To a certain degree classification hy form rather than by
subject may prove convenient in this Library. The docu-
ments, for instance, may be kept together, and the Smith-
sonian (scientific) serials.
classifica- The foregoing statements as to classification apply only to
Manuscripts, the printed books and pamphlets. Special systems are nec-
^'^P' essar>' for the manuscripts, maps, music, and prints. (See
Prints. under those divisions. ) The maps, for instance, are grouped
by countries and under countries chronologically.
The general proces.ses of cataloguing apply in all divi-
sions, but develop into .specifications appropriate to the par-
ticular material. In the Manuscripts Division the catalogue
develops finally into a calendar, which is, of course, an
abstract of the subject-matter itself.
(See under Main Reading Room, pp. 245, 246.)
Catalogue Division. 235
The following statement aims to gi\e a brief sketch of
those catalogues of the Librar}' which should be consulted
by readers. It attempts also to explain the more general
principles underlying their arrangement.
The chief aim of the catalogues is to show what the Li-
brary has (a) by a given author (^) on a given subject.
The following catalogues of the Library- are accessible to
I. The general card catalogue (Main Reading Room).
II. The printed subject catalogue of 1869 in 2 v., 8°.
III. Other printed catalogues and bibliographic publica-
tions, of which a full list is printed as Appendix II.
The card catalogue in the Reading Room is arranged on the
dictionary plan, cards for authors, subjects and titles being
arranged in one alphabet.
The order is that of the Enghsh alphabet. I and J , U
and V are treated as separate letters; Spanish Ch, LI, and
X are arranged with other names beginning with C, L, and
N as in English, not as is done by the Spanish Academy.
The a. 6. ii in German and the 6 and ii in Hungarian are
arranged as ae, oe, ue, not as a, o, u. The Swedish a. a, o
are arranged as aa, ae, and oe, and Dano-Norwegian a, 6,
and 0 as ae and oe.
I. Author card containing —
A. Author.
B. Title.
C. Imprint and collation.
D. Call number and date of copj-righL
E. Subject entries.
F. Printer's number.
II. Subject entrA- card. ( Same as I, witli subject heading. )
III. Cardfor author of introduction. ( Same as I, ^\'ith added heading. )
F 592 P 256 is the call number.
F — American local histon.-.
592 — The West; period. 1775-1848.
P 1 Number for Parkman according to the Cutter author
256 ^ table.
236 Report of the Librarian of Co7igress,
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Report of the Librarian of Congress.
Catalogue Division. 239
The entries in the catalogue may be roughly di\aded into
author, subject, and title.
Under the author are found not only the titles of books
which he has written, but also of books which he has com-
piled, edited, or translated. The works of other authors
edited or translated by him are arranged after his own
works. An author may be not only a person, but bodies of
men, as societies, clubs, legislative bodies, countries, cities,
which are considered as authors of their journals, debates,
proceedings, transactions, reports, and other publications.
Cards for subject entries are distinguished by red edge.
Where such cards fall under headings also containing author
entries the latter always precede.
In the same way publications issued by the United States
Government, its departments, bureaus, and divisions pre-
cede all the works about the United States.
Under title are entered (a) all books published anony-
mously; (^) collections and compilations, such as Bible,
Koran, Talmud, Arabian Nights, Seven Sages; (r) periodi-
cals. All works of fiction, all dramas, also works in other
subjects or classes of literature having striking or memo-
rable titles, are entered first under author's name; secondly,
under title.
Further information concerning the principles and rules
governing tjie compilation of the catalogue may be obtained
by reference to Cutter's Rules for a dictionary catalogue,
particularly the interleaved copies in use at the Library,
which contain all the main emendations or departures from
the original.
In October, 1901, this catalogue contained the following:
(a) An author en tr>', " temporary- entry," of all books
whose titles have appeared in the printed author catalogues
issued by the Library- in 1864, in the twelve annual c .ta-
logues 1864 to 1875, and the author catalogue of 1878 so
far as it was issued, viz, A to Craigin;
(d) Of books copyrighted after July i, 189S;
(f ) Of all books added to the Library since January i ,
(</) Of all books in the Librar>' classified as American
history, description, and travel, general as well as local,
part of general United States and South American history
excepted (in preparation);
240 Report of the Librarian of Congress.
(e) It contains also subject and title entries, in part, for
books copyrighted since July i, 1898, and for books other
than copyright which have been added subsequent to Jan-
uary I, 1900. Also for all books classified as American
history and description.
There exists also the old manuscript aiithf)r catalogue on
slips, covering books added to the Librar}- prior to Decem-
ber 31, 1899. The titles in this catalogue are, however,
being transferred to the main catalogue as rapidh- as the
books can be reclassified, and the titles revised and printed
on cards of the standard size.
Besides the main card catalogue described above, of which
a second copy is kept in the catalogue room and a third is
ready to be installed with the Congressional Reference
Library at the Capitol, there are special catalogues avail-
able for consultation, viz:
I. A classed catalogue of books in bibliography, printing,
and library science, with index of authors and subjects.
(In the Catalogue Room.)
II. A classed catalogue of American history (in progress)
in the Reading Room.
III. A card index by authors and subjects of articles in
certain periodicals and publications of learned societies cur-
rently received either at the Library of Congress or at the
Smithsonian Institution. This index adjoins the main cata-
IV. Following the index will be found a manu.script
author catalogue of Turkish books in the Library. To this
will be added from time to time catalogues of books in other
Oriental languages.
Special catalogues of manuscripts, maps, music (scores),
and prints are al.so in progress in the respective divisions
dealing with this class of material.
It is not the purpose of the main catalogue to duplicate
the work accomplished in "Poole's Index," "Bibliographic
der Deutschen Zeit.schriften-Litteratur," "Jordell's Rej^r-
toire Bibliographique des principales Revues Fran9aises,"
"The Engineering Index," " The Cumulative Index," or
"The A, L. A. Literary Index. ' These and other indexes
will l)e found on the adjoining reference desks, as well as in
the alcoves open to the public.
Catalogue Division. 241
As the reclassification and revision of old entries proceeds,
chapter by chapter, it is the intention to supplement the
main dictionary catalogue by special classed catalogues.
These may in some classes be mere shelf catalogues, giv-
ing only one entr>' for each work, arranged in the order in
which the books are classed on the shelves. In certain im-
portant classes they may be carried farther. The classified
catalogue of bibliographies contains not only titles of inde-
pendent bibliographies, but also of important lists appended
to other works or contained in serial publications.
Finally, it is fully recognized hy the Librarj- that next in
importance to an adequate exhibit of its own resources,
comes the ability to supply information as to the resources
of other libraries.
As steps in this direction may be mentioned:
First. The acquisition of printed catalogues of libraries,
both American and foreign.
Second. An alphabetic author catalogue on cards of books
in department and bureau libraries in Washington.
Third. A similar catalogue of books in some of the more
important libraries outside of Washington.
The L,ibrar>^ of Congress expects to place in each great
center of research in the United States a copy of everj- card
which it prints for its own catalogues; these will form there
a statement of what the National Library' contains. It
hopes to receive a copy of every card printed by the New
York Pubhc Librar>-, the Boston Public Library, the Har-
vard University Librarj', the John Crerar L,ibrar>', and sev-
eral others. These it will arrange and preserve in a card
catalogue of great collections outside of Washington.
(As to distribution of printed cards to subscribing Hbraries
see Part I, App. IV of this report, pp. 69-74.)
[Room L 3 of plan.] Six persons. A. P. C. Griffin,
This division was created by the appropriation act effective
Juh' I, 1900. Its general functions are not limited to those
indicated by its title. They are to deal with inquiries in-
volving research too elaborate for the attendants in the
9957— <5i 16
242 Report of the Librarian of Congress.
reading room, or in fonn inconvenient for them to handle
expeditiously; to compile lists of references on topics of
current interest, particularly upon topics which are the sub-
ject of investigation, discussion, or possible legislation by
Congress; to represent the Library in cooperative biblio-
graphic luidertakings; to edit all publications of the Library,
and to recommend for acquisition by the Library such useful
books as in the course of the foregoing duties and from
specific examination of bibliographies and reviews, it dis-
covers to be lacking.
The division furnishes information for response to inquiries
(in person or by mail) by references to the most helpful
authorities; and often by an actual abstract from some au-
thority where the answer can be given conclusively by such
an abstract, not too lengthy. If the inquiry be hy letter
arid can. be answered only by a reference to authorities, the
division endeavors to suggest in what institution nearest the
correspondent the authorities may be consulted. (The ac-
cumulating catalogues of other libraries will increasingly aid
in this. ) It is a fundamental principle in a library that an
inquirer is entitled to the best authority attainable. It is
the duty of the division to refer inquirers to any other divi-
sion of the Library, to any other department of the Govern-
ment, or to any other institution or person known to it to be
capable of giving a more adequate answer than it alone can
give. In the service of Congress the division, of course,
makes researches more extended, lists more full and discrim-
inating, and abstracts more lengthy.
With reference to this service the division is con.stautly
compiling lists of authorities on the various phases of every
current public question. (See for the past year Part I of
this Report.) Some of these are on cards; others expand
into print as publications of the Library. The questions
dealt with are not, however, merely questions of jxilitics,
much less questions of merely current politics. They include
various other subjects upon which a select list of authorities
or a complete statement of the authorities in the Library of
Congress may be servnceable to the inquirer there or to
authors, readers, or administrators in other libraries. (For
such publications of the past year see Part I of this Reixjrt,
pp. 3V-42. For the full list see App. II.)
Reading Room. 243
The division is in convenient relation to the Reading
Room, the Catalogue Room, the bibUographic apparatus,
and the general shelves. It may be reached by the public
through the main Reading Room.
Fifty-six persons (day and evening force). David
Hutcheson, superintendent.
This force covers the service and custody of the material
in the following: The main Reading Room (U 3); the main
stacks (North, South, and East); Senators' Reading Room
(R 3); Representatives' Reading Room (S 3); Reading
Room for the Blind (G 2); Cloak Room (T 3); the Librar>-
Station at the Capitol (terminal of book railway).
The main Reading Room has 240 desks and -^S alcove Hours and ac
tables and can accommodate 300 readers at one time. The
issue desk is in the center. It is connected with the north
and south stacks, also with the Capitol, by pneumatic tube
and electric book carriers. (See cuts, and descriptions,
PP- 355-357-)
The main Reading Room is kept open from 9 a. m. until
10 p. m. The force attending to it and to the auxiliary- book
stacks is divided into two shifts, alternating from 9 a. m. to
4 p. m. and 3.30 to 10 p. m. Each stack has nine ' ' decks ' '
or floors, and each deck has a station and terminal of the
pneumatic tube and book railway. With a few exceptions
each of the 18 decks requires an attendant. These attend-
ants receive the calls for books reaching the stacks by the
pneumatic tubes, and dispatch the books by the book rail-
way. The desk attendants are thus saved travel to the
stacks except where an examination of the shelves is neces-
sar\' to supplement the information in the catalogues; or
where the books are too large or too numerous to be trans-
ported by the railway.
Books called for, if in their proper places, can be sup>-
plied to readers in about five minutes. The actual time of
transit of the car is one and one-half minutes.
The old author catalogue has been kept behind this
desk, but it is now to be brought out into the space accessi-
244 Report of the Librarian of Congress.
ble to readers. The new card catalogue by author and
subject, which will gradually absorb the old, is already ac-
cessible outside of the desk. The alcoves hold in all over
40,000 volumes. Those on the second tier contain at pres-
ent Federal documents. Those on the first are being filled
with a selected collection of reference works in everj' depart-
ment of literature, including local history and genealogy, for
which the demand is very great. These books will in due
course be open to the public without the intervention of
an attendant.
AID TO READ- f he Main Reading Room is in general limited in use to
readers over sixteen j-ears of age; but younger persons pur-
suing serious studies may be admitted by .special permit.
Readers desiring books from the .stacks make out slips for
them, signing these with their names and addiiesses. Books
reclassified and thus having now each a precise "call num-
ber' ' (which is given on the catalogue cards) may be called
for by that number alone, as F_592.P2^6. Other books must
still be identified by author and title and in cases by date of
publication. The attendants strive to reduce the labor of
the reader by hospitality to direct inquiries. Their aid is
particularly necessary if the reader desires to know what
books the Library has upon a particular topic. There is at
present no catalogue to tell him this, except as to recent
accessions. There is none to tell the attendants; but they
have near by helpful bibliographic tools, they have experience
of similar inquiries, and they can readily have recourse to
the shelves, where the books, though imperfectly^ classified,
are yet to a degree broadly classified by subject.
The Main Reading Room is usually the point first
approached by an inquirer. It is the duty of the desk
attendants to place at his dispo.sal such information as they
have; but it is their paramount duty to see that his inquiry
reaches the official or division capable of giving him the
fullest and most accurate answer.
Readers are admitted to the stacks where direct access to
the shelves is necessary to their purpose. ' The privilege is
granted by card by the Librarian, and informally, to meet
particular emergencies, by the Superintendent of the Read-
ing Room.
The location of the books in the stacks will change some-
socTH boo:
Reading Room. 245
what ^^'ith the reclassification; in particular, the Smithso-
nian serials will go into Room K 4, and the Documents
probably to the sections of stack nearest the Documents
Division. At present the location is as follows :
First story from top: Publications of foreign Governments.
Second story: Docimient publications of the States of the Union;
duplicates of public documents.
Third storj-: Mathematics, Astronomy, Geology, Chemistry, Physics,
Botany, Medicine, Natural History-, and Zoology.
Fourth ston,-: Technology-, Ecclesiastical History, and Theology.
Fifth storv" Collected works, Poetry, Drama, Correspondence,
Rhetoric, Essaj-s, Ana, and Humor.
Sixth stor^-: General Histon,-, Ancient and Modem History, Biog-
raphy, and description of all countries except the United States.
Seventh story: Americana, Language, Geography.
Eighth storj" International Law, Statistics, Politics, Philosophy,
Education, Sociologj-, M^-thologA", Agriculture.
Ninth story: Uncatalogued books, Duplicates.
First to third story from top: Bound Newspapers.
Fourth stor)" Bound Newspapers, Architecture, Fine Arts.
Fifth stor\-: Bound Newspapers.
Sixth story: Bound Periodicals.
Seventh story: English Fiction, Directories, Yearbooks, Almanacs,
Special Collections, Homer, Virgil, Dante, Shakespeare, Goethe,
Eighth storj" Bound Periodicals.
Ninth stor\-: Cop\Tight Deposits.
Library (in part) of the Smithsonian Institution, Bibliography,
Gallery: United States Documents.
Alcoves on floor: Reference Books, Heraldry, Costume, Genealogy,
American Biography, Law, Fiction in foreign languages.
The old system of classification was by ' * chapters. ' ' As
at present arranged the
is as foUpws:
1. General pistory.
2. History, Biography', and description of all countries except
America and Great Britain.
246 Report of the Librarian of Congress.
Present classiji- 2^. Genealogy, Heraldry, Costume, etc.
cation. _ . . '
3. Great Britain.
4. America (in the new classification, E and F).
5. Mathematics.
6. Geology.
7. Physics.
8. Astronomy.
9. Chemistry.
10. Medicine.
11. General Natural History.
12. Zoology.
13. Botany.
14. Agriculture.
15. Useful Arts.
16. Ecclesiastical History.
17. Theolog>'.
18-23. Law.
24. International L,aw.
25. Statistics, Political Economy, Finance, Politics, etc.
26. Philosophy, Ethics, Education, etc.
27. Sociolog}'.
28. Mythology, superstitions, etc.
29. Geograph}'.
30. Architecture.
31. Fine Arts.
32. Music.
33. Poetry.
34. Drama.
35. Fiction.
36. Letters and Dialogues.
37. Rhetoric.
38. Jviterature and Bibliography. ( In the new classification Bibli-
ography equals Z. )
39. Language.
40. Collected works.
41. Essays.
42. Ana, wit and humor, quotations, etc.
43. Smithsonian Collection of publications of learned societies.
• 44. Periodicals and newspapers.
Senators' and Representatives' Reading Rooms. —
(Rooms R 3, S 3.) These rooms are for the exckisive use
of Senators and Representatives. They are open during^ the
sessions of Congre.ss each day until the hour of adjournment
of both Hou.ses, and when Congress is not in session from 9
a. m. to 4 p. m. Attendants are in charge of the rooms to
wait upon the Senators and Representatives and to procure
Reading Rooms. 247
books for their use from the Main Reading Room. When
not in use by Senators and Representatives the rooms are
open to visitors to the building.
Congressional Reference L,ibrary — The Library- sta- rff^fn7fi%"r2ry
tion at the Capitol consists now merely of the terminal, near
the Rotunda, of the book railwa)' and pneumatic tube, with
two attendants in charge. Provision is being sought which
will enable the Librarj- to place at the Capitol a collection of
mi.scellaneous reference books, bibliographic aids, and the
card catalogue (now in preparation for this purpose), and
other indexes to the contents .of the collections in the main
Library-. There are at the Capitol a "Senate librar}'" and
a "House librars^" but with the exception of a few refer-
ence books they consist largely of documents. The purpose
of the Congressional Reference Librar}' would be particularly^
to furnish suggestions of the sources of information on any
given subject, and to indicate those contained in the main
I,ibrar5\ In connection with it would be available, at call,
the experts in the main Library most competent to deal with
inquiries from Senators and Representatives.
Reading Room for the Blind: Etta J. Giffin, assistant Reading root,
"^ /or the bhnd.
in charge. The Reading Room for the Blind is situated in
the northwest corner of the ground floor of the Library
(Room G 2 of plan), and is open every day, Sunday ex-
cepted, from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m.
It contains a large and growing collection of embossed
books, periodicals, and music, in New York Point, Line
type, American Braille, Moon-type, and others. One part
of the room is reserved for the use of the blind who come to
read; the other part is open to seeing visitors, to whom are
shown the various kinds of books prepared for the blind,
and the Point and Braille writing machines, writing slates,
and other inventions to enable the blind to write script.
From time to time there have also been on exhibit telegraph
instruments, typewriters, and printing presses specially
adapted to the use of the blind.
Books are sent to the homes of the blind in the cit}'.
From October i to June 30, daily readings to the blind
are given hy volunteer readers. These readings generally
consist of essays, poems, and short stories, such as have not
been printed in finger print, and are intended to give the
Report of the Librarian of Congress.
listeners an opportunity' of hearing good literature not
printed in any form accessible to them. On Wednesday of
each week a concert is given instead of a reading. The
daily reading hour is from 2.30 to 3.30 p. m. It is open to
the general public without formality. For statistics see
pp. 44. 45-
Current serials.
(Room Q 3 on plan.) Eleven persons. Allan B. Slauson,
The Periodical Reading Room was opened January 22,
1900, with hours from 9 a. m. till 6 p. m. Since June
4, 1900, the hours have been from 9 a. m. till 10 p. m. The
room is 218 feet long, 35 in breadth, 19 in height. It
contains racks and shelves for about 600 newspapers and
2,500 other current serials. About 2,700 are now regularly
placed there. The room will accommodate about 250 read-
ers. Over 200 at a time are customarily there (in the
evening hours) .
The access to the room and the use of the newspapers and
periodicals on file are without formality.
The total number of serials currently received by the
Library exceed 7,000. The 4,000 not exjx)sed in the
Reading Room may be had from the adjoining .stack on
application to the Reading Room attendants. Of the 7,200
serials received only 823 are subscribed for. Two thousand
six hundred and twelve are the gift of the (American)
publishers; 1,383 are copyright deposits; 1,981 are received
through the Smithsonian, and 426 from Federal departments
and bureaus.
The newspapers include over 400 published in the United
States and nearly 150 from foreign countries, representing
the commercial and political centers throughout the world.
Serials — tran.sactions, proceedings, magazines, etc. — deal-
ing with a .special subject are classified with that subject.
There remain, however, in the custody of the Periodical
Division (though housed in the south stack) all "general
periodicals," and all newspapers. The files of these are
very extensive, the newspapers alone aggregating nearly
20,000 volumes. When the collection was moved into the
new building these files were only in part bound, or in con-
250 Report of the Librarian of Congress.
Ivi^ww The daily mail is first sorted into the two general classes,
newspapers and periodicals. Roughly speaking, there are
600 newspapers each daj- to be filed, half of which go to the
reading room and the other half direct to the stacks.
Newspapers are arranged first by States, then by cities in
the States, then alphatetically by their names under the
cities. The first sorting, therefore, is by States. The 325
papers filed in the reading room have a week's issue upon
each file-stick, which is so arranged that the oldest paper may
be taken off and the latest added each day without disturbing
the other six issues. To do this properly and carefully,
mending torn edges and pasting in loose supplements,
requires an average of one minute for each paper, or five and
one-half hours for the entire work. The papers taken off
the files are carried into the stack and there filed on shelves.
The care of the papers in the stacks, the collation, the
mending of torn pages, the writing for numbers lost in the
mails or mutilated by handling, the preparation of volumes
for the bindery, and the wrapping in manila paper of all
papers not immediately bound, occupy the entire time of
two assistants.
The periodicals proper are stamped immediately upon
receipt and checked upon cards. (For facsimile of the card
used for the North American Review see page 25 1 . )
The vSame style of a card is used for weekly publications,
the numbers being placed in the four corners of the square
for the appropriate month. In the event of five issues in
the month, the fifth number is placed in the center. Each
card, therefore, indicates the condition of the file of that
periodical for several years.
If, in checking, a vacant space is noted on the card indi-
cating a number not received, a card is made out as shown
upon facsimile given on page 252.
Where hundreds of periodicals are received daily, .some
numbers will be mi.ssed, in spite of all the care exercised
by post-office officials, and the record of the.se, as .shown by
the missing number cards, is given each day to the chief of
the division. A typewriter assistant notifies the publisher
of the mi.ssing numbers, inclosing in each letter a pink
laljel, bearing the Govennnent frank. This label, used by
the publisher, di.stinguishes the ' ' mis.sing numl^ers ' ' upon
Division of Periodicals.
(0 (0
<0 1 <0 CO 1 00
0 0
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Report of the Librarian of Congress,
i «<
Division of Documents
their arrival in the Librar>^ from all other periodicals
received, and brings them at once to the desk from which
the request was sent out. Here the^- are checked and for-
warded to the assistant in charge of the shelves.
A large percentage of the periodicals received daily-
must be cut, and many sewed, before they can be put
out for readers. Many have to be covered vA'Ca. strong
manila paper to protect them from damage by handling.
These processes, together with the care of the shelves
and Reading Room, keep three assistants busy; two on
the day force and one at night.
One assistant is occupied continually in collating and
preparing volumes for the binder\-. A printed slip of
instructions to the binder is placed in each volume. (See
facsimile on page 254.)
The two assistants who answer calls for bound vol-
umes in the stacks also shelve in their proper places the
4,000 odd periodicals not kept on file in the Periodical
Reading Room.
(Rooms H 4 and I 4 of plan.) Four persons. Roland
P. Falkner, chief.
The Division of Documents is the latest organized division
in the Library- ser\nce. Its formal organization dates from
Jul)' I, 1900, but as it was without a chief until October i,
and as some time was required for organization, it can
hardly be said to have acquired a distinct indi\4duality before
Januar}' i, 1901.
This di\'ision of the Library must not be confounded with
the Bureau of Documents, which, under the ' ' Superintendent
of Documents, " is a di\-ision of the Government Printing
OflSce and has charge of the distribution and sale of certain
publications of the United States Government. The func-
tion of the Division of Documents in the Library- is to
acquire, arrange, and make available for use, the publica-
tions of Governments, national, local, and municipal, and of
quasi public bodies, such as commercial organizations and
the like. To the Division has been assigned also general
supervision over the works on economics, politics, and
Ri'port of the Librarian of Congress,
Library of Congress.
Rcqn isilion Ao.
Jan. -Dec.
Bind "adi" and back covers at bacV «« th.y »>«i
Trim top tdg* lightly and marble, leaving side and bottom
edges uncut.
Trim till tifjtt, liehily nnd mnrhU
/« trinittiing always leave as wide • margin as possible
irrespective o( n/e of dummy or pallem volume.
Bind in Half MoroccorUB*!*! Calfi f pwwIiltJ fc'fcmt|Clal^
Color ; rtnl. niuilt, RnuBWi Dark Green, .
~3io xNoVMake dummy
J>{'q Pattern volume.
JFacsimii^k of Card of Instructions to Bindhr.
Division of Doaiments.
sociolog>\ Before its establishment the work which is here
outhned was carried out in part by the Reading Room, in
part by the Catalogue Di\nsion, and in part by the Period-
ical Division. None of them, however, were able to give
the special care which was required to insure the complete-
ness of the collection. It is only by systematic and con-
tinued solicitation that this class of publications can be
obtained, and to this none of the divisions named could
devote the requisite time and attention. The cramped
space in the old rooms in the Capitol and the small force
there available, were wholly inadequate to the needs of this
■work. In consequence, the collection of documents had
been neglected, and the serious omissions in the collection
seemed to make it imperative that the care and custody of
this literature be assigned to a special di\'ision.
The di\-ision furnishes information for response to inqui-
ries (in person or hy mail) involving the material over which
it has custody, or as to which it has special knowledge.
Such inquiries are numerous and relate to the methods of
publication and distribution of public documents, as well as
to questions about their contents. They are often requests
for information as to what legislation has been proposed or
enacted on a given subject; and often requests for particu-
lar legislative bills or statutes. In the latter case, as in
requests for Federal documents, they have to be referred
to the Superintendent of Documents or other appropriate
The lyibrarj' of Congress is not in its Division of Docu-
ments or otherwise a bureau for the distribution of docu-
ments, except as to its own publications and the sets of Fed-
eral documents placed at its disposal for international
The office of Di\-ision of Documents is in the north curtain
on the second floor. It is hoped that at no distant date pro-
vision may be made for direct access to the Division for those
who desire to consult the material under its charge. At
present those ha\'ing especial business with the Division are
introduced to it on application at the Reading Room desk.
The material for which the Di\-ision is in a measure respon-
sible falls into two distinct classes, the documents distinctly
tinder its care, and the economic, political, and sociological
Mater lAL
256 Report of the Librarian of Congress,
works, as to which it has special knowledge. The latter
class of material is obtained by copyright, purchase, gift, or
exchange, while the documents are obtained almost exclu-
sively by gift or exchange.
d^umeits.^''^'" United States Documents. — The United States documents
published b}' Congress have been received by the Library of
Congress under the several laws governing the public print-
ing. Other documents issued by the United vStates Gov-
ernment have been received through the gift of the Depart-
ments and other offices from which they have emanated.
A resolution of March 3, 1901 (see Part I of this report,
Appendix III), provides that hereafter two copies of all
documents, whether issued by Congress or by the several
Executive Departments and offices, shall be sent as soon as
issued to the Library of Congress.
Prior to the opening of the last session of Congress there
was no arrangement for the receipt b}^ the Library of Con-
gress of the Congressional issues as published. Reliance
was placed upon ultimately receiving the Congressional
documents in the sheepskin bound form in which they are
distributed to libraries generall}'. It followed, therefore,
that the Library of Congress was unable to meet a call for
issues of the Congress in session. Particular efforts are
now made to insure their immediate receipt. As soon as
received, one set is arranged in numerical order to answer
calls for publications by number only. Larger reports and
documents not to l^e issued subsequently in bound form are
sent at once to the bindery on special orders, and are fre-
quently ready for use a few days after they leave the
Government Printing Office.
umenti. ^°'' State documcnts. — State documents have been received
entirely as gifts. The printing law of January 12, 1895,
provides for the distribution by the United States of all its
publications to the several State libraries, but does not
require any return on their part. Most of the States, how-
ever, have regarded themselves as under obligation to send
copies of the State publications to the Library of Congress,
and it is thus through a species of indirect exchange that
the Library of Congress acquires this material.
itmenl!''^'^''^'"^' Municipal doatments. — Municipal documents have been
presented to the Library of Congre.ss to a certani extent, and
Foreign doc-
Division of Doaiments. 257
the collections have been somewhat increased by the transfer
to the Libran,' of Congress of such material from other official
libraries. But tested by the importance of the material, they
are at present ver>' defective.
Foreign documents. — Foreign documents have been acquired
by the Library of Congress under the system of international
exchange which dates from 1867. By resolution of March 2
of that year, which has been renewed in subsequent legislation
upon the public printing, 50 copies of the doctunents published
by the United States Government are set aside for exchange
with foreign nations. By resolution of March 2, 1901 (see
Part I, Appendix III), the number of documents avail-
able for this purpose has been increased by law to 62, with
the possibility of further increase to 100. The Library of
Congress does not act directly in this matter, but utilizes the
system of foreign exchanges operated by the Smithsonian
Institution, to the support of which Congress makes an
annual appropriation. Through the Institution relations
have been estabhshed with nearly 50 foreign States and
nations. (A list of them is given in Appendix III hereto.)
From these a large number of publications have been
received in return, but by no means all that were issued.
From the foregoing and from the analysis given on
pages 327-331, it is ob\-ious that the present files of the
Library- are exceedingly imperfect. The first efforts of
the Documents Division have been to ascertain the gaps
and to fill them. This requires solicitation, and involves
detailed and repeated correspondence and frequently personal
Particular effort is being made to secure immediately upon
their issue, ''blue books " and other documents dealing with
questions of current interest. Heretofore these have come
only through the slow medium of international exchange.
Direct communications have recently been entered into , ^?«"i/iv»r of
foreign docu.-
with several foreign governments by the Librarian of Con- '«<^''^-
gress and by the chief of the Bureau of International
Exchanges of the Smithsonian Institution for the purpose
of securing books lacking in the collections of the Library
of Congress, and through these efforts verj- considerable
additions have been made to the collections of Austrian,
French, and Italian documents. Through the United States
9957—01 17
258 Report of the Librariayi of Congress.
minister in Madrid the libraries of the Senate and House of
Deputies of Spain have furnished to the Librar}' of Congress
a practicall)' complete set of the journals of those IxKiies
since 18 10. The collection of material acquired from the
palace of the Governor-General of Porto Rico contains a
valuable collection of printed documents relating to the
Spanish administration there and in the islands of the West
Indies generally. Through direct application to the com-
missioners of the several countries to the Paris Exposition
of 1900, much of the official literature which grew out of
the Exposition has been collected. By direct correspond-
ence the sets of Norwegian statistics, publications of the
Chamber of Commerce in Hamburg, and the "Annales des
Travaux Publics" of Belgium, have been completed.
Through transfer from the library of the Department of
State, the official collections of historical documents pub-
lished by the British Record Commissions have been largely
supplemented. These acquisitions, noted in detail, indicate
the scope of the division as respects foreign material and
some of the channels through which the collections of the
Library may be increased. The recent resolution of March
3, 1 901, affords a means of extending the exchanges of the
Library to other foreign nations. Definite arrangements for
this purpose will be perfected by the time the additional
volumes designed for the Library of Congress become
Dfparimefii With respect to the documeuts of the United States, the
documents. '- . i ^ i ,-. • i
cooperation of the various bureaus and of the Superintendent
of Documents has been invoked for the purpose of estab-
lishing in the Library of Congress, and independent of the
numbered Congressional documents, sets of at least the more
important publications of the United States Government
departments. A special effort has been made to complete
the sets of what are known as the Department i.ssues not
included in the numbered Congressional documents. This
work is still in progress.
Through the gift of the State officials considerable addi-
tions have been made to the collections of State documents.
The division has nearly completed a systematic survey of
the journals and documents of the several vState legislatures,
and now in the possession of the Library of Congress, with
Division of Documents. 259
the purpose of completing these sets as readily as possible.
As in the case of the Federal documents, it is deemed desir-
able that the individual reports of State officers should be
collected whenever possible, and it is hoped that large addi-
tions may be made to the collections of this literature.
The whole field of municipal literature remains practically
untouched and offers a large field for the future develop-
ment of the collections. While it will not be practicable to
collect the city documents of all of the cities of the United
States, it is proposed to collect systematically those of cities
having 100,000 inhabitants, and it is probable that a like
rule will be applied to foreign cities. The Library- of Con-
gress has recently received gifts of upward of 150 volumes
of the public papers of the cities of Rome, Florence, and
The documents newly received by the Library and handled
by this division during the ten months ending October 31,
1901, aggregated 12,126 — 8,097 volumes and 4,029 pam-
Present contents of collection. (See under The Present
Collections: Documents, pp. 327-331 of this Report.)
All documents received b\' the Library- of Congress pass documents
. Processes.
through the division. Those which have been received
without special solicitation on the part of the division are
acknowledged in the Order Division. Those which are
addressed directly to the Division of Documents are
acknowledged there. All documents which are acquired
as gifts are counted in the Division of Documents. A
record is made of all American documents received. Those
issued more frequenth' than once a year are checked in the
periodical record, which also embraces similar publications
of foreign governments. The publications of foreign govern-
ments received through international exchange are not yet
specificallj- so recorded.
After the completion of the card accession record for the
purpose of reference, the volumes are turned over to the
assistants for further treatment. If the set is one which has
already been catalogued, the documents, if bound, are for-
warded to the Catalogue Division, and a record is kept here
of what constitutes the set. If the set is found to be incom-
plete, correspondence is entered into with those who issue
26o Report of the Librarian of Congress.
the volumes, in the effort to supply missing numbers.
When these are received, the documents are forwarded to
the Catalogue Division. Many of the volumes are received
in paper covers, and these are frequently sent to the bindery
before going to the Catalogue Division. This nece.ssitates
a binding record, in order that the division may be able to
trace the location of any document which it has received.
The process here described can not be carried through rap-
idly because of the considerable accumulation in the Library
of Congress of uncatalcgued material, which must be
searched before the exact needs of the Library of Congress
can be ascertained.
^*A c*iTi^T i K s ^'^ view of the necessity of building up as rapidly as
FOR RESEARCH, possiblc tlic collectioHS themselves, little attention has
been given to analytical indexing, either in the Catalogue
Division or in the Division of Documents. Records are
made by titles mainly, and for specific contents reliance is
had upon such printed indexes as are available. Many
documents not catalogued in the main Library are listed in
the Division of Documents. These lists comprise most of
the European and a large number of United States and State
publications. The records of the division now embrace
2,875 titles, some of which represent a large number of
volumes, as the aggregate includes 723 periodicals, 1,409
annuals and similar publications, and 743 individual books.
These records are for the present on cards in the division,
but it is hoped at an early date to publish check lists of the
foreign documents of the countries v»^hich are well repre-
sented in the Library of Congress.
The works in the custody of the division which have not
yet l)een catalogued, and whose location is not, therefore,
indicated by a card number, have been arranged by countries
and by subjects. To the facilities of the division for research
should be added the printed indexes already referred to.
These embrace the general and .special indexes of the United
States documents, and of the British parliamentary papers,
and are supplemented by a collection of catalogues from
official libraries, both in the United States and foreign coun-
tries, from which considerable aid is derived in tracing
documentary publications.
Inquirers will be freely admitted to the shelves where the
need requires.
Manuscript Division.
(Room I 3 and, for repair work, a portion of K 3. ) Four
persons; also two repairers from the Government Printing
Office. Charles Henr>- Lincoln, assistant in charge.
Created by the appropriation act effective July i, 1897.
Hoin-s from 9 a. ni. till 4 p. m. Has the custody of all
the manuscript material in the Library not classifiable as
map, music, or print (the latter designation including all
contributions to the graphic arts). This numbers tiow
some 36,000 pieces, which could be compacted into perhaps
1,500 volumes. Its contents are analyzed in pages 335—344
of this Report.
The duty of the dixnsion with reference to this material,
as of the documents, maps, music, and prints di\'isions with
reference to the material in the custody, respectively, of
each, is not merely to safeguard it, but to aid in the acqui-
sition, to classify and catalogue, to make it useful to
readers, and to answer inquiries which relate to it or which
maj' be answered effectiveh- out of the special knowledge
which its custod}- and administration involve.
The equipment of the room includes steel safes with com-
bination locks, and steel-lined cases, cabinets, and filing
drawers, all with locks. The manuscripts are in part in
individual pieces, unbound, but laid between manila sheets
in drawers; in part in filing "binders" (specially de\'ised
for such material), allowing further insertions, and in part
(where no further insertions are likely) in regularly bound
Man}- of the earlier manuscripts are so worn as to be
impossible of use without repair. Two employees of the
Government Printing Office, detailed for the purpose, are
constantly at work repairing them. The process of repair
is as follows:
The paper is first dampened so that creases and turned
edges may be smoothed. Care must be taken to smooth
no crease which was unnoticed by the writer, lest legi-
bility be sacrificed. The manuscript is then dried
between boards and submitted to heavy pressure. This
prevents the reappearance of the original roughness.
The period of pressure necessary- to secure a perma-
nently smooth surface is about twentj'-four hours.
Report of the Librarian of Congress.
Where the quality of ink will not allow the manuscript
to be dampened this period must be much extended.
The manu-script is now ready to be repaired. For
this purpose paper of .similar color and texture to that
of the original manu.script must be obtained. In many
cases, owing to the age of the manuscript, this is no
easy task. Hand-made paper is necessary and no bit of
such paper is wasted. A patch conforming in size to
the hole in the original manuscript is cut, the edges of
both hole and patch carefully beveled and scraped, and
the patch held in place by the use of a thick flour paste.
The manuscript is then heavily pressed. When dry
the line of union between patch and paper is again
scraped and the first stage in the work of repair is
But a manuscript thus repaired is not ready for use.
Althovigh no attempt is made to supply words which
have l)een torn from the original manuscript, it is pro-
tected against further loss. For this purpose a cover-
ing of tracing paper or of fine silk veiling (crepeline) is
used. Tracing paper gives firmness but impairs legi-
bility, and the veiling is generally preferred. This
covering is pasted on each side of the manuscript, that
the tendencies for the paper to curl in either direction
msiy be neutralized. When dry the manuscript is again
pressed and mounted for filing.
The entire collection is grouped by subjects.
An accession record is kept in book form. There is a
card catalogue in progress. Thus far the entries are gen-
erally for groups of material, not for individual manuscripts;
but cards have been made for the individual manuscripts in
the following groups, viz : The Washington papers, the
Dolly Madison papers, the Paul Jones papers, the Vernon-
Wager papers^ the Blaine papers, the Davis papers, the Sir
William Johnson papers, the Sullivan papers, the Oliver
Pollock papers, the Atlee papers, the Arnold- Varick pa^Ders,
the Revolutionary War papers, the papers of the Thirteen
Original States, the United States Army papers, the United
States Navy papers, and the Proceedings of the Loyalist
Commissioners. The final stage is making cro.ss references
for all names appearing in the documents. A total of over
Division' of Maps and Charts. 263
30,000 cards have been written in cataloguing the above-
mentioned groups.
A Calendar of the Washington Manuscripts has recently manuscript!
been published. (See Part I of this Report, pp. 40-41.)
A calendar of the Paul Jones papers is in preparation.
The Manuscripts Di\-ision was purposely located in a por- po^^rese^c^
lion of the building secluded from the activities of ordinary
use. It may be reached through the Main Reading Room
or through the Division of Maps. Access to it is entirely
informal; and all of the administration being centered in the
one room, immediate access may be given to any manuscript
specified, and prompt aid furnished to the resources of the
collection on any given subject, period, or individual.
Manuscripts may of course be handled by outsiders only
under supervision of the attendants. But as the regular
work of the attendants is adjacent to the space provided for
visitors, this supervision may be suflSciently vigilant without
being irksome. Under suitable precautions the privilege of
making extracts and (on permit from the Librarian) of
photographing is given here as elsewhere in the Library,
except, of course, where reproduction of the manuscript, in
whole or in part, would conflict with some condition attach-
ing to it, or conceivably in cases where such reproduction
might be from public policy injurious.
An}^ printed books, e. g. , palseographic works, needed by
a visitor in connection with his examination of the manu-
scripts will be brought to the division for his use.
(Rooms G 3 and H 3 on plans.) Six persons. Also
map mender and mounter from Government Printing Office.
P. Lee Phillips, chief.
Created by appropriation act effective July i, 1897.
Hours, 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. Material called for later is
issued in the Main Reading Room.
This collection, now numbering over 60,000 items and the
largest in America, was five years ago a confused mass in
various corners, corridors, and cellar rooms at the Capitol.
Brought to the new building, it was gradually separated
from the material of other nature and spread out on packing
cases in room H 4, On May 28, 1900, it was removed to
264 Report of the Librarian of Congress.
its present permanent location. It occupies nearly 10,000
square feet of floor space.
i-QuiPMKNT. j^ jj^g ^^iigj-e specially designed furniture and ecjuipment,
both for administration and for storage. The storage cases
for the sheet maps, of a novel pattern, consist each of a
series of slide drawers with wooden flaps in front as dust
protectors. These swing up automatically as the drawer is
opened, permitting its contents to be drawn out without lift-
ing. There are special cases for the atlases and other Ixmnd
material, including the books relating to cartography; there
is the furniture — desks, catalogue cases, table trucks, etc. —
necessary for administration; there is a space, in the east end
of the room, specially equipped for the mending and mount-
ing of maps; and, for the public, l)esides the furniture custom-
ary in a reading room, there are especially convenient racks,
rests, and drafting tables.
As a whole, this equipment is perhaps the most thorough
of any such department in any library in the world.
rTTNCTioNs. 3ee under Division of Manuscripts, page 261.
The maps are all classified by geographical diyi.sions and
arranged in cases. (They are previoush' laid within folded
sheets of manila paper, which are titled at the upper left-
hand corner, with the subject, date, and author of. the map.)
The general atlases are placed together on bookcases and
arranged by authors; the special atlases of countries, states,
counties, and cities are arranged with the sheet maps in
special cases. Valuable collections and manuscript maps are
kept together under Icfck and key . While, therefore, the maps
and atlases have not all been catalogued, any one of them
can be found at a moment's notice. The very arrangement
of the sheet maps is an index to them.
The following synopsis will illustrate the classification in
the cases, taking America as an example:
1. The world, arranged chronologically.
2. The American continent, arranged chronologically.
3. North America, as a whole, arranged chronologically.
4. The Arctic regions.
5. Canada and provinces.
6. Newfoundland.
7. United States.
H. States of the United States, arranged alphabetically
and then chronologically.
Division of Maps and Charts. 265
9. Mexico and the States as above.
10. Central America and republics.
11. South America, as a whole, arranged chronologically.
12. Countries of South America.
13. West Indies and groups.
14. Antarctic regions.
The treatment of sheet maps is necessarily special. The
work of the repairer and mounter is as follows:
All age-worn and mutilated maps and charts are sub- ■}l^(^iring am
jected to a process of flattening out in order to remove '»"""""'^-
the creases and folds. This is accomplished by placing
the maps between large strawboards and subjecting
them to hea\-:\ weights. Repairs are then made, and
wherever a rent is discovered, or a piece is missing,
paper resembling as nearly as possible the texture and
color of the original is used to restore the map to its
original appearance.
The sheets are then ready for mounting, and are so
arranged, according to size, as to cover the mounting
table without crowding. The table is prepared bj- past-
ing down at one side a cut of cotton measuring 14 feet
5 inches in length and 6 feet 5 inches in width. The
cotton is then pasted down at the opposite side, care
being taken to remove all wrinkles b}' drawing tight
until an even and smooth surface is produced; and the
same process is repeated as to the ends. The maps are
then pasted and mounted on the cotton. The tendency
to wrinkle or crease by reason of the dampness caused by
pasting is reduced to a minimum by placing a sheet
of manila paper on the map and rubbing it down and
into the cotton with the palm of the hand and with
bone folders provided for the purpose. The maps are
allowed to remain on the table over night, and are then
cut ofF and again placed between strawboards in order
to thoroughly <lry and flatten out.
After remaining in the boards for a sufi&cient length
of time, generally from two to three weeks, the maps
are removed, the edges trimmed, and a narrow cotton
border added to prevent fraying in handling.
Rollers are removed from all maps, the roll reversed,
and the maps laid face down in an allotted space.
Heav\' mounting boards are then placed on top of 50 or
266 Report of the Librarian of Congress.
more maps, in order to secure the greatest weight possi-
ble, to overcome the tendency to reroU, occasioned by
the amount of varnish on the face of the map, which
if not treated in this manner is liable to crack and chip
off. . The map is then cut or dissected into sections, viz,
eighths, etc., the cut being governed by the size of the
' map.
When necessary, all maps cut into sections of halves,
quarters, or sixths can be readily joined together by
pasting a narrow strip of cotton on the reverse side,
thus reproducing its standard size. Maps cut into more
than six sections are more easily consulted in their di.s-
sected form than if rejoined.
Maps: A Card Catalogue under author and subject is in process.
Catalogues. . . ... .
This includes individual maps in books as well as those
separate or in atlases. It is, therefore, a catalogue of all the
maps known to exist in the Library, not merely those in the
custody of the Map Division. This also is true of each
cartographic list compiled by the division for publicatioL.
The following lists have been published:
List of maps of Cuba. 1898. 15 pp.
Alaska and the Northwest part of North America.
1588-1898. 1898. 119 pp.
List of maps and views of Washington and the Dis-
trict of Columbia. 1900. 77 pp.
A list of works relating to cartography . 1 90 1 . 90 pp.
A list of maps of America in the Library of Congress.
1901. II37PP-
As the maps of America constitute three-fourths of the
collection, the list named covers a considerable portion of
it, and the most important. It lacks, however, many titles,
which will appear in a supplement.
There is in preparation a list of the atlases in the Library.
Scope. See under The Present Collections: Maps, pages 344-350.
(Portion of Room H 2; G 5. j Six persons. W. R, Whit-
tlesey, chief.
Created by appropriation act effective July i, 1897.
Hours from 9 a. m. till 10 p. m.
The collection of miisic, though numerically the largest
Dhisiofi of Music. 26 f
single collection in the United States (it contains 319,121
items), is almost exclusively the result of deposits under the
copyright law. It is, therefore, composed chiefly of Ameri-
can compositions or of foreign compositions published and
entered here since the international copjTight act of 1891.
The bulk of it is in sheet form.
The literature of music is not in the custody of this di\-i-
sion, but is for tlie most part in the stacks, and to be called
for in the main reading room.
The division has been in room M 4, but has just been gj^F*^*^ ^^
moved to its present quarters. It has as yeX. no permanent
equipment either for storage or for administration.
The collection accumulated prior to 1897 was neither ac-
cessioned, classified, catalogued, nor made accessible. The
labors of the division during the past four years have been
largeh' to reduce the material to order and make it available
for use. But the current accessions had also to be incorpor-
ated. Those received through cop\Tight alone aggregate
about 1 6, 000 items a jear. The chief problem of the di\'ision
is to record, classify, and catalogue so huge an accession, and
to classify and catalogue the far greater mass already' on hand.
Its general functions are similar in nature to those expressed
in the case of the Di\nsion of Manuscripts. See page 261.
After passing through the Copyright Di\ision the current p^j^'^es.
music is sent to the Order Division to be counted, and is then
forv,'arded to the Div-ision of Music, where it is entered in a
statistical accession book. A consecutive accession number
and a class di\-ision is given each composition and it is cata-
logued by composer and title, if the title be specific, and is
shelved. The material in book form is entered under the
subject as well as under composer and title. Temporary
entries are made for the material in book form pending the
printing of the permanent cards.
Xo permanent scheme of classification has yet been classi pica
adopted. A temporar^^ one has been applied in part as
The music in sheet form is classified primarily as
instrumental and vocal. The instrumental music is
classed under the respective instruments to which it
relates, and is further subdi\-ided under class di\-isions
of morceau. ballet, opera excerpts, etc. The vocal music
is divided into sacred and secular, and arranged under
Report of the Librarian of Congress.
Scope of col-
class divisions of solos, duos, trios, quartets, etc. Music
in book form is j\rranged in a similar manner to the
sheet music, but is kept separate.
A card catalogue in dictionary form is in progress.
Entries are made under composer, title, and subject, with
numerous cross references. Catalogues have been prepared
for history-, partially for biography and musical periodicals,
works of instruction, operas, cantatas, oratorios, piano and
violin classics, band and orchestra scores, vocal collections
(ballads), patriotic music, and music incidental to the dif-
ferent wars in which the United States has beeii engaged.
A special catalogue of musical bibliography, collated from
current periodicals and newspapers, which embraces the cur-
rent biograph}' of musicians and man}' other subjects of
interest and value to the student, is in preparation. Musical
biograph)' is contained in general biography and is only
partially catalogued under "biography." Eventually it is
intended that these two subjects shall be represented in the
catalogue of music also.
See under The Present Collections: Music, page 350.
(Rooms P 4 and Q 4 and P 5. Exhibits R 4, S 4.) Five
persons. Repairer and mounter from the Government Print-
ing Office. Arthur Jeffrey Parsons, chief.
Created by appropriation act effective Jul}* i, 1897.
This division deals with engravings, etchings, photograv-
ures, photographs, lithographs, typogravures, and all other
material which is the product of the graphic arts or of the
fine arts generally, including any original paintings or
drawings which may be in the possession of the Library,
except as such material may be in forn^ or nature appropriate
to the custody and service of other divisions (e. g. , a photo-
graph of a map, just as a manuscript map, would be in the
custody of the Map Division).
Its functions with reference to such material are analogous
to those expressed in the case of the Manuscripts and other
special divisions. It has also the special selection and care
of the exhibits (whether of prints, of books, or of manu-
scripts) that occupy the two curtains and the two j^avilions
[rooms G4,C4,S4,R4] on the western side of the build-
Division of Prints.
ing, second floor, and at present part of the south curtain
(room Q 4) also.
The collection of prints while at the Capitol was in much
the same embarrassment as the collection of music; analo-
gous work was requisite to reduce it to order. At the time
of removal it included about 55,000 items; during the past
four years 50,000 have been added. These were (in part) to
be stamped, accessioned, classified, catalogued, and made
available in response to demand and in selected exhibits.
The prints are now broadly grouped according to form and
in part according to subject. Those having artistic value
(e. g., the etchings and engravings) have been separated
and specially protected. With the remainder, when sorted
as photographs, lithographs, etc., the effort has been to dis-
tinguish and make readily available what may have histor-
ical, biographical, or topographical interest, or be instructive
as examples of processes.
In the way of permanent equipment the division has as yet
onl}- exhibit cases, certain cases for the storage of the finer
prints, including the Gardiner Greene Hubbard Collection
(see under Present Collections, page 350) , and in the southeast
comer of room Q 4 a large desk inclosure for the use of \\s\\.-
ors examining prints or books on the fine arts. A considera-
ble number of books (folios) are shelved under its counter (on
movable slide drawers covered with sheep skin and protected
by glass doors;) certain reference books are at hand in stand-
ing bookpresses, and the remainder of the literature of the fine
arts and architecture in the Librar>- (not, however, an ample
collection) is in the fourth deck of the stack immediately
adjoining. The major portion of the prints is still stored in
temporary cases in the room P 5, over the southeast pavilion.
An accession record is kept of all important material.
There has been compiled a finding list of subjects represented
in the entire collection. A catalogue on cards has been be-
gun, but as yet covers only the Gardiner Greene Hubbard
Collection — the section ha\'ing the most important artistic
value, however. The prints in this (numbering 2,620) have
been catalogued by engraver and etcher, and will be by title
See under Present Collections (pages 350-351).
During the past two jears thirty exhibitions of prints
have been arranged in the exhibition rooms. They are
Clas S I F I c a-
270 Report of the Librarian of Congress.
changed from time to time. They inckide some material
loaned to the Library for the purpose. (See Part I of this
Report. )
(Heretofore in East Stack; destined for room K 4.) Four
persons. Cyrus Adler, Custodian of the Smithsonian Deixjsit
and Librarian of the Smithsonian Institution, office at the
Institution; Francis H. Parsons, assistant in charge.
The Smithsonian Institution was founded by act of
Congress in 1846, to be "an establishment for the increase
and diffusion of knowledge among men," according to the
terms of the will by which James Smithson bequeathed his
property to the United States.
To carry' out this purpose the first programme of organi-
zation provided —
(i) For the promotion of scientific research;
(2) For a system of publications to be exchanged and
distributed throughout the world;
(3) For ihe formation of a library of a unique kind,
to contain {a) books needed in the scientific work of the
Institution; (^) catalogues of libraries, bibliographies,
and other works required to form a center of bibliograph-
ical knowledge; {c) "a complete collection of the mem-
oirs and transactions of learned societies throughout the
world, and an entire series of the most important scien-
tific and literary periodicals."
Smtthsonian By the first prov'isiou the material for the second was
exchanges. . .
obtained, and in exchange for these publications the current
issues of the literature in the last-named and most impor-
tant part of the library were secured, and back files of many
of the most important transactions and periodicals were
obtained in the same way or by purchase.
Bureau of In- 'j*q accouipUsh a world-widc distribution of Smithsonian
ternatwnal Ex- ^
changes. publications and their exchange for those of foreign countries
it was necessary to establish voluntary or paid agencies in all
countries. In order to utilize the organization thus effected
as fully as possible for the diffusion of knowledge, its opera-
tion was extended to further the mutual interchange of
scientific transactions and publications between societies, in-
.stitutions, and individuals in America and tho.se in foreign
countries. Any society in the United States wishing to
Smithsofiian Division. 271
send its publications abroad by this means as gifts or
exchanges has them packed under separately addressed
covers and shipped in bulk, prepaid, to the Smithsonian
Institution, where they are sorted into the cases which
are being prepared for transmission to the various foreign
agencies. These to a certain extent are carried without
charge by the principal transportation companies, are admit-
ted duty free at the ports where they are landed, and are
conveyed to the agents who forvvard the separate packages
to their destinations. In the reverse order and on similar
terms foreign publications are received at the different agen-
cies for shipment to the Smithsonian Institution, whence they
are sent by mail, under frank, to the individual addresses in
America which they bear. The cost of this sers'ice is borne
in part by the Smithsonian funds, in j>art out of an annual
appropriation by Congress — $24,000 for the last fiscal year.
Since 1867 the United States Government has set apart
fifty sets of all its printed documents to be exchanged in this
way for the publications of foreign governments, which,
when received, are added to the Library of Congress and
cared for bj'the Documents Division. (See under that divi-
sion. ) The material which comes to the Library in this way
through this Bureau operated by the Smithsonian Institution
is the material due to it on account of these exchanges and as
the National Libran." of the United States. It must not be
confounded with that which comes to it as the depositor}- of the xi^^if^^s^l**"
Smithsonian Library. The Smithsonian Institution is itself
in correspondence and exchange with most of the learned
institutions and scientific societies in the world. It receives
from them most of their publications. It receives other •
gifts of material, and prior to 1866 received for some }ears
one copy of each book entered for copyright in the United
The accumulated receipts during the first twenty years of
its existence had become so great as to involve the Institu-
tion in a considerable annual charge for its maintenance
and embarrassment to provide space for its accommodation.
These facts were represented to Congress by the authorities
of the Smithsonian Institution, with the request that the col-
lection might be deposited in the Librar>- of Congress, where it
would be amply and safely accommodated, would be ' ' more
272 Report of the Librarian of Congress.
widely useful," aucl would be cared for from the Library
s^THsoNiAN ^" ^^^^ ^" ^^^ (approved April 5) was passed to effect
INSTITUTION. " this result. It read as follows:
' ' Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representa-
tives of the United States of America in Congress assem-
bled, That the library collected by the Smithsonian
Institution under the provisions of an act approved
August tenth, eighteen hundred and forty-six, shall be
removed from the building of said Institution, with the
consent of the Regents thereof, to the new fireproof
extension of the Library of Congress, upon completion
of a sufficient portion thereof for its accommodation,
and shall, while there deposited, be subject to the same
regulations as the Library of Congress, except as here-
inafter provided.
Sec. 2. And be it further enacted. That when such
library shall have been so removed and deposited, the
Smithsonian Institution shall have the use thereof in
like manner as it is now used, and the public shall have
access thereto for the purpose of consultation on every
ordinary week day, except during one month in the
year, in the recess of Congress, when it may be closed for
renovation. All books, maps, and charts of the Smith-
sonian library shall Idc properly cared for and preser^•ed
in like manner as are those of the Congressional Library,
from which the Smithsonian library shall not be removed
except on reimbursement by the Smithsonian Institu-
tion to the Treasury of the United States of expenses
incurred in binding and in taking care of same, or upon
such terms and conditions as shall be nuitually agreed
upon by Congress and the Regents of said Institution.
Sec. 3. And be it further enacted. That the Smith-
sonian Institution, through its Secretary, shall have the
use of the Library of Congress, subject to the same regu-
lations as Senators and Representatives. (Revi.sed Stat-
utes, Thirty-ninth Congress, first session. April 5,
1866. U. S. Statutes at Large, v. 14, p. 13.)
The Smithsonian library at that time was estimated to
consist of over 40,000 volumes in addition to unbound ma-
terial. Besides the sjjecial collection of societies and peri-
Smithsoniaji Division. 273
odicals it contained a large number of individual books, some
rare manuscripts, and a few hundred prints. '
Upon the passage of this law the entire collection was
transferred to the Library of Congress, then located in the
Capitol. The individual books were classified and shelved
with the Congressional collection. (These are included in
the description of the various classes. ) The scientific peri-
odicals were placed in chapter 44, which was devoted to
periodicals generally; and the transactions and proceedings
of societies were shelved in chapter 43. As the Librarj- of
Congress ceased from this time to purchase publications of
societies, and their increase came entirely through the
deposit of the Smithsonian exchange, chapter 43 became
known more particularly as the Smithsonian Deposit.
For a number of years the accessions were sent to the
Capitol, but about 1887 the crowded condition in that
building rendered it impossible to pro\-ide space for these
books, and the most important serials were retained at the
Smithsonian Institution or the National Museum, and some
of the back files were also withdrawn from the Library of
Congress. Upon the completion of the present Library
building and the removal of the books to it in 1897, chapter
43 was placed on shelves in the East Stack, and the accu-
mulated material at the Smithsonian Institution is being
gradually removed to the main deposit; but a small though
important part is still shelved there. The Smithsonian
books have a distinguishing bookplate, and, when bound, a
distinguishing stamp on the cover.
In 1900 a special division of the Library' of Congress was Divisicwf°'""^^
organized to care for this collection of transactions and pro-
ceedings and the accessions of the Smithsonian Deposit.
The Librarian of the Smithsonian Institution also holds the
post of Custodian of the Smithsonian Deposit, but his duties
are principally at the Smithsonian Institution. There, with
two assistants, paid b}- special Librar}- appropriations, he
receives and acknowledges all the accessions, transmits
them to the Library-, conducts the correspondence of the
Smithsonian exchanges proper looking to the increase of
the Smithsonian Deposit and the completion of imperfect
sets, attends to various details connected with the Inter-
national Exchanges, and makes requisition on the Library
9957—01 18
Report of the Librarian of Congress.
for such books as are needed by the Institution, these requi-
sitions Ijeing responded to twice a day through the automo-
bile service.
BiHdxHg. The first work of the new division was to arrange the
various transactions on the different decks of the stack
geographically, by countries and cities, and bring together
the volumes and parts belonging to each set.
During the period previous to the removal to the present
building but little binding could be done, and a large accumu-
lation of such work has been the result. Now parts are col-
lected into volumes and collated; missing parts, plates, and
title-pages noted, and complete volumes sent to the binder)'.
Since May, 1900, 4,350 volumes (books) have been lx)und,
and over 500 are now in the binders' hands, many of these
containing several volumes, according to thfe mode of issue.
caiaioguing. During tliis period 502 sets of society publications have
been catalogued and the proper steps taken to complete
them, viz, by sending "want" cards to the librarian at the
Smithsonian Institution, where a search is made for the
missing parts and, if they are not found, an attempt made
to secure them by correspondence with the societies. The
analytical cataloguing will follow as soon as practicable.
(The Library has the analytical cards to certain selected
scientific serials issued by the American Library Associa-
tion.) The files which are most in demand have been cata-
logued first. Those dealing with only a single .science,
when catalogued, have been shelved for the present under
their subject with the main collection of the Library and are
mentioned in the description of it.
In the same way the principal scientific journals belonging
to the Smithsonian Deposit, under the care of the Periodical
Division, have been completed as far as possible, bound, and
recorded in the catalogue. .
AcceuioHs. There are now currently received through the Smith-
sonian exchanges some 2,000 serial publications in parts
and unbound; titles of these may be found in the Union
List of Current Serials published by the Library of Congress.
After passing through the Order Division they are checked
off on the serial record in the Division of Periodicals, where
the periodicals are retained, while the publications of soci-
eties are sent to the Smithsonian Deposit.
Sm itkson ian Division .
About one- fourth of the current numbers of serial publica-
tions, received as Smithsonian exchanges, are retained at
the Institution for a longer or shorter time, according to the
extent of their use by the Smithsonian staff, before being
sent to the Librar3- of Congress. They may be consulted
in the reading room there.
A room (K 4) is now being fitted for the permanent use
of the Smithsonian Deposit. It is situated on the east
front of the building and is in the northern portion of the
second ston,-. It is 131 feet long by 35 feet wide, and has
a recently erected book stack of three decks, with space for
a fourth when necessarj-. It contains an electric elevator
for greater convenience in reaching and handling the books.
This stack when completed will have a capacity of about
125,000 volumes. Space has been left at either extremity
of the room, and in front of each of the large windows, for
desks of emplo3"ees and to accommodate \'isitors who maj'
need to use the books.
When these arrangements shall have been completed, it
is assumed that the remaining part of the Smithsonian
Deposit now located at the Institution and at the National
Museum will be actualh- deposited at the Library of Con-
gress, and that, under the special care which will be given
to it and with the increased facilities for consulting it, the
transfer will be thoroughly convenient for all concerned.
The room will be accessible to any inquirer.
The titles appear in part in the following:
1. The main card catalogue of the Library- of Congress.
2. 1866. Catalogue of Smithsonian Deposit — Librarj- of
3. 1 901. Union List of Periodicals, Transactions, and
allied Publications currently received in the principal libra-
ries in the District of Columbia. (See pp. 37-38 of this
This last includes the 2,000 serials currenth- received.
A catalogue of this collection, partly in bound volumes and
partly on cards, is kept at the Institution.
It is proposed in the near future to publish a detailed list
of the files of the scientific serials in the Library- of Con-
East North
276 Report of the Librarian of Congress.
Scope. The scope of the collection is indicated under The Present
Collections: Smithsonian Deposit, pp. 332-333. See also:
1. The Smithsonian Institution, 1846-1896, (Jubilee
Commemoration volume published in 1897);
2 . Reports of the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution
and of the Librarian of Congress, particularly the Report of
the Librarian for 1898, Appendix VI.
Five persons. Thomas H. Clark, custodian.
Hours, from October i to June 30, 9 a. m. till 10 p. m.
From July i to September 30, 9 a. m. till 5 p. m. (Satur-
days, July, August and September, 9 a. m. till i p. m.)
The Law Library, with the exception of 2,000 volumes of
duplicates, remains at the Capitol, occupying the room on
the ground floor, east front, formerly the Supreme Court
Privilege of The general collection (see infra) is for the use particu-
larly of Congress and of the Bench and Bar of the United
States Supreme Court and Court of Claims. Open also to
the use of the Bench and Bar of the courts of the District.
Accessible to any inquirer on any special topic of inquiry.
Would be open to the public generally (including law
students) save for lack of proper accommodation, 80,000
volumes being crowded into a space but 50 feet square,
which must also accommodate both readers and administra-
tion. For the use of law students and the general public a
collection of about 2,000 volumes — duplicates of the most
necessary reports and text-books — has been placed at the
main Library in alcoves adjoining the Reading Room.
Besides the general collection in the room, however, there
are three .special ones — (i) the Conference Room Library
(about 11,000 volumes), located in the Conference Room of
the Supreme Court and for the use of the Justices exclu-
sively; (2) the collection — "Judges' sets" — (about 4,300
volumes) at the residences of the several Justices for their
individual use; and the law section of the Toner collection
(1,293 volumes), kept at the main librar>'.
HisTOKT. The law books in Mr. Jefferson's collection, purchased of
jS/s. him by Congress, ser\'^ed as a foundation for the Law Library
of Congress. The law collection was retained with the
Law Library. 277
main collection in the old library' in the Capitol until 1832. iSs'-
On July 4 of that year Congress by an act directed the
Librarian to segregate the law books and to place them in a
separate and convenienth' accessible room. The quarters
selected were opposite the Supreme Court Chamber of that
time and on the ground floor of the Capitol, quarters that
are now used as a file room \>y the Clerk of the Court. By
the same act the Court was given a measure of control in the
management of the law library*.
In 1859 the Senate vacated its old chamber and in i86o '«59.
this chamber was occupied b}' the Supreme Court. The
room vacated by the Court was assigned for use as a law
hbrar>', and in 1861 the books were carried across the hall /&5/.
to the room where the}' now are. In this room Marshall sat
as Chief Justice during his entire judicial career, having as
a colleague for years, Mr. Justice Stor>'. All the famous
arguments of Webster before the Supreme Court were made
here and the decisions in the famous constitutional cases,
Marbury v. Madison, McCulloch v. Maryland, and Dart-
mouth College V. Woodward and man}- others were rendered
here. The room is notable, too, as being the scene of Morse's
earliest successful experiments with the telegraph, the news
of Polk's nomination at Baltimore b}' the Democratic Con-
vention of 1844 having been received here.
Since 1870, when the copyright business was taken over tSjo.
b}- the Library- of Congress, the growth of the law collection
has been rapid. The deposits from copyright have been
aided by gift, exchange, and purchase. The annual ex-
penditure in purchase is now $3,000 for the general collec-
tion, $1,500 for the Conference Room Library- and "Judges'
sets. ' '
The books for the general collection are purchased by the
Librarian of Congress, but their selection is subject to the
approval of the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. The
books for the Conference Room Library and the ' ' Judges'
sets" are purchased by the Marshal of the Court under
similar direction.
As to the character of the collection, see under The Present ^^^' ^"^a-
' RY.
Collections: Law, pp. 333-335- •^''^
The Law Library- is a division of the Library of Congress, regclatioxs-
but regulations for its use during the sessions of the Supreme
278 Report of the Librarian of Congress.
Court are subject to those imposed by the Court. (See
Constitution, supra.)
The books are at present grouped on the shelves as fol-
lows: Text-books in English, English Reports, State Reports^
Session Laws, Periodicals, Trials, Digests, Works in For-
eign Languages, Under each group except the last the sub-
arrangement is alphabetical; Text-books by authors, Reports
by editors. Session Laws and Digests by States, Trials by
parties, and Periodicals by title. The works in foreign
languages are grouped by countries, and under these alpha-
betically by authors or titles.
The crowded conditions have rendered as yet impracti-
cable a scientific or more useful classification.
Catalogues. fhe books currently received for the general collection
are stamped and accessioned, and then catalogued on cards
by author and subject. The card catalogue contains also
author entries for the entire existing collection, except the
works in foreign languages. These — some 7,000 titles —
have not as yet been catalogued at all.
t^- A printed subject catalogue was issued in 1869. Copies
of this were clipped in sheets and pa.sted in a large bound
volume. This, with accessions noted on the margin, formed
JS97. the subject catalogue down to 1897. The catalogue on
cards was then begun.
Access. Direct access to the shelves is permitted to all readers
privileged to the use of the collection.
The Copyright Office is a division of the Library of Con-
gress and is situated on the ground floor of the Library
building, .south side, occupying the rooms marked O2, P2,
Q 2, R 2, on the plan of the building. Its files occupy part"
of the South Stack as well as room Q 2 of the cellar. 49
persons. Thorvald Solberg. Register of Copyrights.
HisTrjRY. History of the Copyright Office. — The first Federal copy-
right law was enacted May 31, 1790, under Article I, section
8, of the Constitution, which grants to Congress the power
to legislate to protect literary property in order *' to promote
the progress of science and useful arts, by securing for
limited times to authors ... the exclusive right to
their respective writings . . "
1... A
■^^is^-- <*
I^^^H \
^ fe wmJ^^^^
I^Hl ^^^^^^^^^^^^^HlP^flH^^^^^^^^^^^I
Copyright Office. 279
This law required the registration of the titles of copy- ^^^y *'""''
right productions in the office of the clerk of the district
court of the State in which the author lived, which pro-
vision as to the recording of the title remained unchanged
until the enactment of the statute approved July 8, 1870,
transferring the registration of title as a preliminary' to
copyright protection, together with the control and preser-
vation of all records and other things relating to copyrights,
to the Librarian of Congress. By a special pro\'ision in the
appropriation act of February 19, 1897, goi^g i^to effect
July I of the same year, the Copyright Office was put under
the immediate charge of the Register of Cop\Tights, who is
authorized by that act ' ' under the direction and supennsion
of the Librarian of Congress," to "perform all the duties
relating to copyrights. ' ' The function and practice of the
office will be explained in a subsequent paragraph.
Eqiiipment of the Copyright Office. — The Copyright Office EQciPMEinr.
was removed from the Capitol to the new Library building in
September, 1897, ^'^^ ^^^" occupies a suite of three rooms
on the first floor, south front. The southwest pavilion (room
42) is used as the office of the Register of Copyrights and
has desk room for four persons, in addition to three type-
writer desks. Within a partitioned inclosure is shelved a
portion of the copyright record books prior to 1870. The
south curtain, a room 217 feet long by 22 feet wide, is the
main working room of the Cop\'right Office. A small por-
tion of it at the west end is railed off to serve as an office for
recei\-ing the clients who come there to look after their copv-
right business in person. An additional portion is screened
off by means of glass-paneled partitions to serve as the
counting-house of the Copyright Office, and the remainder '-
of the floor space is occupied by the desks of the clerks and :
such counters as are required for assorting the papers and
articles received, while the wall spaces are utiHzed for cases
and shelves for record books, drawers for the card index,
files or the letters, etc., and shelves for the current deposits
of books, maps, music, engravings, photographs, newspa-
pers, etc. The southeast pavilion (room 33) is used partly
for the arranged accumulation of deposits of photographs,
engravings, music, and maps, and as the mail room, where
the letters are received, opened, and recorded, and all other
28o Report of the Librarian of Congress.
deposited articles are received, dated, and otherwise stamped,
as required.
^orJ^^rZms. ^" addition to the three rooms referred to above, the
ground floor of the South Stack is used for the files of titles
received since 1870, the great alphabet of ne^vspapers and
periodicals, and the annual deposit of books and dramas;
and, in addition, such stock of envelopes, circulars, and bulle-
tins as are printed in large quantities. The cellar space
under the south curtain and under the southwest pavilion
has been sheh-ed to hold the accumulated copyright deposits
since 1870.
Fo^Rcr*''*^"^ Copyright Office force. — The Copyright Office force con-
sists of 49 persons — the Register of Copyrights and 48 clerks.
This force of 48 clerks is organized as follows: (i) The
Application Division, which deals with the applications
received for copyright registration, 5 persons; (2) the Book-
keeping Division, responsible for the accounts and charged
with making out the sheets of the reports required by law
to be made monthly to the Secretar}' of the Treasury and the
Librarian of Congress, 5 persons; (3) the Correspondence
Division, whose duty it is to keep track of all corresix)ndence,
to open the mail, receive, mark, index, and file all letters
and other mail matter received (about 80,000 yearly), reply
to, copy, and index letters, etc., 10 persons; (4) the Deposit
Division, which stamps, marks, credits, and files the articles
deposited, 5 persons; (5) the Index and Catalogue Divi-
sion, responsible for the indexing of all applications received
(numbering more than 90,000 annually), the cataloguing
of the articles deposited (numbering more than 160,000
annually), and the preparation for the printer of the copy
for the "Catalogue of title entries" required by law to l5e
printed weekly, 10 persons; (6) the Record Division, which
records all titles filed and makes out and revises all cer-
tificates, 7 persons; (7) a special force provided by Congress
to clear up arrears prior to July i, 1897, of 5 persons
(including a porter and messenger), is arranging the great
ma.ss of articles deposited prior to July i , 1897, and crediting
such as have not previously l)een cleared; (8) me.s.senger, i
ARc'im^i^'""^ Copyright Office archives. — The Copyright Office archives
consi.st of: (i) A series of record lx)oks (not entirely com-
plete), kept up to July, 1870, by the clerks of the district
Copyright Office, 281
courts of the several States, numbering 304 volumes of ARcmvE&**^'
various sizes; (2) an annual series of record books from
July, 1870, to December 31, 1899, numbering 723 volumes,
each full volume up to 1898 containing 2,000 entries, and
each full volume for 1899 1,000 entries; (3) a series for 1900
divided into four classes — "A," books and dramatic compo-
sitions, 64 volumes of 500 entries; " B," periodicals, 22 vol-
umes of 1,000 entries; "C," music, 21 volumes of 1,000
entries, and " D, " miscellaneous, 25 volumes of i ,000 entries;
(4) a new twentieth-centurA* series of record books divided
into nine classes to correspond with the nine classes of arti-
cles named in the law as subject-matter of copjTight, each
volume containing 1,000 entries, except in class "A," where
each full volume contains 500 entries. Up to September 30,
1 90 1, the volumes wholly or partiallj' used in each class are
as follows: Class A, books. 37 volumes; class B, periodicals,
16 volumes; class C, musical compositions, 15 volumes; class
D, dramatic compositions, i volume; class E, maps and
charts, 2 volumes; class F, engra\-ings, cuts, and prints, 5
volumes; class G, chromos and lithographs, 2 volumes;
class H, photographs, 10 volumes: class I, original works of
art — paintings, drawings, sculpture, and models or designs
intended to be completed as works of the fine arts — 3 vol-
umes; (5) a series of folio record books containing copies of
all assignments of copyright recorded, 26 volumes.
In addition to the volumes of records all titles deposited
from Juh- 10, 1870, to date, numbering more than 1,200,000,
are arranged chronologically and numbered. At the present
time the titles received are arranged in a series of nine
classes, to correspond with the articles named in the cop}-
tight law as subject to copyright protection, \\z: ( i) Books;
(2) periodicals; (3) music; (4) dramas; (5) maps or charts;
(6) engravings, cuts or prints; (7) chromos or lithographs;
(8) photographs; (9) original works of art — paintings, draw-
ings, and sculpture. Each day's titles are filed separately
and each class has its own series of numbers, while each title
is indexed so that it can be produced from the file on demand.
Of the articles deposited (two copies each, as pro\'ided by
the copyright statutes), one copy is retained in the Copy-
right OflBce and is filed chronologically and arranged by its
own number, which corresponds with the number given the
title indexed, so that it can be produced upon request.
282 Report of the Librarian of Congress.
From July i, 1897, to September 30, 1901, 309,893 articles
were thus arranged, and of the previous deposits, from 1870
to 1897, 210,341 articles have been arranged, making a total
of 520,234 deposited articles, properly arranged and indexed
so as to be producible when required.
Copyright Growth of copyright business.—'T\\'e. conduct of the Copy-
right Office was transferred to the Librarian of Congress
by the act of Congreas of July 8, 1870, and the first
entries under his care were made on July 10, 1870. The
following year, 1871, was therefore the first full year of
copyright entries, which number 12,688. The increase in
the number of entries from that time forward, while irreg-
ular, has been constant, and in thirty years the number of
entries multiplied more than eightfold, the entries for 1900
being 97,967. The increase in the fees has not been exactly
parallel, for the reason, probably, that at first nearly all
entries were made with a payment of fee for copies of record
or certificates, but from year to 3'ear a larger percentage of
the entries of titles has been made without payment of fees
for certificates. The fees reported for 1871 were $10,187.15
(Mr. Spofford's report, 187 1, p. 4), while the fees paid into
the Treasury to cover the copyright business for the calendar
year 1900 amounted to $66,630.50.
The increase in the number of deposited articles from
187 1 to 1900 has been considerably over eightfold, the
books, periodicals, maps, music, photographs, and prints,
etc., in 187 1 numbering 19,826 articles, while in the calendar
year 1900 they reached the number of 162,949.
'VTRrEs''''*"^ ^^'^ber of entries. — It is not known how many copyright
entries are recorded in the old district court record books,
but the entries made in the Library of Congress from July
10, 1870, to September 30, 1901, number 1,244,988. The
annual additions approach 100,000, the entries during the
last four fiscal years from July i to June 30 being, respec-
tively, 1897-98, 75,545; 1898-99, 80,968; 1899-1900, 94.798;
1900-1901, 92,351-
Beginning with the new century, the entries are classified
to correspond with the nine cla.sses of articles named in the
copyright law as subject to copyright protection. This
enables the total number of entries in each class to be ascer-
tained each day. From January to Septemljer 30 of this
Copyright Office, 283
year the entries amount to a total of 66,996. For details as
to copyright entries see the first part of this Report (pp. 53-54) .
Til- • ^^^1 • • -I 1 1 ,- COPYRIGHTS
mdex Of entries. — These entries are indexed by means of /«A'-r 0/ <r„
cards under the names of the claimants of copyright. In
addition, cards are made under the names of authors in the
case of books, and under the first words of the titles (not a,
an, or the) in the case of anonj^mous books, periodicals, and
dramatic compositions, and under the leading subject word
(name of locality) in the case of maps. The card index
numbers upward of 700,000 cards, and more than 100,000
cards are added annually. The mere title, as such — that is
to say, the form of words used to designate or describe an
article registered for copyright protection — is not indexed.
The copyright law does not give to anj- one person a monop-
ol\- in the use of a title, and for that reason the mere form
of title has not been indexed in past years. At the present
time, however, cards are made for convenience of reference
for the titles of dramatic compositions, periodicals, anony-
mous books, and maps.
Catalogue of Title Eiitries. — The law pro\-ides for the publi- catalogt-e of
cation of a weekly catalogue of title entries, which is \'irtually
a published index of the copjmght entries, and a catalogue
of the articles deposited. The index cards, described above,
are arranged in nine groups, to agree with the nine classes
of articles copyrighted, and two sub groups, e. g., books,
periodicals, maps, etc. In each class there is an alphabetical
arrangement and at the end a general index, and each vol-
ume is supplied with a general index giving references from
names of copyright proprietors and authors and from titles
of dramatic compositions, anonjonous books, periodicals, and
maps. Following each entr>^ of title is a statement gi\4ng
the name and address of the copyright claimant, the date
and record number of the copyright entry, and the date when
the copies were deposited to complete the entr^' of copyright.
This catalogue of title entries is distributed by law by the
Treasury* Department, and may be subscribed for through
the nearest collector of customs at the rate of $5 per year
(for 4 volumes of from i ,200 to i ,500 pages each). Neither
the Librarian of Congress nor the Register of Cop3*rights can
take subscriptions, but a sample copy of the catalogue may
be obtained, upon request, from the Register of Copyrights.
284 Report of the I^ihrarian of Congress.
The issue of this catalogue began July i, 1891, and continues
currently. Full sets of the back numbers are not obtainable,
a large part of the numbers l^ing out of print.
o^vxll'^)^-^Ci- O^^'-^ publications of the Copyright OJice.— The following
CATIONS. bulletins have been published by the Copyright Office, and
will be sent to any person requesting them. Residents in
the United States, Alaska, the Philippines, Hawaii, Canada,
or Mexico are not required to .send remittances or stamps
for paying postage :
No. I. Copyright Law. A compilation of all the
United States copyright laws in force. Fifth rev'ised
edition to July, 1901,30 pp. 8°.
No, 2. Directions for the Registratio;i of Copyrights.
Fourth revised edition of a pamphlet giving instructions
for registering copyrights in the United States. July
31, 1901, 40 pp. 8°.
No. 3. Copyright Enactments, 1 783-1 900. A com-
pilation of all United States copyright enactments from
1783 to 1900, including the Copyright Laws of the
Original States, 1 783-1 786; full texts of all public and
private acts of Congress relating to copyright, 1790-
1900; the texts of all the Presidential proclamations
relating to the extension of copyright privileges in the
United States to foreigners, 1891-1900, and an index.
S3 pp. 8°.
No. 4. International Copyright Union. Full text of
the International Copyright Convention of September
9. 1886, with the text of the additional stipulations,
signed at Paris, May 4, 1896. New edition preparing,
to include the text of the Treaty of Montevideo of
January 11, 1889.
No. 5. Copyright Registration in England. A reprint
of the official circulars of the Copyright Office, Station-
ers' Hall, London, relating to the registration of copy-
rights in Great Britain. A new edition in preparation.
No. 6. Copyright in Canada. The text of the copy-
right law of Canada and of the ' ' Rules and Forms ' '
issued by the Canadian Copyright Bureau in relation to
copyright registration in Canada. A new edition, to
include recent amendatory Canadian copyright laws, in
Copyright Office. 285
In addition to the above bulletins the oflfice has issued 35 circulars.
"Information Circulars," of which the following contain
matter of general interest in relation to copyright, and may
be had upon request: No. 25, 1901, a, Semi-annual state-
ment of copyright business; No. 30 a, Canadian copyright
act of 1900; No. 30b, Opinions of the Attorney-General of
the United States, January 19 and 24, 1901, relating to the
importation of Rostand's "L'Aiglon," and Liddell and
Scott's "Greek-English Lexicon;" No. 31, Customs regu-
lations as to importation of copyright articles.
There are in preparation, in answer to inquiries, a bulle-
tin containing a catalogue of all newspapers and periodicals
currently entered for copyright, and a bulletin containing the
text, in English, of the new copy right law of Germany ; and
it is hoped to have prepared for printing a bibliography
of the literature of Uterar\- and artistic property; a bibli- *
ograph}- of the bills, reports, and public documents relating
to cop\'right; a compilation of the texts of all bills, reports,
and Congressional documents relative to copyright; a com-
pilation of all decisions of the Treasury' Department in rela-
tion to importation under the copyright law; a compilation
giving translations in English of the texts of all foreign copj'-
right laws; a compilation of decisions by United States
courts on questions of copj-right; a catalogue of books de-
posited to complete copyright from Julj- 1 , 189S, to December
31, 1901, etc.
Articles deposited. — The first Federal copvright law, of Copyright
■^ X-- O ' DEPOSITS.
1790, required the deposit of one copy of each copyright arti- Legislation.
cle with the Secretary of State of the United States. The
next revision of the copyright law, of 1831, required copy-
right deposit to be made originalh' in the office of the clerk of
the district court of the district where the author lived, and
the transference, at least once in ever^- 3'ear, of such deposited
articles to the Secretary- of State of the United States. The
act of February- 5, 1859, required the removal of the entire
accumulation of deposited articles from the Department of
State to the Department of the Interior and transferred to
the Secretan.' of the Interior the duty of receiving and car-
ing for such deposits. Meantime, the act of August 10, 1846,
had pro\-ided for the deliver^' of one copy of each copj'right
article to the Library- of Congress, and one copy to the
286 Report of the Librarian of Congress.
Smithsonian Institution, and compliance with this special
requirement was facilitated by the enactment (March 3,
1855) ^or the free transmission through the mail of such
deposits. The requirement of the deposit of one copy in the
Library of Congress was emphasized by the act of March 3,
1865, providing that, if the deposit was not made within one
month of publication, the Librarian was charged with the
duty of demanding the deposit, in writing, within twelve
months after publication, and in default of delivery within
one month after such demand the copjTight was forfeited.
A further penalty of $25 for failure to make deposit was
enacted February 18, 1867. The act of July 8, 1870, recodi-
fjnng the copyright laws, requires the deposit of two copies
of copyright books and other articles in the Library of Con-
gress as a condition precedent to copyright protection, and
this provision was included in the Revised Statutes. The
former act, 1870, ordered the removal to the Librarj^ of Con-
gress from the Department of the Interior of all accumula-
tions of deposited copyright articles.
sfaiJ^^^^' The statistics are not available to show exactly the total
number of articles received by the Library of Congress as
the result of this legislation, but, the annual reports of the
Librarian of Congress from 1865 to 1896, inclusive, acknowl-
edge the receipt of a total amounting to 1,194,643 articles,
including 23,070 articles transferred from the Patent Office
by virtue of the act of July 8, 1870. The deposited articles
from July i, 1897, to June 30, 190 1,, amount to 536,675
articles, and, estimating the deposits for the first half of
the year 1897 ^t about 50,000 (exact figures are not avail-
able), the articles of all kinds — books, maps, periodicals,
musical and dramatic compositions, engravings, chromos or
lithographs, and photographs — received by the Library of
Congress under the operation of the cop5night law in force
from 1790 to June 30, 1901, amount to a grand total of more
than one and three-quarter millions.
Of these deposits one copy in the case of each class of
articles has been placed in the department of the Library
where it could be serviceable to the public; for example,
prints in the Prints Division, maps in the Map Division,
books either in the great book stacks for use in the Reading
Room or in the Law Library for use there. The other copy
Copyright Office. 287
in each case is filed in the Copyright Ofiice as part of the
archives of that ofi&ce.
Legal holidays. — The ofl&ce is open from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. Legal holidays
on all days except Sundays and the following legal holidays:
The ist day of Januarj- (New Year's Day), the 2 2d day of
Februarj' (Washington's Birthday), the 4th day of March
(each fourth year, Inauguration Day), the 30th day of May
(Decoration Day), the 4th day of July (Independence Day),
the first Monday in September (Labor's Holiday), the 25th
day of December (Christmas Day) , and on any da}' appointed
or recommended by the President as a daj- of pubHc fast or
thanksgi\-iug, such as the last Thursday in the month of
November thus appointed Thanksgiving Day. In case any
one of these holidays falls upon Sunday, the next succeeding
Monda}' is considered the legal holidaj' as required by act of
Congress and the ofiice is consequently closed and no regis-
trations are made.
Functions and prcuiice of the Copyright Office. — The Cop}'- copyrighi
right Office is simply an office of record and only registers Fr>-cTioxs.
claims of copyright. It does not issue copjnights in the
sense in which the Patent Office grants letters- patent, and
furnishes no guarantee of literar>' or artistic property. A
claim presented in the prescribed form for a proper sub-
ject of copyright by any person legally entitled to such reg-
istration is recorded without investigation as to the truth-
fulness of the representations. The office has no authority
to question any claim as to authorship or proprietorship or
to give consideration to conflicting claims, and for obvious
reasons can give no statement of opinion upon questions of
copyright which affect the rights of contending parties. But
questions of fact as to copyright registration are answered •
by statements as to what the indexes of the office disclose.
The procedure requisite for recording a claim of copyright Procedure.
is simple, and does not require the aid of a notarj^ nor the
services of an agent. No statement is necessarj' except the
direct application for registration, no papers are required to
be sworn to, nor any certificate to be furnished. A title
must be filed, or, in case of an original work of art, a
description. The title must be accompanied with a state-
ment of the nature of the article, the nationality of the
author, the full name of the claimant of copyright, and the
288 Report of the Librarian of Congress.
statutory fee. In order to aid applicants the Copyright
Office prints blank application forms which are furnished
them without charge, upon request, together with circulars
and bulletins containing full instructions. While, however,
the steps required are very simple, they must be exactly
complied with, as some of them are prerequisites to any pro-
tection. A printed copy of the title must be filed "on or
before the day of publication ' ' and two copies of the article
itself "not later than the day of publication," while the
notice of copyright must be printed in the exact form pre-
scribed by the statute. In these particulars the United
States taw differs from the British, In Great Britain,
registration of title is not compulsory, and is only necessary
when a suit is brought in the case of infringement. One
copy of the work has to be deposited in the British Museum,
and one copy sent to each of four other libraries upon
request made within a year after publication. The deposit of
the two copies in the Librar>' of Congress is a condition prece-
dent to the copj'right here. In England, however, the deposit
is not explicitly such a condition. The failure to deposit
involves, however, merely a money penalty.
Copyright The duties of the office are: (i) To receive, record, and
OFFICE. ^ -^ '
Duties. index (a) titles of articles reproduced by mechanical means —
books, periodicals, musical compositions, dramatic compo-
sitions, maps or charts, engravings, cuts, or prints, chromos
or lithographs, and photographs; (^) descriptions ol original
works of art — paintings, drawings, sculpture, and models
or designs intended to be perfected as works of the fine
arts; (2) to receive and properly credit the copies required
to be deposited, viz, photographs of original works of art
and two copies of all articles multiplied by mechanical
means; (3) to prepare the Catalogue of Title Entries
required to be printed each week by act of March 3, 1891
(51st Cong., 2d sess. , chap. 565, sec. 4; Statutes at Large,
V. 26, p. 1 108); (4) to carry on such administrative work
as is involved in the accompli.shment of the duties stated
above, e. g. , accounting for all fees received, answering
letters of inquiry relative to copyright entries, dating and
otherwise marking titles and articles deposited and prop-
erly filing them, etc.
Fees. All remittances received are promptly deposited in the
bank designated by the Treasury Department as a national
Copyright Office. 289
depository- , and each week the Register of Copyrights pays
to the Secretary of the Treasur>-, by check, a sum to repre-
sent the applied fees for the week, and each month renders
a detailed statement, both to the Secretary of the Treasury'
and to the Librarian of Congress, of the copyright business
for the month. The account is rendered in the name of the
Librarian of Congress, to whom the Register of Copyrights
is bonded to the amount of $20,000. Excess fees and other
remittances not applied are returned to the remitters.
During the first six months of this year (1901) the t^^^^ pif^j^f^"^
parcels received at the Copyright Office numbered 43,473 and
included, in addition to appUcations for copyright, 15,826
miscellaneous letters of inquirs*. Of the total applications
received during those six months, 4,852 were informal or
illegal and therefore could not be passed for entr>', and the
fees accompanying them were returned to the senders, leav-
ing, however, of the remaining applications acted upon titles
entered to the nmnber of 46.526. Separate remittances to Remittamcei.
the number of 19,813 were received, of which 2,246 being
for articles not registrable, were not entered upon the cash
receipt books, but were returned to the remitters, while
17,567 separate remittances were recorded, amounting to
$34,674.44, and 2,606 separate refunds were made to the
remitters by an equal number of checks, amounting to
$2,675.12. The total number of articles deposited for the
half year numbered 79,466.
During this year, therefore, more than 300,000 separate
documents and articles will require handling in the Copy-
right Ofl&ce, and it needs but a glance at these figures to
realize the mass of detail involved and the need for system-
atic treatment in order that there shall be a steady for^-ard
movement of the material, the avoidance of confu.sion, and
certainty that no errors shall occur.
1 he applications, with accompanj'ing titles, are required to
pass from one dinsion to another for the necessary- treat-
ment— examination, marking, stamping, accounting, record-
ing, signing, and, finally, mailing of certificate, and this
movement usually requires an average of ten days from day
of receipt to day of mailing certificate, but it is difficult to
maintain any average where the variation in entries is as
great as from less than a hundred in one day to more than
a thousand in one day in the same fiscal year.
9957 — 01 19
290 Report of the Librarian of Congress.
International Copyright. — By the act of March 3, 1891,
uiGUT. which went into effect on July 1 of the same year, the United
States Congr^s, by textual amendment of the then existing
copyright law, removed the limitation of the privilege of
copyright to citizens of the United States and made it
possible for foreign authors to obtain copyright in the United
States upon the same terms as native authors, except that
the fee for entry in the case of the production of a foreigner
is double that for the native author. Congress distinctly
pro\nded, however, that the copyright privileges secured by
the act should ' ' only apply to a citizen or subject of a for-
eign state or nation when such foreign state or nation j^er-
mits to citizens of the United States of America the tenefit
of copyright on substantially the same basis as [to] its own
citizens, or when such foreign state or nation is a party to
an international agreement which provides for reciprocity in
the granting of copyright, \>y the terms of which agreement
the United States of America may at its pleasure become a
party to such agreement."
Copyright. Under the Operation of this provision, the privileges of
Foreign coun- '^ * i o
irUs. copyright in the United States have been extended by Presi-
dential proclamation to the authors of Belgium, Chile, Costa
Rica, Denmark, France, Germany, Great Britain and her
possessions (Australia, Canada, India, etc.), Italy, Mexico,
Netherlands (Holland) and possessions, Portugal, Spain,
and Switzerland.
The authors, artists, composers, etc., of the countries
named, therefore, and their assigns, as copyright proprietors,
can obtain copyright protection for their works in the United
States upon the same stipulations as those which apply to
American authors.
Spain. Spain. — The war with Spain .suspended the privilege of
copyright in the United States for the productions of Spanish
subjects. Concerning the renewal of the privilege, the At-
torney-General rendered an opinion, December 2, 1898, under
which registration of titles of works by citizens of Sjiain was
resumed on April 11, 1899, when the treaty of peace was
Hawaii,eic. Hawaii, Porto Rico, Cuba, and tlie Philippines. — In regard
to the privilege of copyright in the United States on l^ehalf of
the inhabitants of Hawaii, Porto Rico, Cuba, and the Philip-
Copyright Office. 291
pines, the opinion of the Attorney-General, December 2,
1898, was as follows: "In my opinion, when they shall
have been directly ceded by treaty to the United States, and
such treaty duly ratified by the Senate, their respective
inhabitants will not be entitled to the benefits of the copy-
right laws unless the treaty, by its terms, confers such rights,
or Congress shall afterwards extend such laws to the inhab-
itants of these countries. ' '
Porto Rico and Ha zi-aii. —Since the above opinion of the yy^^/'***"^
Attorney- General was written an "Act temporarily to pro-
vide revenues and a ci\'il government for Porto Rico, and
for other purposes," was approved April 12, 1900, to go into
effect on May i; and an "Act to pro\-ide a government for
the Territor>- of Hawaii" was approved April 30, 1900, to
take effect on June 14. Under the provisions of these acts
the titles of books and other articles by citizens of Porto
Rico and Hawaii have been registered in the Copyright
Ofl&ce since May i, 1900, and June 14, 1900, respectively, as
a preliminarv' to copyright protection.
Copyright in foreign countries. — ^The benefits of copyright
are available for the productions of American citizens in the
countries named above (p. 290), but onh-as thej'are avail-
able to the citizens of such countries. That is to say, citi-
zens of the United States can obtain copyright abroad in the
countries named, and in such other countries as by their
laws grant copyright priN-ileges to aliens, by taking the steps
required by the laws and regulations in force in each country-.
Application should be made to the copyright bureau or gov-
ernment ofl&cer charged with the administration of copyright
business in each case. Owing to the diversity of the require-
ments, and the necessity of complying exactl}' with the law
and the departmental regulations, the practical way is to
secure the sen-ices of an agent or pubhsher abroad.
As the United States is not a partv to the International ^^"^"f 'f'^''^
^ ' Copvnght L num.
Copyright Union, copyright protection is not secured abroad
by \'irtue of copjndght registration in this countr>\ Entry
of copyright at Washington gives protection to the copyright
only withiii the United States. Moreover , the Copyright OflSce
of the Library of Congress has no ofl&cial functions as regards
the securing of copyrights abroad, and can take no action
regarding such foreign copj'right protection.
The natural and customary form of statement of the con-
tents of the Library is a catalogue. There is, however, no
printed catalogue of the present contents of the Library of
Congress. There were certain publications issued prior to
1880 showing current accessions for certain periods, and also
the collection of printed books as it existed at certain dates.
(See list of publications, Appendix II.) But between 1880
and 1897 there were no catalogues issued of any sort, and
the lists issued since that date have been either ( i ) lists of
selected titles on certain subjects or (2) as the Calendar of
Washington Manuscripts, the List of Maps of America, or
the List of American Newspapers — exhibits of material in
some particular department of literature.
There is, therefore, no printed statement which can be
furnished to an inquirer at a distance indicating to him fully
the present resources of the Library. There is not likely to
be, except as it may be represented by the card catalogue
which the Librar>' expects ultimately to place in some
accessible institution 'in each local center of important
The purpose of this section of the report is in part to
inform investigators at a distance; in part to aid in a deter-
mination of the amount and direction of the effort necessary
to the proper development of the collections, as well as to
their adequate administration. It may profitably include in
its summary of the present conditions a sur\'ey of the collec-
tions as they stand. To state these in full, or to apply to
them a fully discriminating estimate, would carry the report
beyond possible limits. It has seemed worth while, how-
ever, to attempt an indication of them in the form of a brief
analysis of the contents of each division. The material
lends itself to such treatment in very varying degrees. The
manuscripts, for instance, are susceptible of a summary
which, though brief, is precise. The printed books and
The Present Collections. 293
pamphlets, aggregating (^nthout duplicates) three quarters
of a million volumes, can be referred to only by subject
groups, and the contents of these indicated only by broadly
descriptive phrases. To one familiar with the existing liter-
ature within such a group the number of volumes owned by
the Library will of itself, in a measure, indicate strength or
weakness. A collection of Shakespeariana, for instance,
which contains but 1,700 volumes, is Qb\-iously weak to
one who knows that 10.000 volumes would not exhaust
the literature of Shakespeare.
The figures are not precise. The summary- is to be con-
sidered in connection with the more specific statement of
the material at certain dates, or in certain departments of
literature set forth in the catalogues and special lists
already published (see Appendix II). Also with Part it of
this Report and such portions of Part I as describe recent
The statement regarding each class of material is sub-
stantialh- as contributed by the assistant having it in charge.
This would tend to an emphasis of strength rather than of
Past resources for increase. — Much suggestion as to the
probable character of the existing collection is contained in
the history- of its formation and increase. This has been a
chief purpose of the introduction into this Report of the
Historical Sketch (pp. 183-197) and of the Selected Hst of
recent purchases forming Appendix V and (of manuscripts)
Appendix VI of Part I. The last two, however, have also
the purpose of indicating the recent efi"orts toward perfecting
the collection and the direction which they have taken. As
to the accumulations prior to 1897 the follo^-ing facts must
be noted:
1. Only 20,000 volumes survived the fire of 185 1.
2. The annual appropriation from that date to 1898 never
exceeded $1 1,000 for all manner of purchases.
3. The only appropriations for special purchases (except
three aggregating $14,700 for the Law Librarj-) during the
period were:
In 18 15, $23,950 for the Jefferson Collection.
In 1867, $100,000 for the Peter Force Collection.
In 1872-1873, $5,000 for English County Histories.
294 Report of the Librarian of Congt.-'ss.
In 1872, $35,000 for Franklin Collection, through
Department of State. The Library of Congress
received the printed books and tj'pewritten manu-
In 1883, $20,000 for the De Rochambeau Collection.
The Jefferson Collection, about 7,000 volumes, brought
serviceable standard works and a few manuscripts. The
Force Collection comprised 22,529 books and about 40,000
pamphlets. Seven thousand eight hundred and fifty vol-
umes duplicated material already in the Library. It was a
collection deliberately formed, relating chiefly to America.
It included 429 volumes of manuscripts; many and impor-
tant maps; some incunabula (161 fifteenth century imprints;
early Americana; some files of American newspapers (245
volumes issued prior to 1800), and the entire collection of
transcripts (360 folio volumes) made for the "American
Archives." Of the 40,000 pamphlets 8,310 were printed
prior to 1800. The collection was analyzed by Dr. Spofford
in a report made just prior to its acquisition.
The De Rochambeau Collection brought military journals,
letter books, original military maps, and other manuscript
material relating to the American Revolution.
Except as included in the above there was practically no
purchase of manuscripts, maps, music, or prints.
4. The only gifts of collections have been those from Dr.
Toner and from Mrs. Gardiner Greene Hubbard.
5. The Library had the benefit of the copyright law to
the extent of one copy from 1846 to 1859, and from 1865
to 1870, and of two copies only from 1870. The copyright
deposits prior to 1870 made in the United States di.«trict
court offices, the Department of State, and later in the
Department of the Interior, were in part turned over to it,
but only to the extent of 23,070 volumes. The Patent
Office retained all law books and books relating to the tech-
nical arts. The books actually received from the United
States district court offices were of slight extent and value.
6. Many publications of importance and value fail to be
copyrighted at all.
7. Many of those entered for copyright were never actu-
ally deposited.
The Present Collections. 295
8. The system of international exchange dates in favor of
the Library- from 1867; but,
9. The international exchanges fail to include many- of
the monumental works issued under the auspices of foreign
governments. For example, the " Materialen "of the Rus-
sian archaeological commission, the reports of explorations
conducted hy government scientists, the ' ' Expedition scien-
tifique de Moree, ordonne par le gouvernement fran^ais,'*
" Monuments de I'art byzantin," "Mission scientifique au
Caucase," " Delegation scientifique frangaise en Perse," etc.
10. The Library was unable systematically to conduct
ordinary exchanges, or in an effective way to solicit gifts.
1 1 . The conditions at the Capitol were unfavorable to the
safe preservation of the material which it did secure.
12. Offsetting, however, certain disadvantages prior to
1897 were the facts (i) that the prices from 1850 to 1875
were considerably- less than for the same material now, and
(2) that it was the policy of the Librarian to purchase at
auction sales, the catalogues of which he scanned with
unwearying assiduity and with a vigilance surpassed by
none of his competitors.
13. The annual appropriations for increase since 1898
have been as follows (all articles): 1898-99, $20,000; 1S99—
1900, $30,000; 1900-1901, $58,000; 1901— 1902, $68,000.
The Librarv of Congress is but one of a group of libraries other libra-
maintained by the Federal Government at Washington, ington.
The others exceed a dozen in number and aggregate over a
million volumes. They are as a rule accessible to any inves-
tigator with serious purpose. Some of them are strong in
departments of literature in which the Library of Congress
is weak. Where this is significantly the case a reference
has been made which may convenience inquirers at a distance
interested in the opportunities for research at Washington.
296 Report of the Librarian of Congress.
(Compare particularly the course of recent purchases, Part I,
Appendix V, pp. 75-150.)
The Ivihrary is most nearly complete in the productions
of the American press in all departments ofi knowledge. It
contains an almost complete representation of American
literature of the past thirty years and a fairly representative
collection of earlier years. This includes many of the choice
and rare editions of the noted writers of this country.
Early Ameii- £arly Americana: First editions of Hamor's Virginia,
1615; Thomas's Pensilvania, 1698; Smith's Map of Vir-
ginia, 1612; Smith's Historie of Virginia, 1624; Morton's
New-Englands Memoriall, 1669; Wood's New Englands
Prospect, 1635; Lederer's Virginia, 1672; Symonds's Vir-
ginia, 1609; New England's First Fruits, 1643; Makemie's
Narrative, 1707: Massachusetts, or The First Planters of
New England, 1696; Hubbard's Troubles with the Indians
in New-England, 1677; Penhallow's History of the Wars of
New-England, 1726; Thorowgood's lewes in America, 1650;
Hooke's New Englands Teares for Old Englands Feares,
1641; Relation of Maryland, 1635; Romans' s Florida, with
two whole-.sheet maps, 1775-1776; Byfield's Late Revolution
in New-England, 1689; Morton's New English Canaan,
1637; Anne Bradstreet's Poems, 1678; New Life of Vir-
ginea, 161 2; Symonds's English Colonie in Virginia, 161 2;
Whitaker's Good News from Virginia, 1613; Gray's Good
Speed to Virginia, 1609; Carv^ajal's Oratio, Romae, 1493;
Lord Baltimore's Gaudia Poetica, 1770; Eliot's Indian Bible
(first and .second editions), 1663 and 1685; Jesuit Relations,
original editions; writings of Increase and Cotton Mather
(over 150 separate works), etc.
American history and topography , 18,897 volumes and
3, 158 pamphlets. A good working collection now arranged
on the new system of classification. In comparison with
collections elsewhere, however, it is not preeminent. In the
eJlimVtioH "'"^ diJiCovery and early history of America it is not exceptionally
strong. It has the secondary authorities; but in original
treatises can not be compared with Carter Brown or Lenox
The Present Collections. 297
collections. In literature relating to Columbus it has
some strength. The " Colleccion de documentos ineditos,"
Navarrete's Vo3-ages; the Raccolti di documenti e studii.
published by the Reale Commissione Colombiana, in 1 2 folio
volumes, are here. A good body of general and special lit-
. , » • T 1- » • American:
erature relating to the American Indian, but not preeminent. Description
*TM • 1 11 • <• 1 • • 1 1 TT • 1 "'"' travel.
There is a good collection of descnptive works on the United
States, and many works published on Alaska and the Klon-
dike. The section devoted to the general histon*' of the
United States is full, also that of the Revolutionary period. Revolution.
The rolls of the Revolutionar}' soldiers thus far published by
the various states are well represented. The publications of
patriotic societies are in small number. In civil war litera- ciiniwar.
ture the collection contains the regimental histories and
muster rolls of the various states, also a large number of
histories and personal narratives. The collection of state, Local history.
county, and town histories is extensive. The publications
of state historical societies are well represented, but not
always in perfect sets.
Confederate publications, 300 volumes and 400 pamphlets, jS^i^^f^'^'^^'
issued in the Confederate States during the civil war. This
collection embraces official publications of the Confederate
government, of the governments of the several states, and
miscellaneous literature, including specimens of the ' ' wall-
paper" books published in Mobile in 1S63 and 1864.
Americayi biography, 7,842 volumes and 2,088 pamphlets, ogr^p^y'^"'^ ***
This is one of the most important sections of the Librarj'.
and contains a large number of general biographical cyclo-
pedias, state and county cyclopedias, and dictionaries and
other collections of biographies. In indi\'idual biography
it is numerically strong, including some rare and valuable
books and pamphlets on the noted men of this countr}-. A
collection of 686 biographies and rare pamphlets on Lincoln
is a feature.
Aincrican genealogy, 1,768 volumes and 179 pamphlets. American gen-
This section is one of the most complete in the Library,
containing a large number of family histories. The few
still lacking are constantly being added as opportunities arise
for their purchase.
Washing toniana, 551 volumes and 82 pamphlets. The yi^ashingtom-
collection of books relating to George Washington contains
298 Report of the Librarian of Congress.
the collected editions of his writings and many of the edi-
tions of single works. It does not contain the original
edition of his journey to the Ohio in 1753. The principal
biographies of Washington are in the collection; but not all
the editions. The collection of eulogies, birthday orations,
and other commemorative addresses are in good number;
but not so complete as found elsewhere. The transcript of
Washington's Diaries, made with literal exactness and an-
notated by Dr. Toner, comprised in 16 small folio volumes,
is a most important part of the collection.
cwrfa"""* "^ Dominion of Canada consists of 1,004 volumes and 75
pamphlets, and includes an almost complete set of the orig-
inal edition of the Jesuit Relations and many of Shea's
reprints. There are original editions of Cartier, Champlain,
and Sagard. The leading histories of the provinces are in
the collection, but it is weak in local history.
ic^^J^xico""^ 6]^d!w/.y/i America: Mexico, 646 volumes and 39 pam-
phlets, contains a good collection of the works of early histo-
rians, such as Torquemada, De Solis, and Clavigero; the
monumental works of Kingsborough, Dupaix, Brasseur de
Bourbourg, Charnay, Chavero, and Boban; together with
a large number of modern works on the history and topog-
raphy of the country. Includes reproductions of the prin-
cipal Mexican and Maya codexes.
Central Amer- Central America, 456 volumes and 44 pamphlets. A
small collection, but containing some of the important
authorities on the history and topography of the various
states. Fairly good in antiquities.
West Indies. West Indies, 728 volumes and 86 pamphlets. Includes
important works on the history and topography of the dif-
ferent islands. The collection, however, is surpassed in
other libraries. The literature on Ciiba numbers 210 vol-
umes and 37 pamphlets, and contains many of the native
histories and descriptive works. The recent vSpanish- Ameri-
can war is well represented in a large number of books.
The literature on Porto Rico consists of 52 volumes and 25
pamphlets. The Library has a considerable collection of
administrative documents, reports of local organizations,
and of native literature. (See List of Books on Porto Rico
recently published by the Library.)
South America. Soutli America, 1,769 volumes and 125 pamphlets. In-
The Present Collections. 299
eludes histories and books of travel covering the various
countries and contains some important works. Brazil has
370 volumes, including some of the eariy and rare works;
Colombia, 145 volumes; \'enezuela and Guiana, 180 vol-
umes; Ecuador, 24 volumes; Paraguay, 100 volumes; Uru-
guay, 70 volumes; Bolivna, only a small collection of 20
volumes; Peru, 220 volumes; Chile, 220 volumes; the Argen-
tine Republic, 200 volumes, and there are a few books on
Patagonia. In native literature of South America the col-
lection contains little.
English history and topography, 4,630 volumes. ^^^' at^^pography'
tains the series of publications b}- the Record Commission,
the Rolls series of Mediaeval Chronicles and Calendars of
state papers and the publications of the most important
antiquarian societies, including sets of the Archaeological
Journal and the Journal of the Archaeological Association.
It has a good representation of the works of standard histo-
rians from the time of Grafton to the present, including the
chronicles of Holinshed and Hall and the rare 1570 edition
of Matthew of Westminster's Flores Historiarum. In topo-
graphical works it has strength, particularly in the great
county histories. It does not, however, contain much of
the more recent material upon county, town, and parish
histor}'. It has yet to acquire the monumental history of
Northumberland issued under the direction of the North-
umberland county history- committee and the new edition of
Hasted' s Kent, and similar works. There are numerous
borough, town, and parish records, calendars, etc., lacking
in the collection. Recent purchases, not yet received, will
render this section more complete in the immediate future.
English biography, 6,018 volumes and 153 pamphlets. A English Mog-
full collection, including some of the best collected works.
In individual biography and memoirs it has many of the
standard works. In the literature of the last twenty-five
years there is much remaining to be collected.
English genealogy and heraldry, only 732 volumes. Is English geneai-
-1 p 1 1 -1 1 f • ogy and heraldry
mostly composed of the general heraldic treatises, such as
Burke, Lodge, and Playfair. The collection of genealogical
material needs much strengthening, although it has recently
received some valuable accessions. (See p. 76 of this Report. )
The following collective works form the most important part
Report of the Librarian of Congress.
Scottish history
and topography.
Irish history
and topography .
of the present collection: Sir Thomas Phillips's Collections,
the publications of the British Record, Harleian, and Parish
Register societies, Crisp's Visitations, etc., and Phillimore's
Parish Registers.
Scottish history and topography, 625 volumes. The collec-
tion includes the Registers of the Privy Council, Calendars
of Documents, Calendars of Border Papers, the Exchequer
Rolls, and other valuable publications of the Register House
series. Most of the histories of Scotland are on the shelves,
such as Maitland, Buchanan, Dalrj'mple, Abercromby, and
more recent writers, such as Tytler, Skene, and Burton.
In topography it has such works as Grose's Antiquities,
Chalmers's Caledonia, and some count}' and town histories.
Considerable additions to the sections maj- be expected
from purchases lately made but not yet received.
Irish history and topography, 481 volumes. A miscella-
neous collection of histories and descriptive works comprising
some of the earlier works on Irish history, such as Vallan-
cey's Collectanea de Rebus Hibernicis, MaGeoghegan's
Histoire de I'lrlande ancienne et moderne, Leland's History,
Plowden's Historical Review, and O'Donovan's edition of
the Annals of the Kingdom of Ireland, by the Four Mas-
ters. A few of the county and town histories are included,
also a number of recent works on the political history of the
island. In topography may be noted Grose's Antiquities
and Borlase's recent work on the Dolmens, and a few books
of travel and guidebooks. Recent purchases of a large
number of books not yet received will add considerably to
the value of the collection.
*"- General history, 2,813 volumes and 103 pamphlets. In
general history- the library has many of the early chronicles
and comprehensive works. This section, however, is largely
composed of modem popular compilations and the usual
secondary authorities. There are to be found here the uni-
versal histories of Martinet, De Thou, Bayle, and similar
works; together with sets of historical registers. The col-
lection contains many recent American text-books, but is
not strong in the later work of European writers.
Geography, 5,202 volumes and 230 pamphlets. In gen-
eral geography and travel (outside of the atlases and larger
works in the Division of Maps and Charts) the Library
The Present Collections. 301
has many of the principal collections of voyages, old and
new, such as Dampier, Churchill, Purchas's Pilgrimes,
Hakluyt, La Harpe, Harris, and Pinkerton. In geograph-
ical serials and publications of societies there is considerable
strength. The leading foreign journals are well repre-
General biography, 792 volumes and 684 pamphlets. This ^^^fj^"' ***'*'*
collection, while small, contains a number of the notable
works of collective biography. It is well supplied with the
great national biographies. In individual foreign biography
it is deficient. Two hundred and sixty of the volumes,
including a large collection of rare pamphlets bound in 39
volumes, relate to Napoleon.
General genealogy , with 222 volumes. This collection is Cemrai gene-
d i>-' ' ^ alogy.
not strong, but contains a representative work for most of the
European countries, the Livre d'or and De Courcelles for
France, Anrap and Klingspor for NonA-ay and Sweden,
Kneschke for German}', Dorregaray for Spain, Litta for
Italy, Wappenbuch der Oesterreichischen Monarchic, Alge-
meen Nederlandsch FamiUeblad, and Siebmachers Wappen-
buch (old edition). This section is deficient in modem
editions and specific treatises.
Heraldry. The collection is small, only 147 volumes. Heraldry.
consisting of the ordinary' authorities.
Costume and orders of chivalry. This section contains only Cos/ume and
orders of chiv-
383 volumes. Includes the works of Ferrano, Racinet. and a^rr-
Strutt and histories of the more important orders.
History and geography : Europe in general, 14,381 volumes History and ge-
and 516 pamphlets, contains 980 volumes consisting oi i" ge'ierai.
guidebooks, descriptive general works, and some of the
leading histories.
Austria, 268 volumes; Hingary, Tyrol, Bohemia, 220 Austria, etc
volumes; Denmark, 75 volumes; Iceland, 70 volumes.
These countries are poorlj- represented, and most of the
literature is old. The same may be said of Belgium, of
which the most important works are Recueil des Anciennes
Ordonnances, in 14 folio volumes, and Recueil des An-
ciennes Coutumes, in 44 quarto volumes.
France, 3.582 volumes, consists of the writings of the France.
principal historians. Contains a partial set of the Collection
302 Report of the Librarian of Conq^ress.
de documents inedits sur I'histoire de France. There are
some of the printed sources, such as Buchon's Collection
des Chroniques nationales, Guizot's Memoires, the Recueil
des historiens de Gaule et de la France. In the later his-
tory the collection includes some of the principal memoirs,
and the leading authorities on the French Revolution. (For
recent important accessions .see pp. 102-108 of this Report.)
There is a fair collection of guide books and other descrip-
tive works on Paris. Contains the Histoire gen^rale de
Paris in 36 folio volumes.
Germany. Germa?iy, 1,397 volumes, early historical material and
collections of the various divisions of the country, such as
Prussia, Saxony, Brandenburg, Wurttemburg, etc., also a
good collection of later histories. Contains many of the
collected editions of the early chronicles, the Monumenta
Germaniae historica and its numerous congeners.
Greece. Greece, 704 volumes. The collection is insignificant. It
contains the ordinary historical authorities. It has Grono-
vius, Thesaurus Graecarum Antiquitatum. Few books on
modern Greece. The archaeology of Greece has recently
received important additions. (See Select list of purchases,
pp. 87-97.)
Italy. Italy, 2,307 volumes. Contains the ordinary authorities
on the history of Italy and ancient and modern Rome. In
texts of early chronicles it contains the collections of Mura-
tori and the Archivio storico italiano.
Spain. Spain, 1 ,057 volumes. This collection is mostly composed
of the ordinary English historical and descriptive works.
It has, however, some of tbe original authorities, the
Coleccion de documentos ineditos, and some works of
Spanish historians.
Potiufrai. Portugal, only 231 volumes. A miscellaneous collection,
with few works in the vernacular.
Netheriandi. Netherlands , 952 volumes. This collection is especially
rich in the collections of materials for history and has most
of the later authorities on the description and historj' of the
country. (Important additions; see Select list of purchases,
pp. 108-119 of this Report.)
Scandinavia. Scayidiuavia , 247 volumes. The representation in the
Library of the literature of these countries is exceedingly
meagre and contains very few works of imjxjrtance.
The Present Collectians. 303
Russia, 569 volumes. The collection has few of the ^«"«»-
original authorities, and is weak in modem descriptive
works. On the history- of Russia and on the Crimean war
only a few of the principal authorities. Poland, 97 volumes.
Turkev in Europe, 661 volumes. Contains a number of Turkey in Ku
•f ' rope.
books on Servia and on Constantinople, and a few books on
the Armenian massacre and the late war in Bulgaria.
Afrv:a, 1,830 volumes and 78 pamphlets. Contains the Africa.
writings of the great explorers. Includes a large collection
of books on South Africa, particularly on the Boer war and
the causes leading up to it, with the records of the Cape
Colony. On Egypt there are 472 volumes, containing the
monumental works of Lepsius, Champollion, and others.
There are some general works on Madagascar, the Nile,
Morocco, and other parts of Africa.
Asia /w^^/^ra/, 5,345 volumes and 242 pamphlets. Con- Asia in gen-
sists mainly of modem works on central Asia, Siberia, and
the Far East. The volumes on China number 519, and
include many publications relating to its history-, and most
of the recent books readily procurable.
India, 1,273 volumes. The main part of the collection India.
relates to British India. In Dutch East Indies there is
great strength. There are a few books on the Portuguese
in India.
Asia Minor, 28 1 volumes. Contains some leading author- ^"^ ^fif^or.
ities; the collection is only partial.
Palestine, 733 volumes. Has a good collection of descrip- P^'*^ti«'-
tive and historical works, and contains a number of old edi-
tions of Josephus, and the modem writers on Jewish history.
Australasia: Pacific Islands, 797 volumes, 128 pamphlets. Australasia.
, , ,, . "1 , . . f r Pacific Islands.
A good collection of descriptive and historical works. The
principal authorities on New Zealand, Hawaii, and the Phil-
ippines, consisting of some 550 volumes, many of them re-
cently purchased on account of the general interest in these
islands. There are a number of good authorities on the
smaller islands of the Pacific. The literature on the ethnol-
ogy of the islands has received important accessions since the
acquisition of the Philippines. (See pp. 142-145 of this
Political arid economic scieiue, 62,427 volumes besides pam- andVcoxomic
phlets embracing: scien-ce.
{a) Legislative journals and papers, 40,436 volumes, both
Report of the Librarian of Congress.
Science of gov-
ern men t.
Slalf papers.
Commerce and
American and foreign fully described in treating of docu-
{b) Political science, 9,822 volumes, as follows:
Sdeyice of government, 1,207 volumes, expositions of
the philosophy of law and government, of which the
older English authors are well represented, but lacking
standard works of the more recent continental authors.
This section contains also the exposition of particular
phases of government from the institutional standpoint,
and is well supplied with works relating to American
questions. It also contains an extensive collection of
the legislative handbooks of the several States. (For
important recent accessions to the literature of Institu-
tions see pp. 129-139 of this Report.)
Constitutions, 2,006 volumes, a collection of works
expounding the Federal Constitution as a whole and in
its several parts, a large number of the papers and pro-
ceedings of State constitutional conventions, and a small
number of works dealing with foreign constitutions.
Politics, 4,006 volumes, a collection of works dealing
with political questions both general and special. Works
relating to Great Britain are numerous, but the bulk
of the section relates to American affairs. Histories of
American politics, of political parties, political and cam-
paign handbooks, as well as treatments of concrete
questions of American politics.
State papers, bulletins and state papers of Great Brit-
ain and issues of the revolutionary assemblies in France.
Colonies, 1,059 volumes, journals devoted to colonial
topics, works on the general theory of colonization, and
descriptions of particular colonies, embracing a con-
siderable number of works in the French, German, and
Dutch languages.
Elections, 234 volumes, works on the theory of repre-
sentation, a few election laws, and reports of contested
election cases,
(f) Economic science, 10,226 volumes, besides pamphlets,
Commerce and statistics, 1,835 volumes, general works
on .statistics, dictionaries of commerce, histories, includ-
ing old merchant and trading companies, trusts (the
bulk of recent literature) , the commercial relations of the
The Present Collections.
United States, shipping manuals, advertising, business
forms, and a miscellaneous collection of works upon
business life, and works on the special subjects of com-
merce, grain, cotton, etc., being mostly trade annuals.
Statistics of the United States, 617 volumes; census
and commercial reports.
Statistics of states, 747 volumes, reports of registration
bureaus. State census, oflEices and bureaus of industrial
Foreign statistics, 1,726 volumes, serial publications
of the foreign statistical offices and census enumerations.
Boards of trade, 832 volumes, annual reports and
special publications of boards of trade, chiefly of Ameri-
can cities.
Post-office, 189 volumes, including official reports and
a number of works in foreign languages on postal history.
Land Office, 93 volumes, publications of the General
Land Office.
Imniigratio?i, 105 volumes, almost exclusively Ameri-
can material, and weak in foreign works.
Economic theory, 934 volumes, of which more than
half are foreign works recently purchased, (See pp.
120-129 of this Report.)
Population, 54 volumes, mostly older works on the
Malthusian theorj% and lacking more recent treatises
on the subject.
Free trade, 297 volumes, contains English and Ameri-
can books, but practically no booKS in foreign languages.
Land tenure, 122 volumes, mosth^ English works
dealing with Ireland and India.
Finance, 564 volumes, contains a number of foreign
budgets and financial works in addition to works on
the monej' market and theorj- of public finance.
Currency, 1,252 volumes, which embrace a large
number of foreign works.
Banking, 469 volumes, a few works on the theory of
banking, but mostly reports of associations and official
Credit and prices, 340 volumes, stock-market annuals
and investment handbooks predominate.
Public debt, 154 volumes, a few general works, but
mostly official documents.
Statistics o/the
UniUd States.
Statistics of
Foreign statis-
Boa rds of trade.
Land Office.
Im m igration.
Economic the-
Free trade.
Land tenure.
Credit and
Public debt.
Report of the Librarian of Coytgrcss.
Ciu/oms tariffs.
Taxation, i88 volumes, works dealing with the gen-
eral theory of taxation, in which foreign works are
relatively numerous.
Customs tariffs, 522 volumes; internal revenue, 172 vol-
umes; state financial reports, 704 volumes; building
and loa7i associations^ 93 volumes, composed almost
entirely of official publications.
Insurance, 860 volumes, contains besides official re-
ports, many almanacs and other annuals, but few gen-
eral works.
In the entire group of economics there are 5,172
official publications, and the remainder, except in the
sections economic theory and currency, seem to repre-
sent mainly accessions under the copyright law. In
general there is a marked absence of works in foreign
languages. This section has, however, been much
strengthened of late. (See Select list of recent pur-
chases, pp. 120-129 o^ this Report.)
The library of the Division of Statistics of the Department
of Agriculture embraces 6,000 volumes and 17,000 pamphlets.
It is particularly rich in market reports and all statistics bearing
on production and marketing of agricultural staples, including
a very complete collection of boards of trade reports. Card,
author, and subject catalogue, and also an index, 46,000 cards,
of contents of periodicals, reports, etc.
The library of the Bureau of American Republics contains
8,000 volumes relating to the Spanish American countries, espe-
cially their geography, history, laws, and official publications.
Card catalogue by author and subject, including an index of
articles in periodicals, reports, etc.
The library of the Department of Labor contains 17,414 vol-
umes and pamphlets. It is rich in foreign official statistics,
especially yearbooks, in census reports, federal and state, in
labor reports, in political economy, and in social science. Card
catalogue by author, title, and subject.
The library of the Bureau of Statistics of the Treasury Depart-
ment contains some 9,000 volumes. It is confined almost
exclusively to statistics of trade and resources of United States
and foreign countries. Card author catalogue.
Law. — (For the main collection at the Capitol see Law
Library, pp. 333-335.) For the convenience of students of
law a collection of 2 , 1 25 law books, including the best editions
of standard law text-books in the English language, has
been transferred from the Law Library in the Capitol to the
The Present Collections.
general library'. Should the student desire other law books
than those in this collection, they can be obtained in a short
time from the library- in the Capitol by means of the tunnel
connecting the two buildings.
International law and foreign relations, 3,022 volumes, intemaHonai
... - , n\. ,, . , , . la'ii-- and foreign
besides pamphlets. The collection embraces several im- relations.
portant collections of treaties, papers, and proceedings of
the various international arbitrations, among them 225
volumes pertaining to the Alabama arbitration and 34
volumes to the \^enezuela controversy, diplomatic corre-
spondence, and consular reports of Great Britain, Italy,
Belgium, etc. OflBcial documents number 735, lea\-ing a
fairly representative collection of works of indi\4dual
authors. This section has been strengthened the past two
years. (See pp. 139-142 of this Report).
The librar\- of the Department of State embraces from 75,000
to 80,000 volumes. It is devoted especially to history, travels,
international law, and diplomacy. The library is not under-
stood to be open to the public generally, but so far as the duties
of the library- staff permit readers are granted access to the col-
Philology, 7,680 volumes and 1,308 pamphlets. The gen- ^^'^logy-
eral section, numbering about 700 volumes. Is nothing
like a systematic collection, being largeh* composed of text-
books and grammars. It is not, however, without some of
the valuable hnguistic authorities. Includes such period-
icals as Archiv ftir das Studium der neueren Spracheu, the
Societe Philologique of Paris.
The Romance la7iguages, with 1,216 volumes, has Voll- Romance lan-
moller's Romanische Forschungen, Littre's Dictionnaire de^""^"'
la langue Fran^aise, Vocabolario degli Accademici della
Crusca, Diccionario de la lengua Castellaua por la Real
Academia Espanola, and a large number of school grammars.
The German language, 575 volumes, consists mainly of school
grammars and dictionaries.
^w^/£7-^ajr^w is represented by only 57 volumes. Contains Augio-sajcon.
the primar>' authorities. Sweet, Wright, and Skeat.
English philolog)- numbers about 300 volumes, while there
are nearly 1,000 grammars of all grades, not including some
150 fitted for foreign students of the language. The usual
English dictionaries.
Report of the Librarian of Congress.
Classical philology, i,icx) volumes. Consists mainly of
lexicons, grammars, and text-books. Includes Stephanus,
Thesaurus Linguae Graecae; Scapula, Lexicon Graeco-Lati-
num, with works of modern classical philologists — Peile,
Nettleship, and others — the grammars of Buttmann, Curtius,
and Jelf, and numerous others; but slight representation of
the critical works of English and continental authors. Classic
texts such as Teubner's are lacking.
The Semitic languages include about 300 volumes, with
the beginnings of a good collection, though far from ade-
quate. The section includes some works on Semitic in-
scriptions, for example: the catalogue of the cuneiform
tablets in the Kouyunjik collection of the British Museum
and Schrader's cuneiform inscriptions of the Old Testament.
Sanscrit. In Sa?iscrit philology the English authorities,
Mueller, Monier, Williams, Whitney, constitute the principal
part of the collection. The foreign authorities have little
Pacific islands languages. There is a considerable lx>dy of
lexicons and grammars of the languages of the Pacific
islands, including some valuable Spanish treatises on the
languages of the Philippines, in the collection.
Notwithstanding the addition during the last year of a
number of the most important compends, encyclopaedic
works, and periodicals devoted to special lines of philological
study, this section still remains very insufficiently equipped
for scholarly work.
Orientalia. (Report by Mr. L. Solyom.) The oriental
books in the Library consist of more than 9,500 volumes and
pamphlets, temporarily subdivided as follows:
Chinese books. About 7,750 volumes. These form by far
the largest part of the collection, probably not surpassed in
number and character by any library in this country. They
consist of:
I . Books brought from China by the Hon. Caleb Cushing,
first United States minister to China, under President Tyler;
2,547 Chinese volumes, all catalogued and classified — rich
in works on hi.story, medicine, cla.ssics, poetry, ritualism,
ethics, a.«3tronomy, es.says, dictionaries, etc. The "Thirteen
Classics" alone numl)er 366 volumes. Choo He's history,
100 and no volumes; .statistics of Canton, 120 volumes;
classical expressions, 120 volumes.
The Present CoHections.
Turkish. Per-
sian, and Arabic.
2. Books contributed at various times by the Hon. William RockhiUgifi.
W. Rockhill, numbering in all about 6,000 volumes. They
include historical works, a catalogue of the Imperial Library-,
works of Confucius and others, and a mass of Buddhist
literature. Among them are works not found mentioned in
the Chinese catalogue of the British Museum, the Wade Col-
lection of Cambridge University, or in Wylie's ' ' Chinese
literature." There are fine sets of the Vinaya (Discipline),
the Sutra (Precepts), and the Abhidharma (Metaphysics).
Turkish, Persian, and Arabic books. These form the next
large section, consisting of 395 volumes, presented to the
Library about fifteen }ears ago by the present Sultan of
Turkey-, Abdul Hamid II. They are all uniformly bound in
red morocco with gilt edges, and comprise works of original
authorship in historj-, law, mathematics, philosophy-, poetrj-,
theology, and periodicals; also translations into Turkish
from Enghsh, French, German, and Russian works on
medicine, sciences and arts, drama and fiction. To this
lia%e been added about 80 volumes of miscellaneous character
from various parts of the Librar\-. The whole section has
been catalogued and classified. A further donation of Per-
sian books has been promised in the near future from another
Japanese books. Of these there are about 140 volumes Japanese.
of government publications, such as the proceedings of
Parliament and reports of chiefs of bureaus; also some
periodicals. Amongst the recent additions is the Wakau
sansai dzuye, a standard dictionary- of 125 volumes, of
Chinese origin, with Japanese additions. The title means
Chine.se-Japanese encyclopedia of the three ruling powers
(Heaven, Man, Earth), a much esteemed publication; also
5 folio volumes of the Bibliotheca Japonica, a linguistic work
published in Europe. Recently 106 Japanese books have
been received from the United States Department of State.
Arineniayi, Biigis, Hindustanee , Malay, Pali, Sanscrit, and
Telugu. The Armenian works consist of 55 volumes of
periodicals and books of a miscellaneous character; thej' are
partly catalogued. The Pali books, printed with Siamese
characters, consist of 39 well-bound volumes of the Tripataka,
the Buddhist scriptures, presented to the Library- of Con-
gress and to 48 other libraries of the United States hy the
Armenian, etc.
3IO Report of the Librarian of Congress.
King of Siani, commonly called by his much-abridged name,
Chulalongcorn. This work has been completely analyzed
by Prof. Charles Lanman in a printed pamphlet. The rest of
the above-named works consist of about loo volumes of
pamphlets not catalogued; the Hindustanee pamphlets are
religious tracts brought over to Washington by the Reverend
Theodore S. Wynkoop, missionary to India.
Manchif^Tibe- M^ongoHan, Manchu, Tibetan, 730 volumes. The Mongo-
'""'• lian and Mancliu books consist chiefly of bibles, dictionaries,
and the sacred edict. The Tibetan books, thirteen in
number, are of curious construction, with rich wrappings.
Hebrew. Hebrew. The number of Hebrew books in the Library is
so small that no place has been assigned to them as yet.
All these books are purely oriental texts, no grammars,
dictionaries, catalogues, or oriental translation-fund publi-
cations having been included in this estimate.
Literature. Literature, 2,404 volumes and 466 pamphlets. While
including many of the noted books in the history of literature
and on literary criticism, the larger part of this section is
composed of American and English works. Many of the
volumes are elementary text-books. Recent purchases have
sensibly increased the value of this section to the student.
Correspondence. Correspondence, 1,752 volumes and 65 pamphlets. Includes
some of the standard works, such as the letters of Napoleon,
Sevigne, Maintenon, Remusat, Schiller, Walpole, Grimm,
Webster, Burke, and Gibbon, but is comparatively weak,
especially in the writings of foreign authors.
Essays. Essajs, 4,961 volumes and 384 pamphlets. A miscel-
laneous collection mainly works of American and Eng-
lish writers, including many of the standard authors, and
especially full in the American literature of the last thirty
years. While a few writers in foreign languages, such as
Sainte-Beuve, Prevost-Paradol, Gautier, and Grinnn, are on
the shelves, the modern literature of Continental Europe is
but slightly represented.
Rhtioric and Rhetoric and oratory , 4,791 volumes and 589 pamphlets.
Contains the works of the leading American and English
orators, some old editions of Greek and Roman authors, and
numerous text-books, manuals, speakers, and many of the
school readers published in this country.
The Present Collections. 311
Ana, proverbs, etc., 2,288 volumes and 360 pamphlets, ^^^^fa. pro'vrrbi.
Contains a varied collection of ana, proverbs, dictionaries of
quotations in various languages, maxims, table talk, and
humor. Contains some of the works of French ana, such
as Menagiana, Fureteriana, Amoldiana. The dictionaries
and cyclopsedias of quotations are numerous, and the col-
lection is rich in the writings of American humorists.
Poetry, 14,928 volumes and 354 pamphlets. A goodcollec- ^''ry-
tionof American authors and of English authors, except the
more recent. There is ver\- little in the modem poetr\' of Con-
tinental Europe. Contains some of the anthologies, such as
Almanach des Muses, 1765 to 1830; Guessard, Les anciens
Poetes de la France; Carrara, Antologia Italiana; Erlach,
Die Volkslieder der Deutschen; Raunie, Chansonnier ^isto-
rique du xviii siecle. Contains the principal English
Drama, 4,076 volumes and 2,505 pamphlets. A miscella- ^^<"«'»-
neous collection. American copyrights form the main por-
tion. The standard collections, such as Cumberland's Brit-
ish Theatre, Cumberland's Minor Theatre, Inchbald's British
Theatre, and Modern Standard Drama, are found here.
There are few good editions of the works of modem foreign
dramatists, and very few modern critical editions of the
Greek and Roman dramatists. The old French writers are
found in such collections as Repertoire general du theatre
Franyais. Dramatic history- and criticism is represented by
a number of writers on the histor>^ of the stage and of the
drama in various countries, such as Klein, Geschichte des
Drama's; Collier's English Dramatic Poetr\', and various
works of biography and criticism. The later foreign his-
tories and critical writings on the drama are lacking.
Fiction, American and Eyiglish, 27,8 10 volumes. This is a jcan'^and'^Ens-
large and rapidl)^ growing collection, and comprises the '"*• .
works of nearly ever>' American writer and most of the
English writers. It also includes most of the translations
into English of writers in other languages.
Fiction, foreign, 6,067 volumes. French fiction contains Foreign.
the fullest representation. Other languages are but slightly
represented. Recent purchases, however, of the works of
modem German, Dutch, Italian, and Scandinavian \ATiters
have strengthened the collection in that direction.
312 Report of the Librarian of Congress.
mo^f'''"'' ■^""" Fiction, juvenile, 9,622 \-olunies. Mostly composed of
works by American and English writers, with translations
of the more popular foreign works, and a large number of
volumes of fairy tales and picture books for children.
Foikiote. Folklore, 420 volumes. Includes many of the recent
publications in English (mostlj-- American copyrights).
Includes the publications of the Folk-Lore Society, and a
few volumes of the Zeitschrift des A'^ereins fiir Volkskunde.
Contains very few books in foreign languages. Compared
with collections elsewhere, this is meager. There has
rece'itl)^ been added " Les Litteratures populaires de tout^s
les nations" in 43 volumes.
mC^c'*'"'^' "^ Music {literature of). A small collection, presenting
meager resources for reference or consecuti\'e study.
Especially limited in works on theory, composition, and
instrumentation; also in those on history and criticism.
Better equipped in biographies of musicians.
ai^hUtJiure ""'' -^^w^ arts and architecture. But 7,458 volumes classified
as fine arts and but 2,642 as architecture. Some of the
more valuable deposits of the Smithsonian Institution (e. g,,
Piranesi and reproductions of European galleries — Munich,
Dresden, Paris, Versailles, and others). Most of the
remainder are copyright deposits. These latter include,
however, some illustrative books of great artistic value
(e. g. , Bushell's Oriental ceramic art). Some few books
recently purchased for reference use (e. g. , Bode's Rem-
brandt, 5 volumes; Rovinski's Rembrandt's Etchings, 4
volumes; lives of various artists). In architecture a repre-
sentation of the works of Vitruvius, Palladio, Scamozzi,
Alberti, Valentini, etc.; a few of the works on the great
cathedrals; and various books (chiefly the result of copy-
right) on house building, bridge building, decorative iron-
work, etc. But the development of this department has
awaited decision as to some questions of policy and sys-
tematic lists. Some important accessions are noted in Select
list of recent purchases, pp. 99 to 102 of this Report.
Ecciesiaiticai Ecclcsiastical Mstory, 7,278 volumes and 1,657 pamphlets
is a good working collection, having in lx)th text and trans-
lation the histories of Eusebius, Socrates, Moehler, MoUer,
Mosheim, Baur, Neander, Prcssen.s^, DoUinger, Milnian,
Schaff, Weizsacker, Kurtz, and Ranke, and a gootl repre-
Tfie Present Collections. 313
sentation of denominational histories. In the German and
French works in the original it contains little. It has
Pfleiderer, Donier, Schaff. Winer, and others on Creeds.
In patristics the Libran,* has the Ante-Xicene Christian
Library, the Xicene and Post-Xicene Library-, and Migne's
Patrologia. In documentary- history- it has collections of the
acts of councils, the Papal bulls, etc. Contains a complete
set of the Acta Sanctorum and its indispensable supplement,
the Analecta Bollandiana.
Theology, 2 8 , 430 volumes and 3,714 pamphlets, is strongest Theology.
in Bible texts, having many pohglots, translations in the
modem languages, rare and Old English editions, and others,
such ris John Eliot's Indian Bible of 1663. In material for
textual criticism are found facsimiles of the Codex Bezse,
Codex Alexandrinus (part), Codex Sinaiticus, Codex Baby-
lonicus (part), and a few general histories of the texts.
Apocryphal literature is but slighth* represented either in
text or translation. In exegetical literature the Libran,' has
such Enghsh general commentaries as the Speaker's, Cam-
bridge Bible, Expositor's Bible, Henr^- and Godet, Lange
and Olshausen in translation, but lacks commentaries on the
single books. In the field of Biblical theology- there are a
few such works as Oehler and Schultz on the Old Testament
and Weiss on the Xew Testament, but in translation onl5\
In systematic theolog}- it has, among others, Calvin, Hodge,
Wesley, and Shedd, and a great varietj- of monographs on
separate subjects, such as ' ' God, " " immortality. ' ' etc. In
apologetics the Library has the Bampton and Hibbert lec-
tures and the Bridgewater treatises. Comparative religion
is represented by the ordinarj- authorities merely. The
requirements of scholars are not by any means met. Among
the introductions to the Old and Xew Testaments the
Libran.- has but few that represent modem scholarship.
This is also tme of higher criticism. In the literature of
missions the Libran,- is weak, lacking even the reports of
American bodies. It has the Lettres Edifiantes and other
reports of the Jesuit missions. The works on hymnology,
Sundav-school work. Christian sociology, homiletics. and
pastoral theology- are numerous. Special mention may be
made of an extensive series of the original editions of Luther,
numbering over 200 tracts, printed in black letter at Wittem-
berg during the lifetime of the author.
Report of the Librarian of Congress.
Marriage and
Crim inology.
f>}lice and
Mythology. Classical mythology consists of 223 volumes,
in which are included Colliguon, Decharme, Faniell, Lefovre,
Maury, Hancarville, Lenormant, Revue de I'histoire des
Religions. This section has a great many modern-school
text-books. Oriental and Teutonic niythologg comprise 441
volumes and 98 pamphlets.
Ocailt literature. There is also a miscellaneous collection
of 1,240 volumes and 235 pamphlets on fetichi.sm, magic,
mysticism, demonology, palmistry, astrology, spiritualism,
and other allied topics.
Social science, 7,757 volumes, besides pamphlets, embracing:
Society, 1,055 volumes, including theoretic .sociology,
.social reform, socialism, and history of .social in.stitutions;
newer works of foreign authors are not largely repre-
Etiquette, 308 volumes, and Home, 117 volumes, chiefly
subscription works and other copyright accessions.
Women, 602 volumes, contains mostly copyright books
on woman's sphere and work, and material relating to
the woman-suffrage question. A few leading foreign
works, recently purchased, on woman in primitive .soci-
ety, in antiquity, and the Middle Ages, but chiefly
modern works.
Marriage and divorce, 485 volumes, mostly popular
works on the duties of married life, wedding mementoes,
and similar publications. The scientific works on the
marriage relation are inadequately represented.
Charity, 470 volumes, contains, besides works on
organized charity, proceedings of .societies, hancUKX)ks
and reports of charitable institutions, the reports of
state boards of charities and correction.
Criminology , 522 volumes, contains the .standard older
works on crimes, some recent American books and re-
ports of penal institutions and state prison Ixjards, but
lacks the newer criminological literature of the Euro-
pean continent.
Police and detection, 224 volumes, follows the preceding
closely in character, containing, however, quite a num-
ber of subscription works dealing with the police force
of various cities.
The poor, 109 volumes, and the social evil, 41 volumes,
small collections of older works on these subjects.
The Present Collections.
Temperajice , 364 volumes, quite a number of subscrip- Temperance.
tion and other copyright books on the temperance move-
ment, but httle relating to England or other foreign
Labor, 962 volumes, containing most of the English
works dealing with labor, but deficient in foreign books.
Full reports of the French labor office and a large col-
lection of American labor reports.
Slavery, 846 volumes, dealing with slavery outside the
United States, particularly the English Uterature of the
abolition movement, and slavery as an institution in the
United States, and the race problems which have grown
out of it. The history- of the antislaverj- movement is
found under history of the United States.
Societies, i ,652 volumes, comprising chiefly the history
of freemasonrv-, the laws of Masonic organizations, and
journals of the proceedings of lodges.
In the chapter on sc)ciolog\' in general, it may be
added that direct selection has had but a small part in
assembling the collections.
The section of social pathology of the library of the Bureau of
Education embraces about 3,000 volumes. Special author-card
catalogue of this collection, author and subject cards in general
catalogue of the library*.
Ethics, 1,226 volumes and pamphlets, includes many of
the works of the recent writers on morals, both ancient and
modem, in the original texts and in translations. While it
contains the more recent American and English works, no
systematic attempt has been made to strengthen the collec-
tion by the purchase of the works of the European writers
of the past thirty 3'ears.
Philosophy, 2,'j'j^ volumes and pamphlets. In philosophy
the Library' has most of the American and English books on
the subject and a considerable number of foreign writers,
both .in the original and in translation, including many rare
and curious books. There is a good representation of the
general histories, such as Fischer, Ueberweg, and Zeller. In
psychology most of the recent works are included, and the
collection of works ou logic is fairl)- good.
Education, 13,950 volumes and pamphlets. The larger Education.
portion of this section is composed of catalogues of colleges,
reports of educational institutions, and histories of colleges
and schools. In this hterature it is strong, and thousands
Philosoph V.
Rcpoti of the Librarian of Congress.
of reports not yet arranged, when catalogued and placed
upon the shelves, will still further strengthen it. The
general works on education comprise 2,257 volumes. The
collection has no standing in foreign pedagogics.
The library of the United States Bureau of Education, corner
Eighth and G streets NW., has the largest collection of peda-
gogical literature in America and probably in the world. About
75,000 lx>oks and 135,000 unbound pamphlets.
Five sections: i. Engli.sh and French. 2. German. 3. Poly-
glot. These contain an extensive collection of IkkjIcs on the
history and philosophy of education, methods of teaching, and
psychology, special collections of college and university cata-
logues, reports of educational authorities in all countries, and
files of educational jjeriodicals. The German collection is spe-
cially noteworthy. 4. Social pathology. The V)est collection
in America. Books, periodicals, and reports on reformatories,
prisons, criminal anthropology, and care of the blind, deaf and
dumb, and feeble-minded. 5. The Model "A. L. A." Library,
as exhibited at the World's Fair, 1893, in duplicate, classified by
both decimal and Cutter systems. Card catalogues in each .sec-
tion, authors and classified subjects separately, including index
to educational periodicals. Decimal classification. Pamphlets
in catalogued and numbered boxes by subjects.
Mathematics. Mathematics, 5,737 books and 916 pamphlets. Includes
a considerable number of text-books in arithmetic, book-
keeping, and surveying mamials, books on weights and
measures, and commercial tablets of all kinds. The mathe-
matical collection proper is not large. It consi.sts chiefly
of copyright accessions; a few old editions of the works
of some of the Greek mathematicians; several editions of
Newton's works; many of the works of the older mathema-
ticians; with a few histories; the principal European treatises
on the higher mathematics of fifteen or twenty years ago,
but none more recent; and a few files of mathematical
journals, mostly incomplete.
Astronomy. Astronoviy, 3,6 1 2 books and 1,084 pamphlets. A good
collection of popular works; the writings of the older astron-
omers; some old books on cosmology; a .small collection of
astronomical tables and star catalogues, coast pilots and
books on navigation; broken sets of the publications of a
few of the principal European obser\'atories, those for recent
years being absent.
In mathematics and astronomy the librarj' of the United
States Naval Obser\-atory has the largest collection in the Dis-
The Present Collecti<ms.
trict, 20,000 books and 4,000 pamphlets. Author-card catalogue.
The files of periodicals, transactions, and obsers-ations are
generally complete. The Coast Survey Librarj- has special
collections on geodes}-, hydrographj', tides, lunar theory, and
star catalogues and a number of complete files in mathematics
and astronomy. Author and class catalogues. Index to
Mechanics and physics, 3,016 books and 956 pamphlets. Mechanics and
including many old treatises on natural philosophy, a few
sets of collected papers of the older physicists, a good col-
lection of modem American text-books and treatises; but
the standard European books are generally old editions.
Two files of periodicals, approximately complete.
The library of the United States Weather Bureau has 18,000
books and 5,000 pamphlets, mainly on physics and meteorology,
including the principal files. Author card catalogue. Index
to periodicals. The Coast Sur\ey librar\- has a special collec-
tion on terrestrial magnetism. The libraries of the Patent
Office and the Naval Obser^•ator^• have several complete files.
Chemistry, only 1.655 books and 921 pamphlets. Ameri- chemishy.
can text-books constitute the majority. There are also
many of the works of the older chemists; a few broken
periodical sets and only two complete files.
The libraries of the United States Department of Agricultiu-e,
the United States Geological Svu-vey, and the Patent Ofiice have
good collections of books and files of periodicals on chemistry-.
The first is especially good on organic, the second on inorganic,
and the third on technological chemistry.
Exh ibitions.
Technology, 18,540 books and 6,945 pamphlets, as follows:
Patents. — Complete set of United States Patent Office
Gazette and Reports; an incomplete file of the British Offi-
cial Journal; a large number of miscellaneous books.
Exhibitions. — Catalogues of all the exhibitions, beginning
with London, 1851.
Manufactiires a7id trades. — Books relating to the various aiuin'ad^s'^''*'^"
industries, particularly sugar, wines and liquors, clocks,
leather, soap, and woolen goods; publications of the various
industrial societies.
Practical mechanics. — Chiefly American text-books and c/m^csf'^' "'^'
Engineerijig . — Many text-books and manuals on steam, Engineering.
electrical, mechanical, and civil engineering, mainly Ameri-
Report of the Librarian of Congress.
Military and
naval sciince .
can; journals and transactions of the leading engineering
Metallurgy. — Three hundred books and full sets of the
principal English and American iron and steel reports and
journals; a large collection of manufacturers' catalogues.
Railroads. — The reports of most of the great American
Canals. — A special collection relating to the Inter-oceanic
Telegraphy. — One thousand volumes, half of which are
Military and naval science. — Publications of the various
governments and schools; histories and text-books, including
many of the best works on naval architecture.
Photography. — Sets of all the leading journals.
The scientific library of the Patent Office is the largest col-
lection of technical literature in America — 74,140 volumes.
Printed catalogue to 1S88, author and subject supplementary
card catalogue. Index of periodical literature since 1891. For
military and naval science see also the libraries at the War and
Navy Departments.
Natural history , 2,044 books and 81 pamphlets. A large
number of old works on natural histor)- (many of them large
folios with fine plates) with several editions of Cuvier,
Linnaeus, Buff on; a few old dictionaries of science, such as
Diderot's; Naturalists' voyages; incomplete files of maga-
zines and publications of natural history societies; museum
catalogues and reports; general text-books on biology, chiefly
Geology and mineralogy, 3,519 books and 1,363 pamphlets,
A fairly good collection of text-books and popular works,
but those published abroad are not recent editions; a few
special treatises on minerals and ore deposits, gems, crystal-
lography; files of the journals of a few of the principal
geological societies and mining in.stitutes, and a considerable
but incomplete collection of the reports of the Government
geological surveys in America and Europe. There has been
little expenditure by the Library of Congress in this section
on account of the extensive collection at the Library of the
United States Geological Survey, which is very acce.ssible:
About 46,000 books and 75,000 pamphlets, .\uthor-card
catalogue to books. Analytical card index to North American
official publications.
The Present Collections.
Zoology, about 4,700 books and 1,700 pamphlets. Besides
the American text-books, many descripti\e works on the
fauna of different countries; a large collection of books on
birds, especially British, American, and Australian, many
of them finely illustrated folios, with such works as those
of Audubon, Milne-Edwards, Wilson; small collections on
insects (including a few incomplete files of entomological
journals), on conchology, and other special subjects; a good
assortment on fishes and angling.
The library of the Department of Agriculture, 68,000 vol-
umes, partly located in the various di\nsions, but catalogued
by author and class, on cards at the central libraiA-, contains,
at the Di\-ision of Biological survey, a large collection of sys-
tematic works on mammals, \\-ith card indexes of genera and
species; at the Di\'ision of Entomology*-, a large collection on
insects, analyzed in author, subject, and class catalogues, with
card bibliographies on beetles and scale insects; at the Bureau
of Animal Industr)-, a special collection on parasites, ^vith card
index to periodical literature for ten years. At the Birds and
Insects Departments of the National Museum there are also ex-
tensive collections of books on these subjects. The library of
the United States Fish Commission, S,ooo books and 14,000
pamphlets, has the best collection on fish and fish culture in
America. Author and subject card catalogue.
Botany, 2,871 books and 902 pamphlets. A large num-
ber of American text-books and descriptions of the flora of
different countries and monographs on special subjects
(manj' of them are large folios with fine plates); several
sets of botanical journals.
See also the libraries of the Department of Agriculture and
of the National Museum. The collection on palaeobotany from
the Geological Survey is deposited at the office of the curator
of fossil plants, National Museum.
Agriailture, less than 6,000 books and pamphlets, con-
sisting of oflScial publications, periodicals, proceedings of
societies, and a miscellaneous collection of books on farming,
gardening, and other related topics. Few books have been
purchased in recent years for this section, because the well-
organized librars' of the Department of Agriculture is ade-
quate to the demand. (5"^^" above. )
Human anatomy and physiology, about 750 books, x\2.,
a large number of American text-books, with a few of the oiogy.
principal English treatises and French anatomical atlases.
Human anat-
320 Report of the Librarian of Congress.
sJfgery*"' ""'' Medicine and surgery, 12,401 books and 3,832 pamphlets.
Chiefly the result of copyright accessions or gifts, and con-
sisting, therefore, chiefly of American treatises, handbooks,
and dictionaries, reports of boards of health, and files of
medical and surgical journals. Of works published abroad
many of the earlier ones, including earlier French and Eng-
lish atlases of surger>'. Owing to the accessibility of the
library of the Surgeon-General's Office and its liberal
administration, there has been little expenditure by the
Library of Congress in these lines.
The library of the Surgeon-General's Ofl&ce is the most com-
prehensive collection of medical literature in the world. Over
135,000 books and 229,000 pamphlets. Catalogue in book form,
21 volumes, supplemented by a card catalogue, including index
to periodical literature.
Anthropology. A?ithropology , about 500 volumes.
The Library of the Bvu-eau of Ethnology contains 12,000
books and 4,000 pamphlets.
^mesttc econ- Domestic economy. Numerous text-books on cookery and
household .science.
games^^^ "'"' ►S/5>^r/.y a«^^aw<?.y, nearly 4, COO volumes, compri.sing books
relating to horses and horse racing, studbooks, turf and
trotting registers, books on dogs, hunting, athletic sports,
physical training, and indoor games.
and^'^cfiucied Polygrapliy ajid Collected works, 13,546 volumes and 2,884
^^''"- pamphlets. This chapter contains a large and rich collec-
tion of the works of noted authors, and in some cases lim-
ited and special editions of their works. It also includes the
publications of such societies as the Bannatyne Club, Cam-
den Society, Chaucer Society, Early English Text Society,
English Dialect Society, Roxburghe Club, Spenser Society,
Maitland Club, and Surtees Society. Many collections are
here kept intact, such as the Anecdota Oxoniensia, Arber's
Engli.sh Reprints, Biblioteca de autores Espanoles, Biblio-
thek des literarischen Vereins, Colecci6n de autores Espa-
noles, Deutsche National Litteratur, Didot's Biblioth6que
grecque, Legge's Chinese Classics, Lemaire's Latin texts,
and Valpy's Delphin Classics. Recent purchases have
added considerably to the strength of this section (see Select
list, pp. 83-87 of this Report).
Cyclopedias. Cyclopedias. The collection of cyclopaedias is large, com-
The Present Collections. 321
pnsing nearly 3,000 volumes, and contains most of the
standard cyclopaedias in English, French, and Gennan.
Recent purchases have materially strengthened this section.
Directories, 8,103 volumes. This collection includes most DtrfctorUs.
of the American state, cit}', and town directories of the last
twenty-five years, and for some of the larger cities almost
complete files from the earliest issues, a number of foreign
directories, and commercial and professional directories.
Almanacs and yearbooks. 8,250 volumes, constitute one oi yfaiVooks" ""**
the important collections in the Library'; includes many for-
eign almanacs containing administrative data : the Almanach
Royal, k-aown variously as the Almanach Imperial, Royal,
National, according to the changes of the French Govern-
ment; the Almanach de Gotha, which first appeared in 1764,
and similar publications. English almanacs are to be found
as early as 1654, and such almanac makers as William Lilly,
Francis Moore, John Partridge, and R.White are well repre-
sented. In American almanacs the Library is specially rich,
beginning with those hy Z. Brigden, Cambridge, 1659; S.
Cheever, 1660; X. Chauncy, 1662; I. Chaunc\-, 1663; A.
Xowell, 1665. There are full sets, with few exceptions, of
those of John Tulley, 1687-1702; S. Clough, 1700-1708;
Nathaniel Ames, Nathaniel Low, Nathaniel Whittemore,
1714-1729; Hutchins'slmproved, 1760. Poor Richard, by R.
Saunders (Franklin), is represented by the issues of twenty-
seven j-ears, beginning with 1740. There is a large number
of \'irginia almanacs beginning with the year 1741 and con-
tinuing to date. The almanacs of later dates are numerous.
First editions. The Library* possesses some rare editions First editions.
of noted authors. It has the first folio of Shakespeare,
1623, with the three follo^\^ng folios (original editions) of
1632, 1664, and 1685: first issue of Midsummer Night's
Dream, 1600; Milton's Paradise Lost, first edition, 1667;
Burton's Anatomy of Melancholy, first edition. 1620; the
first five editions of Walton's Complete Angler; Painter's
Palace of Pleasure; Piers Plowman's Vision, first edition,
1550; King James's Folio Bible, first issue, 161 1 (a xevy fine
copy); The Bishop's Bible, 1569; Cranmer's Bible, various
editions, 1540, etc.; Matthew's Bible, 1551; man\- black-
letter Bibles of various early dates; Luther's German version
9957—01 21
322 Report of the Librarian of Congress.
of the Bible; Christopher Saur's print, Germantown, Pa.,
first edition, 1743; and Aitken's Bible, two volumes, Phila-
delphia, 1782. There are numerous printed books of the
fifteenth century, beginning with an edition of the Consti-
tutions of St. Clement, 1467, and repre.senting every year
since that date, and, in some cases, by .several examples.
The collection of incunabula, however, is not monumental
or extraordinary.
e"""^^ /'»r^//, J-fotner, Virgil, etc. A beginning has been made in form-
ing separate .special collections of great authors. Tlie works
by or relating to the following are collected: Homer (383
volumes), Virgil (246), Dante (331), Shakespeare (1,670),
Goethe (405), and Burns (330). Additions to all are con-
stantl}- being made, especially in the direction of procuring
the best editions.
lion.*"* '^° "^ Toner collection. B3' the terms of its presentation this is
kept distinct from the main collection of books. It contains
over 27,000 bound and unbound volumes and about 12,000
pamphlets and periodicals. The lx)oks and pamphlets relate
chiefly to medicine and to American history and biography.
There are many packages of newspaper clippings and at
least 25,000 cuttings upon miscellaneous themes, mounted
upon folios of uniform size, and an extensive .series of clip-
pings of biography from various sources, arranged in alpha-
betical order in three large ca.ses, convenient for reference.
Bibliography. Bibliography. The greater part of the bibliographical
collection of the Library is placed in the Catalogue Room,
where constant reference to bibliographical authority is a
fundamental necessity. Here is kept a classified catalogue,
with alphabetical author and subject index. The collection
thus placed is within ea.sy reach of the other divisions of the
Library. The entire section of book-trade bibliography,
indispensable to the purchasing service, is shelved in the
Order Division. Other sections required for sj^ecial work
are placed respectively in the Bibliographic, Documents,
Map, Music, Prints, Smithsonian, and Copyright divisions.
Literary Hi.story, formerly united with Bibliography, now
forms a .separate class in charge of the Reading Room
The collection contains 1 1,337 volumes ^"^ 9- 181 pam-
phlets, or together 20,518. It embraces the history and
The Present Collections.
origin of books and bookmaking. the arts concerned in their
production, preser\-ation, and use, and is arranged in main
groups as follows:
Origin and greneral history of books and bookmaking 4
Autographs 64
Penmanship and calligraphy 154
Shorthand, cipher 9S0
Palaeography 131
Printing: History and practice 710
Binding I 69
Publishing and bookselling 116
Copyright: Liberty of the press 170
History, reports, etc ^ ^5°
Library science 41S
Catalogues 2.9JS
Book collecting: Private libraries, including catalogues 893
Book prices: Second-hand booksellers'catalogues' in part) 1.354
Bibliography: History, bibliography of bibliographj'. choice of books, -
periodicals, universal and select general bibliographies, remark- '
able books, etc i. 584
Anonyms and pseudonyms 68
National bibliography 4,817
Subject bibliography , 2. 217
Personal (individual ) bibliography . . 178
Total 20,518
Within the limitations to be specified presently, and
including the additions under way or assuredh- pro\-ided for,
the Library- may be stated to possess fairly adequate biblio-
graphical apparatus for the pursuit of ordinary investigation
and for the conduct of its own operations, while in a few-
directions it offers unusual facilities for special research.
The literature of English shorthand is notably well repre-
sented, including 27 editions of the seventeenth centurj-,
and 37 of the eighteenth century, the earliest being Edmond
Wilhs's Abreuiation of Writing by Character, [London] , G.
Purslow, 1 61 8.
Paleography. The status of the section of palaeography
may be best illustrated by the enumeration of the more note-
worthy works present and absent. The Library- possesses:
Astle, 1803; Westwood, Palaeographia sacra, 1844; and Fac-
similies of miniatures, 1868; Silvestre ( French ed. ) ; Palseo-
P.\L.«:OGR A-
324 Report of the Librarian of Congress,
graphical society, Facsimiles; the palaeographical publica-
tions of the British Museum; Montfaucon; Savva; Omont,
Facsim. des mss. grecs, iv-xii siecles, 1892; Omont, Fac-
sim. des mss. grecs dates, 1890; Mabillon (two editions);
Tassin & Toustain, Nouveau Traite; Kopp; Natalis de
Wailly; Anadt; Delisle, Cabinet des mss.; Album paleo-
graphique; Recueil de facsim. de I'Ecole des Chartes
(in part); von Sybel & gickel, Kaiserurkunden ; Pflugk-
Harttuug, Specimina; Facsimiles of national manuscripts
of England, of Ireland, of Scotland; Codices Graeciet Latini
(Du Rieu) 1897; Codices e Vaticanis selecti, 1S99; Monu-
menta palaeographica (Chroust), 1899; Merino; Muiioz y
Rivero; Musee des Archives departementales, 1878; Chate-
lain, 1884-1890; Flammermont, 1896; Hyvemat, i888. It
still wants, among others: Wattenbach and Zangemeister,
1876-1879; Champollion-Figeac, Chartes et mss., 1840;
Letronne, Diplomes et chartes, 1845-1866; Sickel, Monu-
nienta graphica, 1858-1882; Monaci, Facsimili, 1881;
Monaci and Paoli, Archivio, 1882-1892; Bibliotheca Ca.si-
neusis, 1873- 1880; Paleografia artistica di Montecassino,
1876; Comte de Bastard d'Estang, 1835-1B78; Musee des
Archives nationales; Omont, Facsim. grecs, xv et xvi siecles,
1887; Vitelli and Paoli, 1884- 1889; Pertz, Schrifttafeln,
1844-1869; and many of the contributions of Wattenbach,
Delisle, etc.
PRINTING AND /Vzw/zwp- and Incunabula. History of printing and the
literature of incunabula are as yet very imperfectly repre-
sented, especially local history and products of individual
printers and presses. The collection has been supplemented
during the past years by acquisition of the more important
recent works, but it is still inadequate for systematic study
of the subject. Among the early printed books at present
in the Library are not a few rare specimens. Special rules
for an incunabula catalogue have been formulated, having
regard to their .special character and to the demands made
upon .such catalogues, but the work itself is in abeyance,
the time of competent cataloguers l^eing claimed by more
pressing duties. So far as catalogued, incunabula are rep-
resented by entries adequate for the general catalogue.
Library hi iiory. Library kistorj. In material for the history of libraries,
the development of the library movement and librar)- science
The Present Collections: Periodicals. 325
in the United States, the Library of Congress has much,
but nearly all of its series of reports and catalogues of public
libraries are still incomplete. The corresponding sections
for other countries, while not so well filled, contain much
that is not commonly found in other libraries.
General bibliography, national and subject bibliography
have been much strengthened by purchase since the removal
of the Library from the Capitol. (See pp. 76, 77 of this
Report. ) Defective sets of important national bibliographies
are being completed to date wherever possible, lacking series
are procured, and new publications currently ordered. The
remaining deficiencies are chiefl}- series of periodicals and
serial publications in part out of print and, in national bibli-
ography very generally, the extensive and important local
bio-bibliographical literature of foreign countries. Subject
and personal bibliography also disclose notable gaps.
The reference collection in the Catalogue Division further
comprises a group of selected national encyclopaedias , 375
volumes: a series of language dictionaries, 129 volumes:
professional and technical dictionaries, 138 volumes; politi-
cal and genealogical almanacs and yearbooks, 116 volumes;
national biographical dictionaries, 359 volumes; general and
annual catalogues of higher institutions of learning and year-
books of academies and learned societies, 371 volumes.
Neu-spapers. There are now in the Library' about 22,000
volumes of newspapers. Of these the larger portion are of
course American. Of foreign there are, however, several
files of great importance practically complete. Among these
are: The London Gazette, 1665 to date; London Times,
1796 to date; London Chronicle, 1757 to 1799, and 1814 to
1861; London Advertiser, 1730 to 1795; Moniteur Univer-
sel, 1789 to date; Journal des Debats, 1789 to date, and the
Allgemeine Zeitung. 1789 to date. There is the Gaceta
de. Madrid, 1870- 1900; the Diario de la Marina (Habana)
1844-1882; the Gaceta de la Habana, 1883-1894, and from
1900. There is El Diario de la Repiiblica de Mexico for the
period of the Mexican war.
326 Report of the Librarian of Congress.
The subscription to current foreign newspajiers on any
considerable scale did not begin until January, 1901.
The files of American newspapers are exhibited in the list
published recently by the Library. They constitute the
largest collection in existence. They include at least two
representative papers from each State since 1870; but also
an extraordinary number of leading papers complete, or
almost complete, from a much earlier date, e. g., the Na-
tional Intelligencer, 1 800-1 878; the New York Evening
Post from 1 801 ; the New York Tribune from 1841 ; the New
York Times from 185 1; the New York World from i860;
the New York Herald from 1846; the Cincinnati Commer-
cial from i860; the Richmond Enquirer fro\n 1808; the
Arkansas Gazette from 1820; the Charleston Courier, Savan-
nah Republican, etc. These are but examples, though the
most notable ones. In papers prior to 1800 the Library is
inferior to several other institutions, e. g., the American
Antiquarian Society at Worcester. Three hundred and fifty
volumes of eighteenth-century papers came to it with the
Force Collection, and it has acquired and is acquiring others
wherever the opportunity offers. It has just added largely
to its file of the Pennsylvania Gazette. Part I, Appendix
VII, of this Report contains a list of the newspapers cur-
rently on file.
Periodicals. The lx)und periodicals in the Libran,' now
aggregate 123,805 volumes; but the total includes periodicals
dealing with special subjects. Those classed as "general"
number 68,127 volumes. They are representative, but not
comprehensive nor complete within themselves. Expendi-
ture is con.stant in the endeavor to complete them and to
increase the range of the collection.
A check list of the back files will be "issued in the near
Current issues. The serials currently received ( excluding
newspapers) appear in the Union List of Periodicals (see
Part I of this Report, p. 38).
The Present Collections: Documents. 327
(See also under Division of Documents, pp. 253-260.)
The number of documents in the Librar>' of Congress is
shown in the following statement:
United States Congressional dociunents, First to Fourteenth
Congress (estimated) 500
United States Congressional documents. Fifteenth to Fifty-
sixth Congress (estimated) 11, 600
State Legislative documents (counted) 6, 869
Municipal documents (counted) i, 353
Foreign legislative documents, including certain gazettes,
departmental reports of France, and proxnncial reports of
Belgium ( counted ) . . . . : 20, 872
Foreign documents, sorted but not catalogued (estimated) . . . 12, coo
Foreign docimients, unsorted ( estimated > 10, 000
Classified documents in the various chapters of the Librar}-
(counted) 25, 060
Total 87. 654
No pamphlets are included in the foregoing statement,
and all estimates were made on the basis of volumes only.
Second copies placed on the shelves for library- use are
counted, but all duplicates are excluded. Of the latter
Jhere must be at least 25,000.
The earlv Congressional documents were pubhshed in a Congressional
ver>- unsystematic manner, and the completeness of a col-
lection can not be determined by the number of bound
volumes, but only by minute examination of their contents.
Of the later issues of Congress, since the Fifteenth Con-
gress, the Library- aims to keep three copies on the shelves.
As this has only been partially realized, the number given
falls short of three times the whole number issued, but on
the other hand the volumes represented are more than one-
third of the number here given. Any omissions in the
series will, it is hoped, be filled by the exchange of the large
number of duplicates in possession of the Librar\\
The separate issues of the several Executive Departments Department
and offices of the Federal Government are counted among the
classified documents in the table (above). Owing to the ab-
sence before March 3, 1901, of any law insuring the
receipt of these publications directly from the Public Printer
and the general assumption on the part of Government
Report of the Librarian of Congress.
officials that the Library did so receive them, the collections
are not as complete as would be anticipated. Every effort
is being made to supply deficiencies, and it is hoped that the
collection, already probably as large as can be found any-
where, may soon l)e as complete as practicable.
The journals of State legislatures and the collected docu-
ments issued by the States have been received largely as a
return to the United States for the sets of Federal docu-
ments distributed to the State libraries, while the earlier
issues, so far as represented, have frequently l3een purchased.
As the later j'e'&rs have l^een more abundant in publications
than the early ones, it is probable that the collection of 6,869
documents represents from two-thirds to three-fourths of all
those issued. The following statement shows for the
House journals how the different epochs of our history are
House journals of the State ( including Territorial and, he/ore 1776,
Colonial) legislatures.
Per cent.
Before 1800 .
Total .
Individual State reports appear in the table among the
classified documents. While no attempt is being made to
secure complete files of all the documents of all the States,
it is deemed proper to have the more important State reports
represented as separate i.s.sues.
The relatively small number of municipal documents is
due to the fact that heretofore little effort has been made to
collect this material.
Regular exchanges of documents are now carried on with
forty-.seven governments, noted in Appendix III. Thissys-
tematic exchange was established in 1 869, and some purchases
had been made then. Before that time the only sources of
acquisition were occasional gifts and purchases of official
publications. Since the establi.shment of exchange rela-
tions, which in some cases took place later than 1869,
The Present Collections: Documents,
the sets of foreign official publications are sometimes incom-
plete through irregularity of shipment. This was clue in
part to the fact that the Library- lacked a regularh- organ-
ized ser\'ice to record and acknowledge receipts and to notify
correspondents of omissions. Such omissions arose from the
fact that the agents making shipments were not the direct
beneficiaries of the exchange, and hence had no interest in
maintaining coutinuit}'. Where, moreover, the official print-
ing is concentrated in the hands of one official who makes
shipments direct, they are more regular than when the
responsibility is divided among a large number of persons.
The foreign documents have not been completely sorted.
Attention has been given especiall}- to the English-speaking
countries and the nations of Europe. In the following we
give a statement of the parliamentars' documents of these
nations and a few allied publications. In explanation it
might be added that the number of volumes depends not
only upon the number of j'ears for which the series runs, but
also upon the practice of classifying executive reports either
as parliamentary papers or as separate issues.
Parliamentary documents.
\ Dales. i Volumes.
Committee rejxjrts
Parliamentary pa pens
Rolls of Parliament. ..
l,ords journals
Commons journals. . . . ,
l,ondon Gazette
I/jrds journals
Commons journals.
Dublin Gazette
1664- 1900
Acts of Parliament
Kdinbut^b Gazette
British possessions.
Parliamentary- proceedings and papers :
1S69-1900 1
330 Report of the Librarian of Congress.
Parliamentary documents — Continued.
r.REAT BRITAIN— coiitiinieii.
British possessions — Con t i ii tied .
Parliamentary proceedings and papers — Continued.
New South Wales TT.
South Australia
Western Australia 1 1890-1898
New Zealand i 1883-1900
Cape of Good Hope j 1882-1899
British India (papers)
Parliamentary proceedings and papers :
Administrative reports of the provinces.
Legislative reports of the departments .
Journal ofKciel
(■esetze.s-und Verordnungsblalt.
Gesetz und Verordnung.sblatt ,
Gaceta de Madrid, with supplements .
1 789-1 9CXS
Great Britain
British pojisessions
Other European countries .
'■ 747
Up. 746
The Present Collections: Doaiments.
The individual issues of foreign governments, so far as
catalogued, appear among the classified documents, but
there are many alreadj' sorted by the Division of Docu-
ments and are available for use which are still uncata-
logued. There is, in addition, a large amount of material
still unsorted, which consists mainly of the publications of
the Spanish American countries.
The final item of the count of documents is the classi-
fied material, including not only national, state, local, and
foreign documents, but also quasi official documents, such
as those of boards of trade and similar bodies. Of the latter
there are 832 volumes included in the chapter of economics
and statistics in the main collection. The distribution of
the classified documents by chapters is as follows:
18U. S
Number umen/s.
Oassified doc-
Natural history
International law
Economics and statistics
Sociologj-, etc
Historj*. Europe, etc
Historj-, England
History-, .-Vmerica
Historj-, .\merican local .
Biography, American
Bibliographj- ,
332 Report of the Librarian of Congress.
The section of the collection particularly significant which
is to go into the Smithsonian stack, consists of scientific serials,
especially the transactions, proceedings, and other publica-
socieiy pubii- tions of Scientific and learned societies. Of these a rough
estimate shows over 90 .societies devoted exclusively to
natural history, 40 to geography, 30 to medicine, 70 to
archaeology, about the same number to history. iS to engi-
neering and architecture, 20 to geology, 30 to botany, 20
to mathematics, physics, and astronomy, a considerable
number to agriculture, a few to economic .science, scores
of others that are impossible to classify except as ' ' gen-
eral. ' ' As the assembling of the library of the Smithsonian
Institution was l^egun about 1846, the files from that date
are much more complete than the earlier portions.
Ever}' civilized country is represented by its publications,
whether of societies, academies, universities, or mu.seums;
the European nations, especiall}- Germany, Great Britain,
and France, standing at the head of the list in the order
named, and the American, of cour.se, forming a large .section.
The many valuable publications of the various scientific
bureaus of the different governments and the proceedings of
the international congresses are not included here, as thej' are
cared for by the Documents Division.
The miscellaneous monographs are classed with the various
special subjects with which they deal; the manuscripts and
prints with the material in those divisions.
It should be clearly understood by those wishing to con-
.sult this collection in the early future that a very imix)rtant
pan of it is .still at the Smithsonian Institution.
Great Acade- At the Smithsonian Institution there is a special room set
apart for the principal publications of the great academies,
of which the .sets are complete, or nearly so, viz:
London: Royal Society. Proceedings. Transactions.
Edinburgh: Royal Society. Proceedings. Tran.sac-
Dublin: Royal Iri.sh Academy. Transactions.
Also the Philosophical Magazine and British Associa-
tion Reports.
The Present Collections: Law Library. 333
Paris: Institut de France, Academic des sciences.
Comptes rendus.
Societe Fran^aise de Physique. Seances.
Berlin: K. preussische Akademie der Wissenschaften.
Abhandlungen. Sitzungsberichte.
Halle: K. Leopoldinisch-Carolinische deutsche
Akademie der Naturforscher. Verhandlungen.
Also the principal files of each of the following
academies: Vienna, Rome, St. Petersburg, Copenhagen,
The Library- of Congress has its own sets of a few of these
academies, but the}' were discontinued about 1866, in the
expectation that they would be continued by the Smith-
sonian Deposit.
Many of the files are incomplete, due either to the inabil- incomputefius.
ity of publishers to supph* missing copies, or to actual loss
and destruction whilst the greater part of the collection
received remained unbound. The current files of about 400
of these publications are kept at the Institution, being sent
to the Library of Congress when volumes are completed.
Constant effort is, however, being made to remedy" these
(See also under Organization, pp. 276-278.)
The Law Library- at the Capitol (i. e. , the general collec-
tion) compri.sed on Julj' i, 1901, 79,451 volmnes. These
were classified as follows (the designation ' ' works in foreign
languages " is, of course, not definitely descriptive):
Textbooks 16,896
Reports, including cases and digests 20, 373
Session laws, including compilations and codes 12, 442
Works in foreign languages 10,388
Trials 5, 01 1
Periodicals 3,473
Briefs and records 9.575
Law section of Toner Collection i. 293
Total 79,451
Numericalh- the collection is one of the largest in the
United States.
IvAw Library
334 Report of the Librarian of Congress.
The Custodian of the Library furnishes the following esti-
mate of its strength and weakness:
The collection is not so strong as its mere numbers might
suggest. Under the copyright law two copies of each edi-
tion of every American copyrighted law book have been
received, and duplicate sets of reports, as a matter of utility,
have been maintained, while of the United States Supreme
Court Reports there are six sets.
Siaumary of contents. — Contains nearly all American text-
books, in their several editions; all standard English trea-
tises in their several editions; the English Reports com-
plete, together with the new annotated reprint .so far as it
has appeared; the Canadian Reports, including those of
Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edwards Island, and
Manitoba; the Australian Reports and Indian Appeals Re-
ports; the United States Supreme Court Reports; all the
United States Circuit and District Court Reports, Federal
Cases, the Federal Reporter, American Decisions, American
Reports, and complete sets of reports of supreme and appel-
late courts of the various States and Territories, including
Hawaii; session laws or acts of general assemblies of the
various States and Territories, with some gaps here and
there of rare and not easily obtainable volumes; standard
periodicals; Trials: Annals of Newgate, Hargrave's Collec-
tion, Howell's, Craik, Townsend, Phillips, Wharton, and
nearly 5,000 individual trials; digests of all the reports
mentioned above, and standard encyclopaedias and diction-
aries of ancient and modern languages.
International International law. — International law is fairly represented
by American and English treatises, by such standard conti-
nental works as Rivier, Calvo, Heffter, and Pradier-Fod6r^;
together with the Revue de droit international et de legis-
lation comparee. In foreign law various editions of the
Corpus Juris Civilis. Collections of laws of foreign coun-
tries in ancient and modern treatises are well represented,
e.specially in French, Troplong; French jurisprudence itself
by the Journal du Palais, Isambert, Bulletin des Arrets de la
Cour decas.sation. Bulletin des lois frangaises, Dalloz; Spain
by the Coleccion Legislativa; other countries, Switzerland,
Germany, Holland, and Russia by broken and incomplete
sets of laws. t
The Present Collections: Manuscripts. 335
It is fairly to be assumed that the collection is weak in
general jurisprudence, legal bibliography, legal biography
and miscellany, and in legal periodicals. It is probably defi-
cient in works on the historical development of law and in
continental treatises on the ci\-il law, and on the law of
nations. It lacks almost wholly the British Colonial
Reports (except as stated bj* the custodian), but there have
been substantial recent additions to these.
(See also under Manuscripts Division, pp. 261-263.)
Sources. The manuscript collections in the Library- of
Congress pre\'ious to the removal to the new building were
acquired from the following sources:
(a) The major portion of the library of Thomas Jefferson Jefferson mss.
purchased in 18 15, and the additional Jefferson manuscripts
purchased in 1829. From Jefferson's collections were
obtained, in addition to the printed books, 28 volumes or
bundles of manuscripts concerned chiefly with Virginia his-
tory. Among them were the Records and Papers of the
London Company of Virginia, 1619-1624, in 2 volumes; 8
volumes of Laws and Orders of the General Assembly,
1622-17 1 2, and 7 volumes or bundles of papers containing
minutes of the assembly or other colonial records, 1606-
.1 700. In addition this purchase included 3 volumes of Jef-
ferson's law notes, 3 volumes of manuscript commentaries
upon a universal history-, and copies of several treatises upon
religious or philosophical subjects.
(J}') The papers of Dolly Madison, purchased by Congress ^^^^ Madison
in 1848. Although dealing in the main with family matters,
these manuscripts throw much light upon the political and
social life of the city of Washington during the first half of
the nineteenth centurs'.
(c) The Smithsonian (Collection, obtained by virtue of the
legislation of 1866, which provided that this collection should
be transferred to the Librar\- of Congress. Most notable
among the manuscripts secured at that time are the 54 vol-
umes of bills, accounts, inventories, etc., intended to illus-
trate the history of prices in England from 1632 to 1792.
These volumes were received bv the Smithsonian Institu-
336 Report of the Librarian of Congress.
tion in 1852 from Mr. J. O. Halliwell-Phillips, and contains
about 7,000 documents. Another valuable acquisition
obtained as the result of this legislation is the 35 volume
Loyalist papers, record of the Proceedings of the Loyalist Commi.ssioners,
presented to the Smithsonian Institution in 1874 by Major-
General Lefroy. Thirty-four of these volumes are filled
with testimony taken at Lincoln's Inn Fields, Halifax, St.
John, Quebec, Montreal, Carleton Island, and Niagara,
1 783-1 789, concerning the losses and .services of American
Loyalists during the Revolution. The last volume contains
reports of the commi.ssion from 1784 to 1790.
Force Mss. . (fl?) The uianuscripts obtained from the library of Peter
Force, purchased by the National Government in 1867. Ow-
ing to the size of this collection, no detailed description is
possible; but the following manuscripts indicate its char-
acter and scope: The Braddock Orderly Book, in 2 volumes,
containing Washington's autograph record of the campaign
of 1755; the diary of Washington while in attendance upon
the Constitutional Convention of 1787; several orderly
books of the American Revolution; the letter books of
Nathanael Greene, 1781-1782, and of James Monroe, 1804-
1806, each in 2 volumes; 12 volumes and i bundle of manu-
scripts constituting the Bancroft collection of John Paul Jones
papers; 2 volumes of papers of Sir William John.son; 2
volumes of early New Hampshire manuscripts; 12 volumes
of papers dealing with British colonization in the West
Indies, and 38 volumes bearing upon the British colonies
in North America during the seventeenth and eighteenth
centuries, with particular reference to the Revolution. Men-
tion may also be made of the 4 volume tran.script of Las
Casas's "Historia apologetica de las Indias Occideutales "
and the 3 volume "Historia antigua de Nueva Espaiia."
From the same collection came the papers of John Fitch, the
pioneer in the application of steam to water navigation.
befu pa^e^s"'" ^^^ '^^^ ^^ Rochambcau papers, purcha.sed by Congress in
1882. This collection included 8 volumes of De Rochamlx^au
correspondence, 1 780-1 783, a brief history of the wars in
America, 1 763-1 780, and a diary kept by the French gen-
eral during the winter of 1 780-1 781. There are in addition
over 500 documents embracing correspondence among the
officers of the French army and with the French minister at
Philadelphia from 1780 to 1782.
The Present Collections: Manuscripts. 337
(y) The Toner library, accepted by Congress in 1882. lyaskingUMt
Its importance to the Manuscnpts Division consists in the
collection of the writings of Washington which it contains.
It was Dr. Toner's purpose to copj' ever>' manuscript known
to have been written by Washington, and so far as possible
this intention was fulfilled. The result is that the Library
contains one of the most complete collections of Washing-
ton's writings in existence. Among these papers are 225
press copies of original documents which have the authen-
ticity of the manuscripts themselves. These copies are
included in the Calendar of Washington Manuscripts com-
piled recently in this division and published by the Librarj'.
(f) Another important acquisition made before the trans- -^'^''^^'-'Mss.
fer of the Librar3- to its present location was a 4-volume col-
lection of manuscripts relating to the history- of Delaware.
Most of these papers are official records of the State. Among
them are the minutes of the Constitutional Convention of
1 79 1, and many original letters and messages of John Dick-
O) Finally there are the papers of Henry- R. School- ^4^/"'^''"^'
craft. These not only relate to his researches among the
Indians, but give much information concerning the history
of the Northwest and the career of Lewis Cass from 18 15 to
The purchases of indi\-idual manuscripts had been meagre.
The above represent, therefore, practically the only sources
of the manuscript collection now in the Library'. What
the}- have brought may be clearer from the subjoined analy-
sis of the exisiting collection. It includes several items
added since 1897, i^ particular certain purchases of the past
j-ear (e. g., the Morris Papers) described in Part I of this
Report, pp. 20-22.
America — Early discoveries and exi)lorations. — A Colum- present col-
. * »TA lection:
bus codex of the sixteenth centurv'. This volume contains AmericanMSS.
copies of various grants made to Columbus hy Ferdinand and
Isabella arid two bulls of Alexander VI (See Report, Part I,
pp. 23, 24) ; a copy of a nineteen-page letter of Americus Ves-
puccius written in 1500; transcript of Las Casas's "Rela-
cion de la destruccion de las Indias," 1552, and various
transcripts and translations from the Biblioteca Colombiana
at Se\-ille relating to the early history- of Florida.
9957 — 01 22
338 Report of the Librarian of Congress.
North America. — Dutch Colonics: Miscellaneous documents
relating to the history of, 1649- 1650.
French Colonies: One volume of Jesuit Relations, 1632-
1672; '* Guerres du Canada et de I'lndependance et analyses
des negociations entre la France et les autres puissances de
I'Europe," 1748-1788; A plan for the expulsion of the
French settlers from the Ohio Country, 1757.
English Colonies: Opinions of Richard West upon Planta-
tion affairs, 1682-1725; documents relating to the equip-
ment of the British forces in America, 1 728-1 792 — in all,
about 500 pages; the Memorial of the Stamp Act Congress
to the House of Lords, 1765, and the Conway Letters,
Central America. — Mexico: Ribas, Coronica y Historia de
la Prov'incia de la Compaiiia de Jesus, 1571-1624; Morfi,
Historia de Texas, 1 780-1 781; Royal decrees concerning
the descendants of Montezuma, 1709-17 13, and miscellane-
ous papers relating to negotiations between Mexico and the
United States in 1848.
Honduras: Remarks upon the treaty between Great Britain
and Spain, 1670.
Nicaragua: Wheeler, History of Nicaragua, with notes
on conditions in 1868.
West Indies: The Vernon-Wager Papers in 12 volumes
dealing with English Colonization in the West Indies;
Lieutenant-Colonel (Alexander) Monej'penny's journal of
the capture of Havana, 1762; transcripts of various " Docu-
mentos historicos Cubanos," 1592-1829, and a large collec-
tion of papers from the Governor-General's palace in Puerto
Rico illustrating the historj' of that island under Spanish
South America: Antonio de Vea, " Relacion del Viage de
1676," being a journal of an expedition along the west coast
of South America; a one- volume transcript of Herrera y
Loizaga's Viares (^sic^ de Espaiia a Buenos Ayres, Chili, etc.,
17 13-17 1 7; a volume of mi.scellaneous Spanish tracts; a
manuscript relation of the Creole revolution in Buenos
Ayres, 1 780-1 78 1 , and a bundle of mi.scellaneous decrees and
regulations issued by the Spanish Government relating to
South America and the West Indies.
Manuscripts. United States. — Revolution: This group of papers was
"^*"*^' obtained mainly from the Force purchase of 1867. It is
The Present Collections: Manuscripts. 339
composed of miscellaneous correspondence of almost ever}'
distinguished general in the Continental Army, letters and
resolves of the Continental Congress and its various com- *
mittees, returns of troops, records of courts- martial, lists of
prisoners, etc. The Articles of Association of the Conti-
nental Congress of 1774, negotiations with the British Peace
Commission of 1778, and an exhaustive file of records of the
Court of Inquiry upon the Paoli surprise of 1777 are speci-
men documents. Among the Washington Manuscripts are
a large number of papers relating to this period of American
history-. Other collections deal with special phases of the
Revolutionary- struggle. Much information concerning the
participation of France in the war is contained in the De Ro-
chambeau, De Segur, and De Grasse collections. The
Blaine-Davis and Oliver Pollock papers are concerned with
the Quartermaster's Department; the Diar>- and letter
books of Robert Morris (see Part I of Report, pp. 20-22) are
a fund of information for financial concerns; the Loyalist
Papers furnish a record of the actions and sentiments of the
British sympathizers; and numerous orderlj- books, such as
those of Schuyler and Montgomer}, give condensed outlines
of various military expeditions.
United States. — Minor collections: Army: A Journal ^Vm-
of the Society- of the Cincinnati, 1 784-18 10; the original ^^^'
list of subscribers to that institution in Virginia, 1783;
a list of arrearages due pensioners, 1799; a list of offi-
cers of the Arm}- 1821-1830, and a statement of the arms
apportioned to the militia in 1829.
Nazy: The Letter Book of the Marine Committee of ^''''^•
the Continental Congress, 1 776-1 780; the John Paul
Jones papers, 12 volumes, 1 775-1 788; the Muster Book of
the frigate "Alliance" 1782; Letter Books of Commodore
John Barry and of Da\'id Porter, and numerous letters
from the Department in Washington to various officers
of the ser\-ice 1800-18 10.
Confederation: Minutes of the Annapolis Convention ConfederoHmi,
of 1786, with the signatures of its members; Madison's
notes of debates in the Federal Convention of 1787, in
one quarto volume; papers from 1785 to 1788 relating
to the Ordinance of 1787; various manuscripts relating
to the settlement of the territor}- northwest of the Ohio,
Report of the Librarian of Congress.
Civil War.
United States.-
StaU colleetions:
Massac h usetts.
New Hamp-
and letters and papers of Goveraor Arthur St. Clair,
1 788-1 793.
Ciz'il War: A collection of 458 original acts passed
by the Confederate Congress 1861-1864; a volume of
General Courts-Martial held in the Union Army. 1863-
1864, and several Confederate muster rolls.
The several States:
Coniiccticut : Fourteen letters of the governors of
Connecticut, 1712-1781, and seventeen volumes of the
receipt books of the Continental loan office for the
state of Connecticut, 1 781-1804.
Delaware: Four volumes of miscellaneous papers, in-
cluding accounts of the Swedish settlements on the
Delaware, many letters and messages of Gov. John
Dickinson, and the minutes of the Delaware Constitu-
tional Convention of 1 79 1 .
Georgia: Thirty-seven miscellaneous documents, in-
cluding minutes of the Masonic Lodge of Savannah,
1757, and official correspondence with the Continental
Congress in May, 1776.
Maryland: Fifty documents, among which are the
minutes of the Baltimore Committee of Safety, 1774-
1776, and a two-volume " Book of Accounts of the State
of Maryland," 1 778-1 785.
Massachusetts: Over 300 documents prior to 1789,
including a copy of the Constitution of the New England
Confederacy of 1643, by Rufus King; over fifty letters
and papers regarding the French and Indian war; as
man)' letters from Massachusetts governors, and circular
letters from the General Court to other colonial assem-
blies. The collection includes letters of Joseph Warren
and papers relating to the foundation or support of
Harvard and Amherst colleges.
New Hampshire: Over 500 documents, 1629- 1809.
Among the.se papers are many letters of Governors John
and Benning Went worth, President Meshech Weare, and
Secretary Waldron; royal instructions to the governors
of the State, and much of the Revolutionary correspond-
ence which pa.ssed between the State and Continental
authorities. The collection contains al.so many official
letters respecting the organization and direction of the
The Present Collections: Manuscripts. 341
New Hampshire militia, 1 775-1 783, as well as memo-
rials regarding the support due to the State government
of 1776.
New Jersey: A collection of miscellaneous papers, Newjeney.
dating from 1676 to 1757; sixteen pages of the town
docket of Chesterfield, 1672— 171 1; certain letters and
papers respecting the proceedings of the Pro\nncial
Congress, 1776, and the position of Governor William
Frankhn at that time.
New York: Two folio volumes of ' ' Public Instru- New York.
ments and Writings," 1664-17 13; memorials to the
King and Parliament, 1764; various letters from the
Pro\'incial Congress to its delegates in the Continental
Congress, 1775; Minutes of the New York City Com-
mittee. 1775-1776; Minutes of the Committee of Safety
of Tryon County, 1777— 1778; four volumes of Continen-
tal I^oan OflSce receipts, 1 791— 1793; lists of invalid
pensioners, 1 797-1802, and the Letter Book of Gov-
ernor Daniel D. Tompkins. 1801-1811.
North Carolina: A list of estimates of allowances due _^'orth Caro-
members of the assembly m 1756; instructions from
the Pro\"incial Congress to its delegates to the Conti-
nental Congress. 1776, and certain letters and resolu-
tions relating to the Constitutional Convention of 1788.
Rhode Island: Certain correspondence of the Assem- Rhode island.
bly with the different States and the Continental Con-
gress. I 764-1 786.
South Carolhia: A petition of the merchants and free- South Caro-
holders to the State legislature, 1766; the presentments
of the grand jurors of George Town district, 1776; a
volume of papers relating to the evacuation of Charles-
ton, 1782; resolves of the Planter's meeting of 1786,
and the signed pledge of certain inhabitants of St.
Thomas and St. Dennis parish to maintain the credit
of paper currency, 1786.
Vermont: Minutes of the Westminster conventions, Vermont.
1776-1777; a contemporary attested copy of the articles
of union proposed between ^'ermont, Massachusetts,
and New York in 1781; a volume of transcripts of oflS-
cial papers of 1744: transcripts of the Allen and Chit-
tenden accounts against the State, 1 777-1 780; of the
342 Report of the Librarian of Congress.
journals of the Council of Safety, 1 777-1 782; the pro-
ceedings of the Board of War, 1 779-1 781, and Ira Allen's
correspondence, 1809-18 10.
Virginia. I'trginia: The records of the London Company of
Virginia, 161 9-1624, in two volumes; eight volumes of
laws and orders of the General Assembly, 1622-17 12;
seven volumes or bundles of colonial records, 1606-
1700; letters of Lieutenant-Governor Dinwiddie to the
Earl of Halifax; tabulated records of imports and
exports from the Rappahannock and York River dis-
tricts, 1 764-1 774; the minutes of the Williamsburgh
Masonic Lodge, 1773-1779, and the Ellis papers illus-
trating the economic and commercial life of \''irginia,
1 805-1 853.
Other states: Other manuscripts in the collections of
the Library are significant in connection with the history
of particular States, but their number does not warrant
detailed classification in this place. They are arranged
by localities and catalogued under their respective
Other collectio7is :
The Washington papers.— ^\\\sQo\\sc.\\Q\\, of which a cal-
endar has recently been published, contains over 1,100
documents, and with the transcripts already referred to (see
Toner collection supra) forms one of the most complete col-
lections of Washington's writings in existence. Of especial
note are the correspondence between Washington and
Rochambeau, the papers relating to General Sullivan's
Indian expedition, and the documents illustrating the meth-
ods by which Washington obtained knowledge of the British
movements during the Revolutionary war.
Great Britain. Great Brttaiji. — A folio volume of estimates for defraying
the expenses of the civil establishments in America and
Austraha, 1786-1787; various tabular .statements of trade,
1 640-1 797; an early volume, undated, of tracts on the
power of the sovereign; a commission and instructions to
Sir Edmund Andros, 1686; a volume relating to the siege
of Minorca, 1756; official copies of forty-five letters from
Secretary Henry Seymour Conway to colonial governors
in America, 1 765-1 766; two volumes of prote.stsof the Hou.se
of Lords, 1641-1735 (transcripts); reports to the Lords Com-
The Present Collections: Manusaipts. 343
missioners of Trade and Plantations, 1 726-1 745; over forty
volumes of debates in the Irish Parliament, 1 776-1 789; and
fiftj'-four volumes of bills and accounts illustrating the
movement of prices, 1632— 1792.
Broadsides. — The collection of broadsides in the Librar>' Broadsides,
is arranged geographically. It is particularly full in broad-
sides relating to American affairs. For the colonial period
several sheets illustrate the Stamp Act agitation of 1765;
others relate to the Townshend acts of 1767 and the Tea
excitement of 1 773-1 774. Of the memorials, resolutions, and
acts of the Continental Congress, 1 776-1 7S8, the collection
contains a good assortment. Among them are several
copies of the Declaration of Independence, many resolutions
calling upon the States for financial support, and copies of
the proclamations declaring peace with Great Britain and
the disbandment of the Continental Army.
Miscellaneous. — Under this general head may be grouped
numerous manuscript treatises on philosophj* and logic,
various literary- essays, an illuminated 13th century- edition
of the Bible, a few illuminated Books of Hours, and a small
collection of miscellaneous documents emanating from
France, Spain. Italy, Portugal, and other countries of
Eurojje, with several manuscripts of Asiatic origin. The
Librarj- also contains autograph letters of certain notable
Americans. These letters form a general group of personal
papers, and are catalogued under their several authors.
From the foregoing analvsis it is obvious that the strength -^^^^
, '^ Character of
of the collection is in manuscripts relating to the United collections.
States during the colonial and revolutionan,- periods. The
Library- possesses little of literarj- as distinguished from
historical manuscript material. It possesses practically no
manuscripts of foreign countries. It has in effect none of
the manuscripts produced before the invention of printing
— the manuscripts which give distinction to the British
Museum and other great collections abroad.
\'arious of these, important to historical and critical
research, have, however, been reproduced in facsimile, and
the Library is attempting to secure facsimile reproductions
of such as may interest the student of histor\-, theologj',
philologj-, archaeology- or palaeography. Examples recently
pvurchased or subscribed for are: Codices Graeci et Latini
344 Report of the Librarian of Congress.
photographice depicti, 5 volumes; Great Britain and Ire-
land; Public Record offices: Facsimiles of national manu-
scripts, 4 volumes; facsimiles of national manuscripts of
Ireland, 5 volumes; General Register House: Facsimiles
of national manuscripts of Scotland, 3 volumes; British
Museum: Facsimiles of Biblical manuscripts, i volume;
Facsimiles of royal, historical, literary* and other autographs,
13 parts; Palseographical Society: Facsimiles of manu-
scripts and inscriptions, 3 volumes; Silvestre: Pal^ographie
universelle, 4 volumes. The Library has also, of course,
the collection of facsimiles of manuscripts in European
archives relating to America, 1 773-1 783, 25 volumes, edited
by Mr. B. F. Stevens.
CSee also under Division of Maps, pp. 263-266.)
The contents of the division comprise now about 57,000
maps and charts and 2,600 atlases. Of the 57,000 maps
and charts 9,032 are sheets of the Ordnance and Geological
Survey of Great Britain; about 10,000 others are "insurance
maps" of cities, towns, and villages in the United States,
and of the remainder of the collection full)' three-fourths
consists of maps relating to America.
Great Britain . Ordnance Survey. — The ordnance maps ( in
effect one map in 9,032 sheets) are most complete in detail,
designating even the fences and trees by the roadside.
Insurance maps. — The insurance maps (copyright depos-
its), counted as but 10,000 in number, include nearly 60,000
separate sheets. They are compiled and published for the
information of insurance companies in determining rates and
placing risks. They show by colors and symbols the methods
of construction of each building and the material used —
brick, stone, iron, frame. They give information as to the
customary direction of the wind, water facilities, equipment
of the fire department, and other fire protection. A key is
printed on each. The collection is arranged alphalietically
by States and then by towns. It is probably the most com-
plete collection of the sort in existence, as the publishers
them.selves commonly discard old editions as new ones are
issued. The Library di.scards none. Its collection includes,
The Present Collections: Maps. 345
therefore, even* copy of every map for which a copyright
entr>- has been completed. The purpose of these is com-
mercial; but the various issues will constitute in the
aggregate a historj- of the structural development of each
city, town, or \-illage treated.
United States. Govemmeyit maps. — The maps published by
the various map-issuing departments of the Government,
such as the Coast and Geodetic Siu^-ey, Post-Ofl&ce, General
lyand OflBce, Geological Survey, War and Navy, are all sent
here and are filed and accessible. Copies of these maps may
be purchased at a ver>' reasonable cost at the departments
where they are issued.
Maps of America. — The collection of maps relating to
America is the largest single collection in existence.
Its contents are set forth in the recently published "List of
maps of America in the Libran,' of Congress" — a volume of
1,137 pages. A description here is therefore unnecessarj-.
The list includes maps in books. (See Part I of this Report,
pp. 39,-40. )
Manuscript maps. — The Faden, Force, and De Rocham-
beau collections brought to the Librar>- many manuscript
maps relating to the operations of the Revolutionary- war.
These are noted in the above-mentioned list.
Early maps. — Of the early maps of America in the pos-
session of the Library the greater part doubtless came with
the Force Collection. There are of course many early maps
of great rarity lacking in the originals, but these are
almost all accessible in facsimile. The Kohl Collection at
the State Department is accessible. It ccmsists of transcripts
of maps relating to America. It is described by Justin Win-
sor in Harvard University Library Bibliographical contribu-
tions, no. 19.
Among the notable maps in manuscript and engraved
form are:
"An accurate map of his Majesty's province of Xew
Hampshire in New England and all the adjacent
country northward to the river St. Lawrence and east-
ward to Penobscot Ba}', etc.," hy Saml. Langdon, 1756.
MS. 29x27^^.
"Cantonment of the forces of North America, nth
October, 1765," 20x24 inches.
346 Report of the Librarian of Congress.
Plan of Quebec, the capital of Canada, showing
encampments of Wolfe and Montcalm, 1759 (a beautiful
manuscript 28x30 inches).
"New Mexico, by Escalante, 1778," 26x32 inches.
" Plan general des operations de I'armde Britannique
contre les rebelles dans I'Amerique depuis Tarriv^e des
troupes Hessoises le 12 du mois d'aoust, 1776, jjusqu'
^ la fin de I'annee 1779." MS. 84 x 53 inches.
"Am^rique, campagne 1782. Plans des diff6rents
camps occup^s par I'armee aux ordres de mr. le comte
de Rochambeau," 44 sheets, small folio, beautifully
colored. MS. ^
" A collection of plans, etc., in the province of New
Jersey, by John Hills, assistant engineer," consisting
of 20 manuscript maps relating to the Revolutionary
War, from 1776 to 1782.
Beside the above, many of the manuscript maps of the
Revolutionary War, by John Montr^sor, chief of engi-
neers of the British Army, supposed to have been lost,
are preserved.
Among the valuable engraved maps are Romans' s map
of Florida, 1771, so rare that doubt of its existence has
been expressed b}' bibliographers; a map of the Raritan
River, 1683, an early specimen of American map
making, and very rare; Cutler's map of Ohio, Salem,
1787, which some cartographers have noted as
"unknown;" Andrew Ellicott's Territory of Colum-
bia, 21^x21^ inches, the first topographical sur\'ey
map of the District of Columbia.
Among recent accessions is a manuscript map made
by George Washington, 66x22^ inches, to descril^e
the lands on the Great Kanawha, West Virginia.
donated by the Government to him for services in the
Braddock expedition. Considerable descriptive text in
Washington's handwriting is found throughout the
map, giving minute particulars as to the land located.
Foreign cQU7itries — atlases. — The collection is not similarly
rich as to maps of foreign countries. It has, however, the
early atlases of the following cartographers: Ptolemy, Orte-
lius, Mercator, Hondius, Blaauw, Janson, Sanson, d'Anville.
Delisle, Jeffreys, Faden, Arrowsmith, and others, in their
The Presetit Collections: Maps. 347
various editions. Of Ptolemy the Library' of Congress has
the Latin editions of 1475, 1490, 1508, 151 1, 1513, 1525,
1535. 1541. 1545. "^bb^^ 1562, 1596. 1597, 1605, 1617, 1618.
Government maps. — The collection contains certain oi emmelu\ap^^
the earh- maps published by foreign governments, including
the Admiralty charts of Great Britain, thousands in num-
ber, from 1784 to the present time, and the early Russian
charts, many of them relating to Alaska and the northwest
coast of North America. It contains also the best maps
published abroad relating to Africa, China, and the Philip-
pine Islands, including the fine reprint of the rare old map
of Murillo de \'elarde, published in 1734; the best maps
of China, from the fine old atlas of that country' by d'xVnville,
published in 1737. to the maps of Richthofen, Mollendorff,
and Bretschneider (St. Petersburg, 1900); and the rare atlas
of Krusenstem, of the islands of the Pacific Ocean, published
at St. Petersburg in 1827, a work of reference to the present
In 3-ears past there were neither funds for purchase,
facilities for the solicitation of gifts, nor equipment for deal-
ing with material when received. Ever>- effort is now being
expended to round out the collection. Rare early maps held
at extraordinar\- prices still can not be afforded; but many
of historical importance are constanth' being received, and
everj- map published sho"wdng from authoritative sources
contemporary- (present) conditions is deemed a necessity to
the collection. The modem atlases published in England.
France, and Germany, such as Stanford's, Vivien de St.
Martin's, Stieler's, Andree's, Kiepert's, and others are on
the reference case convenienth' located for the student's
Among the more significant maps of foreign countries
are the following :
Austria- Hungary. — Special-karte der osterr. ung. Monar-
chic und des Occupations-gebietes in Masse 1:75,000. K.
K. militar geografisches Institut. (1891.)
Ubersichtskarte der K. K. osterr. ung. Monarchic und
derangrenzenden Lander, in Massstabe i :75o,ooo. 45 sheets.
1882-1886. K. K. militar. geografisches Institut.
Belgium. — Carte topographique de la Belgique publiee en
72 feuilles en couleursa I'echelle du 40,000'. 1899. Mini-
stere de la guerre. Institut cartographique militaire.
348 Report of the Librarian of Congress.
Carte topographique de la Belgique publiee en 427 plan*
chettes en couleurs a I'^chelle du 29,000'. 1899, 2 v.
Institut cartographique militaire.
France. — Several editions of the "Staff map of France."
Published on a scale of i : 80, 000 by the D6pot de la guerre.
Atlas des anciens plans de Paris. To accompany ' ' His-
toire generale de Paris, 1880."
Germany. — Geologische Specialkarte des Konigreichs
Sachsens. 1:25,000. Herausgegeben vom Koniglichen
Finanz-Ministerium. (/w progress. )
Geologische Karte von Preussen und den Thiiringischen
Staaten, im Massstabe von 1:25,000. Herausgegeben von
der Koniglich preussischen geologischen Landesanstalt u.
Bergakademie. (/w progress. )
Icelaiid. — Uppdrattr Islands, (carte d'Islande), d fj6rum
bl6«um, gjorsr as fyrirsogn C3lafs Nikolas (5lsens. 1844.
Russia. — Atlas de I'empire Russe, public a Saint-Peters-
bourg en 1745 par Joseph et Louis Delisle de la Croi^re.
This is the first atlas published in Ru.ssia in the ' ' Etab-
lissement cartographique" founded by the "Academic des
sciences de St. -Petersbourg" by the two French geographers,
and by order of Peter I.
Switzerland. — Topographischer Atlas der Schvveiz in Mass-
stabe 1:25,000. Bern (i 877-1 888).
Africa. — Carte de I'Afrique a I'echelle du 1:2,000,000'' en
63 feuilles. Paris, Service geographique de I'armee, 1893.
Carta della Colonia Eritrea, (Africa). Scale 1:100,000.
Inst. geog. militaire, 1889-98.
China. — Asie. i : i ,000,000''. Dessin6, heliograve et publi6
par le Service geographique de I'arm^e. 1900.
Historical atlas of the Chinese Empire. By E. L. Oxen-
ham. 2d ed. London, Royal geographical society, 1898.
Map of China, by E. Bretschneider. St. Petersburg, 1900.
Map of Northeastern China, by Ch. Waeber, 1893. Scale
of midlatitude 1:1,355,000.
Rei.sen in der chinesischen Provinz Dshy-Li ^'on O. F.
von Mollendorff. Massstabe 1:1,000,000. (1881.)
PlandePdkin. Echelle de 1:15,000. Dre.ss6, hdliograv6
et publi6 par le Service geographique de rarm^e. (France,
Philippine Islands. — Carte hydrographique&chorog^aphi-
The Present Collections: Maps. 349
que des isles Philippines. Dressee par le r. pere Pierre
Murillo Velarde, sur les cartes, les relations et les naviga-
tions les plus exactes a Manille, 1734. Par ordre de sa
raajeste. Tireeder.original, et reduite en cette forme par
George Maurice Lowitz, 1750. Publiee par les heritieres
de Homann Tan 1760. L'original est grave par Nicolas de
la Cruz de Bagay, indien de Tagalos, a Manille I'an 1734.
Carta general del archipielago Filipino. Escala en millas.
Manila, Chofre y comp*. 1897.
Original manuscripts of:
Atlas de Filipinas. Coleccion de 30 mapas. Trabaja-
dospordelineantes filipinosbajo la direccion del P. Jose
Algue, S. J. Director del Observatorio de Manila, 1899.
Piano de Manila y sus arrabales, 1894. Escala 1:5,000.
Manila, Tipo. lit. de Chofre y com. 1894.
Siuyiatra. — Topographische en geologische beschrijving
vaneengedeelte van Sumatra's westkust. Atlas. Amster-
dam, C. F. Stemler, 1883.
Pacific ocean. — Krusenstern (Adam Johann von). Atlas
de r ocean Pacifique. St. Petersbvu-g, 1827.
Foreign wars. — Der Deutsch-Franzosische Krieg, 1870-71.
Atlas. Berlin, 1872-80.
Maps and plans showing the principal movements, battles,
and sieges in which the British army was engaged during
the war from 1808 to 18 14 in the Spanish peninsula and the
south of France. London, J. Wyld.
Atlas of battle of Waterloo.
Atlas of siege of Sebastopol, 1854-55.
Facsimile atlases. — Atlas compose de mappemondes, de
portulans et de cartes hydrographiques et historiques depuis
le 6^ jusqu'au 1 7^ siecle. Recueillies et gravees sous la direc-
tion du Vicomte de Santarem. Paris, 1849.
Les monuments de la geographie ou recueil d'anciennes
cartes Europeennes et orientales. Publics en fac-simile de
la grandeur des originaux par M. Jomard. Paris, 1854.
Die Entdeckung Amerika's in ihrer Bedeutung fiir die
Geschichte des Weltbildes von Konrad Kretschmer. Berlin,
Nordenskiold ( A. E. ) Facsimile-atlas to the early history
of cartography, with reproductions of the most important
maps printed in the 15th and i6th centuries. Stockholm,
350 Report of the Librarian of Congress.
Geological viaps, etc. — The collection includes also various
maps of special character — physical, political, geological,
hydrographic, climatic, weather, sanitarj- — especially such
as have been issued under government. auspices. Of relief
maps it has few; of powder-horn maps (used much in the
colonial wars, 1 754-1 763, and in the Revolution) it has some
excellent examples.
Eccentric maps come in considerable numoers through
copyright. These are, of course, mere curiosities.
County atlases of the American States form a large section
of the collection, increasing by constant purchase.
The present contents of the Music Division comprise
319,121 compositions and works. Of these all but 13,884
are in sheet form.
The collection is almost entirely the result of deposits
imder the copyright law. It consists, therefore, almost
exclusively of American music published prior to 1891, and
of American and contemporary foreign (so far as copy-
righted here) since that date. Of the European entries
the greater number is published in England, Germany,
France, and Italy, in the order named.
The Library has bought practically nothing in the way of
musical composition. It possesses, therefore, but the most
meager representation of the cla.ssical composers. Of modern
operatic scores it has a large number.
It has a considerable collection of civil war music, which
it is endeavoring to perfect by purchase; also some prints of
Confederate war music.
The material received from copyright includes music for
the aeoliau, pianola, and other special instruments.
For Literature of music see page 312.
(See also under Divi.sion of Prints, pp. 268-270.)
On July I, 1 901, the collection numbered over 106,000
items (largely copyright deposits), classifiable as follows:
Engravings 8, 210
Etchings 3. 811
Photogravures 6, 322
The Present Collections: Prints. 351
Photographs 62, 3S9
Lithographs 16, 382
Facsimiles 1. 35^
Typogravures 4. 201
Chromos 7^4
Original draw-ings 10
Miscellaneous 309
The Gardiner Greene Hubbard Collection*. 2. 620
Over 50 per cent of the collection, therefore, consists of
photographs. A large percentage of these are portraits;
others, \nevvs of places and buildings. There are man}'
stereoscopic \news helpful to the student of architecture,
customs, and manners.
Every modem process of reproduction having commercial
value is, of course, represented. The material of high
artistic value in the pc)Ssession of the Library' has come to
it chiefly ( i ) through the deposit of prints purchased by the
Smithsonian Institution from Mr. George P. Marsh in 1850,
which, to the number of about 1,300 items, had been gathered
by him in Italy; (2) through the acquisition, with the Force
Collection, of about 325 portraits by St. Memin; but in
particular (3) by the gift of Mrs. Hubbard of the Gardiner
Greene Hubbard Collection.
It is only as aided by this collection and by occasional
loan collections that the Library can oflFer to the inquirer
material analogous to that which he will find in the great
museums of prints abroad or in the metropolitan cities of
the United States. It contains 2.620 items, and examples
of almost ever}- school of etchers and engravers, especialh'
excellent examples of Rembrandt, Diirer, Haig, Morghen,
Hollar, Haden, and Whistler. It includes numerous and
notable portraits of Napoleon and of Frederick the Great.
A full catalogue of it is shortly to be issued.
The exhibits of prints consist also in large part of material
loaned. (See Part I of this Report, p. 46. )
Literature. — As to this see under "Present Collections:
Fine Arts," page 312.
Functions. Bernard R. Green, Superintendent and disbursing officer;
115 subordinates.
Mr. Green furnishes the subjoined statement as to the
organization of his department and also as to certain appa-
ratus auxiliary to the administration of the Library, but
not heretofore described in any handbook of 'the Library.
The care, maintenance, and protection of the building and
grounds, the operation of all machinery and mechanical
apparatus other than the branch printing office and bindery,
the heavy handling and moving, the purchase and construc-
tion of furniture and fittings, and the disbursement of the
various appropriations for the Library are comprehended in
a separate organization under the superintendent (room
T 2). There are three divisions of this force — the clerical,
the watch, and the engineer division.
Force. * DISBURSING OFFICE. — The clerical division (room S 2)
has 3 clerks, 2 messengers, and the telephone operator. It
attends to all correspondence, contracts, accounts, and dis-
bursements pertaining to the Superintendent's office, and
also audits and pays all vouchers and rolls of the Library
proper, of the United States Botanic Garden, and of all
other disbursing accounts that may come under the super-
vision of the Joint Committee on the Library. From twenty
to thirty separate appropriations are thus handled annually.
yratch. Watch. — The watch division includes a captain (room
B 2), lieutenant, and 18 watchmen, a carpenter, a painter, a
foreman, 13 general laborers, 2 check boys at the main
entrance, 2 women attendants for ladies' room, and 42 char-
women. Day and night the building is under guard by the
watchmen, distributed in three watches. Scrubbing and
cleaning of the floors and rooms is done within alx)Ut two
hours every morning Ijefore the opening of the Librar>\
The watch attends to carpentry and painting, repairs of the
building and furniture, heavy moving and handling, and the
care of the building proper.
The Building and Grounds. 35.3
Engineer. — The engineer division includes a chief and Engineer.
4 assistant engineers, an electrician and i assistant, 9 fire-
men, 3 mechanics, 6 skilled laborers, and 2 elevator con-
ductors. It has charge of the heating and ventilation,
lighting, operation of all machinen,', and the repairs of
roofs, plumbing, piping, and other metal work.
The building is 470 feet in length by 340 feet in width,
covering nearly 33/^ acres of ground, with 4 inner courts
150 by 75 to 100 feet. It has 32,600 square feet, or nearly
8 acres of floor space.
The magnitude of the building, especialh' a^ to area
covered, not only required a special design of heating appa-
ratus, but indicated a need of facilities for communication
between all parts of the building and the transmission of
books between shelves and Reading Room superior to those
ever before required in libraries. It was also apparent that
a safe and rapid ser\'ice of similar character should be pro-
vided between the Library and the Capitol. Pneumatic
tubes, telephones, and book carriers were therefore de\'ised
and installed as described below.
Heat and po\\'ER. — Steam for all warming and power Hrat and
is supplied by sixteen 60-horsepower boilers in two bat-^^"^"
teries located under the parking, near, but quite outside, the
building at the east front. There also are the elevator and
house pumps and the coal vaults of 3,000 tons capacity.
About one-half of the boilers are under steam at one time,
operating the main electric-lighting engines from dusk until
10 o'clock p. m. ever)' week day except holidays, and the
elevator and the book-carn.ing machinery, ventilating fans,
and pneumatic-tube apparatus all da}- and evening of the
same days, and for lighting the grounds ever\- night the
year round. Three thousand four-hundred tons of coal are
consumed annually. Probably two-thirds of the warming
of the building during cold weather is obtained incidentally
without extra cost from the exhaust steam of the engines
and pumps.
The heating apparatus is located almost entirely in the
cellar, and is on the so-called indirect system, which com-
bines the warming with the ventilation of the building.
Fresh air, taken direct from the outside, is heated by warm
water coils in separate stacks distributed throughout the
9957— <^i 23
Report of the Librarian of Couirrcss.
cellar, and carried in closed ducts and flues direct to the
respective rooms. The water coils are arranged in six sepa-
rate divisions, each with its system of circulating pi]>es and
a pair of heaters or "hot-water stoves," wherein the water
is heated by low-pressure stean. from the engine exhausts or
direct from the boilers, as conditions may require.
Warming and ventilation are thus accomplished by steam
through the medium of circulating warm water. It is prob-
ably the largest existing apparatus operated on this unusual
plan, found to be the most economical for the extensive
area covered by the building. The ventilation is mainly
natural, b}'- means of direct flues from the rooms to the roof.
A few electric blowers are used for the main Reading Room
and book stacks in summer and on certain days in spring
and fall.
Ughting. Lighting. — For day lighting the building contains some
2,200 windows and extensive skylights. For night service
there are 7,624 incandescent electric lamps of various powers,
equivalent to 9,863 of the ordinary 16 candlepower. Of
these the equivalent of about 4,900 16 candlepower is in u.se
nightly until 10 o'clock, while the Library is oj)en to the
public. The grounds are lighted all night b}- 184 lamps.
The electric generating plant, located in the cellar (room
K i), consists of three loo-kilowatt and one 25-kilowatt
dynamos, driven bj' steam engines of about 400 horsepower
in all.
The public passenger elevators are located in the main
stair hall, one large elevator for both pa.ssengers and freight
near the rear entrance, one in each of the three book stacks,
one in the Reading Room basement, one in the rear area, and
one in the boiler room, all operated in one hydraulic system
by a single pump.
TeuphoMi. Telephones. — The building is provided with a local
telephone exchange connected with the Capitol and city
exchanges, by which comnnniication with the Library may
be had at all times not only from all parts of the Capitol,
but from any telephone of the public exchange.
Between the main Reading Room and the book .stacks a set
of pneumatic tubes for mes.sages and readers' tickets is pro-
vided, and also a mechanical endle.ss chain of carrying trays,
by which a reader may obtain his book within three or four
The Building and Groimds. 355
minutes after his ticket is handed in. A pneumatic tube,
a telephone, and a pair of large carriers on an endless cable
also connect through a straight tunnel under the inter\'en-
ing grounds with the Library station in the Capitol, located
near the Statuary Hall on the main corridor and main floor.
By these means communication is immediate and books are
carried between the terminals in four or five minutes.
Pneumatic tubes. — The pneumatic tubes are operated ^^^''<'"'»"^">
bj' compressed air, shooting short leather cases 2 inches in
diameter in a few seconds between stations. Tubes run
from the central desk in the Reading Room to each of the
nine decks or stories in each stack. Ha\'ing received a
reader's ticket, the deck attendant in the stack finds on
the shelves the volume wanted and places it on the carrier
rack, whence it is picked up automatically by the constantly
moving machine and delivered at the Reading Room desk
to be handed to the reader. When returned by him, it maj-
be at once sent back to the stack by the same machine.
Book Carriers. — These carriers consist of a pair of par- book car-
allel endless sprocket chains, 20^ inches apart, driven
throughout the day, without stop, by a small electric motor
at a speed of 100 feet per minute. The chains run over
sheaves of such size that the book trays, hanging on trunnions
between the chains, may pass freely over the axles at the
several changes of direction along the route. The course of
the carrier is wholly in a vertical plane from a pair of over-
head sheaves 8 feet above the Reading Room floor at the
Reading Room desk, vertically downward to the cellar, thence
horizontally below the ceiUng to the center of the book stack,
where it turns vertically upward, passing through all the
stories to the top of the stack to a pair of sprocket sheaves
at that point, whence it returns to the Reading Room by a
parallel route.
Eighteen book trays are suspended to the chains at equal
intervals. They are largely of aluminum, for Hghtness, the
remainder being brass and iron. The tray bottoms consist
of a horizontal set of parallel brass fingers, five-eighths inch
apart, attached to the back of the tray and turning up shghtlj'
in front to prevent the books from projecting over. This
tray thus passes flatwise through similar flat sets of teeth, or
toothed racks, located at the terminal station in the Reading
356 Report of the Librarian of Congress.
Room and at each stack deck. At the deck stations two
such racks are provided, one at the departing and the other
at the arriving part of the chain for the automatic dehvery
and taking on of books. In the Reading Room these two
racks are both on the descending part of the chain one below
the other, one .sloping inward the other outward.
All taking on and delivery by the trays occurs in the two
vertical portions of the route. For this purpose a pair of
planed, vertical, stationary iron guides are provided which
are engaged by the traveling trays through lubricated grooves
or jaws on the sides, rigidly guiding the trays in their course.
The capacity of the trays is the equivalent of a quarto 3^
inches thick. As it arrives at the delivery station its con-
tents are combed off and slid into a softly-padded box.
The automatic action of the traveling tray is secured
through a set of ten movable spurs or keys on the back, one
for each on the nine stack-deck stations, and one general
key. When a book is taken on a dial is set by hand by
which the general key is withdrawn, and the tray prevented
from responding to any call to take on another book along
the way until its load is discharged. If the book is proceed-
ing from the Reading Room to a stack deck, the correspond-
ing key for that deck is also projected and insures corr^t
delivery. The capacit}^ of the carriers may be increased by
adding trays along the chains.
Capitol carrier CARRIER TO Capitol. — The Carrier to the Capitol consists
of a small, flexible, endless wire cable running over large
sheaves at either extremity of the route, and having attached
to it at opposite ends of the loop grooved trolleys which run
between a p^ir of rails parallel to each other and to the cable
throughout the whole course of a quarter of a mile, includ-
ing that over and under the sheaves. To each of the two
trolleys is hung a carrier large enough to hold a bound vol-
ume of newspapers, or a leather pouch, of similar shape and
capacity, for smaller books and other matter. The carriers
consist of a set of deep parallel hooks .similar to the hanging
human hand with the fingers turned upward nearly to the
top. Being hung from the top like a pendulum, it travels
always in an upright position. Its loads are therefore taken
on by passing upward through a corresponding toothed
trough, and delivered by passing downward through a
^^^te^^l i^^
^B \ \^"^ ^^^^B
iJP — ^^dfe^l
The Building and Grounds. 357
toothed rack. The locations of the several carriers are indi-
cated on the floor plans, and their construction, as nearly as
possible, in the accompanj-ing photographic illustrations,
Nos. I to 6. The reference letters indicate as follows:
No. I. A, Tray on its way upward.
B, Sending rack, which is drawn horizontally to right
by first arri\-ing empty tray from below, picking
off volume placed on it for Reading Room.
C, Pneumatic tube to Reading Room.
No. 2. A, Tray on its way downward.
B, Recei\-ing rack on rocker cranks by which it is auto-
matically tilted inward under arri\-ing tray hav-
ing books to be delivered at this station.
No. 3. Horizontal run of carrier in the cellar, seen from
beneath. (May be best seen by holding it above
the head. )
No. 4. Reading Room station. Recei\-ing box removed to
expose the racks.
A, Tray on way downward.
B, Sending rack.
C, Receiving rack.
D, Dial and governing crank.
No. 5. Carrier to Capitol, dri\-ing gear. (Room U 2.)
Horizontal run seen disappearing to left.
A, Carrier tra}- passing to left on its way under sheave,
thence upward, over upper sheave (seen to left of
A in ^-iew No. 6), thence downward to smaller
sheave at left, thence off horizontally to the tun-
No. 6. Carrier to Capitol. Terminal station.
A, Carrier mox-ing upward over sheave and departing
for the other terminal.
B, Receiving rack slanting into recei\nng box.
C, Sending rack just below, whence carrier, on its
upward way. takes on large volume or pouch of
small ones.
Appendix I.
General administration: For Librarian of Congress, $6,000;
chief assistant librarian. $4,000; chief clerk, $2,500; Libra-
rian's secretary, $1,800; I clerk, $900; I assistant messenger,
$720; in all, $15,920.
Mail and supply: For assistant in charge, $1 ,200; i aSvSist-
ant, $900; I messenger boy, $360; in all, $2,460.
Packing and stamping: For 2 attendants, at $720 each,
Order (purchasing): For chief of division, $2,000; i as-
sistant, $1,500; I assistant, $1,200; 3 assistants, at $900
each; 2 assistants, at $720 each; 2 assistants, at $600 each;
I assistant, $520; and 2 messenger boys, at $360 each; in all,
Catalogue and shelf: For chief of division, $3,000; 3
assistants, at $1,800 each; 6 assistants, at $1,500 each;
I assistant, $1,400; 7 assistants, at $1,200 each; 3 assistants,
at $1,000 each; 11 assistants, at $900 each; 2 assistants, at
$800 each; 10 assistants, at $720 each; 3 assistants, at $600
each; 10 assistants, at $540 each; 4 assistants, at $480
each; 6 messengers, at $360 each; in all, $60,180.
Binding: For i assistant in charge, $1,200; i a.ssistant,
$900; I messenger boy, $360; in all, $2,460.
Bibliography: For chief of division, $2,000; i a.ssistant,
$1,200; 2 assistants, at $900 each; i assistant, $720; and i
me.ssenger boy, $360; in all, $6,080.
Reading rooms (including evening .service) and si^ecial
collections; For superintendent of reading room, $3,000; 2
assistants, at $1,500 each; 4 assistants, at $1,200 each; i
assi.stant (reading room for the bhnd), $1,000; 5 a.s.sistants,
at $900 each; ro assistants, at $720 each; evening service:
5 assistants, $900 each; 15 as.sistants, at$72oeach; i attend-
Appropriation Ad, 1901-02. 359
ant, Senate reading room, $900; i attendant, Represent-
,atives' reading room, $900; i attendant. Representatives'
reading room, $720; 2 attendants, cloakrooms, at $720
each; i attendant. Toner Librar>% $900; i attendant Wash-
ingtonian Library, $900; 4 messenger boys, at $360 eacb; 2
watchmen, at S720 each; in all, $47,440.
Periodical (including evening ser\nce) : For chief of di\n-
sion, $2,000; chief assistant, $1,500; 2 assistants, at $900
each; 3 assistants, at $720 each; 2 messenger lx)ys, at $360
each; for arrears of sorting and collating and to enable peri-
odical reading room to be open in the evening, 2 assistants,
at S720 each; in all, $9,620.
Documents: For chief of division, $3,000; i assistant,
$1,200; I assistant, $720; i messenger, S360; in all, $5,280.
Manuscript: For chief of division, $1,500; 2 assistants, at
$720 each; r messenger boy, $360; in all, $3,300.
Maps and charts: Forchief of division, $2,000; i assistant,
$::,20o; 2 assistants, at S900 each; i assistant, $720; • mes-
senger boy, $360; in all. $6,080.
Music: Forchief of division, $1,500; i assistant. $1,200;
I assistant, $1,000; 2 assistants, at $720 each; i messenger
boy, $360; in all, $5,500.
Prints: For chief of division, $2,000; 3 assistants, at S900
each; i messenger, $360; in all, $5. 060.
Smithsonian deposit: For custodian, $1,500; i assistant,
$1,200; I messenger, $720; i messenger boy, $360; in all,
Congressional reference library- : For custodian, $1,500;
I assistant, $1,200; i assistant, $900; i assistant, $720; 2
messenger boys, at $360 each; in all, $5,040.
Law library; For custodian, $2,500; 2 assistants, at
*i,40o each; i messenger, $900; i assistant for evening
service, $1,200; in all, $7,400.
Copyright office, under the direction of the Librarian
of Congress: Register of copyrights, $3,000; 4 clerks, at
$1,800 each; 4 clerks, at $1,600 each; 4 clerks, at $1,400
each; 9 clerks, at $1,200 each; 3 clerks, at $1,000 each; 8
clerks, at $900 each; 2 clerks, at S800 each; 7 clerks, at
$720 each; i clerk, S600; i messenger boy, $360. Arrears,
special service: 3 clerks, at $1,200 each; i porter, $720; i
messenger lx)y, $360; in all, $55,480.
360 Report of the Librarian of Congress.
For special, temporar>', and miscellaneous sen'ice, at the
discretion of the Librarian, to continue available until,
expended, $2,000.
Increase of Library of Congress: For purchase of
books for the Library, and for freight, commissions, and
traveling expenses incidental to the acquisition of Ixioks by
purchase, gift, or exchange, $60,000;
For purchase of books and subscription to periodicals for
the Law Library, under the direction of the Chief Justice,
For purchase of new books of reference for the Supreme
Court, to be part of the Library of Congress and purchased
by the marshal of the Supreme Court, under the direction
of the Chief Justice, $1,500;
For expenses of exchanging public documents for the
publications of foreign governments, $1,800;
For subscription to miscellaneous current periodicals and
newspapers, $5,000;
In all, $71,300.
For miscellaneous and contingent expenses of the Library,
stationery, supplies, and all stock and materials directly
purchased, miscellaneous traveling expenses, postage, trans-
portation, and all incidental expenses connected with the
administration of the Librar>' and the copyright office,
Custody, care, and maintenance of Library build-
ing AND grounds: For superintendent of the Library
building and grounds, $5,000; for clerks, messengers, watch-
men, engineers, firemen, electricians, elevator conductors,
mechanics, laborers, chanvomen, and others, as follows:
Chief clerk, $2,060; clerk, $1,400; clerk, $1,000; messenger,
$840; assistant messenger, $720; telephone operator, $600;
captain of watch, $1,400; lieutenant of watch. $1,000; 18
watchmen; carpenter, $900; painter, $900; foremen of lalx)r-
ers, $900; 13 laborers, at $480 each; 2 attendants in ladies'
room, at $480 each; 2 check boys, at $360 each; mistress of
chanvomen, $425; charwoman, $240; 40 charwomen, at
$240 each; chief engineer, $1,500; i assistant engineer,
$1,200; 3 assistant engineers, at $1,000 each; electrician,
$1,500; assistant electrician, $1,000; 2 macliinists, at $900
Appropriation Act, i go 1-02. 361
each; plumber, $900: 2 ele\'ator conductors, at $720 each;
9 firemen: 6 skilled laborers, at S720 each; in all. S70.945.
For fuel, lights, repairs, and miscellaneous supplies, elec-
tric and steam apparatus, reference books, stationery- , and
all incidental expenses in connection with the custody, care,
and maintenance of said building and grounds, $25,000.
For furniture, including partitions, screens, sheh-ing, and
2 covered ways across courts, $60,000.
Appendix II.
I. Reports of the Librarian ok Congress.
J866-X900. Annual report of the Librarian of Congress. 1 866-1900.
This is also printed among the Congressional documents.
1867. Special report of the Librarian of Congress to the Joint Com-
mittee on the Library concerning the historical library of
Peter Force, esq. 1867. 8 pp. 8°.
1874. Letter from the Librarian of Congress to the President pro
tempore of the Senate, accompanying a memorandum of an
index to documents and debates of Congress. June 12,
1874. 6 pp. 8°. (43d Cong., 1st sess. Senate mis. doc.
no. 125.)
1879. Report of the Librarian of Congress upon the American
Archives, or Documentarj' History of the American Revo-
lution, May 15, 1S79. [1S79.] 3 pp. 8°. (46th Cong.,
1st sess. Senate mis. doc. no. 34.)
1895. Special report of the Librarian of Congress relating to the reor-
ganization of the Library. [1895.] 16 pp. 8°. (54th
Cong., 1st sess. Senate doc. no. 7. )
II. Catalogues of the Library.
1802. Catalogue of books, maps, and charts belonging to the Library
of the two Houses of Congress. April, 1802. [1802.] 10
pp. 8°.
1803. Supplement, October, 1803. 3 leaves. 8°.
1804. Catalogue of books, maps, and charts belonging to the two
Houses of Congress. 1804. 13 pp. 8°.
1808. Catalogue of the books, maps, and charts belonging to the
Library' established at the city of Washington for the two
Houses of Congress, to which are annexed the statutes and
by-laws relative to that institution. 1S08. 40 pp. 8°.
1812. Catalogue of books, maps, and charts belonging to the Library
established in the Capitol at the city of Washington for the
two Houses of Congress, to which are annexe<l the statutes
and by-iaws relative to that institution. 1812. loi pp. 8°.
1815. Catalogue of the Library- of the United States, to which is an-
nexed a copious index, alphabetically arranged. 1815.
170, xxxii pp. 4°. (The Jeflferson Library.)
i8ao. Supplement. 1820. 28 pp. 4°.
1825. Supplement. 1825. 40 pp. 8°.
1827. Supplement. 1S27. 109 pp. 8".
1828. Supplement. 182S. 16 pp. 8*.
Publications, i8oo-igoi. 363?
1830. Catalogue of the Library of Congress. December, 1830. [1830.3
25SPP. 8°.
1831. Reprinted, with supplement. 1831. 362 pp. 8°.
1831. Supplement. December. 1831. 259-320 pp. 8°.
1833. Supplement. December, 1833. 92 pp. 8°.
1834. Supplement. 1834. 13 pp. 8°.
1835. Supplement. 1835. 22 pp. 8°.
1837. Supplement. 1837. 24 pp. 8°.
1839. Catalogue of books in the Law Department. 1839. 98 pp.
8°. (Reprinted from the catalogue of 1840.)
1840. Catalogue of the Library of Congress in the Capitol of the
United States of America. 1840. 747 pp. 8°.
1840. Supplement to the general catalogue. 1840. 28 pp^
1842. Supplement. 1S42. 29 pp, 8°.
1843. Supplement. 1S43. 33 pp. 8°.
1844. Supplement. 1844. 20 pp. 8°.
1845. Supplement. 1845. ^9 PP- 8°.
1846. Supplement. 1846. •12 pp. 8°.
1847. Supplement. 1847. 23 pp. 8°.
1848. Supplement. 184S. 46 pp. 8°.
1849. Catalogue of the Library of Congress. [1S49.] 1,022 pp. 8°.
1849. Catalogue of books in the Law Department. 1849-
139 pp. 8°. (Reprinted from above. ;
1850. Supplement to the general catalogue. 1850. 36 pp^
1851. Supplement. 1851. 33 pp. 8°.
1852. Supplement. 1852. 129 pp. 8°
1853. Supplement. 1853. 211 pp. 8°.
1854. Supplement. 1S54. 295 pp. 8°.
1855. Supplement. 1S55. 249 pp. 8°.
1856. Supplement. 1S56. 125 pp. 8°.
1857. Supplement. 1857. 93 pp. 8°.
1858. Supplement. 185S. 71 pp. 8°.
1859. Supplement. 1S59. 40 pp. 8°.
i860. Supplement, i860. 37 pp. 8°.
i860. Catalogue of the Law Department, i860. 225 pp. 8°. (Re>
printed from the catalogue of 1861.)
1861. Catalogue of the Libran,- of Congress. 1861. 1,398 pp. 8°.
1862. Supplement to the general catalogue. 1862. So pp^
1862. Supplement. 1S62. 151,33 pp. 8°.
1863. Supplement. 1863. 114 pp. 8°.
1864. Supplement. 1S64. 113 pp. S°.
1864. Alphabetical catalogue of the Libraiy of Congress. Authors.
1864. 1,236 pp. 4°.
1865. Supplement. 1S65. 210, 29 pp. 8°.
1866. Supplement. 1866. 17S, 27 pp. 8°.
1868. Supplement. 1S6S. 526 pp. 4°.
1869. Supplement. 1S69. 323 pp. 4°.
364 Report of the Librarian of Congress.
i86g. Catalogue of the Library of Congress. Index of subjects.
1869. 2 vols. 4°.
1869. Catalogue of the law books in the Library. 1869. 305
pp. 4°.
1870. Supplement to the general catalogue. 1870. 415 pp.
1 87 1. Supplement. 1871. 381 pp. 4°.
1872. Supplement. 1872. 597 pp. 4°.
1874. Supplement. 1874. 492 pp. 4°.
1876. Supplement. 1876. 3S3 pp. 4°.
1878-80. Alphabetical catalogue of the Library of Congress. 1S78-
1880. 2 vols. 4°.
This catalogue was not completed. It ends with the entrj- " Cra-
gin. '■
III. Special Publications of the Library.
1839. Report from the Librarian of Congress, transmitting a cata-
logue of all the laws, and of all the legislative and execu-
tive journals and documents, of the several States and
Territories now in the Library. [1S39.] 14 pp. 8°.
(26th Cong., 1st sess. Senate report no. 16. )
1854. Catalogue of the Library of Congress. Chapter I. Ancient
history. 1854. 77 pp. 8°.
Prepared upon the plan recommended by Professor Jewett.
Same. 19 pp. F*^
1866. Catalogue of publications of Societies and of periodical works
belonging to the Smithsonian Institution, January i, 1866.
Deposited in the Library of Congress. 1866. v, 591 pp.
1869. Catalogue of works relating to Political Economy and the
science of government, in the Librarj- of Congress.
Arranged by subject-matters. 1869. 65 pp. 4°.
1891-97. Catalogue of Title Entries of Books and other articles
entered in the office of the Librarian of Congress, at
Washington, under the copyright law. 1891-1897. 8°.
Vol. 1, no. 1, July II, 1891, to Vol. 12, no. si3,June 28 to July 3, 1897. Weekly.
Continued as a publication of the Copyright Office.
1892. List of books, pamphlets, and periodicals relating to Banking
and Finance (in the United States). [By A. R. SpofTord.]
[1892.] 10 pp. 8°.
Reprinted from 52d Cong., 2d sesH. Senate ex. doc. no. 3S, pt. i , pp. 19-29.
1898. List of books relating to Hawaii (including references to
collected works and periodicals), by A. P. C. Griffin, Assist-
ant Librarian of Congress. 189S. 26 pp. 8°.
1898. Alaska and the northwe.st part of North America, 158S-1898.
Maps in the Librarj- of Congres.s. By P. I^ee Phillips,
Superintendent of Maps and Chart.s. 1S9S. 119 pp. 8°-
Publications, 1800— igoi. 365
1898. List of books relating to Cuba (including references to collected
works and periodicals), by A. P.C. Griffin, Assistant Librarian
of Congress. With Bibliography of Maps, by P. Lee Phillips,
Superintendent Maps and Charts Department. 1898.
61 pp. 8°. (55th Cong., 2d sess. Senate doc. no. 161.)
Same. [Second edition, corrected.] 1S9S. 61 pp. 8°.
I goo. Preliminary- list of books and pamphlets by Negro authors for
Paris exposition and Library' of Congress. Compiled by
Daniel Murray, Library of Congress. [1900.] 8 pp. 8°.
icoo. List of maps and views of Washington and District of Columbia
in the Libran.- of Congress, by P. Lee Phillips, Superin-
tendent of Maps and Charts. 1900. 77 pp. 8°. (56th
Cong., 1st sess. Senate doc. no. 154.)
1900. List of books and of articles in periodicals relating to Inter-
oceanic Canal and railway routes \ Nicaragua, Panama,
Darien, and the valley of the Atrato; Tehuantepec and
Honduras; Suez Canal ). By Hugh A. Morrison, jr.. of the
Library of Congress. With an appendix: Bibliography of
the United States public documents, prepared in the office
of the Superintendent of Documents. 1900. 174 pp. 8°.
(56th Cong., 1st sess. Senate doc. no. 59. )
1900. List of books ^with references to periodicals) relating to the
theorv- of Colonization, government of dependencies, pro-
tectorates, and related topics. By A. P. C. Griffin, Chief of
Di\nsion of Bibliography. 1900. 131 pp. 8°.
Same. Second edition with additions. 1900. 156 pp.
Reprinted in Treasury Department. Bureau of Statistics. Colonial
Administration, 1S00-1900. (In Summary of Commerce and Finance
for October, 1901, pp. 1567-1626). 4^.
1900. A list of books (with references to periodicals) relating to
Trusts. By A. P. C. Griffin, chief, Division of Bibliography.
1900. 20 pp. 8°.
First printed as 56th Cong., ist sess., House concurrent resolution no. 55.
May 31, 1900. 36 pp. 4°.
1900. A list of books (with references to periodicals) on Mercantile
Marine Subsidies. By A. P. C. Griffin, Chief of Di\-ision of
Bibliography. 1900. 43 pp. 8°.
Same. 1901. 43 pp. 8°. (56th Cong., 2d sess.
Senate doc. no. 61.)
1 90 1. A list of books (with references to periodicals) on the Danish
West Indies. By A. P. C Griffin, Chief of Division of
Bibliography. 1901. 18 pp. 8°.
Same. 1901. 18 pp. 8°. (56th Cong., 2d sess.
Senate doc. no. 223. )
1901. A list of books (with references to periodicals) on Porto
Rico. By A. P. C. Griffin,Chief of Division of Bibliography.
1901. 55 PP- S°.
Same. 1901. 43 pp. 8°. (56th Cong., 2d sess.
Senate doc. no. 222. )
366 Report of the Librarian of Congress.
.igoi. A list of maps of America in the Library of Congress. Preceded
by a list of works relating to Cartography. By P. Lee
Phillips, Chief of the Division of Maps and Charts. 1901.
1,137 pp. 8°-
Same. 1901. 1,137 pp. 8°, (56th Cong., 2d sess.
House doc. no. 516. )
igoi' A list of works relating to Cartography. By P. Lee Phillips,
Chief of Division of Maps and Charts. 1901. 90 pp. 8°.
\ Reprinted from the above. )
igoi. A calendar of Washington manuscripts in the Librarj- of
Congress, Compiled under the direction of Herbert Frieden-
wald, Ph. D. 1901. 315 pp. 8°.
tiQoi. Union list of Periodicals currently received in the libraries of
the District of Columbia. Compiled under the direction
of A. P. C . Griffin, Chief of Division of Bibliography. 1901,
315 pp. 4°.
.1901. Check list of American newspapers in the Library of Congress.
Compiled under the direction of Allan B. Slauson, Chief of
Periodical Division. 1901. 292 pp. 4°.
J901. List of books (witlj references to periodicals) on Samoa and
Guam. Compiled under the direction of A, P. C. Griffin,
Chief of Division of Bibliography. 1901. 54 pp. 8°.
IV. Publications of Separate Offices.
. /. Copyright Office.
1897-1901. Catalogue of the Title Entries of Books and other articles
entered in the office of the Register of Copyrights, Librarj- of
Congress, at Washington, D. C, under the Copyright Law.
1897-1901, etc. 8°.
A continuation of the catalogue published by the I.ibrarian. Weekly.
Vol. 13, no. 314, July 5 to 10, 1897, to vol. 29, no. 544, Dec. 5, 1901, etc.
1898. Bulletin No. i. The Copyright Law of the United States.
1898. 23 pp. 8°.
New edition of this appeared in 1899, revised in 1899, revised in 1900.
X899. Bulletin No. 2. Directions for securing copyrights. 1899.
18 pp. 8°.
New editions of this appeared in 1899 and 1900.
xgoo. Bulletin No. 3. Copyright enactments, 1783-1900. 1900.
83 pp. 8°.
1900. Bulletin No. 4. Part i. Text of the convention creating the
International Copyright Union. 1900. 13 pp. 8°.
J900. Part 2. Instructions for registration for Copyright
protection within the British Dominions. 1900. 14 pp. 8".
Publications, i8oo-i^~. 367
1900. Bulletin No. 4. Part 3. Rules and forms relating to Copy-
right registration in Canada. 1900. 22 pp. 8°.
1899-igoo. Information circular. 1899-1900, etc. 4°.
An occasional publication, in circular-letter form. Numbers i to 35, ex-
cepting numbers 2, 16. iS. 22. 32, 33, and 34. have been issued.
2. Superintendent of the Library Building and Grounds.
1897-1900. Annual report of the Superintendent of the Congressional
Library- building. 1897-1900. 8°.
Printed among the Congrressional documents.
Appe»dix TIT.
Argentine Republic: Jlinisterio de relaciones exteri-
ores. Biblioteca Buenos Aires.
Australia : Commonwealth Melbourne.
Austria: K. K. Statistische Central-Commission.
Bibliothek Vienna.
Baden: Universitiits-Bibliothek Freiburg.
Bavaria: Konigliche Hof- und Staats-Bibliothek Munich.
Belgium: Bibliotheque royale Brussels.
Brazil: Bibliotheca nacional Rio de Janeiro.
Buenos Aires: Province. Library La Plata.
Canada: Library of Parliament Ottawa.
Chile: Biblioteca nacional Santiago.
Colombia: Biblioteca nacional Bogota.
Costa Rica: Oficina de deposito, reparto y canje inter-
nacional San Jos^.
Denmark: Store Kongelige Bibliotheket Copenhagen.
England: British Museum London.
France: Bibliotheque nationale Paris.
Germany: Reichstag. Bibliothek Berlin.
Greece: National Librarj' Athens.
Haj^ti: Secretaire d'Etat des relations ext«^rieures .... Port au Prince.
Hungary: Hou.se of Delegates Budapest.
India: Secretary to the Government of India Calcutta.
Ireland: National Library Dublin.
Italy: Biblioteca nazionale centrale Vittorio Emanuele . Rome.
Japan: Foreign Office Tokio.
Mexico: Mu.seo nacional Me.xico.
Netherlands: Staten-generaal-Bibliotheek The Hague.
New South Wales: Public Library Sydney.
New Zealand: General As.sembly. Library Wellington.
Norway: Departementet for det Indre Christiania.
Ontario: Legislative Library Toronto.
Peru: Biblioteca nacional Lima.
Portugal: Bibliotheca nacional LisVK)n.
Prussia: Konigliche Bibliothek Berlin.
Quebec: Library of the Legislature Quebec.
Queensland: Library of Parliament Bri.sbane.
Russia: Imperatorskaia publichnaia biblioteka St. Petersburg
List of Foreign Depositories. 369
Saxony: Konigliche Bibliothek Dresden.
South Australia: Parliamentary Librarj- Adelaide.
Spain: Ministerio de Fomento. Seccion de propiedad
intelectual Madrid.
Sweden: Kongliga biblioteket Stockholm.
Switzerland: Bibliotheque federale ... Bern.
Tasmania: Librar\- of Parliament Hobart.
Turkey: Ministry- of Public Instruction Constantinople.
Uruguay: Oficina de dep<5sito, reparto y canje inter-
nacional de publicaciones Montevideo.
Venezuela: Biblioteca nacional Cardcas.
Victoria: Public Librarj- ]Melboiu^e.
Western Australia: Public Librarj- Perth.
Wurttemberg: Konigliche Hofbibliothek Stuttgart.
9957—01 24
Appendix IV.
Library of Congress,
application for appointment to the library service.
[This form is to be filled out in ink by the applicant himself. He .should first read
the circular that accompanies it. He must not write upon the fourth page.]
I hereby make application for the position of in the
Division (a particular position or division need not be .specified;
see below, questions 15 and 16) of the Library of Congress, and
declare the information given below to be correct, and in my
own handwriting.
(Signature, every name in full:)
(Post-office address:)
(Legal residence:)
1. Present occupation {if employed , give also name 0/ employer or
institution, address, and precise position now held by you)}
2. Date of birth? 3. Place of birth?
4. Are you a citizen of the United States?
5. Are you married or single? ( If widowed, please so
White? Colored?
7. Names of parents (living or deceased)?
8. H^ve you any infirmity, physical or mental, of which you are
9. Schools, Academy, College, at which you have been educated
{state length of course, and degree, if taken. Give dates. )
10. Your past occupations {so far as employed, give dates, names, and
addresses of employers; describe positions held by you)}
11. Your special education, if any, for library work?
12. Actual library experience, if any {institutions, dates, character of
work done)}
13. Any .special qualifications which you can present (in addition to
what may be represented in your answers to the questions
above), (for example: stenography, typewriting, a knowledge
of bookkeeping, of foreign languages, special courses of study
14. Have you ever been examined for the public service? If so, when,
where, for what branch of the service, and with what
15. {If you omit, as at your option you may, in paragraph one, to
specify a particular position or Division) for what class of work
in the Library of Congress do you consider yourself particularly
Application for Appointment.
fitted? For the purpose of this question you may consider the
• existing work in the Library to be classified as follows: Admin-
istrative (the purely executive work); clerical; ordering (hav-
ing to do with the purchase or other acquisition of books);
classification; cataloguing; maps and charts; manuscripts; fine
arts; music; law; public documents; newspapers and period-
icals; general reference; special reference (both of these deal-
ing with the public and including the work at the delivery
desk ) ; subordinate servnce ( pages, messengers, etc. )?
16. If you do not specify a particular position, what is the lowest po-
sition as to salary for which you desire this to be considered an
17. Any other facts you desire to mention indicating (a) your special
aptitude for librarj- work, or (^) your particular qualifications
for service in this Libran,'. (^Be brief. )
18. References: The names below are to be written in by the appli-
cant himself. They are not to be names of members of his
immediate family, nor of members of the present Librarj- force.
If you are, personally or as to capacity, known to any of the
latter, append the names of such in a separate memorandum
and refer to it under C below. ( Further references or testi-
monials may be inclosed, but are not to be entered here.)
A. The names and addresses of not exceeding six persons who
know yon personally and will testify as to character.
B. The names and addresses of not exceeding six persons
(including, if need be, any of the above; who know
personally of your capacity,
C. Memorandum of certificates, testimonials, or other docu-
ments inclosed \vith this application. Mention also
any such previously filed.
When completed, fold oblong tzcice, as indicated, and forward to
the Librarian of Congress, Washington, D. C.
Accessions, record of 218
Africa, history and geography, present collections 303
Agriculture, present collections 319
Aid to readers 244
Almanacs and yearbooks, present collections •. 321
America, maps of, list 39. 4°
American newspapers, check list of 38, 39
American biography, present collections 297
American history and topography, present collections 296, 297
Americana, early, present collections 296
Ana, proverbs, etc., present collections 311
Anatomy and physiology, present collections 319
Anglo-Saxon, present collections 307
Appointments 210
To library ser\'ice, application 370-371
Appropriations, 1815-1875 1S9, 190
Act, 1901-1902 358-361
And expenditures 6-8
And expenditures, 1900-1901, table 51
Archaeology, select list of recent purchases 87-97
Art and architecture, select list of recent purchases 97-102
Asia, history- and geography, present collections 303
Minor, histon,- and geography, present collections 303
Astronomj-, present collections 316, 317
Atlases, county 350
Facsimile 349
Foreign countries 346, 347
Ptolemy ' 347
Select list of recent purchases 145-150
Australasia, history and geography, present collections 303
Austria, histor\- and geography, present collections 301
Beckley, John 1S4, 185
Bibliography, Division of 41, 42; 241-243
Bibliography, recent important accessions 76, 77
Bindery 222
Binding and repair 28
Division 223
Biography, general, present collections 301
Blind, Reading room for the 44, 45, 196, 247, 248
Book carriers 355-357
Books, character of purchases 15-17
Select list of recent purchases 75-150
Special purchases, 1856-1883 190, 191
Botany, present collections 3iq
374 Index.
Broadsides 343
Britisli local history 76
Building and grounds, organization 352-357
Staff 180
Canada, history and geography, present collections 298
Carpenter, Matthew H., collection of 190
Carriers, book .-. 355-357
Carroll family, account books 22
Catalogue cards, distribution of 29-37
Distribution of, circular 69-74
Catalogue Division, organization 224-241
Estimates 9, 10
Cataloguer, functions of 224, 225
Catalogues, classed .- . . . 241
Early 184, 185
1S61-1865 188, 1S9
Existing 235-240
Cataloguing 229-233
Classification and 28, 29
Central America, history and geography, present collections . . 298
Chemistry, present collections 317
China, history and geography-, present collections 303
Classical philology, present collections 308
Classification 228, 229, 236
Cataloguing and 28, 29
Existing, of printed books 245, 246
Classifier, functions of 224
Cockburn, Martin, daybook and ledger 22
Collections, select list of purchases 83-S7
Colonization, list of books relating to 41, 42
Columbus codex 23-25
Commerce and statistics, present collections 304-305
Confederate publications, present collections 297
Congressional Reference Librarj- 49. 50, 247
Constitution 198-208
Conway, Gen. Henry Seymour, letters 22
Copyright act, 1891, international 191, 192
in foreign countries 290, 291
Law 4^. 49
Legislation 60, 61, 285, 286
Union, International 290
Copyright Office, register of copyrights, report, 1900-1901 52-66
Organization 278-291
Archives 280-282
Articles deposited 66
Business 64. 2S2
Business prior to July i, 1897 59
Cash receipts, 1897-1901 65
Catalogue and Index 55. 56
Index, 375
CopjTight office — Continued. Page.
Catalogue of Title Entries 55, 56, 283-284
Current work 58, 59
Deposits 54, 55. 285, 286
Deposits, 1846-1S70 191
Duties 288
Entries 53-54-57, 282. 283
Equipment 279, 280
Expenditures 52, 53
Fees 57, 288, 289
Fees, table 62
Force 280
Functions 287
Histor\' 278, 279
Legal holidays 287
Publications 283-285
Receipts 52
Receipts and expenses 8
Receipts, table 59
Statistics 8
Correspondence, present collections 310
Costume and orders of chivalry, present collections 301
Cuba, copyright by inhabitants of 290, 291
Histon.- and geography, present collections 298
Cyclopaedias, present collections 320, 321
Danish West Indies, list of books on 41
Depositories, international exchanges 368-369
Directories, present collections 321
Distribution of printed catalogue cards 29-37
Documents, Di\-ision of, organization 253-260
Accessions 17-18
Classified 331
Exchanges 189, 270, 271, 368-369
Foreign acquisitions of 257-258
Joint resolution to regulate the distribution of 67, 68
Parliamentary 329-330
Present collections 327-331
United States 256, 257
Drama, present collections 311
Dutch histor\- and literature, select list of recent purchases. . 108-119
Ecclesiastical historj-, present collections 312-313
Economics, select list of recent purchases 120-129
Education, present collections 315-316
Ellis papers 22
English biography, present collections 299
English genealogy' and heraldry-, present collections 299-300
English history and topography, present collections 299
Equipment 11, 12
Estimates 9-1 1
Essays, present collections 310
376 Index.
Ethics, present collections 315
Ethnology, select list of recent purchases 142-145
Europe, history and geography, present collections 301
Exchanges 19
International 189, 270, 271
International, depositories 368-369
Expenditures 6-8
Fiction, American and English, present collections 311
Foreign, present collections 311
Juvenile, present collections 312
Finance •. 6-8
Fine arts and architecture, present collections 312
Fires, 1825, 1851 188
Florida, Spanish occupation, papers relating to 23
Folklore, present collections . . 312
Force collection 191, 336
Prints 351
France, history and geography, present collections 301-302
Franco-Prussian war and the Commune of 1871, papers 26
Franklin collection 190
French history and memoirs, select list of recent purchases. . 102-108
Genealogy, American, present collections 297
English, present collections 299-300
General, present collections 301
Geography, present collections 300, 301
Geology and mineralogy, present collections 318
Germany, history and geography, present collections 302
Gifts, manuscripts 19, 20
Gifts, Orientiala -. 14, 15
Greece, history and geography, present collections 302
Hawaii, copyright by inhabitants of 291
Heraldry, present collections 301
Historical sketch 183-197
History, general, present collections 300
Hours, Library 44, 206, 207
House of Representatives, Library of 203
Hubbard, Gardiner Greene, collection 27, 193, 351
Increase of the Librarj- 1 2-28
Incunabula and printing, present collections 324
India, history and geography, present collections 303
Institutions, select list of recent purchases 129-139
International copyright union 290
International law, select list of recent purchases 139-142
Irish history and topography, present collections 300
Italy, history and geography, present collections 302
Jefferson Librarj- 186, 187, 294
Jefferson manuscripts 335
Languages, Romance, present collections 307
Semitic, present collections 308
Index. 377
Law, international, and foreign relations, present collections. 307, 334
Select list of recent purchases 129-139
Law Library-, organization 276-278
Accessions 27, 77
Catalogues 278
Contents 334
Establishment of, 1832 187
History =76-277
Number of volumes 333
Present collections 333-335
Privilege of use 276
Law, present collections 306, 307
Librarians, 1802-1901 179, 197
Libran,- Company of Philadelphia 183, 184
Librarv- of Congress, additional accommodations 192
Committee on, report, 1S96-97 200, 201
Constitution 198-20S
Destruction of the, 1814 1S6
Equipment 11,12
Estimates 9-1 1
General administration 209-211
Historical sketch 183-197
Hours 44, 206, 207
Increase of the 12-28
Maintenance 204
New building 194, 195
Organization 209-291
Pri\-ileges of use 186, 205, 206
Progress of 5, 6
Publications, 1800-1901 362-367
Regulations 186, 199, 200, 207
Removal, 1897 195, 196
Reorganization, 1897 196
Staff 179
Sunday opening 46-48
Literature, present collections 310
Loyalist papers 336
Madison Debates, MSS 339
Madison, Dolly, papers 335
Mail and supply 211, 212
Manuscripts, Division of, organization 261
Accessions 19. 151-156
Carroll family account books 22
Central America 338
Classification 262
Cockbum, Martin, daybook 22
Columbus codex 23-25
Conwaj- letters 22
Doll}- Madison papers 335
Ellis papers 22
9957—01 25
378 Index.
Manuscripts, Division of — Continued. Page.
Estimates lo, n
Force collection 191, 336
Franco-Prussian war 26
Great Britain 342-343
Important purchases 20-26
Jefferson rr. 335
Loj-alist papers 336
Madison's notes of debates 339
Morris papers 20-22, 339
North American 338
Porter papers 25
Present collections 335
Repair of 261-262
De Rochambeau papers I9I» 33^
Smithsonian collection 335, 336
South American 338
Spanish occupation of Florida 23
United States 338-342
Washington papers 342
Watterston papers 20
Maps and Charts, Division of, organization 263-266
Accessions 26
American maps 345
Catalogues 266
Classification ' 264-265
Early American maps 345-346
Eccentric maps 350
Equipment 264
Foreign maps :>47-349
Foreign wars, :naps 349
Geological maps 350
Government maps 347
Manuscript maps 345
Present collections 344
Repairing and mounting 264, 265-266
United States maps 345
Maps of America, list of 39. 40
Marine subsidies, list of books on 41
Marsh collection, prints 351
Mathematics, present collections 316
Mechanics and physics, present collections 317
Medicine and surgery, present collections 320
Mexico, history and geography, present collections 298
Monumenta, select list of recent pixrchases 79-S3
Morris, Robert, papers 2<t-22, 339
Music, division of, organization 266-268
Catalogues 267, 268
Classification of 267-268
Index. 379
Music, present collections 350
Processes 267
Natural historj-, present collections 318
Netherlands, history- and geograph}-, present collections 302
Newspapers 248
"Newspapers, American, check list of 38. 39
List of, current!}- on file 157-176
And periodicals, present collections 325-326
Order division, organization 212-220
Processes 216-220
Organization 209
Orientalia, gifts 14. 15
Present collections 30S-310
Paleography 344
Present collections 323, 324
Palestine history- and geography, present collections 303
Periodicals, division of, organization 24S-253
Catalogues 249
Processes 250-253
Union list of 37» 38
Periodicals and newspapers, present collections 325-326
Petigru, James Louis, Library- of 190
Philolog}-, present collections 307
Philosophy, present collections 315
Photographing 208
Poetn,-, present collections 311
Political and economic science, present collections 303-306
Politics, present collections 304
Polj-graphy and collected works, present collections 320
Porter papers 25
Porto Rico, cop\-right by inhabitants of 290-291
Historj- and geography, present collections 298
List of books on 41
Portugal, history- and geography, present collections 302
Present collections 292-351
Printing and incunabula, present collections 324
Printing oflBce 221, 222
Prints, di^•ision of, organization 268-269
Accessions 27
Catalogues 269
Classification 269, 350-351
Equipment 269
Exhibits 46, 269-270
Functions 268
Hubbard collection 27, 193, 351
Marsh collection 351
Present collections 350-351
Progress of the Library 5, 6
Publications, Library- of Congress, 1800-1901 362-367
1900-1901 37-42
380 Index.
Purchases, select list of recent 75-'50
System of 214-216
Readers 43
Reading room for the blind 44, 45, 196, 247, 248
Reading rooms 243-248
Representatives' reading room 246
Research 208
Rhetoric and oratory, present collections 310
Rich Library- 190
Rochambeau, De, papers 191, 336
Rockhill gift I4» ^5
Rules and regulations 199, 200
1808-1S15 1S6
Russia, history and geography, present collections , 303
St. ^lemin, portraits by, in Force collection 351
Samoan islands, list of books on 42
Scandinavia, histor\' and geography, present collections 302
Scottish history and topography, present collections 300
Senators' reading room 246
Serials, current, accessions 27
See also under Periodicals.
Service, Library 9, 209
Shorthand, present collections 323
Smithsonian collection, manuscripts 335-336
Smithsonian Deposit , 271-273
present collections 332-333
Smithsonian Division, organization 270-276
Accessions 274-275
Catalogues 274-275
Smithsonian Library, transfer of 192
Spain, copyright 290
Spanish America, history and geography, present collections. . 298
Social science, present collections 3i4"'3'5
Soutli America, history and geography, present collections. 298-299
Spain, history and geography, present collections 302
Sunday opening 46-48
Technology, present collections 317-318
Theology, present collections 313
Toner collection 192, 193, 298, 342
Turkey in Europe, history and geography, present collections. . . 303
L'se of the Library 43i 44
Voyages and atlases, select list of recent purchases 145-' 50
Washingtoniana, present collections 297-298
Washington manuscripts, calendar of 40-41
National monuments association 20
Papers 342
Watterston papers 20
West Indies, history and geography, present collections 298
Zoologj', present collections 3 19
Z U.S. Library of Congress
733 Report of the Librarian
U$7A2 of Congress